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Orthod Fr ; 94(1): 113-129, 2023 04 28.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37114811


Introduction: The prevalence of lingual dyspraxia is high but not all patients require management by a physical therapist. The aim of this article is to propose a decisional flow chart separating, via diagnostic criteria, patients who can be managed in office from patients requiring oromyofunctional rehabilitation by an oro-myo-functional rehabilitation (OMR) professional and to provide, if necessary, simple exercise sheets. Material and Method: An expert, a maxillofacial physiotherapist from the Fournier school, has proposed, based on the literature, her experience as a clinician and in consultation with orthodontists, different criteria for the severity of dyspraxia as well as exercises to be implemented for cases that are manageable in the office. Results: The decision tree, diagnostic criteria and exercises are provided. Discussion: The flowchart is based on the literature, mainly on expert opinion given the low level of evidence of published studies. The exercise sheet was created by a physiotherapist from the Fournier school and necessarily reflects this influence. Conclusion: Further studies such as a clinical trial could compare the validity of the WBR indication obtained by an orthodontist using the decision tree with the blinded indication given by a physical therapist. In addition, the effectiveness of in-office rehabilitation could be evaluated using a control group.

Introduction: La prévalence des dyspraxies linguales est élevée mais leur prise en charge par un kinésithérapeute spécialisé n'est pas requise pour la totalité des patients. L'objectif de cet article était de proposer un organigramme décisionnel séparant, via les critères diagnostiques, les patients pouvant être gérés in office des patients nécessitant une rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale chez un professionnel de la rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale (RMOF) et de fournir, le cas échéant, des fiches d'exercices simples. Matériel et méthode: Une experte, kinésithérapeute maxillo-faciale, issue de l'école Fournier, a proposé, en s'appuyant sur la littérature, son expérience de clinicienne et en concertation avec des orthodontistes, différents critères de sévérité de dyspraxies, ainsi que des exercices à mettre en œuvre pour les cas gérables in office. Résultats: L'arbre décisionnel, les critères diagnostiques et les exercices sont fournis. Discussion: L'organigramme s'appuie sur la littérature, essentiellement sur des avis d'experts compte tenu du faible niveau de preuve des études publiées. La fiche d'exercices ayant été réalisée par une kinésithérapeute issue de l'école Fournier reflète nécessairement cette influence. Conclusion: Des études complémentaires, telles qu'un essai clinique, pourraient permettre de comparer la validité de l'indication de la RMOF obtenue par un orthodontiste à l'aide de l'arbre décisionnel avec l'indication posée en aveugle par un kinésithérapeute. Par ailleurs, l'efficacité de la rééducation délivrée in office pourrait être évaluée à l'aide d'un groupe témoin.

Apraxias , Transtornos de Deglutição , Humanos , Feminino , Transtornos de Deglutição/reabilitação , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Terapia por Exercício
Orthod Fr ; 94(1): 93-111, 2023 04 28.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37114820


Introduction: In 85% of orthodontic patients, lingual dyspraxias are present and may justify orofacial myofunctional rehabilitation because of their morphogenetic potential. The objective of this literature review is to search for scientific arguments corroborating or not the relationships between dysmorphias and the static, dynamic labio-lingual-jugal balance during functions and parafunctions. Material and Method: A review of the literature was carried out by keywords on PubMed. The search covered the period from 1913 to 2022. A complementary selection of articles or book chapters was made from the references of the included articles. Results: The morphogenetic role of the tongue is mainly involved at rest and during ventilation in all three dimensions. Oral ventilation is associated with many craniofacial dysmorphy. Concerning swallowing, phonation, non-nutritive sucking and temporomandibular joint dysfunctions, it is the combined association of several anomalies that is found in dysmorphia without a causal link being established. Thus, for some, the lingual posture would only constitute an adaptation to a dysmorphia. Discussion: Essentially based on expert opinion, the level of evidence is still insufficient. The authors are confronted with the difficulty of finding adequate, quantifiable and reproducible indicators. Conclusion: This subject, which probably remains neglected because it is interdisciplinary and the result of a historically European reflection, deserves to be further studied.

Introduction: Chez 85 % des patients orthodontiques, les dyspraxies linguales sont présentes, pouvant justifier une rééducation myofonctionnelle orofaciale en raison de leur supposé potentiel morphogénétique. L'objectif de cette revue de littérature était de rechercher les arguments scientifiques corroborant ou non les relations entre les dysmorphies et l'équilibre labio-linguo-jugal statique, dynamique lors des fonctions et des parafonctions. Matériel et méthode: Une revue de littérature a été réalisée par mots clés sur les bases de données PubMed (Medline) et EM Consulte. La recherche s'étend sur la période de 1913 à 2022, une sélection complémentaire d'articles ou de chapitres de livres a été effectuée à partir des références des articles inclus. Résultats: Le rôle morphogénétique de la langue intervient essentiellement au repos et lors de la ventilation dans les trois dimensions. Une ventilation buccale est associée à de nombreuses dysmorphies cranio-faciales. Concernant la déglutition, la phonation, la succion non nutritive et les dysfonctionnements des articulations temporo-mandibulaires, c'est la conjugaison de plusieurs anomalies qui est retrouvée dans les dysmorphies, sans que le lien de cause à effet ne soit établi. Ainsi, pour certains, la posture linguale ne constituerait qu'une adaptation à une dysmorphie. Discussion: Essentiellement basé sur des avis d'experts, le niveau de preuves demeure encore insuffisant. Les auteurs se heurtent à la difficulté à trouver des indicateurs adéquats quantifiables et reproductibles. Conclusion: Ce sujet, qui reste probablement délaissé car il est interdisciplinaire et le résultat d'une réflexion historiquement européenne, mérite d'être davantage étudié.

Deglutição , Síndrome da Disfunção da Articulação Temporomandibular , Humanos , Língua , Respiração , Fonação , Terapia Miofuncional/métodos
Orthod Fr ; 92(3): 357-366, 2021 Sep 01.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34588159


There is often a dysfunctional dimension with poor oral habits and parafunctions in the etiology of malocclusions. A multidisciplinary care seems essential. Through a review of the literature, this article analyzes old and current theories on the origin of parafunctions and the therapeutic possibilities for their correction. Our therapeutic approach to correct these parafunctions must take into account the behavioral approach, which can have a beneficial effect, but also the neurobiological approach. The current evolution in neuroscience now allows us to better understand the origin of these parafunctions and facilitate a better approach for their correction through behavioral methods. Taking into account the psychological and blood pressure dimension of our patients increases the chances of success. The use of removable or fixed devices can complete this therapeutic approach.

Má Oclusão , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular , Humanos , Má Oclusão/terapia
Orthod Fr ; 89(4): 387-396, 2018 12.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30565557


INTRODUCTION: Most malocclusions are dysfunctional in origin and multidisciplinary care appears essential to correct as well as to maintain the orthopedic treatments performed. However, some "re-"educational therapies do not always deliver the desired results and the persistence of dysfunctions can thus compromise the stability of long-term results of orthodontic treatments. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Through a review of the literature, this article analyzes the former and current theories regarding maxillofacial rehabilitation. RESULTS: The two theories explaining failures in maxillofacial rehabilitation still need to be considered today because, so far, there are few data on the subject. DISCUSSION: The current evolution in the neurosciences makes it possible to achieve a better understanding and an improved technique regarding this type of reeducation, thus promoting greater adaptability on the part of the therapist.

Má Oclusão/diagnóstico , Má Oclusão/reabilitação , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais , Humanos , Má Oclusão/epidemiologia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/efeitos adversos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/métodos , Prognóstico , Fatores de Risco , Falha de Tratamento , Resultado do Tratamento