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AoB Plants ; 13(4): plab036, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34234937


Our understanding of the role of fire and effect of ant species composition, beyond their diversity and abundance, on the effectiveness of mutualism defence is limited. Most of our knowledge of ant-plant defence in tropical Africa is biased towards East African savannas which have richer soil, higher primary productivity and a more diverse arthropods and mammal community than West African savannas. We assessed the diversity of ant species associated with Acacia species in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in the Dahomey Gap, and their impacts on elephant damage. Elephant damage, ant diversity and abundance were measured in stands of five Acacia species. Eleven ant species were identified in the Acacia stands. The composition of these ant communities varied across Acacia species. Pair of ant species co-occurred in only 2 % of sampled trees, suggesting a strong competitive exclusion. Within this annually burnt environment, ants were rare on small trees. The intensity of elephant-caused branch breaking did not vary between trees with ants and trees without ants, suggesting limited Acacia-ant mutualism. Such limited biotic defence may mask strong physical and chemical defence mechanisms of Acacia trees against elephant damage. Ant assemblages in West Africa, unlike those in the more productive East Africa, are particularly species-poor. However, there is a convergence between these two regions in low rate of ant co-occurrence which might indicate strong competitive exclusion. Our study suggests that such low ant species richness while limiting the efficacy of mutualism in controlling mega-herbivore damage may mask a strong defence syndrome.