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Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 197, 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164239


Isolated attosecond pulse (IAP) generation usually involves the use of short-medium gas cells operated at high pressures. In contrast, long-medium schemes at low pressures are commonly perceived as inherently unsuitable for IAP generation due to the nonlinear phenomena that challenge favourable phase-matching conditions. Here we provide clear experimental evidence on the generation of isolated extreme-ultraviolet attosecond pulses in a semi-infinite gas cell, demonstrating the use of extended-medium geometries for effective production of IAPs. To gain a deeper understanding we develop a simulation method for high-order harmonic generation (HHG), which combines nonlinear propagation with macroscopic HHG solving the 3D time-dependent Schrödinger equation at the single-atom level. Our simulations reveal that the nonlinear spatio-temporal reshaping of the driving field, observed in the experiment as a bright plasma channel, acts as a self-regulating mechanism boosting the phase-matching conditions for the generation of IAPs.

ACS Photonics ; 11(4): 1673-1683, 2024 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38645995


High-order harmonic generation (HHG) arising from the nonperturbative interaction of intense light fields with matter constitutes a well-established tabletop source of coherent extreme-ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation, which is typically emitted as attosecond pulse trains. However, ultrafast applications increasingly demand isolated attosecond pulses (IAPs), which offer great promise for advancing precision control of electron dynamics. Yet, the direct generation of IAPs typically requires the synthesis of near-single-cycle intense driving fields, which is technologically challenging. In this work, we theoretically demonstrate a novel scheme for the straightforward and compact generation of IAPs from multicycle infrared drivers using hollow capillary fibers (HCFs). Starting from a standard, intense multicycle infrared pulse, a light transient is generated by extreme soliton self-compression in a HCF with decreasing pressure and is subsequently used to drive HHG in a gas target. Owing to the subcycle confinement of the HHG process, high-contrast IAPs are continuously emitted almost independently of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of the optimally self-compressed drivers. This results in a CEP-robust scheme which is also stable under macroscopic propagation of the high harmonics in a gas target. Our results open the way to a new generation of integrated all-fiber IAP sources, overcoming the efficiency limitations of usual gating techniques for multicycle drivers.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(49): 11160-11167, 2023 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38054653


Coherent control over electron dynamics in atoms and molecules using high-intensity circularly polarized laser pulses gives rise to current loops, resulting in the emission of magnetic fields. We propose, and demonstrate with ab initio calculations, "current-gating" schemes to generate direct or alternating-current magnetic pulses in the infrared spectral region, with highly tunable waveform and frequency, and showing femtosecond-to-attosecond pulse duration. In optimal conditions, the magnetic pulse can be highly isolated from the driving laser and exhibits a high flux density (∼1 T at a few hundred nanometers from the source, with a pulse duration of 787 attoseconds) for application in forefront experiments of ultrafast spectroscopy. Our work paves the way toward the generation of attosecond magnetic fields to probe ultrafast magnetization, chiral responses, and spin dynamics.

Sci Adv ; 9(12): eadf3486, 2023 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36961899


Symmetries and conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum play a central role in nonlinear optics. Recently, paraxial light fields with nontrivial topology have been attracting a keen interest. Despite not being eigenstates of the orbital and spin angular momenta (OAM and SAM), they are eigenstates of the generalized angular momentum (GAM) operator-a mixture of the OAM and SAM operators with fractional eigenvalues. By driving high harmonic generation with a polarization Möbius strip carrying a half-integer GAM charge and implementing angular momentum characterization methods in the extreme ultraviolet range, we demonstrate the linear scaling of the GAM with the harmonic order, each harmonic carrying a precise half-integer GAM charge. Our work shows that beyond SAM and OAM, the GAM is, in some situations, an appropriate quantum number. It paves the way for finer manipulations and applications of light beams containing fractional-order polarization singularities.

Sci Adv ; 8(51): eadd7482, 2022 Dec 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36563146


The concept of critical ionization fraction has been essential for high-harmonic generation, because it dictates the maximum driving laser intensity while preserving the phase matching of harmonics. In this work, we reveal a second, nonadiabatic critical ionization fraction, which substantially extends the phase-matched harmonic energy, arising because of the strong reshaping of the intense laser field in a gas plasma. We validate this understanding through a systematic comparison between experiment and theory for a wide range of laser conditions. In particular, the properties of the high-harmonic spectrum versus the laser intensity undergoes three distinctive scenarios: (i) coincidence with the single-atom cutoff, (ii) strong spectral extension, and (iii) spectral energy saturation. We present an analytical model that predicts the spectral extension and reveals the increasing importance of the nonadiabatic effects for mid-infrared lasers. These findings are important for the development of high-brightness soft x-ray sources for applications in spectroscopy and imaging.

Opt Express ; 30(9): 15546-15555, 2022 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473271


Recent studies in high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in solid targets reveal new scenarios of extraordinary rich electronic dynamics, in comparison to the atomic and molecular cases. For the later, the main aspects of the process can be described semiclassically in terms of electrons that recombine when the trajectories revisit the parent ion. HHG in solids has been described by an analogous mechanism, in this case involving electron-hole pair recombinations. However, it has been recently reported that a substantial part of the HHG emission corresponds to situations where the electron and hole trajectories do not overlap in space. According to the present knowledge, HHG from this imperfect recollisions reflects the quantum nature of the process, arising in systems with large Berry curvatures or for elliptically polarized driving fields. In this work, we demonstrate that imperfect recollisions are also relevant in the more general case. We show the signature of such recollisions in the HHG spectrum from monolayer graphene -a system with null Berry curvature- irradiated by linearly polarized driving fields. Our calculations also reveal that imperfect multiple-order recollisions contribute to the harmonic emission when electron-hole excursion times exceed one cycle of the driving field. We believe that our work adds a substantial contribution to the full understanding of the sub-femtosecond dynamics of HHG in solid systems.

Sci Adv ; 8(5): eabj7380, 2022 Feb 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35119926


The extreme nonlinear optical process of high-harmonic generation (HHG) makes it possible to map the properties of a laser beam onto a radiating electron wave function and, in turn, onto the emitted x-ray light. Bright HHG beams typically emerge from a longitudinal phased distribution of atomic-scale quantum antennae. Here, we form a transverse necklace-shaped phased array of linearly polarized HHG emitters, where orbital angular momentum conservation allows us to tune the line spacing and divergence properties of extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray high-harmonic combs. The on-axis HHG emission has extremely low divergence, well below that obtained when using Gaussian driving beams, which further decreases with harmonic order. This work provides a new degree of freedom for the design of harmonic combs-particularly in the soft x-ray regime, where very limited options are available. Such harmonic beams can enable more sensitive probes of the fastest correlated charge and spin dynamics in molecules, nanoparticles, and materials.

Opt Express ; 29(23): 38119-38128, 2021 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34808871


High-harmonic generation (HHG) is a unique tabletop light source with femtosecond-to-attosecond pulse duration and tailorable polarization and beam shape. Here, we use counter-rotating femtosecond laser pulses of 0.8 µm and 2.0 µm to extend the photon energy range of circularly polarized high-harmonics and also generate single-helicity HHG spectra. By driving HHG in helium, we produce circularly polarized soft x-ray harmonics beyond 170 eV-the highest photon energy of circularly polarized HHG achieved to date. In an Ar medium, dense spectra at photon energies well beyond the Cooper minimum are generated, with regions composed of a single helicity-consistent with the generation of a train of circularly polarized attosecond pulses. Finally, we show theoretically that circularly polarized HHG photon energies can extend beyond the carbon K edge, extending the range of molecular and materials systems that can be accessed using dynamic HHG chiral spectro-microscopies.

Opt Express ; 29(2): 2488-2500, 2021 Jan 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726443


The efficiency of high-harmonic generation (HHG) from a macroscopic sample is strongly linked to the proper phase matching of the contributions from the microscopic emitters. We develop a combined micro+macroscopic theoretical model that allows us to distinguish the relevance of high-order harmonic phase matching in single-layer graphene. For a Gaussian driving beam, our simulations show that the relevant HHG emission is spatially constrained to a phase-matched ring around the beam axis. This remarkable finding is a direct consequence of the non-perturbative behavior of HHG in graphene-whose harmonic efficiency scaling is similar to that already observed in gases- and bridges the gap between the microscopic and macroscopic HHG in single-layer graphene.

Opt Lett ; 45(20): 5636-5639, 2020 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33057245


Ultrafast laser pulses generated at the attosecond timescale represent a unique tool to explore the fastest dynamics in matter. An accurate control of their properties, such as polarization, is fundamental to shape three-dimensional laser-driven dynamics. We introduce a technique to generate attosecond pulse trains whose polarization state varies from pulse to pulse. This is accomplished by driving high-harmonic generation with two time-delayed bichromatic counter-rotating fields with proper orbital angular momentum (OAM) content. Our simulations show that the evolution of the polarization state along the train can be controlled via OAM, pulse duration, and time delay of the driving fields. We, thus, introduce an additional control into structured attosecond pulses that provides an alternative route to explore ultrafast dynamics with potential applications in chiral and magnetic materials.

Opt Express ; 28(13): 19760-19771, 2020 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32672246


We study high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in armchair-type single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) driven by ultrashort, mid-infrared laser pulses. For a SWNT with chiral indices (n, n), we demonstrate that HHG is dominated by bands |m| = n - 1 and that the cut-off frequency saturates with intensity, as it occurs in the case of single layer graphene. As a consequence, HHG in SWNTs can be described effectively as a one-dimensional periodic system, whose high-frequency emission can be modified through the proper control of the structural parameters. Additionally, we show that the HHG mechanism in nanotubes has some similarities to that previously reported in single layer graphene. However, as a main difference, the electron-hole pair excitation in SWNTs is connected to the non-adiabatic crossing through the first van Hove singularity of the |m| = n - 1 bands, instead of the crossing through the Dirac point that takes place in graphene.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(20): 203201, 2019 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31172784


High-order harmonic generation stands as a unique nonlinear optical up-conversion process, mediated by a laser-driven electron recollision mechanism, which has been shown to conserve energy, linear momentum, and spin and orbital angular momentum. Here, we present theoretical simulations that demonstrate that this process also conserves a mixture of the latter, the torus-knot angular momentum J_{γ}, by producing high-order harmonics with driving pulses that are invariant under coordinated rotations. We demonstrate that the charge J_{γ} of the emitted harmonics scales linearly with the harmonic order, and that this conservation law is imprinted onto the polarization distribution of the emitted spiral of attosecond pulses. We also demonstrate how the nonperturbative physics of high-order harmonic generation affect the torus-knot angular momentum of the harmonics, and we show that this configuration harnesses the spin selection rules to channel the full yield of each harmonic into a single mode of controllable orbital angular momentum.

Science ; 364(6447)2019 06 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31249031


Light fields carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) provide powerful capabilities for applications in optical communications, microscopy, quantum optics, and microparticle manipulation. We introduce a property of light beams, manifested as a temporal OAM variation along a pulse: the self-torque of light. Although self-torque is found in diverse physical systems (i.e., electrodynamics and general relativity), it was not realized that light could possess such a property. We demonstrate that extreme-ultraviolet self-torqued beams arise in high-harmonic generation driven by time-delayed pulses with different OAM. We monitor the self-torque of extreme-ultraviolet beams through their azimuthal frequency chirp. This class of dynamic-OAM beams provides the ability for controlling magnetic, topological, and quantum excitations and for manipulating molecules and nanostructures on their natural time and length scales.

Opt Express ; 27(5): 7776-7786, 2019 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30876335


High harmonic generation in atomic or molecular targets stands as a robust mechanism to produce coherent ultrashort pulses with controllable polarization in the extreme-ultraviolet. However, the production of elliptically or circularly-polarized harmonics is not straightforward, demanding complex combinations of elliptically or circularly-polarized drivers, or the use of molecular alignment techniques. Nevertheless, recent studies show the feasibility of high-harmonic generation in solids. In contrast with atoms and molecules, solids are high-density targets and therefore more efficient radiation sources. Among solid targets, 2D materials are of special interest due to their particular electronic structure, which conveys special optical properties. In this paper, we present theoretical calculations that demonstrate an extraordinary complex light-spin conversion in single-layer graphene irradiated at non perturbative intensities. Linearly-polarized drivings result in the emission of elliptically-polarized harmonics, and elliptically-polarized drivings may result in linearly-polarized or ellipticity-reversed harmonics. In addition, we demonstrate the ultrafast temporal modulation of the harmonic ellipticity.

Nat Photonics ; 13(2)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33101455


Optical interactions are governed by both spin and angular momentum conservation laws, which serve as a tool for controlling light-matter interactions or elucidating electron dynamics and structure of complex systems. Here, we uncover a form of simultaneous spin and orbital angular momentum conservation and show, theoretically and experimentally, that this phenomenon allows for unprecedented control over the divergence and polarization of extreme-ultraviolet vortex beams. High harmonics with spin and orbital angular momenta are produced, opening a novel regime of angular momentum conservation that allows for manipulation of the polarization of attosecond pulses-from linear to circular-and for the generation of circularly polarized vortices with tailored orbital angular momentum, including harmonic vortices with the same topological charge as the driving laser beam. Our work paves the way to ultrafast studies of chiral systems using high-harmonic beams with designer spin and orbital angular momentum.

Urol. colomb ; 27(3): 260-265, 2018. Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-981531


La nefrolitotomía percutánea (PCNL), es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo, considerado como el tratamiento de elección para el manejo de los cálculos renales de gran tamaño o de formación compleja. Esa técnica fue introducida en la urología desde hace más de 30 años. Inicialmente fue Goodwin en 1955 quien realizó el primer abordaje percutáneo en un riñón.1 Posteriormente en 1976 Fernstórm y Johansson, efectuaron la primera extracción de un cálculo renal por vía percutánea2; permitiendo así el inicio y desarrollo de una nueva técnica mínimamente invasiva para el manejo de la litiasis renal. Aquella técnica, si bien presenta menor morbilidad que la cirugía abierta, no es un procedimiento libre de complicaciones, por lo cual se han realizado una seria de modificaciones de la técnica inicial.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a procedure minimally invasive, considered to be the treatment of choice for the handling of large kidney stones size or complex formation. This technique was introduced into urology over 30 years ago. Initially it was Goodwin in 1955 who made the first percutaneous approach in a kidney.1 Subsequently in 1976 Fernstórm and Johansson, carried out the first extraction of the a percutaneous renal stone2; thus allowing the initiation and development of a new technique minimally invasive for the management of renal lithiasis. This technique, although it presents less morbidity than the open surgery, it is not a procedure free of complications, for which a series of tests have been carried out. modifications to the initial technique

Nefrolitotomia Percutânea , Dor Pós-Operatória , Cálculos , Morbidade
Phys Rev Lett ; 119(6): 063201, 2017 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949633


High harmonics driven by two-color counterrotating circularly polarized laser fields are a unique source of bright, circularly polarized, extreme ultraviolet, and soft x-ray beams, where the individual harmonics themselves are completely circularly polarized. Here, we demonstrate the ability to preferentially select either the right or left circularly polarized harmonics simply by adjusting the relative intensity ratio of the bichromatic circularly polarized driving laser field. In the frequency domain, this significantly enhances the harmonic orders that rotate in the same direction as the higher-intensity driving laser. In the time domain, this helicity-dependent enhancement corresponds to control over the polarization of the resulting attosecond waveforms. This helicity control enables the generation of circularly polarized high harmonics with a user-defined polarization of the underlying attosecond bursts. In the future, this technique should allow for the production of bright highly elliptical harmonic supercontinua as well as the generation of isolated elliptically polarized attosecond pulses.

Opt Express ; 25(9): 10126-10144, 2017 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28468388


We investigate the macroscopic physics of noncollinear high harmonic generation (HHG) at high pressures. We make the first experimental demonstration of phase matching of noncollinear high-order-difference-frequency generation at ionization fractions above the critical ionization level, which normally sets an upper limit on the achievable cutoff photon energies. Additionally, we show that noncollinear high-order-sum-frequency generation requires much higher pressures for phase matching than single-beam HHG does, which mitigates the short interaction region in this geometry. We also dramatically increase the experimentally realized cutoff energy of noncollinear circularly polarized HHG, reaching photon energies of 90 eV. Finally, we achieve complete angular separation of high harmonic orders without the use of a spectrometer.

Sci Rep ; 7: 43888, 2017 03 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28281655


We investigate theoretically the generation of extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) beams carrying fractional orbital angular momentum. To this end, we drive high-order harmonic generation with infrared conical refraction (CR) beams. We show that the high-order harmonic beams emitted in the EUV/soft x-ray regime preserve the characteristic signatures of the driving beam, namely ringlike transverse intensity profile and CR-like polarization distribution. As a result, through orbital and spin angular momentum conservation, harmonic beams are emitted with fractional orbital angular momentum, and they can be synthesized into structured attosecond helical beams -or "structured attosecond light springs"- with rotating linear polarization along the azimuth. Our proposal overcomes the state of the art limitations for the generation of light beams far from the visible domain carrying non-integer orbital angular momentum and could be applied in fields such as diffraction imaging, EUV lithography, particle trapping, and super-resolution imaging.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(16): 163202, 2016 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27792355


High-order harmonic generation (HHG) has been recently proven to produce extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) vortices from the nonlinear conversion of infrared twisted beams. Previous works have demonstrated a linear scaling law of the vortex charge with the harmonic order. We demonstrate that this simple law hides an unexpectedly rich scenario for the buildup of orbital angular momentum (OAM) due to the nonperturbative behavior of HHG. The complexity of these twisted XUV beams appears only when HHG is driven by nonpure vortex modes, where the XUV OAM content is dramatically increased. We explore the underlying mechanisms for this diversity and derive a general conservation rule for the nonperturbative OAM buildup. The simple scaling found in previous works corresponds to the collapse of this scenario for the particular case of pure (single-mode) OAM driving fields.