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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38961743


INTRODUCTION: The study aimed to assess the psychometric quality of the Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale - Revised (PMHSS-R), by examining its factorial structure among young adults in Ireland and Argentina. METHOD: A total of 429 participants aged between 18 and 25 years old were recruited (n = 187 Ireland, n = 242 Argentina). The PMHSS-R was completed by Irish participants and was translated, pilot-studied, and subsequently completed by Argentinian participants. RESULTS: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated optimal factor loadings for an eight-item solution and acceptable internal consistency for both scale dimensions in the Argentinian sample. Satisfactory levels of partial scalar invariance were achieved between countries, indicating that the scale measures mental health stigma consistently across cultures. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the PMHSS-R as a cross-culturally valid and reliable psychometric instrument to evaluate interventions targeting stigma. In conclusion, the PMHSS-R can be used in cross-cultural research to compare levels of mental health stigma and investigate the interplay between stigma and other psychologically relevant constructs between different countries and cultural contexts.

Span J Psychol ; 26: e16, 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37259907


Learning approaches describe the students' degree of cognitive commitment to learning in diverse types of academic tasks and educational environments. Even though from a micro-level perspective different profiles of approaches have been identified in high-achievement undergraduates attending several majors, such profiles have not been examined from a macro-level approach in terms of distinct educational cultures. Therefore, the research involved two studies conducted on undergraduates from Argentina and Spain: The first one was aimed at analyzing the psychometric features of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) whereas the second was focused on examining the learning approaches profiles of high and low achievers attending the same major (Psychology) in two different educational cultures (Spain and Argentina). The scale's original internal structure, examined on a sample of 400 participants (50% Spanish), was verified except for one item, which was fatherly eliminated. The resulting structure was tested and proven verified in a new sample (N = 1,334; 58.3% Spanish) by confirmatory factor analysis, factorial invariance, and internal consistency studies. External validity evidence was examined as well. Additionally, norms to be used in the professional field were calculated.Profiles of learning approaches by academic achievement from each country were examined by latent class analysis. In both cases, high achievers reported higher and more frequent use of the Deep and Strategic approaches and lower and less frequent usage of the Surface one. Further studies should replicate these analyses in undergraduates attending other majors in order to test the hypothesis sustaining these findings' generalization.

Sucesso Acadêmico , Humanos , Comparação Transcultural , Argentina , Espanha , Estudantes/psicologia
rev. psicogente ; 24(46): 106-122, ene.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366081


Resumen Introducción: Mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y adaptarlo a las demandas del mercado laboral actual es un tema de gran interés planteado por distintos organismos internacionales. Se busca así que los alumnos alcancen un aprendizaje profundo de los contenidos académicos y que a su vez desarrollen su capacidad creativa para la resolución de problemas. Objetivo: Analizar los enfoques de aprendizaje -Profundo y Superficial- y la creatividad -proceso creativo y personalidad creativa- en estudiantes universitarios según variables sociodemográficas y académicas. Método: Se empleó un diseño no experimental y transversal. Se respondió a un objetivo de diferencias entre grupos y a otro explicativo. Participaron 301 estudiantes universitarios de Psicología (51 %) e Ingeniería (49 %). Resultados: Se registraron diferencias significativas en los enfoques profundo y superficial: el primero a favor de las mujeres, y el segundo favorable a los varones. En relación con la creatividad, se observó una diferencia significativa en la personalidad creativa a favor de los varones, y del proceso creativo a favor de los estudiantes de Psicología. Por otra parte, el rendimiento académico fue explicado negativamente por el enfoque Superficial (β=-0,276) y positivamente, por el proceso creativo (β=0,185). Conclusiones: Para mejorar el rendimiento académico se necesita aplicar estrategias de enseñanza y evaluación que desestimulen el aprendizaje Superficial y promuevan el proceso creativo en los estudiantes. Los cambios en las prácticas educativas deberán, además, enfocarse en mejorar el aprendizaje Profundo y la creatividad para ajustar el perfil profesional de habilidades de los egresados al requerido actualmente por el ámbito laboral.

Abstract Introduction: International organizations have drawn attention to the idea of adapting learning to fit the graduates' skills and competences to the current requirements of labor market. Therefore, reaching a deep learning of academic contents along with developing creative ability for problem solving emerges as a desirable goal to be reached. Objective: The study was aimed at analyzing the Deep and Surface learning approaches as well as creativity -comprising the creative process and the creative personality- by socio-demographic and academic variables in college students. Method: A non-experimental and cross-sectional design was conducted, entailing two studies: a group differences one and another, explanatory. The sample was composed of 301 college students attending two majors -Psychology (51 %) and Engineering (49 %). Results: Significant differences in the use of learning approaches were found; women used the Deep approach more often whereas men chose the Surface approach. As for creativity, men showed statistically significant differences in creative personality over women. The creative process arose more often in Psychology students when compared with Engineering undergraduates, with significant p-values. Academic Perfomance was negatively explained by the Surface approach (β=-0,276) and positively, by the creative process (β=0,185). Conclusions: Boosting Academic Perfomance requires a major adjustment in teaching and evaluation methods. They should be aimed at discouraging the use of the Surface approach whilst promoting the occurrence of creative processes in students. Moreover, such changes in educational practices should be focused on improving Deep learning and creativity in order to make the graduates' skills more suitable for current labor market requirements.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(2): 339-348, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124049


Abstract The study is aimed at analyzing psychometric features of the local version of the Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire. First, the inner structure of the scale is examined by means of a confirmatory factor analysis and an analysis of factorial invariance, splitting the sample by faculty. Second, internal consistency coefficients of the dimensions are analyzed and compared to previous results. Third, external convergent validity evidences are considered, regarding scores obtained from a learning approach scale which was used as an external criterion. Findings show an adequate model fit, even employing different estimation methods. Furthermore, the factorial invariance analysis verifies the metrical equivalence of the model. The internal consistency study finds acceptable values. The dimensions' stability reliability indices do not verify significant differences between test and retest. Finally, the convergent validity evidences analyses show positive associations between learning styles and the Deep learning approach on the one hand, and negative associations between the Surface approach and learning styles on the other, as reported in previous studies. Results are discussed on the grounds of the theoretical and empirical background.

Resumen En el presente trabajo se examinan las propiedades psicométricas de la versión argentina del Cuestionario Honey-Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizaje (CHAEA). Primero se analiza la estructura interna de la escala mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y de invarianza factorial, segmentando la muestra según facultad; luego se estudia la consistencia interna de las dimensiones confirmadas y se comparan los resultados con los obtenidos en estudios previos; posteriormente se examina la estabilidad temporal de las puntuaciones de cada dimensión; y, por último, se estudian las evidencias de validez concurrente con otra escala que evalúa enfoques de aprendizaje. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio muestran un adecuado ajuste del modelo testeado a partir de distintos métodos de estimación, mientras que con el análisis de invarianza factorial se comprueba la equivalencia métrica del modelo. Asimismo, los índices de consistencia interna son aceptables, aunque el análisis de estabilidad temporal de las dimensiones no comprueba diferencias significativas entre la primera y segunda administración del instrumento. Finalmente, en consonancia con hallazgos previos, las evidencias de validez concurrente exhiben asociaciones positivas entre los estilos de aprendizaje y el enfoque profundo, así como asociaciones negativas entre los estilos y el enfoque superficial. Al final se discuten los resultados a partir de antecedentes teóricos y empíricos.

Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 15-16, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124918


Resumen La Teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD) reconoce diferentes tipos de motivación, a lo largo de un continuo según el grado de autorregulación del comportamiento, que operan en tres niveles de generalidad: global, contextual y situacional. Este trabajo presenta el proceso de construcción y análisis psicométricos de la Escala de Motivación Situacional Académica desarrollada a partir de las hipótesis de la TAD y del Modelo Jerárquico de la Motivación Intrínseca y Extrínseca (MJMIE). Participaron del estudio 364 estudiantes (62.6 % mujeres, 37.4 % varones) de 18 a 35 años de edad (. = 22.97, DE = 3.00) de diversas carreras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Cinco jueces expertos analizaron evidencias de validez de contenido para los ítems y un grupo de alumnos aportó elementos para mejorar la validez aparente y la adecuación lingüística. Un análisis factorial exploratorio, a partir del método de Análisis Factorial de Rango Mínimo con rotación Oblimin directo, aisló una estructura trifactorial. La consistencia interna de las escalas se estimó mediante alfas ordinales, cuyos valores fueron en su totalidad adecuados. Las asociaciones significativas entre las escalas apoyaron la hipótesis teórica sobre el continuo propuesto en el modelo. Las correlaciones entre las escalas del instrumento con las de la Escala de Motivación Académica (Stover, de la Iglesia, Rial Boubeta y Fernández Liporace, 2012; Vallerand, Blais, Brierey Pelletier, 1989) fueron significativas al comparar dimensiones equivalentes y disímiles de ambas técnicas. Finalmente, se confeccionaron baremos para estudiantes universitarios locales. Los resultados, limitaciones, implicancias y líneas futuras de investigación se discuten a la luz del modelo de partida.

Abstract Self Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985a) describes diverse types of motivation, situated throughout a theoretical continuum which comprises a decrease in the regulation of behaviors, from highest to lowest. These are intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation, and amotivation. These types, their influential factors, mediators and outcomes, integrate a hierarchic model which entails three levels: global, contextual, and situational (Vallerand, 1997). This paper presents the design and analysis of psychometric features of the Academic Motivation Scale-Situational (AMS-S) aimed at the assessment of motivation towards specific academic activities under specific circumstances. It was developed on the grounds of the Self Determination Theory´s hypotheses as well as the Hierarchic Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (HMIEM) posed by Vallerand (1997). The sample was composed of 364 colleges students (62.6 % females, 37.4 % males) between 18 and 35 years old (. = 22.97, SD = 3.00) with different majors at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentine). Items were written up to represent each type of motivation formulated in the model, according to the question which must be borne in mind while responding to the scale: "Why are you at the faculty right now?" The original pool of items was evaluated by five experts in order to analyze content validity evidences. A further pilot study was performed with a small group of students, aiming at the exam of face validity evidences. The preliminary version of 44 items obtained up to then was analyzed on a standardization sample. Polychoric covariance matrices were employed once the univariate normality hypothesis was not verified for the items. The ordinal nature of data demanded such a treatment as well. The statistical package FACTOR (Lorenzo-Siva & Ferrando, 2013) was used to develop an exploratory factor analysis with minimum rank factor analysis (MRFA) extraction method followed by direct Oblimin rotation (KMO = .887; Bartlett's Sphericity Test: χ² = 4525.6 (df = 351; . < .01). A 3-factor model which explained 68.01 % of the common variance was isolated retaining 27 items (F1 explained 18.1 %, F2, 23.2 %, and F3, 26.8 %). Regarding the items content, the extracted factors were labeled as extrinsic motivation (F1), amotivation (F2), and intrinsic motivation (F3). Additionally, internal consistency of the scales was estimated by means of ordinal alphas, with adequate coefficients in all cases (F1 = .84, F2 = .95, and F3 = .94). In order to test the self-determination continuum hypothesis entailed in the model, each dimension of the scale was correlated with the rest of them. Significant and positive associations (. < .05) were found between the adjacent scales, and negative between the non-adjacent ones, thus endorsing theoretical statements. Correlations between the scales' scores and the similar ones of Academic Motivation Scale (Academic Motivation Scale-EMA in Spanish-Stover et al., 2012; Vallerand et al., 1989) were calculated to analyze convergent validity evidences. Significant though weak statistical associations (. < .05) were found when comparing equivalent and opposite motivational types in both tests. Finally, statistical norms to be employed with local college population were calculated. Summarizing, up to the moment the scale has achieved adequate results in terms of preliminary validity evidences and reliability, supporting its appropriate psychometric quality to be used with local college students. The main weaknesses of the study rely in the sample size, which restricts wider generalizations, as well as the lack of semi-confirmatory factor analyses and psychometric studies on stability of measures, which must be developed in further steps. The analysis of the link between situational, contextual and global measures of motivation is also strongly suggested, taking into account the reciprocal effects among them.

Interacciones ; 5(2): 11, 01 de mayo de 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049653


Introducción: Los estilos de pensamiento permiten conocer cómo las personas utilizan sus aptitudes a la hora de resolver situaciones problemáticas. El Inventario de Estilos de Pensamiento (TSI) es uno de los instrumentos más difundidos a nivel mundial, diseñado para evaluar los 13 estilos de pensamiento formulados en la Teoría del Autogobierno Mental -Legislativo, Ejecutivo, Judicial, Monárquico, Jerárquico, Oligárquico, Anárquico, Global, Local, Interno, Externo, Liberal, Conservador. Método: Con el propósito de adaptar la escala a población universitaria local se revisaron aspectos lingüísticos así como la escala de respuesta. Tras un estudio piloto, se recogió una muestra de 361 estudiantes universitarios de Buenos Aires para efectuar análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio por un lado, y de consistencia interna por otro. Resultados: Se obtuvo una solución de 7 factores -Judicial/Liberal, Ejecutivo/Conservador, Externo, Monárquico, Global, Jerárquico, Legislativo- que logró conservar 45 de los 104 ítems puestos a prueba. Conclusión: La consistencia interna de los factores extraídos alcanzó valores apropiados. Se discuten los resultados a la luz del modelo teórico y se proponen futuras líneas de investigación.

Background: Thinking styles lead to describe how people use their abilities when they have to deal with problem solving situations. The Thinking Styles Inventory ­TSI- is one of the most worldwide employed scales, developed to assess 13 thinking styles posed in the Theory of Mental Self-government -Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Monarchic, Hierarchic, Oligarchic, Anarchic, Global, Local, Internal, External, Liberal, Conservative. Method: Aiming at the adaptation of the scale to local college students' population, linguistic aspects were reviewed as well as the response scale. After a pilot study, a sample composed of 361 college students from Buenos Aires responded the inventory in order to perform exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyzes on the one hand, and an internal consistency on the other. Result: A 7-factor structure -Judicial/Liberal, Executive/Conservative, External, Monarchic, Global, Hierarchic, Legislative-, was obtained. Conclusion: Such a version maintained 45 of the 104 tested items. Internal consistency of the extracted dimensions reached adequate values. Results are examined considering the theoretical model and further research lines.

Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 307-326, dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019909


Actualmente uno de los debates centrales en el campo de la suicidología refiere a si los comportamientos suicidas y las autolesiones no suicidas (NSSI) representan clusters diferentes o un continuum en el espectro autodestructivo. Si se las considerara entidades nosológicas separadas debiera ser factible identificar características diferenciales entre ellas de manera que, por ejemplo, fuera posible predecir en qué casos de NSSI sería más probable que un adolescente cometiera un intento suicida. Este estudio se propuso establecer la capacidad predictiva de habilidades emocionales e interpersonales para ambos tipos de comportamientos. Para ello se administraron el Inventario de Orientaciones Suicidas ISO-30, la Escala Rasgo de Metaconocimientos sobre Estados Emocionales TMMS-24 y las escalas Recursos Sociales de las Escalas de Recursos Psicológicos a 510 adolescentes escolarizados de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Se seleccionaron 81 casos con autolesiones no suicidas (Grupo NSSI) y 61 con ideaciones suicidas (Grupo IS). Los resultados muestran que los modelos de regresión obtenidos para cada grupo son diferentes. El ajuste general del modelo del Grupo IS resultó adecuado (χ² = 10.54; p = .22), los coeficientes de determinación revelan una capacidad explicativa que da cuenta de entre un 25 y 46% de la varianza total y la variable de mayor peso en el modelo fue la Incapacidad para Pedir Ayuda. En cambio el modelo del grupo NSSI mostró un pobre ajuste y solamente quedaron incluidas las variables emocionales. Se discuten los resultados según consecuencias aplicadas y futuras líneas de investigación.

Currently, one of the central debates in the field of suicidology refers to whether suicidal behavior and non suicidal self-injury (NSSI) represent different clusters or a continuum in the self-harm spectrum. The first approach, which runs in the same line than DSM-5, defines the NSSI as self-inflected injuries on any surface the own body with the goal of releasing negative thought or feelings, as a reaction to an interpersonal conflict, aiming at the achievement of a positive affective state, clearly understanding that in any case these injuries could cause death. The second approach states that the non-suicidal qualification represents a restriction and is potentially dangerous, given the close link between NSSI and suicidal behavior. If they were separate nosological entities it should be possible to identify differential features in each one. Literature focused on the study of pathological variables, suggest that it seems to be a difference of degree rather than qualitative since adolescents showing suicidal behaviors report more severe psychopathological symptoms, more depression, more hopelessness and loneliness, many family conflicts, and finding less reasons to stay alive compared to those who only exhibit NSSI. These data, somehow, offer support to both approaches. Following this debate, this study aimed at establishing the predictive value of emotional and interpersonal skills as inde-pendent variables for both types of behaviors. The selection of these variables was based on previous research findings, which provide robust evidence regarding the huge difficulties showed by adolescents with suicidal behaviors and NSSI in emotional expression and regulation. As for of interpersonal variables, diverse studies offer consistent results about the low perception of social support, the presence of intense feeling of loneliness and alienation, as well as the communication difficulties manifested by adolescents with suicidal behaviors. Based on this background, the hypothesis states that such difficulties with emotional skills will be useful predictors for both groups, only showing differences of degree. This way, adolescents with NSSI will show fewer difficulties in this aspect than the suicidal ideation group; mean while difficulties in interpersonal skills will arise as predictors only for the suicidal ideation group. The Inventory for Suicidal Orientations, the Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Social Resources Scales from the Psychological Resources Scales were used to examine to 510 adolescent students from the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. From the total sample, 142 participants were selected and separated into two groups. Suicidal Ideation Group -IS- (82% females, M = 16.16; SD = 1.11) accomplished at least one of the following criteria for high suicidal risk with active suicidal ideation: a) total score of ISO-30 ≥ 45; b) score ≥ 2 in the item #30 of the ISO-30 scale, "If my problems get worst, I will kill myself"; c) score≥ 1 in item 30 and total score ≥ 37 (P 84) in ISO-30, or d) explicit information on ideation and/or suicidal attempt in responses to personal data survey. The other group -NSSI- was composed of 81 cases (71.6% females, M = 16.35; SD =1.13) according to the following criteria: (a) having reported self-injury thoughts and/or committing self-injuries; (b) not achieving any of the 4 criteria established for the suicidal ideation group. Results identified different regression models for each group. The overall fit showed for IS-Group model was adequate (χ²= 10.54; p =.22). As for coefficients of determination reported, 25 to 46% of the total variance was explained, and the inability to ask for help played a major role within predictive variables. Instead, the model for the NSSI Group achieved a poor fit, including only emotional variables, as hypothesized. Results and further research lines are discussed.

Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 7: 251-9, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25258563


The aim of this study was to test the ability to predict academic achievement through the perception of parenting and social support in a sample of 354 Argentinean college students. Their mean age was 23.50 years (standard deviation =2.62 years) and most of them (83.3%) were females. As a prerequisite for admission to college, students are required to pass a series of mandatory core classes and are expected to complete them in two semesters. Delay in completing the curriculum is considered low academic achievement. Parenting was assessed taking into account the mother and the father and considering two dimensions: responsiveness and demandingness. Perceived social support was analyzed considering four sources: parents, teachers, classmates, and best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend. Path analysis showed that, as hypothesized, responsiveness had a positive indirect effect on the perception of social support and enhanced achievement. Demandingness had a different effect in the case of the mother as compared to the father. In the mother model, demandingness had a positive direct effect on achievement. In the case of the father, however, the effect of demandingness had a negative and indirect impact on the perception of social support. Teachers were the only source of perceived social support that significantly predicted achievement. The pathway that belongs to teachers as a source of support was positive and direct. Implications for possible interventions are discussed.

Summa psicol. UST ; 10(1): 103-117, jul. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-713270


Se investigan propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario Honey-Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizaje, mediante dos estudios de validez, uno de contenido y aparente, y otro de constructo. El primero examinó reactivos y escala mediante juicio experto y administraciones piloto. El segundo revisó la estructura dimensional mediante análisis de componentes principales (ACP) y consistencia interna por un lado; y análisis factorial confirmatoria (AFC) por el otro, a partir de dos muestras independientes de estudiantes universitarios argentinos. El primer estudio modificó 8 reactivos, y conservó la escala dicotómica de respuesta. Del segundo, el ACP extrajo cuatro dimensiones –convergente, asimilador, adaptador, pragmático- con adecuada consistencia interna, respondiendo sólo la pragmática al modelo teórico de partida. El AFC comparó el modelo del ACP con el de Alonso, Gallego y Honey (1994), obteniéndose un mejor ajuste del primero. Los resultados avalan la estructura factorial obtenida en el ACP concluyendo que el cuestionario evalúa los cuatro estilos hallados.

Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire’s psychometric properties were analyzed. In order to do this, two different studies were developed: content and facies validity in one hand, and construct validity procedures in the other. The very first examined items and scale by expert judgment. The second one used principal components analysis (PCA) and internal consistency in a preliminary stage, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in the following. Two independent Argentinean college student samples were analyzed. Content validity results indicate the needing of modifying 8 items. Dichotomous answer scale was preserved. According to the results of construct validity, CPA showed four dimensions with better fit and good internal consistency. Only one of them -pragmatic component- responded to the original model. The remaining factors –assimilatory, convergent, adaptive- were identified as belonging to Kolb´s (1984) theoretical model. Confirmatory factor analysis compared PCA model with Alonso, Gallego and Honey´s model (1994), obtaining a better fit for the first. Results support PCA´s structural dimensions for the questionnaire.

Humanos , Aprendizagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudantes/psicologia , Análise Fatorial , Estudos Transversais , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Universidades
Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 101-118, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708514


El Test del Dibujo de la Figura Humana (DFH - Goodenough & Harris, 1926) es una herramienta psicométrica diseñada para dar cuenta de la evolución de la madurez conceptual, definida como la habilidad para desarrollar conceptos con mayor grado de abstracción (Harris, 1963). A pesar de ser una prueba muy difundida y frecuentemente utilizada en el ámbito profesional, sus propiedades psicométricas no han sido estudiadas en el contexto local. El estudio que se informa propone un avance en su adaptación métrica para niños que cursan la escolaridad elemental en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense. Para cumplir con este objetivo se analizaron la homogeneidad y la dificultad de los reactivos y se identificaron los ítemes evolutivos esperados, comunes y excepcionales según la propuesta original de Koppitz (1968) para cada franja etaria. Se aporta, además, evidencia de validez discriminante con respecto al Test de Bender. La utilidad práctica del estudio realizado reside en la descripción de esta habilidad madurativa por medio de la inclusión de partes del gráfico que se convierten en esperables para determinado momento evolutivo y de la ausencia de detalles que implicarían una posible inmadurez conceptual; es reconocida a partir del diagnóstico clínico diferencial y resulta clave en situaciones de evaluación aplicada. Entre las limitaciones de esta investigación debe destacarse la muestra utilizada, procurando en trabajos futuros disponer de un mayor número de participantes. Es por esto que los resultados deben considerarse como tendencias cuya generalización deberá analizarse en nuevos estudios y también mediante la introducción de nuevas líneas de discusión.

The Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD -Goodenough & Harris, 1926) is a psychometric scale developed to measure individual evolution of conceptual maturity in children of school age. This concept is described as the ability to develop concepts with an increasing degree of abstraction (Harris, 1963). In despite of being a widely applied test in professional contexts, its psychometric properties were not properly analyzed in local populations. This paper proposes an advance on its metrical adaptation, in order to be used in scholars from Buenos Aires and its suburbs. To reach this research goal, item homogeneity and difficulty indexes were calculated. Following original Koppitz's proposals (1968), expected developmental items were identified, as well as the common and exceptional ones in each age interval considered. Discriminate validity evidences regarded to Bender's Gestalt Scale were also analyzed. Considering children's age, common parts composing the human figure were identified, meaning that 85% per cent (and more) of the children in a given age included that part as an important detail in the drawing. This way, it became an expectable item for that age interval. Unusual elements were also identified (15% of the cases or less) in protocols of each analyzed group. This analysis showed that some parts were omitted for the majority of children in the studied sample. The applied utility of this particular analysis consists in the identification of items which would be present in drawings produced by children without problems in each age level in local population, when a normative criterion is followed in the individual assessment. The importance of an item omission when it is expected must be highlighted, because of its importance as a relevant indicator of potential problems. The contribution here intended consists in the description of this maturational ability using parts of the drawing which become expectable in a given developmental age. The absence of certain details may imply conceptual immaturity; these two kinds of indicators are characterized in the differential diagnosis and are key signs in applied assessment situations. Concerning discriminate validity evidences, a significant average and positive association between scores of conceptual maturity (HDF) and visual-motor ability (Bender's) was verified in the whole simple. Associations became lower if the simple was spitted by age. Developmental motorist and perceptual aspects appear to converge with conceptual abilities measured in the sample, existing an overlapping of both of them in the activities involved, although not lower enough to speak about abilities related but about abilities of a different nature. Despite both scales (HFD and Bender's) demand a graphic action to be responded, they intend to assess theoretical concepts hypothetically differentiated. Otherwise, empirical verifications seem to speak about a significant relationship between them. Analyzing the association between these abilities through an increasing curve of age during childhood allows to infer a decrease in values of Pearson coefficients as chronological age increases (.259*; .234**; .474**, .179*, .283**, .189*, and .251). Such results can be interpreted as a gradual discrimination between perceptual, motorist and conceptual abilities, when developmental level shows an ascendant peak. One of the limitations of this research lies in the sample employed, which involved a restricted number of participants across each age included. Future developments must improve this issue, in order to challenge these findings. For this reason these results must be analyzed as preliminary tendencies. Their potential intention of generalization should be tested in future studies, and also by means of the generation of new research lines. These advances are disposable to be tested in new populations, and they intent to become a contribution for applied practice of psychological assessment with children.

Psicothema ; 23(3): 464-74, 2011 Aug.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21774902


Assessing coping has been a controversial subject and to this day, there is no consensus about its dimensionality. A short version for adolescents and college students of Moos' Coping Responses Inventory-Youth Form is presented. Psychometric analyses performed with 1,160 Argentinean students included: a) descriptive statistics, b) confirmatory factor analysis, and c) internal consistency. Three models (1-factor, 2-factor and 4-factor) were compared in two randomized samples, and by a bootstrap procedure carried out in 500 different samples. Nested models with progressive restrictions were also established successively in samples split by sex and age. Results indicated a better fit of the 4-factor model as well as its stability across different groups.

Adaptação Psicológica , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudantes , Universidades , Adulto Jovem
Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 16: 383-391, ene.-dic. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-641790


Se presenta la adaptación lingüística y psicométrica del Inventario de Respuestas de Afrontamiento para Jóvenes (Moos, 1993, 1995), realizada sobre una muestra de estudiantes de nivel medio y universitario, residentes en dos regiones de la Argentina: las ciudades de Buenos Aires y de San Miguel de Tucumán. El instrumento original, en inglés, fue traducido al español y adaptado a modismos locales, siendo luego evaluado por jueces expertos. Se efectuó, también, una administración piloto que permitió refinar la depuración preliminar. A continuación se calcularon diversos análisis psicométricos, evaluándose la homogeneidad de los elementos, examinándose evidencias de validez de constructo mediante la consecución de un estudio factorial exploratorio, y estudiándose, finalmente, su consistencia interna. Se obtuvo así, un instrumento abreviado constituido por 22 reactivos agrupados en cuatro dimensiones que evalúan el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento por aproximación y por evitación del problema, de un modo cognitivo y conductual.

The paper describes the psychometric adaptation of the Coping Responses Inventory - Youth Form - (Moos, 1993, 1995) made from a sample of high school and college students from two regions of Argentina: Buenos Aires City and San Miguel de Tucumán City. The original version was translated from English to Spanish, and then adapted to the local speaking. Afterwards, it was evaluated by expert judges. A pilot administration was conducted, ending the preliminary item depuration. Finally, a psychometric analysis was performed, studying test homogeneity, examining construct validity evidences from an exploratory factor study, and calculating internal consistency. These procedures resulted in a shorter 22-item-instrument, composed of four dimensions to measure coping strategies by approximation and by avoidance of the problem, each one in a cognitive and behavioral way.

Investig. psicol ; 13(1): 57-82, abr. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-496163


Se presentan resultados de un estudio sobre el perfil académico de los estudiantes de una escuela media dependiente de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, que trabaja, coherentemente, bajo un régimen universitario. Se describen las habilidades de razonamiento verbal y abstracto, las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas en relación a problemas escolares, las estrategias de aprendizaje y estudio empleadas y el apoyo social percibido – brindado por padres, profesores, compañeros y amigos -. Estos resultados se comparan con los obtenidos en otros cuatro grupos: estudiantes universitarios de Carreras Varias de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, estudiantes de Psicología de la UBA y de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán y alumnos de nivel medio de una escuela pública de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Humanos , Aprendizagem , Apoio Social , Estudantes
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-613830


El trabajo presenta, inicialmente, los avances logrados en cuanto a la construcción y adaptación de técnicas destinadas a la evaluación de variables derivadas del paradigma de la Psicología Positiva, que intenta focalizarse en el estudio de los factores protectores o salugénicos que preservan a las personas de desarrollar psicopatologías diversas en distintos momentos de su ciclo vital. En segundo lugar, plantea la necesidad de analizar los constructos y variables mencionados en términos de su grado de universalidad psicológica, con la intención de garantizar la generalización válida de resultados.

Humanos , Saúde Mental , Psicologia , Testes Psicológicos
Perspect. psicol. (Mar del Plata) ; 3(1): 1-8, nov. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-448579


El trabajo presenta resultados preliminares de una investigación realizada en el marco de la Psicología Positiva, sobre los atributos que 1100 sujetos adultos de ambos sexos, entre 30 y 59 años, residentes en Buenos Aires, consideran indicadores de sabiduría. Se trabajo con una escala diseñada ad hoc (casullo, 2005), analizándose diferencias según sexo, edad y nivel educativo en las respuestas, así como las características seleccionadas más frecuentemente pro los examinados

Adulto , Inteligência , Testes de Inteligência , Psicologia , Psicologia/instrumentação
Investig. psicol ; 11(2): 7-25, ago. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-530532


Se presentan resultados de un análisis factorial confirmatorio calculado sobre las respuestas de 591 adolescentes residentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, a la Escala General del Test de Matrices Progresivas, de Raven. Se pusieron a prueba dos modelos rivales de tres y cuatro factores, que conservaron, respectivamente, 13 y 12 ítems de los 60 originales, verificándose un mejor ajuste del segundo a los datos. Asimismo, se comprobó la posibilidad de generalizarlo al segmentar la muestra según sexo y edad, así como replicando los análisis a otra muestra de 156 sujetos residentes en otra región de la Argentina (Tucumán). Se discuten los resultados a la luz de las tareas eductivas o fluidas que los sujetos deben realizar para responder exitosamente a los reactivos.

Humanos , Adolescente , Análise Fatorial , Testes de Inteligência , Argentina
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-429069


Se presentan datos sobre dos versiones de una escala construida para evaluar estilos de apego románticos/no románticos en población adulta. La técnica fue diseñada sobre la base de las propuestas teóricas de la psicóloga canadiense Bartholomew quien hace referencia a cuatro estilos de apego: seguro, evitativo, ansioso y temeroso. Ambas versiones fueron administradas a una muestra de población general adulta, con edades entre 30 y 60 años (N:800) residentes en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense. El análisis factorial realizado permitió aislar sólo tres factores en las dos versiones: seguro, ansioso ambivalente, y temeroso/evitativo. Ambas escalas tienen buena consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach de 0,45 y 0,52).

Humanos , Adulto , Apego ao Objeto , Psicometria , Argentina
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-429650


Se presentan resultados parciales de un análisis psicométrico desarrollado sobre la adaptación de la Escala de Apoyo Social para Estudiantes (Nolten, 1994) sobre una muestra de 751 adolescentes de Buenos Aires de ambos sexos, de 12 a 19 años. Los items mostraron una excelente capacidad de discriminación y el estudio factorial verificó los hallazgos de Malecki y Elliott (1999) sobre 198 escolares estadounidenses de 7 a 12 grado, hallándose una estructura de cuatro factores que coincide con las fuentes del apoyo: padres, profesores, compañeros de clase y amigos cercanos. Asimismo, se verificaron adecuados índices de consistencia interna. Se considera que las buenas propiedades psicométricas del instrumento lo vuelven adecuado para su aplicación en situaciones de evaluación psicológica en ámbitos educativos, así como en tareas de investigación.

Adolescente , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Avaliação Educacional , Psicologia Social , Apoio Social , Estatística
Investig. psicol ; 10(3): 21-36, 2005. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-425752


Se presentan datos obtenidos a partir de la administración de una Escala para la Detección de Adolescentes en Riesgo Suicida (ISO 30) en su adaptación local, a un total de 1297 estudiantes adolescentes de ambos sexos residentes en las provincias argentinas de Catamarca, Tucumán, Buenos Aires y ciudad de Buenos Aires, con una edad promedio de 15 años. Se ha podido detectar un 11 por ciento de sujetos en alto riesgo suicida en los centros urbanos y un 13 por ciento en localidades de menor densidad poblacional. Ser mujer, hijo/a único/a, vivir en pequeños centros poblacionales así como el bajo nivel educativo de los padres aparecen como los principales factores de riesgo.

Adolescente , Masculino , Humanos , Feminino , Suicídio , Argentina , Densidade Demográfica , Fatores de Risco
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-716043


Se presentan datos obtenidos en estudios realizados como parte del Proyecto UBACyT P043 (2000-2003). Se analizan resultados obtenidos en estudios sobre concepciones acerca del estar enamorado, criterios para la elección de pareja, los sentimientos de celos y las memorias del primer amor, en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Estar enamorado aparece asociado con pensar mucho en la otra persona, la necesidad de estar juntos y la existencia de afectos profundos. Los criterios de elección de pareja seleccionados con mayor frecuencia son la atracción mutua, la confianza y la simpatía. Las mujeres, en mayor porcentaje que los varones, sienten celos si imaginan a su pareja relacionada afectivamente con otra persona mientras que entre los varones los celos están más vinculados con imaginar que la pareja mantiene relaciones sexuales genitales con otro/a. El primer amor es recordado mayoritariamente como una experiencia buena, linda, sincera, limpia, valiosa, saludable y positiva.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Heterossexualidade/psicologia , Amor , Apego ao Objeto , Ciúme , Memória