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Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 81: 104562, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36147166


Background: The benefits of laparoscopic surgery are well known. However, clinic and metabolic consequences of pneumoperitoneum, achieved by insufflation of gas carbon dioxide, are still debated. Cardiovascular system suffering due to the compression of intra-abdominal venous structures can cause life-threatening complications. Increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide induces metabolic acidosis with further vascular suffering. Pneumoperitoneum reduces the pulmonary exchange volumes and bring renal suffering. Methods: The aim of this study is to evaluate the alterations in hemodynamic and hemogasanalysis parameters during the laparoscopic surgery at different pressure settings of pneumoperitoneum in order to assess the best pressure value.We evaluated and compared intraoperative hemodynamic and hemogasanalytic alterations in two groups of patients respectively subdue to laparoscopic cholecystectomy at a pneumoperitoneum pressure of 12 mmHg (group A) and at a pressure of 8 mmHg (group B). Results: In both groups, after the induction of anesthesia we observed a flexion in the heart rate, with no significant difference between the two groups. During the intervention, group A showed a significantly higher respiratory rate than the group B. The average blood pressure decreased mostly in group B. The oxygen saturation increased at the end of the procedure in group A, more than in the group B. The pH value was higher in group B. The hydrogen carbonate ion settled at lower levels in group A. Conclusion: Although significant differences between the two groups were appreciated on several parameters, they were never of such magnitude to prefer the induction of pneumoperitoneum at 8 mmHg.

Int J Surg Protoc ; 26(1): 41-48, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35800883


Background: Many of the effects of pneumoperitoneum on cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic systems have been discussed in Literature, but very little is known about the variations of the hemocoagulative parameters in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery. The purpose of this study is to analyze the variations of the hemocoagulative parameters in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for symptomatic gallbladder stones. An eventual statistically significant difference linked to different pressure settings of pneumoperitoneum will allow selecting a specific intrabdominal pressure for a more adequate treatment with a lower incidence of pneumoperitoneum related complications. Materials and Methods: The clinical trial was conducted on 43 patients assigned in two groups based on the intra-abdominal pressure: group A, 27 patients, 12 mmHg, and group B, 16 patients, 8 mmHg. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets count, PT ratio, aPTT, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Von Willebrand factor, Factor II, Lupus Anticoagulant, Antithrombin III, Protein C, Protein S, Anticardiolipin IgG and IgM, anti-beta 2-Glicoprotein IgG and IgM were evaluated. Results: For group A, patient's variations were observed for D-dimer, Factor II, von Willembrand factor and protein C reactive, while for patients belonging to group B the parameters most affected were PT ratio, anti-thrombin III and protein C reactive.D-dimer values increased significantly in group A, a statistically significant decrease in anti-thrombin III levels was detected in group B, and a statistically significant difference in PT ratio in patients belonging to group B was observed. Conclusion: The statistical analysis showed no significant difference in the post-operative parameters when comparing the two groups of patients. Alterations of the coagulation parameters were present between pre- and post-operative data within the same group, namely a higher abdominal pressure is linked to a prothrombotic state. The question is worthy of further studies. Highlights: - Variations of the hemocoagulative parameters in patients undergoing laparoscopy are still a matter of study;- Pneumoperitoneum seems to cause alterations in the hemocoagulative parameters, which could be influenced by the pneumoperitoneum pressure;- An eventual statistically significant difference linked to different pressure settings of pneumoperitoneum will allow selecting a specific intrabdominal pressure for a more adequate surgical treatment with a lower incidence of pneumoperitoneum related complications.