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Sci Adv ; 8(13): eabm0100, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35363526


Controlling the density of exciton and trion quasiparticles in monolayer two-dimensional (2D) materials at room temperature by nondestructive techniques is highly desired for the development of future optoelectronic devices. Here, the effects of different orbital angular momentum (OAM) lights on monolayer tungsten disulfide at both room temperature and low temperatures are investigated, which reveal simultaneously enhanced exciton intensity and suppressed trion intensity in the photoluminescence spectra with increasing topological charge of the OAM light. In addition, the trion-to-exciton conversion efficiency is found to increase rapidly with the OAM light at low laser power and decrease with increasing power. Moreover, the trion binding energy and the concentration of unbound electrons are estimated, which shed light on how these quantities depend on OAM. A phenomenological model is proposed to account for the experimental data. These findings pave a way toward manipulating the exciton emission in 2D materials with OAM light for optoelectronic applications.

ACS Nano ; 15(2): 3481-3489, 2021 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33566571


Twisted light carries a well-defined orbital angular momentum (OAM) of lℏ per photon. The quantum number l of its OAM can be arbitrarily set, making it an excellent light source to realize high-dimensional quantum entanglement and ultrawide bandwidth optical communication structures. In spite of its interesting properties, twisted light interaction with solid state materials, particularly two-dimensional materials, is yet to be extensively studied via experiments. In this work, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies of monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a material with ultrastrong light-matter interaction due to reduced dimensionality, are carried out under photoexcitation of twisted light. It is observed that the measured spectral peak energy increases for every increment of l of the incident light. The nonlinear l-dependence of the spectral blue shifts is well accounted for by the analysis and computational simulation of this work. More excitingly, the twisted light excitation revealed the unusual lightlike exciton band dispersion of valley excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides. This linear exciton band dispersion is predicted by previous theoretical studies and evidenced via this work's experimental setup.

Nanoscale ; 11(29): 13725-13730, 2019 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31309958


A novel physical phenomenon and advanced application have been explored in 2D low-dimensional van der Waals layered materials due to their reduced in-plane symmetry. The light-matter interaction is observed upon rapid characterization of the 2D material's crystal orientation. Here, the effects of the sample's rotation angle and the incident light's linear polarization angle on the Raman scattering of chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown monolayer MoS2 were investigated. The results show that the crystal orientation of monolayer MoS2 can be distinguished by analyzing the intensity ratio and frequency difference of its two dominant Raman vibration modes. In addition, an increase in the incident light's power intensity causes the Raman peaks to red shift due to the photothermal effect. Strikingly, it was found that, with an increase in the incident linear polarization angle, the out-of-plane A1g phonon mode red shifts, while the in-plane E2g1 phonon mode blue shifts. The frequency difference consequently decreases from 19.5 cm-1 to 17.4 cm-1. The anomalous lattice vibrations of monolayer MoS2 originate from the built-in strain introduced by the SiO2/Si substrate. This work paves the way for the investigation and characterization of 2D MoS2, providing further understanding of the light-matter interaction in 2D materials, which is beneficial for advanced studies on anisotropic MoS2 based electronic and photoelectric information technologies and sensing applications.