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R Soc Open Sci ; 10(2): 221170, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36778958


Research findings in natural sciences need to be comparable and reproducible to effectively improve our understanding of ecological and behavioural patterns. In this sense, knowledge frontiers in biodiversity studies are directly tied to taxonomic research, especially in species-rich tropical regions. Here we analysed the taxonomic information available in 470 studies on Brazilian ant diversity published in the last 50 years. We aimed to quantify the proportion of studies that provide enough data to validate taxonomic identification, explore the frequency of studies that properly acknowledge their taxonomic background, and investigate the primary resources for ant identification in Brazil. We found that most studies on Brazilian ant diversity (73.6%) explicitly stated the methods used to identify their specimens. However, the proportion of papers that provide complete data for the repository institutions and vouchered specimens is vanishingly small (5.8%). Additionally, only 40.0% of the studies consistently presented taxon authorities and years of description, rarely referencing taxonomic publications correctly. In turn, the number of specialists and institutions consulted for ant identification in Brazil has increased in the last years, along with the number of studies that explicitly provide their taxonomic procedures for ant identification. Our findings highlight a shift between generations regarding the recognition of taxonomy as fundamental science, deepening our understanding of biodiversity.

Neotrop. entomol ; 39(6): 1056-1058, nov.-dic. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-572495


Damage caused by the ant Azteca barbifex (Forel) was identified in orange trees (Citrus sinensis), in Capitão Poço County, Guamá microregion, Pará State. The damage caused by the scraping of stems and branches lead to reduction in yield with subsequent death of the plant. These characteristics indicate A. barbifex as a potential pest of citrus crops in the eastern region of Amazon.

Animais , Formigas , Citrus/parasitologia , Brasil
Neotrop Entomol ; 39(6): 1056-8, 2010.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21271082


Damage caused by the ant Azteca barbifex (Forel) was identified in orange trees (Citrus sinensis), in Capitão Poço County, Guamá microregion, Pará State. The damage caused by the scraping of stems and branches lead to reduction in yield with subsequent death of the plant. These characteristics indicate A. barbifex as a potential pest of citrus crops in the eastern region of Amazon.

Formigas , Citrus/parasitologia , Animais , Brasil
Neotrop Entomol ; 38(2): 285-8, 2009.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19488521


Injuries by Solenopsis saevissima F Smith in paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum) trees are described for the first time in Dom Eliseu County, Pará State, Brazil. This ant damages leaves and the shaft where holes and galleries are opened up to the plant shoot. Terminal and new shoots are attacked and destroyed, harming the development of upright and uniform trunks for commercialization. Arboreal nests constructed by this ant were also observed in some plants.

Formigas/fisiologia , Caesalpinia/parasitologia , Animais , Brasil , Árvores
Neotrop. entomol ; 38(2): 285-288, Mar.-Apr. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-515112


São descritas pela primeira vez injúrias causadas por Solenopsis saevissima F Smith em árvores de paricá, Schizolobium amazonicum, em Dom Eliseu, PA. Essa formiga ataca folhas e o fuste, onde são abertos orifícios e galerias, até a região apical da planta. Brotos terminais e novas brotações também são atacados e destruídos, prejudicando a formação de um tronco retilíneo e uniforme para comercialização. Ninhos arborícolas construídos pelas formigas foram observados em algumas plantas.

Injuries by Solenopsis saevissima F Smith in paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum) trees are described for the first time in Dom Eliseu County, Pará State, Brazil. This ant damages leaves and the shaft where holes and galleries are opened up to the plant shoot. Terminal and new shoots are attacked and destroyed, harming the development of upright and uniform trunks for commercialization. Arboreal nests constructed by this ant were also observed in some plants.

Animais , Formigas/fisiologia , Caesalpinia/parasitologia , Brasil , Árvores
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;37(4): 649-656, 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-476619


As formigas são muito usadas em programas de inventários e monitoramentos, resultando em grande quantidade de material coletado com vários métodos, limitações financeiras e na falta de taxonomos para vários táxons. Para contribuir na elaboração de protocolos alternativos, analisamos a complementaridade de dois métodos de amostragem na detecção da riqueza de espécies. Em seis parcelas de 1 km² distribuídas em 33.000 ha de floresta primária, investigamos a diversidade e a freqüência das espécies de Crematogaster,Gnamptogenys e Pachycondyla, como parte do protocolo de formigas de serapilheira do Projeto TEAM. Em cada parcela, quatro transectos de 100 m foram instalados. Dez sub-amostras foram efetuadas por transecto, usando extrator de Winkler e armadilha de fosso. Registramos 36 espécies, sendo 15 novos registros para o Pará e 29 para a área de estudo. Dezessete espécies foram comuns aos dois métodos, onze foram capturadas com armadilhas de fosso e oito com Winkler. As proporções de espécies representadas por um indivíduo ("singletons") foram altas para ambos os métodos (> 0,4). Dezenove espécies foram coletadas por apenas um método e três foram representadas por apenas um indivíduo em cada método. A análise de ordenação (escalonamento multidimensional semi-híbrido) revelou diferenças na estrutura das comunidades de formigas obtidas pelos dois métodos de amostragem. Houve um efeito de complementaridade entre os dois métodos para a obtenção de um levantamento mais completo da riqueza de espécies, significando que ambos devem ser usados no protocolo. Outros recursos, como a rarefação e/ou diluição das amostras são recursos a serem avaliados em futuras investigações.

Ants are largely used for monitoring and inventory programs, resulting in great amounts of material sampled with several methodologies, financial limitations and lack of experts to do the taxonomy of many taxa. To contribute for the elaboration of alternative protocols, we analyzed the complementarity of two sampling methods in the detection of species richness. In 6 plots of 1 km² distributed in an area of 33,000 ha of continuous primary forest, in the Brazilian state of Pará, the diversity and the frequency of species of genera Crematogaster,Gnamptogenys and Pachycondyla were investigated, as part of the "Ant methodology Protocol" of the Project TEAM. Using the Winkler extractor and pitfall traps, 10 sub-samples were collected per transect. In each plot, 4 transects of 100 m were installed. We registered 36 species, and 15 are new records for the state, and 29 for the study site. Seventeen species were common to both sampling methods, 11 were captured with pitfall and 8 with Winkler. The proportions of singletons were high for both methods (>0,4). Nineteen species were captured by only one method and three were represented by only one individual in both methods. Ordination analysis (SSH, Semi-Strong Hybrid Multi-Dimensional Scaling) indicated differences in community structure between both sampling methods. There was a complementarity's effect between these two methods in order to obtain a more complete inventory of the species richness, indicating that both must be used in the protocol. Other resources like rarefaction and/or sample dilution must be evaluated in future investigations.

Formigas , Ecossistema Amazônico , Himenópteros