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PLoS One ; 18(7): e0287531, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37418445


Anthracological analyses of charcoal samples retrieved from Pit 16 of Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal), a secondary deposition of cremated human remains dated back to the middle of the 3rd millennium BC, enabled the identification of 7 different taxa: Olea europaea, Quercus spp. (evergreen), Pinus pinaster, Fraxinus cf. angustifolia, Arbutus unedo, Cistus sp. and Fabaceae. All taxa are characteristic of both deciduous and evergreen Mediterranean vegetation, and this data might indicate that the gathering of woods employed for the human cremation/s occurred either on site, or in its vicinity. However, considering both the large distribution of the identified taxa and data about human mobility, it is not possible to conclusively determine the origin of the wood used in the cremation(s). Chemometric analysis were carried out to estimate the absolute burning temperature of woods employed for the human cremation/s. An in-lab charcoal reference collection was created by burning sound wood samples of the three main taxa identified from Pit 16, Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Quercus suber (evergreen type) and Pinus pinaster, at temperatures between 350 and 600 °C. The archaeological charcoal samples and the charcoal reference collection were chemically characterized by using mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy in the 1800-400 cm-1 range, and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression method was used to build calibration models to predict the absolute combustion temperature of the archaeological woods. Results showed successful PLS forecasting of burn temperature for each taxon (significant (P <0.05) cross validation coefficients). The anthracological and chemometric analysis evidenced differences between the taxa coming from the two stratigraphic units within the Pit, SUs 72 and 74, suggesting that they may come from two different pyres or two different depositional moments.

Cremação , Pinus , Humanos , Madeira/química , Temperatura , Carvão Vegetal/análise , Portugal
Sci Total Environ ; 728: 138715, 2020 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32570307


The impact of wildfires and of restoration actions on soil organic matter (SOM) content and structure was studied in a soil under pine (Pinus pinea) from Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Samples were collected from burnt areas before (B) and after post-fire restoration (BR) and compared with an unburnt (UB) site. Analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) was used to investigate SOM molecular composition in whole soil samples and in coarse (CF) and fine (FF) fractions. The results were interpreted using a van Krevelen graphical-statistical method. Highest total organic carbon (TOC) was found in UB soil and no differences were found between B and BR soils. The CF had the highest TOC values and FF presented differences among the three scenarios. Respect to SOM structure, the B soil was depleted in lignin and enriched in unspecific aromatics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and in all scenarios, CF SOM consisted mainly of lignocellulose derived compounds and fatty acids. In general, FF SOM was found more altered than CF. High contribution of unspecific aromatic compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was observed in B-FF whereas BR-FF samples comprised considerable proportions of compounds from labile biomass, possibly due to soil mixing during rehabilitation actions. The fire caused a defunctionalisation of lignin-derived phenolics and the formation of pyrogenic compounds. The van Krevelen diagram was found useful to-at first sight-differentiate between chemical processes caused by fire and of the rehabilitation actions. Fire exerted SOM demethoxylation, dealkylation and dehydration. Our results indicate that soil management actions after the fire lead to an increase in aromaticity corresponding to the accumulation of lignin and polycyclic aromatic compounds. This suggests additional inputs from charred lignocellulosic biomass, including black carbon, that was incorporated into the soil during rehabilitation practices.