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ACS Nano ; 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253836


In the field of nanoconfined fluids, there are striking examples of deformation/transport coupling in which mechanical solicitation of the confining solid and dynamics of the confined fluid impact each other. While this intriguing behavior can be harnessed for applications (e.g., energy storage, phase separation, catalysis), the underlying mechanisms remain to be understood. Here, using molecular simulations, we investigate fluid flow in deformable nanoporous materials subjected to external mechanical stresses. We show that the pore mechanical properties significantly affect fluid flow as they lead to significant pore deformations and different fluid organization at the solid surface. Despite such mechanical effects, we show that the fluid thermodynamic properties (i.e., adsorption) can be linked consistently to Darcy's law for the permeability by invoking a pore size definition based on the concept of Gibbs' dividing surface. In particular, regardless of the solid stiffness and applied external stress, all data can be rationalized by accounting for the fluid viscosity and slippage at the solid surface (independently of a specific pore size definition). Using such a formalism, we establish that the intimate relation─derived using the linear response theory─between collective diffusivity and hydraulic permeability remains valid. This allows linking consistently microscopic dynamics experiments and macroscopic permeability experiments on fluid flow in deformable nanoporous materials.

Carbohydr Polym ; 343: 122429, 2024 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39174117


Our starting hypothesis is that Polyethylene glycol (PEG) can be utilized to mix with the biopolymers for consolidating fiber-reinforced composites without deteriorating their hygro-mechanical properties. The effect of PEG on the shear strength during pull-out of crystalline cellulose (CC) fiber out of an amorphous cellulose matrix is simulated with molecular dynamics. The interfacial shear stress shows a stick-slip behavior and is weakened with increasing moisture content. Shear strength increases at low moisture content, manifesting a slight strengthening of interfacial mechanical property due to cohesive forces exerted by the water molecules. At higher moisture content, shear strength is reduced due to breakage of the hydrogen bonds between CC and matrix by water molecules. When adding PEG, amorphous cellulose around the crystalline fiber is replaced by PEG, forming a mixture with amorphous cellulose. It is found that PEG-treated CC-AC composite maintains its shear strength and the presence of PEG does not deteriorate the dependence of the shear strength on moisture content. A shear strength model based on the number of hydrogen bonds between the fiber and the matrix is developed, which validates our initial hypothesis by unraveling the fundamental mechanisms at play. The model reveals that, although the shear strength per hydrogen bond between the fiber and PEG is lower than the shear strength per hydrogen bond between the fiber and amorphous cellulose, the final shear strength is partly compensated by an increase in the total number of hydrogen bonds with increasing PEG ratio. Since PEG reduces the moisture content in the composite at low relative humidity, PEG treated wood in museum conditions will show enhanced shear strength. The framework is a basis for further investigation of realistic archaeological wood with PEG-treatment.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 63(31): e202406425, 2024 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38748516


Hydrogen and helium saturate the 1D pore systems of the high-silica (Si/Al>30) zeolites Theta-One (TON), and Mobile-Twelve (MTW) at high pressure based on x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and Monte Carlo simulations. In TON, a strong 22 % volume increase occurs above 5 GPa with a transition from the collapsed P21 to a symmetrical, swelled Cmc21 form linked to an increase in H2 content from 12 H2/unit cell in the pores to 35 H2/unit cell in the pores and in the framework of the material. No transition and continuous collapse of TON is observed in helium indicating that the mechanism of H2 insertion is distinct from other fluids. The insertion of hydrogen in the larger pores of MTW results in a strong 11 % volume increase at 4.3 GPa with partial symmetrization followed by a second volume increase of 4.5 % at 7.5 GPa, corresponding to increases in hydrogen content from 43 to 67 and then to 93 H2/unit cell. Flexible 1D siliceous zeolites have a very high H2 capacity (1.5 and 1.7 H2/SiO2 unit for TON and MTW, respectively) due to H2 insertion in the pores and the framework, in contrast to other atoms and molecules, thereby providing a mechanism for strong swelling.

J Phys Chem B ; 128(10): 2516-2527, 2024 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38438957


Nanoporous materials are central to the energy and environmental crisis, with key applications in adsorption, separation, and catalysis. While confinement and surface effects on fluids severely confined in their porosity are well documented, the thermal behavior of nanoporous solids subjected to fluid adsorption remains puzzling in many aspects. With striking phenomena such as the so-called rattle effect, through which fluid/solid collisions decrease the overall thermal conductivity, the solid thermal conductivity and, more generally, heat transfer and dispersion in these complex systems challenge classical approaches (e.g., mixing rules including effective medium approaches fail to capture such effects as shown here). In particular, a robust molecular framework to describe the crossover between the decrease in thermal conductivity through the rattle effect in very narrow pores and the increase in thermal conductivity when replacing vacuum with a fluid phase in larger pores is still missing. Here, using a prototypical model of fluid-filled nanoporous materials (a Lennard-Jones phase confined in an all-silica zeolite), we perform a molecular simulation study to shed light on the parameters that govern the rattle effect in nanoporous solids. First, by varying the fluid/fluid, fluid/solid, and solid/solid interaction strengths as well as the fluid number density and mass density, we unravel the ingredients that lead to the essential coupling between fluid adsorption and phonon transport. Second, despite this complex interplay, inspired by pioneering molecular approaches on the rattle effect, we show that all data obey a simple statistical physics model that relies on the change in the speed of sound due to the fluid adsorbed density and the decrease in phonon lifetime due to scattering by fluid molecules. This framework, which provides a simple formalism to rationalize the thermal behavior of this class of solid/fluid composites, points to a decrease in thermal conductivity upon fluid confinement (up to 30% in some cases). Such an effect paves the way for the design of novel applications involving fluids in interaction with nanoporous materials.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 15(12): 3276-3284, 2024 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38489284


The self-diffusivity of cyclohexane and n-octane adsorbed in hierarchical zeolite monoliths has been investigated by using PFG-NMR. In these samples, the intrinsic FAU-X zeolite microporosity combines with a complex macroporous network composed of aggregated zeolite nanocrystals. As temperature is increased, cyclohexane self-diffusivity apparently decreases, reaches a minimum, and then starts increasing upon further increasing the temperature. Such striking, i.e., non-Arrhenius, temperature dependence is not observed for n-octane in the same samples and for cyclohexane adsorbed in purely microporous FAU-X. Through thermodynamic modeling, we show that this anomalous behavior can be rationalized by considering the evolution in the adsorbate populations when changing the temperature. In more detail, we show that the slow and fast diffusing species present in the microporosity and secondary porosity arising from the packing of zeolite nanocrystals vary significantly with a strong impact on the effective diffusivity. Applying the temperature evolution of their relative fractions to a simple two-phase diffusion model helps obtain insights into the physicochemical factors responsible for the complex behavior of effective self-diffusivity in hierarchical zeolites.

Langmuir ; 40(8): 4382-4391, 2024 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38349330


Nanoporous adsorbents can mechanically swell or shrink once upon the accumulation of guest fluid molecules at their internal surfaces or in their cavities. Existing theories in this field attribute such sorption-induced swelling to a tensile force, while shrinkage is always associated with a contractive force. In this study, however, we propose that the sorption-induced deformation of a porous architecture is not solely dictated by the stress conditions but can also be largely influenced by its mechanical anisotropy. In more detail, the sorption-induced deformation of a polymeric slab is investigated using a hybrid molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo algorithm. When subjected to water loading, the slab is found to swell along its normal direction and display an overall positive volumetric strain. Moreover, the surface roughness is enhanced as a response to the surface energy decrease induced by the water covering the slab external surface. Unexpectedly, the in-plane deformation of the slab material seems to be highly constrained, so that it is far below its normal counterpart. This anisotropy is enhanced when the slab thickness decreases. With a thickness of around 1.35 nm, an in-plane shrinkage is observed throughout the entire hygroscopic range. A theoretical analysis based on a poromechanical model suggests that the anisotropic mechanical properties, which are common for a slab material, are the essence of the constrained in-plane swelling or even shrinkage under the isotropic sorption-induced tensile forces. This study, unveiling overlooked mechanisms of sorption-induced shrinkage in mechanically anisotropic materials, provides new insights into this field.

J Chem Phys ; 160(2)2024 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38193554


Beyond well-documented confinement and surface effects arising from the large internal surface and severely confining porosity of nanoporous hosts, the transport of nanoconfined fluids remains puzzling in many aspects. With striking examples such as memory, i.e., non-viscous effects, intermittent dynamics, and surface barriers, the dynamics of fluids in nanoconfinement challenge classical formalisms (e.g., random walk, viscous/advective transport)-especially for molecular pore sizes. In this context, while molecular frameworks such as intermittent Brownian motion, free volume theory, and surface diffusion are available to describe the self-diffusion of a molecularly confined fluid, a microscopic theory for collective diffusion (i.e., permeability), which characterizes the flow induced by a thermodynamic gradient, is lacking. Here, to fill this knowledge gap, we invoke the concept of "De Gennes narrowing," which relates the wavevector-dependent collective diffusivity D0(q) to the fluid structure factor S(q). First, using molecular simulation for a simple yet representative fluid confined in a prototypical solid (zeolite), we unravel an essential coupling between the wavevector-dependent collective diffusivity and the structural ordering imposed on the fluid by the crystalline nanoporous host. Second, despite this complex interplay with marked Bragg peaks in the fluid structure, the fluid collective dynamics is shown to be accurately described through De Gennes narrowing. Moreover, in contrast to the bulk fluid, the departure from De Gennes narrowing for the confined fluid in the macroscopic limit remains small as the fluid/solid interactions in severe confinement screen collective effects and, hence, weaken the wavevector dependence of collective transport.

Langmuir ; 40(2): 1327-1334, 2024 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38170183


Thin liquid films are a potential game changer in the quest for efficient gas separation strategies. Such fluid membranes, which are complementary to their solid counterparts involving porous materials, can achieve complex separation by combining permeability and adsorption mechanisms in their liquid core and at their surface. In addition, unlike porous solid membranes that must be regenerated between separation steps to recover a gas-free porosity, thus preventing continuous operation, liquid membranes can be regenerated using continuous liquid flow through the fluid film. Here, building on the self-sustained mobile film technique, we propose a simple experimental setup allowing direct quantitative assessment of the gas permeability of soap films stabilized by different surfactant types. Using a simple prototypical example involving O2/N2 mixtures, the measurement principle is first presented to establish a proof of concept. As the gas solubilities and diffusivities are known, the results of such experiments can be compared with microscopic models to disentangle the liquid core and surface permeabilities from a direct macroscopic transport response of the film subjected to a gas concentration difference. The same dynamical experiments performed for air enriched in CO2 indicate that the permeability of the soap film varies with the molar fraction in the gas compartment, a feature not observed for O2/N2. These experimental findings pave the way for the design of novel separation technologies in fields and situations where porous solid membranes are of limited efficiency.

J Phys Chem B ; 127(44): 9596-9607, 2023 Nov 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37879034


Using toluene, ethylene, and water as gas compounds with different representative molecular interactions, we perform atom-scale simulations for their mixtures to investigate the selectivity of the core nanoporosity and external surface in a prototypical zeolite. As expected, the overall behavior suggests that increasing the pressure of a given component promotes the desorption of the coadsorbing species. However, for water-toluene mixtures, we identify that the pseudohydrogen bonding between water and toluene leads to beneficial coadsorption as toluene adsorption in the low-pressure range promotes water adsorption. Moreover, when the zeolite is completely filled with water, toluene adsorption does not occur due to steric repulsion, and ethylene shows oversolubility as the amount of ethylene per water molecule is significantly larger than in bulk water. The underlying oversolubility mechanism is found to be due to localized ethylene adsorption in the density minima arising from the layering of water in nanoconfinement. Despite these specific effects, the relatively weak coadsorption effects in the zeolite nanoporosity, which are found to be reasonably captured using the ideal adsorbed solution theory, arise from the fact that adsorption of these gases having different molecular sizes occurs in distinct pore regions (channel type, channel intersection). Finally, in contrast to confinement in the nanoporosity, mixture adsorption at the external surface does not show coadsorption effects as it mostly follows the Henry regime. These results show that selectivity is mostly governed by the confinement effects as the external surface leads to a selectivity loss.

Langmuir ; 39(32): 11345-11356, 2023 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37531624


Prevailing absorbents like wood-derived porous scaffolds or polymeric aerogels are normally featured with hierarchical porous structures. In former molecular simulation studies, sorption, deformation, and coupled sorption-deformation have been studied for single-scale materials, but scarcely for materials where micropores (<2 nm) and mesopores (2-50 nm) coexist. The present work, dealing with a mesoscopic slit pore between two slabs of microporous amorphous cellulose (AC), aims at modeling sorption-deformation interplay in hierarchical porous cellulosic structures inspired by polymeric modern adsorbents. Specifically, the atomic system is modeled by a hybrid workflow combining molecular dynamics (MD) and grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations. The results clarify the multiple sorption/deformation mechanisms in porous materials with different slit-pore sizes, including water filling in micropores, surface covering at the solid-air interface, and subsequent capillary condensation in mesopores. In particular, before the onset of capillary condensation, the sorption behavior of the AC matrix in the hybrid system is almost the same as that of bulk AC, in which sorption and deformation enhance each other through sorption-induced swelling and additional sorption in the newly created voids. Upon capillary condensation, the interaction between the micropores and the mesopore emerges. Water molecules in the mesopore exert a negative hydrostatic pressure perpendicular to the slab surface on the matrices, resulting in an increase in porosity and water content, a decrease in distance between the centers of mass (COMs) of the slabs, and thus a thinning of the slit pore. As described by Bangham's Law, the surface area of the rough slit-pore slab increases proportionally to the surface energy variation during surface covering. For a system composed of a compliant polymer like AC, however, the surface area enlargement does not result in an in-plane swelling as expected but instead in an in-plane shrinkage along with an increase in local roughness or irregularity (an accordion effect).

J Phys Chem B ; 127(20): 4570-4576, 2023 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37172261


The dynamical properties of water molecules confined in the unidirectional hydrophilic nanopores of AlPO4-54 are investigated with quasi-elastic neutron scattering as a function of temperature down to 118 K. AlPO4-54 has among the largest pores known for aluminophosphates and zeolites (about 1.3 nm), though they are small enough to prevent water crystallization due to the high degree of confinement. Water molecular diffusion into the pore is here measured down to 258 K. Diffusion is slower than in bulk water and has an activation energy of Ea = (20.8 ± 2.8) kJ/mol, in agreement with previous studies on similar confining media. Surprisingly, local hydrogen dynamics associated with water reorientation is measured down to temperatures (118 K), i.e., well below the expected glass transition temperature of bulk water. The reorientational time scale shows the well-known non-Arrhenius behavior down to the freezing of water mass diffusion, while it shows a feeble temperature dependence below. This fast local dynamics, of the order of fractions of nanoseconds, is believed to take place in the dense, highly disordered amorphous water occupying the pore center, indicating its possible plastic nature.

ACS Nano ; 17(5): 4507-4514, 2023 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36846983


Diffusion of molecules in porous media is a critical process that is fundamental to numerous chemical, physical, and biological applications. The prevailing theoretical frameworks are challenged when explaining the complex dynamics resulting from the highly tortuous host structure and strong guest-host interactions, especially when the pore size approximates the size of diffusing molecule. This study, using molecular dynamics, formulates a semiempirical model based on theoretical considerations and factorization that offer an alternative view of diffusion and its link with the structure and behavior (sorption and deformation) of material. By analyzing the intermittent dynamics of water, microscopic self-diffusion coefficients are predicted. The apparent tortuosity, defined as the ratio of the bulk to the confined self-diffusion coefficients, is found to depend quantitatively on a limited set of material parameters: heat of adsorption, elastic modulus, and percolation probability, all of which are experimentally accessible. The proposed sorption-deformation-percolation model provides guidance on the understanding and fine-tuning of diffusion.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(33): 6125-6135, 2022 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35973006


We investigate the interplay between adsorption and transport in a two-dimensional porous medium by means of an extended Lattice Boltzmann technique within the Two-Relaxation-Time framework. We focus on two canonical adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics formalisms: (1) the Henry model in which the adsorbed amount scales linearly with the free adsorbate concentration and (2) the Langmuir model that accounts for surface saturation upon adsorption. We simulate transport of adsorbing and nonadsorbing particles to investigate the effect of the adsorption/desorption ratio k, initial free adsorbate concentration c0, surface saturation Γ∞, and Peclet numbers Pe on their dispersion behavior. In all cases, despite marked differences between the different adsorption models, the three following transport regimes are observed: diffusion-dominated regime, transient regime and Gaussian or nearly Gaussian dispersion regime. On the one hand, at short times, the intermediate transient regime strongly depends on the system's parameters with the shape of the concentration field at a given time being dependent on the amount of particles adsorbed shortly after injection. On the other hand, at longer times, the influence of the initial condition attenuates as particles sample sufficiently the adsorbed and nonadsorbed states. Once such dynamical equilibrium is reached, transport becomes Gaussian (i.e., normal) or nearly Gaussian in the asymptotic regime. Interestingly, the characteristic time scale to reach equilibrium, which varies drastically with the system's parameters, can be much longer than the actual simulation time. In practice, such results reflect many experimental situations such as in water treatment where dispersion is found to remain anomalous (non-Gaussian), even if transport is considered over long macroscopic times.

Adv Mater ; 34(27): e2201502, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35603497


Porosity and surface area analysis play a prominent role in modern materials science. At the heart of this sits the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) theory, which has been a remarkably successful contribution to the field of materials science. The BET method was developed in the 1930s for open surfaces but is now the most widely used metric for the estimation of surface areas of micro- and mesoporous materials. Despite its widespread use, the calculation of BET surface areas causes a spread in reported areas, resulting in reproducibility problems in both academia and industry. To prove this, for this analysis, 18 already-measured raw adsorption isotherms were provided to sixty-one labs, who were asked to calculate the corresponding BET areas. This round-robin exercise resulted in a wide range of values. Here, the reproducibility of BET area determination from identical isotherms is demonstrated to be a largely ignored issue, raising critical concerns over the reliability of reported BET areas. To solve this major issue, a new computational approach to accurately and systematically determine the BET area of nanoporous materials is developed. The software, called "BET surface identification" (BETSI), expands on the well-known Rouquerol criteria and makes an unambiguous BET area assignment possible.

Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adsorção , Porosidade
Langmuir ; 38(18): 5428-5438, 2022 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35486814


Molecular simulations and experiments are used to investigate methane adsorption in bulk and thin layers of MFI zeolite (silicalite-1). After comparing the theoretical adsorption data obtained using Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations for bulk MFI at various temperatures against experiments, zeolite layers with different crystalline orientations and levels of surface flexibility are considered. The data obtained for such prototypical systems allow us to rationalize both the qualitative and quantitative impact of external surface in nanoporous solids. In particular, due to strong confinement in zeolite pores, methane is found to adsorb at low pressures in the core of the zeolite while external surface adsorption occurs at pressures where the internal porosity of zeolite is saturated. Using Polanyi's adsorption potential theory, which is derived here from Hill's general scheme for adsorption, we provide a simple thermodynamic formalism to predict consistently adsorption both in the internal porosity and at the external surface of nanoporous solids. While this seminal theory has been already applied for gases in nanoporous solids, its extension to describe both surface and volume adsorption is important to provide a general rational framework for fluid adsorption in finely divided materials. We also discuss the applicability of this formalism for gas adsorption data under supercritical conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(5): 056001, 2022 Feb 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35179914


Surface conductivity in the electrical double layer (EDL) is known to be affected by proton hopping and diffusion at solid-liquid interfaces. Yet, the role of surface protolysis and its kinetics on the thermodynamic and transport properties of the EDL are usually ignored as physical models consider static surfaces. Here, using a novel molecular dynamics method mimicking surface protolysis, we unveil the impact of such chemical events on the system's response. Protolysis is found to strongly affect the EDL and electrokinetic aspects with major changes in ζ potential and electro-osmotic flow.

J Chromatogr A ; 1665: 462823, 2022 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35066296


The peak parking method was applied to evaluate the surface diffusivity Ds of polystyrenes dissolved in a THF/heptane mixture and transported through porous silica materials with various morphologies. With this method, the overall effective diffusivity D is measured experimentally with coarse-grained models like Maxwell equation allowing one to infer the particle diffusivity Dpz. Such particle diffusivity has two main contributions: in-pore diffusivity Dp and surface diffusivity Ds. The diffusion within the pores is determined experimentally using either non-adsorbing conditions or calculated from particle porosity, particle tortuosity, and hydrodynamic hindrance. The surface diffusion coefficient Ds is usually determined using models considering parallel diffusion in the pores and at the surface but this assumption is rather crude. In this paper, to address this problem, another approach is proposed using the Brownian motion of molecules in the pore space. These two approaches lead to similar equations relating the effective diffusion coefficient D, the in-pore diffusion Dp and surface diffusion Ds. The surface diffusion is analyzed as a function of the surface affinity of the probes considered here (polystyrenes of different molecular weights/lengths). Such surface affinity depends both on the probe chain length and surface chemistry of the host solid (the latter being characterized here through the silanol surface density). For short chain lengths, a non-monotonic change in the surface diffusion with affinity (i.e. retention factor) is observed in some cases. Yet, generally, as expected, surface diffusion decreases upon increasing the surface affinity. In contrast to short chain lengths, the longest chain lengths are less sensitive to the silanol surface density.

Poliestirenos , Dióxido de Silício , Difusão , Peso Molecular , Porosidade
Nat Mater ; 21(2): 237-245, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34764431


Of relevance to energy storage, electrochemistry and catalysis, ionic and dipolar liquids display unexpected behaviours-especially in confinement. Beyond adsorption, over-screening and crowding effects, experiments have highlighted novel phenomena, such as unconventional screening and the impact of the electronic nature-metallic versus insulating-of the confining surface. Such behaviours, which challenge existing frameworks, highlight the need for tools to fully embrace the properties of confined liquids. Here we introduce a novel approach that involves electronic screening while capturing molecular aspects of interfacial fluids. Although available strategies consider perfect metal or insulator surfaces, we build on the Thomas-Fermi formalism to develop an effective approach that deals with any imperfect metal between these asymptotes. Our approach describes electrostatic interactions within the metal through a 'virtual' Thomas-Fermi fluid of charged particles, whose Debye length sets the screening length λ. We show that this method captures the electrostatic interaction decay and electrochemical behaviour on varying λ. By applying this strategy to an ionic liquid, we unveil a wetting transition on switching from insulating to metallic conditions.

Sci Adv ; 7(37): eabi8919, 2021 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516889


Despite the thousands of years of wood utilization, the mechanisms of wood hygromechanics remain barely elucidated, owing to the nanoscopic system size and highly coupled physics. This study uses molecular dynamics simulations to systematically characterize wood polymers, their mixtures, interface, and composites, yielding an unprecedented micromechanical dataset including swelling, mechanical weakening, and hydrogen bonding, over the full hydration range. The rich data reveal the mechanism of wood cell wall hygromechanics: Cellulose fiber dominates the mechanics of cell wall along the longitudinal direction. Hemicellulose glues lignin and cellulose fiber together defining the cell wall mechanics along the transverse direction, and water severely disturbs the hemicellulose-related hydrogen bonds. In contrast, lignin is rather hydration independent and serves mainly as a space filler. The moisture-induced highly anisotropic swelling and weakening of wood cell wall is governed by the interplay of cellulose reinforcement, mechanical degradation of matrix, and fiber-matrix interface.

Phys Rev E ; 104(1-2): 015314, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412268


A numerical method based on the Lattice Boltzmann formalism is presented to capture the effect of adsorption kinetics on transport in porous media. Through the use of a general adsorption operator, canonical models such as Henry and Langmuir adsorption as well as more complex adsorption mechanisms involving collective behavior with lateral interactions and surface aggregation can be investigated using this versatile model. By extending the description of adsorption phenomena to kinetic regimes with any underlying adsorption model, this effective technique allows assessing the coupled dynamics resulting from advection, diffusion, and adsorption in pores not only in stationary conditions but also under transient conditions (i.e., in regimes where the adsorbed amount evolves with time due to diffusion and advection). As illustrated in this paper, the development of such an approach provides a simple tool to determine the reciprocal effect of molecular flow and dispersion on adsorption kinetics. In this context, the use of a Lattice Boltzmann-based approach is important as it allows considering porous media of any morphology and topology. Beyond fundamental implications, this efficient method allows treating real engineering conditions such as pollutant dispersion or surfactant injection in a flowing liquid in soils and porous rocks.