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Access Microbiol ; 5(12)2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38188235


The phytopathogen Paracidovorax citrulli possesses an ortholog of a newly identified surface layer protein (SLP) termed NpdA but has not been reported to produce a surface layer (S-layer). This study had two objectives. First, to determine if P. citrulli formed an NpdA-based S-layer and, if so, assess the effects of S-layer formation on virulence, production of nanostructures termed nanopods, and other phenotypes. Second, to establish the distribution of npdA orthologs throughout the Pseudomonadota and examine selected candidate cultures for physical evidence of S-layer formation. Formation of an NpdA-based S-layer by P. citrulli AAC00-1 was confirmed by gene deletion mutagenesis (ΔnpdA), proteomics, and cryo-electron microscopy. There were no significant differences between the wild-type and mutant in virulence assays with detached watermelon fruit. Nanopods contiguous with S-layers of multiple biofilm cells were visualized by transmission electron microscopy. Orthologs of npdA were identified in 62 Betaproteobacteria species and 49 Gammaproteobacteria species. In phylogenetic analyses, NpdA orthologs largely segregated into distinct groups. Cryo-electron microscopy imaging revealed an NpdA-like S-layer in all but one of the 16 additional cultures examined. We conclude that NpdA represents a new family of SLP, forming an S-layer in P. citrulli and other Pseudomonadota. While the S-layer did not contribute to virulence in watermelon fruit, a potential role of the P. citrulli S-layer in another dimension of pathogenesis cannot be ruled out. Lastly, formation of cell-bridging nanopods in biofilms is a new property of S-layers; it remains to be determined if nanopods can mediate intercellular movement of materials.

Synth Syst Biotechnol ; 7(2): 738-749, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35387233


Metabolic engineering strategies have been successfully implemented to improve the production of isobutanol, a next-generation biofuel, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we explore how two of these strategies, pathway re-localization and redox cofactor-balancing, affect the performance and physiology of isobutanol producing strains. We equipped yeast with isobutanol cassettes which had either a mitochondrial or cytosolic localized isobutanol pathway and used either a redox-imbalanced (NADPH-dependent) or redox-balanced (NADH-dependent) ketol-acid reductoisomerase enzyme. We then conducted transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses to elucidate molecular differences between the engineered strains. Pathway localization had a large effect on isobutanol production with the strain expressing the mitochondrial-localized enzymes producing 3.8-fold more isobutanol than strains expressing the cytosolic enzymes. Cofactor-balancing did not improve isobutanol titers and instead the strain with the redox-imbalanced pathway produced 1.5-fold more isobutanol than the balanced version, albeit at low overall pathway flux. Functional genomic analyses suggested that the poor performances of the cytosolic pathway strains were in part due to a shortage in cytosolic Fe-S clusters, which are required cofactors for the dihydroxyacid dehydratase enzyme. We then demonstrated that this cofactor limitation may be partially recovered by disrupting iron homeostasis with a fra2 mutation, thereby increasing cellular iron levels. The resulting isobutanol titer of the fra2 null strain harboring a cytosolic-localized isobutanol pathway outperformed the strain with the mitochondrial-localized pathway by 1.3-fold, demonstrating that both localizations can support flux to isobutanol.