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Pharmaceutics ; 12(5)2020 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32366029


Cancer treatment often lacks individual dose adaptation, contributing to insufficient efficacy and severe side effects. Thus, personalized approaches are highly desired. Although various analytical techniques are established to determine drug levels in preclinical models, they are limited in the automated real-time acquisition of pharmacokinetic profiles. Therefore, an online UHPLC-MS/MS system for quantitation of drug concentrations within 3D tumor oral mucosa models was generated. The integration of sampling ports into the 3D tumor models and their culture inside the autosampler allowed for real-time pharmacokinetic profiling without additional sample preparation. Docetaxel quantitation was validated according to EMA guidelines. The tumor models recapitulated the morphology of head-and-neck cancer and the dose-dependent tumor reduction following docetaxel treatment. The administration of four different docetaxel concentrations resulted in comparable courses of concentration versus time curves for 96 h. In conclusion, this proof-of-concept study demonstrated the feasibility of real-time monitoring of drug levels in 3D tumor models without any sample preparation. The inclusion of patient-derived tumor cells into our models may further optimize the pharmacotherapy of cancer patients by efficiently delivering personalized data of the target tissue.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 11(4): 563-577, sep.-dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-658906


Introducción: la implantología oral representa un reto en la Estomatología moderna, ofreciendo cada vez resultados más satisfactorios, altamente estéticos y funcionales para los pacientes; tener en cuenta los criterios y protocolos diagnósticos es un requisito fundamental para poder conocer e interpretar las fallas biológicas y mecánicas que se puedan presentar. Objetivo: establecer las posibles causas de las complicaciones mecánicas y biológicas en las rehabilitaciones protésicas con implantes, describiendo algunas estrategias preventivas en la planificación, tratamiento y en el período de mantenimiento, para alcanzar una mayor longevidad en los implantes dentales. Material y Métodos: a través de los años, se han descrito por diferentes autores causas básicas de fracasos en la implantología oral, dadas por errores que se comenten durante los diferentes protocolos establecidos, dentro de ellos tenemos la selección inadecuada de pacientes, el no respeto de la bilogía del maxilar y la mandíbula, los traumas durante la intervención quirúrgica y las rehabilitaciones protésicas inadecuadas, de forma general. Realizamos una revisión de la literatura referente a las fallas en los diseños, número, longitudes, diámetros y lechos biológicos donde se colocarán los mismos, además del planeamiento de las futuras prótesis, sobrecargas y biomecánica de la oclusión y la distribución de las cargas oclusales. Desarrollo: quedan establecidas las premisas fundamentales que determinan fallas en los implantes dentales, durante la planificación y selección de pacientes, en las etapas quirúrgica y protésica, en la fase de laboratorio y mantenimiento. Conclusiones: que en los implantes dentarios, la preocupación del profesional no se debe restringir a la planificación y tratamiento solamente, sino que se debe extender a su implicación en el control y mantenimiento de los mismos, para que se puedan detectar complicaciones precoces, hacer intervenciones en el momento necesario y así obtener mayor longevidad en las rehabilitaciones sobre implantes.

Introduction: the oral implantology is a defiance to the modern odontology, it offer satisfactory result, aesthetic and functional extremely to the patients, to have present the discernment and diagnostic protocols is a fundamental requirements to know and interpret the mechanic and biologic failure that can be present. Objective: to establish some possible causes for mechanical and biologic complications on the rehabilitation with oral implants, also to describes some preventive strategies for the planning stage, treatments and the later maintenance period to achieve a long-term success with dental implants. Material and Methods: had been describe for different authors the basic cause of the failure in oral implantology, by means of mistakes during different established protocols, such as inappropriate selection of the patients, don't respect to the maxillary and mandible biology, trauma during oral surgery and inappropriate prosthesis rehabilitation, in general way. We made a review of the literature about failure in the design, numbers, longitude, diameters, and biologic place where the implant will be placed, the planning of the future dentures also, overload, biomechanics occlusion, and the distribution of the oclusal load. Development: to be established the essential premises that determine failure in the dentals implant, during planning and patients selection, in the surgical and prosthetic stages, in the laboratory and maintenance phases. Conclusions: in dental implants the professional preoccupation not should be only about planning and treatment, should be extensive to control and maintenance of them, to detect primary complications, to make interventions in the necessary moments, and to obtain long-term and success with dental implants rehabilitation.