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Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 16(1): 68-73, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37020757


Aim: To determine the presence of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) and Streptococcus sobrinus (S. sobrinus) and their association with extrinsic and intrinsic variables in 6-18-month-old infants. Methods: This was an analytical, cross-sectional study of 65 6-18-month-old infants who visited the Centers for Early Childhood in Buenos Aires City. Three groups were established according to the presence of teeth-group I (GI)-edentulous infants, group II (GII)-infants with 1-8 teeth, and group III (GIII)-infants with 9-16 teeth. Data on the variables, diet, use of artificial teats, and oral hygiene were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire. An oral examination was performed according to the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II) criterion. A saliva sample was taken by aspiration with a sterile plastic syringe. Cariogenic Streptococci (CS) were counted using the adherence test in modified gold broth (AT-MGB). Molecular detection and quantification were performed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) (gtfB, gtfT, and tuf). Results: A total of 12% of infants received oral hygiene, 38% used bottles, 30% used pacifiers, and 55% had sugar intake. S. sobrinus and S. mutans were detected in 57.1 and 28.6% of the children with caries, respectively. Groups I, II, and III had CS counts of log 2, 3.4, and 3.7, respectively. S. sobrinus was detected in 26.7% of GI, 52.9% of GII, and 85.7% of GIII, while S. mutans was detected in 13.3%, 35.3%, and 57.7%, respectively. Conclusion: The prevalence of S. sobrinus was higher than S. mutans in all groups. The presence of CS was significantly associated with sugar intake. No association was found between S. mutans and S. sobrinus and the presence of caries, hygiene habits, or use of artificial teats. Clinical Significance: This study supports the role of diet in developing a cariogenic biofilm in children under 2 years of age. How to cite this article: Cornejo CF, Soken LJ, Salgado PA, et al. Detection of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus and Their Association with Oral Microbiome Stressors in 6-18-month-old Infants. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023;16(1):68-73.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(89): 69-74, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553303


Objetivo: Evaluar la supervivencia de Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans)en un tipo de fómite. Método: Se reactivó una cepa de S.mutans ATCC25175 criopre-servada en agar TYCSB. El inóculo se estandarizó en PBS buffer hasta obtener turbidez equivalente al 0,5 de Mc Farland y un OD = 0.01 por espectrofotome-tría. Bloques plásticos de 2cm2/superficie fueron seleccionados como fómites. La descontaminación de los bloques se realizó por inmersión en alcohol etílico 70% v/v durante 10 minutos, los que fueron secados en cabina de seguridad biológica. La conta-minación de los mismos se realizó por inmersión en inóculo estandarizado durante 10 minutos. Los blo-ques contaminados se extrajeron y depositaron so-bre placas de Petri estériles hasta cumplir los tiem-pos propuestos (T0-T4 con intervalos de 30 minutos). A cada tiempo, los bloques fueron eluidos en 20 ml de buffer PBS y agitados en vortex durante 30 segun-dos. 100 µl de cada eluato fueron sembrados por dis-persión en agar TYCSB e incubados en anaerobiosis por 48 horas a 37°C. El recuento de colonias (UFC/ml) se realizó bajo lupa estereoscópica 50X. Resulta-dos: El recuento inicial de S.mutans fue de 7,8 X 106(DS+1,7 X 106) UFC/ml y para cada tiempo de estu-dio fue de: T0=3.25 X 104 (DS+1.9 X 103); T1=2.63X104 (DS+4,50E+03); T2= 1.85 X 104 (DS+9,45E+02); T3=1.93 X103(DS+1,29E+03) y T4=1.2X103 (DS+7,21x102). Conclusión: En los rangos de tiempos establecidos, la cepa de S.mutans ensayada permaneció viable sobre la superficie plástica (AU)

Aim: To evaluate the survival time of Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans) in a type of fomites. Method: A strain of cryopreserved S.mutans ATCC 25175 was reactivated in TYCSB agar. The inoculum was standardized in the PBS buffer to obtain turbidity equivalent to 0.5 Mc Farland and OD = 0.01 by spectrophotometry. Plastic blocks of 2 cm2 /surface were selected as fomites. Decontamination of the blocks was carried out for 10 minutes by immersion in ethyl alcohol 70% v/v, which were dried in a biosafety chamber. Contamination was carried out by immersion in standardized inoculum for 10 minutes. The contaminated blocks were extracted and put on sterile Petri dishes until the proposed times were met (T0-T4 at 30-minute intervals). At each time, the blocks were eluted in 20 ml of PBS buffer and vortexed for 30 seconds. 100 µl of each eluate were dispersed on TYCSB agar and incubated anaerobically for 48 hours at 37°C. Colony count (CFU/ml) was performed under a 50X stereoscopic magnifying glass. Results: The initial S.mutans count was 7,8 X 106 (DS+1,7 X 106) CFU/ml and for each study time was: T0=3.25 X 104 (DS+1.9 X 103); T1=2.63X104 (DS+4,50E+03); T2= 1.85 X 104 (DS+9,45E+02); T3=1.93 X103(DS+1,29E+03) y T4=1.2X103 (DS+7,21x102). Conclusion: Within the established time ranges, the tested S.mutans strain remained viable on the plastic surface (AU))

Streptococcus mutans/isolamento & purificação , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa , Plásticos , Espectrofotometria/métodos , Contagem de Colônia Microbiana/métodos , Descontaminação/métodos , Meios de Cultura , Sobrevivência
Acta Odontol Latinoam ; 35(1): 51-57, 2022 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35700542


The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of two methods for collecting saliva samples from infants under 2 years of age for cariogenic streptococci (CS) count. Two collection methods were applied in 11 infants. In Method (A), saliva samples were collected by swabbing the inner cheek mucosa and floor of the mouth in figure of eight motions with a sterile cotton swab until it was soaked. In method (B), saliva samples were collected by aspiration of 1 ml of saliva with a sterile plastic syringe on the floor of the mouth, after stimulation with glove. The samples were cultured in modified Gold's broth (MSMG), and on trypticase, yeast extract, sucrose, cystine and bacitracin culture medium (TYSCB). In method (A), the swab with the sample was unloaded in situ on TYSCB and placed in PBS medium for transport. Then, 100 µl of the eluate was seeded in MSMG. In method (B) 100 µl were seeded in TYSCB and 100 µl in MSMG. Both culture media were incubatedundercapnophilicconditions for 48 hours at 37 °C. Colony forming units (CFU/ml) were counted by calibrated operators (kappa = 0.75). The presence of cariogenic streptococci (CS) (Streptococcus mutans-Streptococcus sobrinus) was determined by qPCR in the samples collected by both methods. The CFU/ml counts in MSMG differed significantly between methods (p = 0.021). In TYSCB, the recovery of CFU/ml was higher in method (A), without significant difference (p = 0.705). The molecular technique detected presence of CS, with no difference between collection methods. Collecting saliva samples by swabbing proved more effective in terms of recovery of microorganisms, and did not affect the detection of presence of CS by molecular techniques.

El objetivo de este estudio es comparar la eficacia de dos métodos de obtención de muestras salivales, en infantes menores de 2 años para el recuento de estreptococos cariogénicos (EC). Se aplicaron dos métodos de recolección en 11 infantes, el método (A), consistió en la recolección de muestras de saliva con hisopos de algodón estériles, realizando movimientos en ocho sobre la mucosa del carrillo y piso de boca, hasta embeber el hisopo. En el método (B) la recolección de las muestras se realizó por aspiración con jeringa plástica estéril en piso de boca hasta obtener 1 ml, luego de estimulación con guante. Las muestras fueron cultivadas en caldo de Gold modificado (MSMG) y medio de cultivo TYSCB (tripticasa, extracto de levadura, sacarosa, cistina y bacitracina). En (A), el hisopo con la muestra fue descargado in situ en TYSCB y colocado en medio de transporte PBS. 100 µl del eluato se sembró en MSMG. En (B) 100 µl fueron sembrados en TYSCB y 100µlen MSMG. Ambosmedios de cultivo fueron incubados en condiciones de capnofilia por 48 hs. a 37°C. El recuento de unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC/ml) se realizó por operadores calibrados (kappa= 0.75). La presencia de EC (Streptococcus mutans - Streptococcus sobrinus) fue determinada por qPCR en las muestras obtenidas por ambos métodos. Los resultados mostraron que los recuentos de UFC/ml en MSMG presentaron diferencias significativas entre ambos métodos (p=0.021) En TYSCB la recuperación de UFC/ml fue mayor en el método (A), sin observarse diferencias significativas (p=0.705). Se detectó la presencia de EC por técnica molecular, sin mostrar diferencias entre los métodos empleados. La recolección de muestra de saliva con hisopo presentó mayor eficacia en términos de recuperación de microorganismos, sin alterar la detección de presencia de EC por técnicas moleculares.

Saliva , Streptococcus sobrinus , Criança , Contagem de Colônia Microbiana , Humanos , Streptococcus mutans
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 35(1): 51-57, Apr. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383425


ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of two methods for collecting saliva samples from infants under 2 years of age for cariogenic streptococci (CS) count. Two collection methods were applied in 11 infants. In Method (A), saliva samples were collected by swabbing the inner cheek mucosa and floor of the mouth in figure of eight motions with a sterile cotton swab until it was soaked. In method (B), saliva samples were collected by aspiration of 1 ml of saliva with a sterile plastic syringe on the floor of the mouth, after stimulation with glove. The samples were cultured in modified Gold's broth (MSMG), and on trypticase, yeast extract, sucrose, cystine and bacitracin culture medium (TYSCB). In method (A), the swab with the sample was unloaded in situ on TYSCB and placed in PBS medium for transport. Then, 100 μl of the eluate was seeded in MSMG. In method (B) 100 μl were seeded in TYSCB and 100 μl in MSMG. Both culture media were incubated under capnophilic conditions for 48 hours at 37 °C. Colony forming units (CFU/ml) were counted by calibrated operators (kappa = 0.75). The presence of cariogenic streptococci (CS) (Streptococcus mutans-Streptococcus sobrinus) was determined by qPCR in the samples collected by both methods. The CFU/ml counts in MSMG differed significantly between methods (p = 0.021). In TYSCB, the recovery of CFU/ml was higher in method (A), without significant difference (p = 0.705). The molecular technique detected presence of CS, with no difference between collection methods. Collecting saliva samples by swabbing proved more effective in terms of recovery of microorganisms, and did not affect the detection of presence of CS by molecular techniques.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio es comparar la eficacia de dos métodos de obtención de muestras salivales, en infantes menores de 2 años para el recuento de estreptococos cariogénicos (EC). Se aplicaron dos métodos de recolección en 11 infantes, el método (A), consistió en la recolección de muestras de saliva con hisopos de algodón estériles, realizando movimientos en ocho sobre la mucosa del carrillo y piso de boca, hasta embeber el hisopo. En el método (B) la recolección de las muestras se realizó por aspiración con jeringa plástica estéril en piso de boca hasta obtener 1 ml, luego de estimulación con guante. Las muestras fueron cultivadas en caldo de Gold modificado (MSMG) y medio de cultivo TYSCB (tripticasa, extracto de levadura, sacarosa, cistina y bacitracina). En (A), el hisopo con la muestra fue descargado in situ en TYSCB y colocado en medio de transporte PBS. 100 μl del eluato se sembró en MSMG. En (B) 100 μl fueron sembrados en TYSCB y 100 μl en MSMG. Ambos medios de cultivo fueron incubados en condiciones de capnofilia por 48 hs. a 37°C. El recuento de unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC/ml) se realizó por operadores calibrados (kappa= 0.75). La presencia de EC (Streptococcus mutans - Streptococcus sobrinus) fue determinada por qPCR en las muestras obtenidas por ambos métodos. Los resultados mostraron que los recuentos de UFC/ml en MSMG presentaron diferencias significativas entre ambos métodos (p=0.021) En TYSCB la recuperación de UFC/ml fue mayor en el método (A), sin observarse diferencias significativas (p=0.705). Se detectó la presencia de EC por técnica molecular, sin mostrar diferencias entre los métodos empleados. La recolección de muestra de saliva con hisopo presentó mayor eficacia en términos de recuperación de microorganismos, sin alterar la detección de presencia de EC por técnicas moleculares.