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J Chem Phys ; 154(23): 234506, 2021 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241246


Proton Field-Cycling (FC) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry is applied over a wide frequency and temperature range to get insight into the dynamic processes occurring in the plastically crystalline phase of the two isomers cyanocyclohexane (CNCH) and isocyanocyclohexane. The spin-lattice relaxation rate, R1(ω), is measured in the 0.01-30 MHz frequency range and transformed into the susceptibility representation χNMR ″ω=ωR1ω. Three relaxation processes are identified, namely, a main (α-) relaxation, a fast secondary (ß-) relaxation, and a slow relaxation; they are very similar for the two isomers. Exploiting frequency-temperature superposition, master curves of χNMR ″ωτ are constructed and analyzed for different processes. The α-relaxation displays a pronounced non-Lorentzian susceptibility with a temperature independent width parameter, and the correlation times display a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence-features indicating cooperative dynamics of the overall reorientation of the molecules. The ß-relaxation shows high similarity with secondary relaxations in structural glasses. The extracted correlation times well agree with those reported by other techniques. A direct comparison of FC NMR and dielectric master curves for CNCH yields pronounced difference regarding the non-Lorentzian spectral shape as well as the relative relaxation strength of α- and ß-relaxation. The correlation times of the slow relaxation follow an Arrhenius temperature dependence with a comparatively high activation energy. As the α-process involves liquid-like isotropic molecular reorientation, the slow process has to be attributed to vacancy diffusion, which modulates intermolecular dipole-dipole interactions, possibly accompanied by chair-chair interconversion of the cyclohexane ring. However, the low frequency relaxation features characteristic of vacancy diffusion cannot be detected due to experimental limitations.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(16): 9014-9028, 2020 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32293628


Mixtures of glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are studied by dielectric spectroscopy (DS) and by 1H field-cycling (FC) NMR relaxometry in the entire concentration range and down to glass-forming temperatures (170-323 K). Molecular dynamics is accessed for 0 < xDMSO ≤ 0.64, at higher concentration phase separation occurs. The FC technique provides the frequency dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate which is transformed to the susceptibility representation and thus allows comparing NMR and DS results. The DS spectra virtually do not change with xDMSO and T, only the relaxation times become shorter. This is in contrast to the non-associated mixture toluene/quinaldine for which strong spectral changes occur. The FC relaxation spectra of glycerol in solution with DMSO or (deuterated) DMSO-d6 display a bimodal structure with a high-frequency part reflecting rotational and a low-frequency part reflecting translational dynamics. Regarding the rotational contribution in the glycerol/DMSO-d6 mixtures, no spectral change with xDMSO and T is observed. Yet, the non-deuterated mixture reveals a broader relaxation spectrum. Time constants τrot(T) probed by the two techniques complement each, a range 10-11 s < τ < 10 s is covered. The glass transition temperature Tg(xDMSO) is determined, yielding Tg = 149.5 ± 1 K of pure DMSO by extrapolation. Analysing the low-frequency FC NMR spectra allows to determine the diffusion coefficient Dtrans. Its logarithm shows a linear xDMSO-dependence as does lg τrot. The ratio Dtrans/Drot is independent of xDMSO and its low value indicates large separation of translation and rotation. The corresponding unphysically small hydrodynamic radius indicates strong failure of Stokes-Einstein-Debye relation. Such anomaly is taken as characteristics of a 3d hydrogen-bonded network. We conclude, although DMSO is an aprotic liquid the molecule is continuously incorporated in the hydrogen network of glycerol. Both molecules display common dynamics, i.e., no decoupling of the component dynamics is found in contrast to quinaldine/toluene with a similar Tg difference of its components.

Magn Reson Chem ; 57(10): 805-817, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30604576


With the availability of commercial field-cycling relaxometers together with progress of home-built instruments nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry has gained new momentum as a method of investigating the dynamics in viscous liquids and polymer melts. The method provides the frequency dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate. In the case of protons, one distinguishes intramolecular and intermolecular relaxation pathways. Whereas the intramolecular contribution prevails at high frequencies and reflects rotational dynamics, the often ignored intermolecular relaxation contribution dominates at low-frequency and provides access to translational dynamics. A universal low-frequencies dispersion law holds which in pure systems allows determining the diffusion coefficient in a straightforward way. In addition, the rotational time constant is extracted from the high-frequency relaxation contribution. This is demonstrated for simple and ionic liquids and for polymer melts.