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J Phys Chem A ; 125(33): 7344-7351, 2021 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34433271


A scalable stochastic algorithm is presented that can evaluate explicitly correlated (F12) second-order many-body perturbation (MP2) energies of weak, noncovalent, intermolecular interactions. It first transforms the formulas of the MP2 and F12 energy differences into a short sum of high-dimensional integrals of Green's functions in real space and imaginary time. These integrals are then evaluated by the Monte Carlo method augmented by parallel execution, redundant-walker convergence acceleration, direct-sampling autocorrelation elimination, and control-variate error reduction. By sharing electron-pair walkers across the supermolecule and its subsystems spanned by the joint basis set, the statistical uncertainty is reduced by one to 2 orders of magnitude in the MP2 binding energy corrected for the basis-set incompleteness and superposition errors. The method predicts the MP2-F12/aug-cc-pVDZ binding energy of 19.1 ± 4.0 kcal mol-1 for the C60 dimer at the center distance of 9.748 Å.

J Chem Phys ; 154(13): 134114, 2021 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33832241


A scalable, stochastic algorithm evaluating the fourth-order many-body perturbation (MP4) correction to energy is proposed. Three hundred Goldstone diagrams representing the MP4 correction are computer generated and then converted into algebraic formulas expressed in terms of Green's functions in real space and imaginary time. They are evaluated by the direct (i.e., non-Markov, non-Metropolis) Monte Carlo (MC) integration accelerated by the redundant-walker and control-variate algorithms. The resulting MC-MP4 method is efficiently parallelized and is shown to display O(n5.3) size-dependence of cost, which is nearly two ranks lower than the O(n7) dependence of the deterministic MP4 algorithm. It evaluates the MP4/aug-cc-pVDZ energy for benzene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, and corannulene with the statistical uncertainty of 10 mEh (1.1% of the total basis-set correlation energy), 38 mEh (2.6%), 110 mEh (5.5%), and 280 mEh (9.0%), respectively, after about 109 MC steps.

J Chem Phys ; 153(9): 094108, 2020 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32891095


The use of many control variates is proposed as a method to accelerate the second- and third-order Monte Carlo (MC) many-body perturbation (MC-MP2 and MC-MP3) calculations. A control variate is an exactly integrable function that is strongly correlated or anti-correlated with the target function to be integrated by the MC method. Evaluating both integrals and their covariances in the same MC run, one can effect a mutual cancellation of the statistical uncertainties and biases in the MC integrations, thereby accelerating its convergence considerably. Six and thirty-six control variates, whose integrals are known a priori, are generated for MC-MP2 and MC-MP3, respectively, by systematically replacing one or more two-electron-integral vertices of certain configurations by zero-valued overlap-integral vertices in their Goldstone diagrams. The variances and covariances of these control variates are computed at a marginal cost, enhancing the overall efficiency of the MC-MP2 and MC-MP3 calculations by a factor of up to 14 and 20, respectively.

J Chem Phys ; 153(10): 104112, 2020 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32933294


In the Monte Carlo many-body perturbation (MC-MP) method, the conventional correlation-correction formula, which is a long sum of products of low-dimensional integrals, is first recast into a short sum of high-dimensional integrals over electron-pair and imaginary-time coordinates. These high-dimensional integrals are then evaluated by the Monte Carlo method with random coordinates generated by the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm according to a suitable distribution. The latter algorithm, while advantageous in its ability to sample nearly any distribution, introduces autocorrelation in sampled coordinates, which, in turn, increases the statistical uncertainty of the integrals and thus the computational cost. It also involves wasteful rejected moves and an initial "burn-in" step as well as displays hysteresis. Here, an algorithm is proposed that directly produces a random sequence of electron-pair coordinates for the same distribution used in the MC-MP method, which is free from autocorrelation, rejected moves, a burn-in step, or hysteresis. This direct-sampling algorithm is shown to accelerate second- and third-order Monte Carlo many-body perturbation calculations by up to 222% and 38%, respectively.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(11): 6097-6110, 2019 Nov 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31580066


We fully develop the Monte Carlo many-body Green's function (MC-GF) method with the following enhancements: (1) The truncation order of the perturbation expansion of the Dyson self-energy is raised from the second order (MC-GF2) to the third order (MC-GF3) with the aid of a computerized procedure to enumerate and transform all 84 third-order Goldstone diagrams into Monte Carlo integrable expressions and then into central processing unit (CPU)/graphical processing unit (GPU)-parallel computer codes. (2) An efficient algorithm is proposed that computes all off-diagonal and diagonal elements of the MC-GF2 and MC-GF3 self-energy matrices by common subexpression elimination. (3) The frequency-independent approximation is lifted by introducing a method that computes frequency derivatives of the MC-GF2 and MC-GF3 self-energies up to any arbitrarily high order at nearly no additional computational cost. (4) The imaginary-time integration in the Laplace-transformed expressions of the self-energy is carried out stochastically (instead of using a quadrature in the previous implementations), resulting in a 50- to 200-fold speedup. (5) The efficiency of the redundant-walker convergence acceleration scheme is analyzed numerically, and the guidelines are established to select an optimal number of walkers for maximal efficiency. When such an optimal number is used, the cost per sample is constant of molecular size on either many CPUs or many GPUs. (6) The computational cost to obtain a binding energy within a given statistical uncertainty is observed to increase as (tentatively) O(n4) and O(n5) of molecular size (n is the number of electrons) with and without the diagonal approximation, respectively, as opposed to O(n5) and O(n6) of the corresponding deterministic algorithms. With this method applied to the electron binding energies of C60, we show that the third-order corrections to the self-energies are much greater in electron binding energies than in ground-state energies. They display a sign of oscillatory convergence toward experimental results, not necessarily improving the agreement with increasing perturbation order, justifying MC-GF3 and motivating even higher-order methods.

J Chem Phys ; 149(17): 174112, 2018 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30409017


A highly scalable stochastic algorithm is proposed and implemented for computing the basis-set-incompleteness correction to the diagonal, frequency-independent self-energy of the second-order many-body Green's function (GF2) theory within the explicitly correlated (F12) formalism. The 6-, 9-, 12-, and 15-dimensional integrals comprising the F12 correction are directly evaluated by the Monte Carlo method using appropriate weight functions for importance sampling. The method is naturally and easily parallelized, involves minimal memory space and no disk I/O, and can use virtually any mathematical form of a correlation factor. Its computational cost to correct all ionization energies (IEs) is observed to increase as the fourth power of system size, as opposed to the fifth power in the case of the deterministic counterparts. The GF2 calculations and their F12 corrections for the first IEs of C60 and C70 were executed on 128 graphical processing units (GF2) and 896 central processing units (F12), respectively, to reach the results with statistical errors of 0.04 eV or less. They showed that the basis-set-incompleteness (from aug-cc-pVDZ) accounts for only 50%-60% of the deviations from experiments, suggesting the significance of higher-order perturbation corrections.

J Chem Phys ; 147(4): 044108, 2017 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28764347


A thorough analytical and numerical characterization of the whole perturbation series of one-particle many-body Green's function (MBGF) theory is presented in a pedagogical manner. Three distinct but equivalent algebraic (first-quantized) recursive definitions of the perturbation series of the Green's function are derived, which can be combined with the well-known recursion for the self-energy. Six general-order algorithms of MBGF are developed, each implementing one of the three recursions, the ΔMPn method (where n is the perturbation order) [S. Hirata et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 1595 (2015)], the automatic generation and interpretation of diagrams, or the numerical differentiation of the exact Green's function with a perturbation-scaled Hamiltonian. They all display the identical, nondivergent perturbation series except ΔMPn, which agrees with MBGF in the diagonal and frequency-independent approximations at 1≤n≤3 but converges at the full-configuration-interaction (FCI) limit at n=∞ (unless it diverges). Numerical data of the perturbation series are presented for Koopmans and non-Koopmans states to quantify the rate of convergence towards the FCI limit and the impact of the diagonal, frequency-independent, or ΔMPn approximation. The diagrammatic linkedness and thus size-consistency of the one-particle Green's function and self-energy are demonstrated at any perturbation order on the basis of the algebraic recursions in an entirely time-independent (frequency-domain) framework. The trimming of external lines in a one-particle Green's function to expose a self-energy diagram and the removal of reducible diagrams are also justified mathematically using the factorization theorem of Frantz and Mills. Equivalence of ΔMPn and MBGF in the diagonal and frequency-independent approximations at 1≤n≤3 is algebraically proven, also ascribing the differences at n = 4 to the so-called semi-reducible and linked-disconnected diagrams.

J Chem Phys ; 145(15): 154115, 2016 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27782476


A stochastic algorithm is proposed and implemented that computes a basis-set-incompleteness (F12) correction to an ab initio second-order many-body perturbation energy as a short sum of 6- to 15-dimensional integrals of Gaussian-type orbitals, an explicit function of the electron-electron distance (geminal), and its associated excitation amplitudes held fixed at the values suggested by Ten-no. The integrals are directly evaluated (without a resolution-of-the-identity approximation or an auxiliary basis set) by the Metropolis Monte Carlo method. Applications of this method to 17 molecular correlation energies and 12 gas-phase reaction energies reveal that both the nonvariational and variational formulas for the correction give reliable correlation energies (98% or higher) and reaction energies (within 2 kJ mol-1 with a smaller statistical uncertainty) near the complete-basis-set limits by using just the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set. The nonvariational formula is found to be 2-10 times less expensive to evaluate than the variational one, though the latter yields energies that are bounded from below and is, therefore, slightly but systematically more accurate for energy differences. Being capable of using virtually any geminal form, the method confirms the best overall performance of the Slater-type geminal among 6 forms satisfying the same cusp conditions. Not having to precompute lower-dimensional integrals analytically, to store them on disk, or to transform them in a nonscalable dense-matrix-multiplication algorithm, the method scales favorably with both system size and computer size; the cost increases only as O(n4) with the number of orbitals (n), and its parallel efficiency reaches 99.9% of the ideal case on going from 16 to 4096 computer processors.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 12(10): 4821-4832, 2016 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27603089


In the Monte Carlo second-order many-body perturbation (MC-MP2) method, the long sum-of-product matrix expression of the MP2 energy, whose literal evaluation may be poorly scalable, is recast into a single high-dimensional integral of functions of electron pair coordinates, which is evaluated by the scalable method of Monte Carlo integration. The sampling efficiency is further accelerated by the redundant-walker algorithm, which allows a maximal reuse of electron pairs. Here, a multitude of graphical processing units (GPUs) offers a uniquely ideal platform to expose multilevel parallelism: fine-grain data-parallelism for the redundant-walker algorithm in which millions of threads compute and share orbital amplitudes on each GPU; coarse-grain instruction-parallelism for near-independent Monte Carlo integrations on many GPUs with few and infrequent interprocessor communications. While the efficiency boost by the redundant-walker algorithm on central processing units (CPUs) grows linearly with the number of electron pairs and tends to saturate when the latter exceeds the number of orbitals, on a GPU it grows quadratically before it increases linearly and then eventually saturates at a much larger number of pairs. This is because the orbital constructions are nearly perfectly parallelized on a GPU and thus completed in a near-constant time regardless of the number of pairs. In consequence, an MC-MP2/cc-pVDZ calculation of a benzene dimer is 2700 times faster on 256 GPUs (using 2048 electron pairs) than on two CPUs, each with 8 cores (which can use only up to 256 pairs effectively). We also numerically determine that the cost to achieve a given relative statistical uncertainty in an MC-MP2 energy increases as O(n3) or better with system size n, which may be compared with the O(n5) scaling of the conventional implementation of deterministic MP2. We thus establish the scalability of MC-MP2 with both system and computer sizes.