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J Chem Phys ; 143(11): 114702, 2015 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26395723


Infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy is used to study the evolution of binary physisorbed films on graphite. A predeposited monolayer of SF6 is exposed to slowly increasing pressure of CF4 at constant temperature between 80 and 113 K. Shifts in the frequencies of the dominant vibrational mode of each species due to resonant dipole-dipole coupling serve as proxies for the areal density of each species in the monolayer. If the initial SF6 film is far below saturation (coexistence with bulk solid), the SF6 can be largely displaced by continuous solution of CF4. However, if the initial SF6 layer is at or near saturation, a layer of CF4 condenses on top at a well defined CF4 pressure after only 2%-3% dilution of the SF6 layer. Simultaneously, most of the dissolved CF4 is withdrawn from the SF6 layer. With further increase in CF4 pressure, the CF4 layer is compressed and additional layers condense, while the SF6 layer is again diluted. Still, the SF6 layer retains about 90% concentration until the CF4 pressure is very close to saturation, at which point the SF6 is rapidly displaced, apparently going into dilute solution in the rapidly growing CF4 multilayer. Monte Carlo simulations are used to quantitatively relate measured frequency shifts to concentrations in the binary monolayer.

J Chem Phys ; 140(19): 194703, 2014 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24852553


We report an experimental study of physisorbed monolayers and bilayers of CF4 on graphite using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy supplemented by ellipsometry. The symmetric C-F stretch mode ν3 near 1283 cm(-1) in the gas is strongly blue shifted in the film by dynamic dipole coupling. This blue shift provides a very sensitive measure of the inter-molecular spacing in the monolayer and, less directly, in the bilayer. We find that important corrections are necessary to the volumetric coverage scales used in previous heat capacity and x-ray diffraction studies of this system. This requires quantitative and some qualitative changes to the previously proposed phase diagram. We find evidence for a new phase transition in the middle of the hexagonal incommensurate region and construct new phase diagrams in both the variables coverage-temperature and chemical potential-temperature. We determine the compressibility and thermal expansion in the low-pressure hexagonal incommensurate phase and values for the entropy change in several phase transitions. Below about 55 K there is evidence of solution of up to 7% of an impurity, most likely CO, in our monolayer but not the bilayer film.

J Chem Phys ; 134(11): 114702, 2011 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21428651


We report a study of the adsorption of CF(4) on graphite preplated with a monolayer of CF(3)Cl, using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy combined with ellipsometry. The saturated vapor pressure of CF(3)Cl is nearly 3 orders of magnitude smaller than that of CF(4) at the same temperature, so the main control variables are the temperature and the pressure (or chemical potential) of CF(4), together with the initial coverage of CF(3)Cl. The temperature range covered is 60-105 K. We find that, if the initial monolayer of CF(3)Cl is liquid, CF(4) continuously displaces CF(3)Cl by substitution in the monolayer. If the initial monolayer of CF(3)Cl is solid, due to either lower temperature or compression, CF(4) condenses as a second layer on the top of the CF(3)Cl layer, with only slight mixing with the original layer. This behavior persists to multiple layers of CF(4).

J Chem Phys ; 131(12): 124709, 2009 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19791914


We report an experimental study of adsorbed monolayers of SF(6) on graphite using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy supplemented by ellipsometry. The asymmetric S-F stretch mode nu(3) near 948 cm(-1) in the gas is strongly blueshifted in the film by dynamic dipole coupling. This blueshift is very sensitive to the intermolecular spacing in the SF(6) layer. We convert the measured frequency nu(3) to a lattice spacing a, using a self-consistent field calculation, calibrated by the frequency in the commensurate phase. The resolution in lattice spacing is 0.002 A, although there is a larger systematic uncertainty associated with nondynamic-dipole contributions to the frequency shift. We map the commensurate-incommensurate transition, a transition between two incommensurate phases, and the melting transition. These results are compared to previous x-ray data. We provide a new determination of the layer critical point (156 K), the layer condensation line down to 110 K, and the spreading pressure at saturation in this temperature range.

J Chem Phys ; 128(15): 154714, 2008 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18433265


We report an experimental study of adsorbed films of C(2)F(6) on graphite by using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy supplemented by ellipsometry. The vibrational C-F stretch modes nu(5) (parallel to the molecular axis) and nu(7) (perpendicular) in the film are strongly blueshifted by dynamic dipole coupling, and these shifts are sensitive to lattice spacing and molecular tilt. The relative strength of the absorption peaks mainly depends on the tilt angle relative to the surface normal. We use the strength data to estimate the tilt angle across the known monolayer phases, information that is difficult to obtain by other techniques. Although only the surface-normal component of the induced dipole moment appreciably couples to the external infrared field, surface-parallel components contribute to the intralayer coupling and hence to the frequency shifts for tilted molecules. Comparison to model calculations for a range of herringbone tilt configurations allows us to draw conclusions regarding the pattern of tilt azimuths. On this basis, we offer a revised interpretation of the origin of the Ising-type ordering transition found by Arndt et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1686 (1998)] in heat capacity measurements. Our phase boundaries for monolayer phases above 80 K are in good agreement with earlier results of the Saarbrucken group. We identify three distinct bilayer phases near saturation in isothermal pressure scans from ellipsometric steps and spectroscopic signatures. In temperature scans, we find evidence for several monolayer phases more dense than the well-established 2 x 2 commensurate phase and for a stable trilayer phase below about 60 K.