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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38363666


Gait recognition, which aims at identifying individuals by their walking patterns, has achieved great success based on silhouette. The binary silhouette sequence encodes the walking pattern within the sparse boundary representation. Therefore, most pixels in the silhouette are under-sensitive to the walking pattern since the sparse boundary lacks dense spatial-temporal information, which is suitable to be represented with dense texture. To enhance the sensitivity to the walking pattern while maintaining the robustness of recognition, we present a Complementary Learning with neural Architecture SearcH (CLASH) framework, consisting of walking pattern sensitive gait descriptor named dense spatial-temporal field (DSTF) and neural architecture search based complementary learning (NCL). Specifically, DSTF transforms the representation from the sparse binary boundary into the dense distance-based texture, which is sensitive to the walking pattern at the pixel level. Further, NCL presents a task-specific search space for complementary learning, which mutually complements the sensitivity of DSTF and the robustness of the silhouette to represent the walking pattern effectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods under both in-the-lab and in-the-wild scenarios. On CASIA-B, we achieve rank-1 accuracy of 98.8%, 96.5%, and 89.3% under three conditions. On OU-MVLP, we achieve rank-1 accuracy of 91.9%. Under the latest in-the-wild datasets, we outperform the latest silhouette-based methods by 16.3% and 19.7% on Gait3D and GREW, respectively.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35511849


Gait recognition aims at identifying the pedestrians at a long distance by their biometric gait patterns. It is inherently challenging due to the various covariates and the properties of silhouettes (textureless and colorless), which result in two kinds of pair-wise hard samples: the same pedestrian could have distinct silhouettes (intra-class diversity) and different pedestrians could have similar silhouettes (inter-class similarity). In this work, we propose to solve the hard sample issue with a Memory-augmented Progressive Learning network (GaitMPL), including Dynamic Reweighting Progressive Learning module (DRPL) and Global Structure-Aligned Memory bank (GSAM). Specifically, DRPL reduces the learning difficulty of hard samples by easy-to-hard progressive learning. GSAM further augments DRPL with a structure-aligned memory mechanism, which maintains and models the feature distribution of each ID. Experiments on two commonly used datasets, CASIA-B and OU-MVLP, demonstrate the effectiveness of GaitMPL. On CASIA-B, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance, i.e., 88.0% on the most challenging condition (Clothing) and 93.3% on the average condition, which outperforms the other methods by at least 3.8% and 1.4%, respectively.