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Sol Phys ; 299(2): 23, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38390515


The Mancha3D code is a versatile tool for numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes in solar/stellar atmospheres. The code includes nonideal physics derived from plasma partial ionization, a realistic equation of state and radiative transfer, which allows performing high-quality realistic simulations of magnetoconvection, as well as idealized simulations of particular processes, such as wave propagation, instabilities or energetic events. The paper summarizes the equations and methods used in the Mancha3D (Multifluid (-purpose -physics -dimensional) Advanced Non-ideal MHD Code for High resolution simulations in Astrophysics 3D) code. It also describes its numerical stability and parallel performance and efficiency. The code is based on a finite difference discretization and a memory-saving Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme. It handles nonideal effects through super-time-stepping and Hall diffusion schemes, and takes into account thermal conduction by solving an additional hyperbolic equation for the heat flux. The code is easily configurable to perform different kinds of simulations. Several examples of the code usage are given. It is demonstrated that splitting variables into equilibrium and perturbation parts is essential for simulations of wave propagation in a static background. A perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition built into the code greatly facilitates a nonreflective open boundary implementation. Spatial filtering is an important numerical remedy to eliminate grid-size perturbations enhancing the code stability. Parallel performance analysis reveals that the code is strongly memory bound, which is a natural consequence of the numerical techniques used, such as split variables and PML boundary conditions. Both strong and weak scalings show adequate performance up to several thousands of processors (CPUs).

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(13): 135101, 2018 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30312091


Incorporation of kinetic effects such as Landau damping into a fluid framework was pioneered by Hammett and Perkins, by obtaining closures of the fluid hierarchy, where the gyrotropic heat flux fluctuations or the deviation of the fourth-order gyrotropic fluid moment are expressed through lower-order fluid moments. To obtain a closure of a fluid model expanded around a bi-Maxwellian distribution function, the usual plasma dispersion function Z(ζ) that appears in kinetic theory or the associated plasma response function R(ζ)=1+ζZ(ζ) has to be approximated with a suitable Padé approximant in such a way that the closure is valid for all ζ values. Such closures are rare, and the original closures of Hammett and Perkins are often employed. Here we present a complete mapping of all plausible Landau fluid closures that can be constructed at the level of fourth-order moments in the gyrotropic limit and we identify the most precise closures. Furthermore, by considering 1D closures at higher-order moments, we show that it is possible to reproduce linear Landau damping in the fluid framework to any desired precision, thus showing convergence of the fluid and collisionless kinetic descriptions.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 77(1 Pt 2): 017301, 2008 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18351966


Chasnov [Phys. Fluids 10, 1191 (1998)] reviewed the results for passive scalar spectra in high-Schmidt-number stationary turbulence as derived by Kraichnan [J. Fluid Mech. 64, 737 (1974)] and generalized them to simple nonstationary flows. In two-dimensional turbulence, the Kraichnan spectra are usually fitted by numerically solving the spectral equation using the derived asymptotic behavior for small and large wave numbers. In this Brief Report, we show that the Kraichnan passive scalar spectrum over the entire range of k is essentially a modified Bessel function of the second kind. We also present analytical forms of the spectra in three-dimensional nonstationary turbulence, where as shown by Chasnov, the nonstationarity can be responsible for different asymptotic behavior than the usual Kraichnan's three-dimensional stationary form. Our results considerably simplify the "fitting" of passive scalar spectra from experimental and numerical data, with the simple analytical form valid for the whole range of k , instead of just the asymptotes, which are usually valid only for a small fraction of resolved wave numbers.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 74(2 Pt 2): 026302, 2006 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17025534


A system of hydrodynamic equations in the presence of large-scale inhomogeneities for a high plasma beta solar wind is derived. The theory is derived under the assumption of low turbulent Mach number and is developed for the flows where the usual incompressible description is not satisfactory and a full compressible treatment is too complex for any analytical studies. When the effects of compressibility are incorporated only weakly, a new description, referred to as "nearly incompressible hydrodynamics," is obtained. The nearly incompressible theory, was originally applied to homogeneous flows. However, large-scale gradients in density, pressure, temperature, etc., are typical in the solar wind and it was unclear how inhomogeneities would affect the usual incompressible and nearly incompressible descriptions. In the homogeneous case, the lowest order expansion of the fully compressible equations leads to the usual incompressible equations, followed at higher orders by the nearly incompressible equations, as introduced by Zank and Matthaeus. With this work we show that the inclusion of large-scale inhomogeneities (in this case time-independent and radially symmetric background solar wind) modifies the leading-order incompressible description of solar wind flow. We find, for example, that the divergence of velocity fluctuations is nonsolenoidal and that density fluctuations can be described to leading order as a passive scalar. Locally (for small lengthscales), this system of equations converges to the usual incompressible equations and we therefore use the term "locally incompressible" to describe the equations. This term should be distinguished from the term "nearly incompressible," which is reserved for higher-order corrections. Furthermore, we find that density fluctuations scale with Mach number linearly, in contrast to the original homogeneous nearly incompressible theory, in which density fluctuations scale with the square of Mach number. Inhomogeneous nearly incompressible equations for higher order fluctuation components are derived and it is shown that they converge to the usual homogeneous nearly incompressible equations in the limit of no large-scale background. We use a time and length scale separation procedure to obtain wave equations for the acoustic pressure and velocity perturbations propagating on fast-time-short-wavelength scales. On these scales, the pseudosound relation, used to relate density and pressure fluctuations, is also obtained. In both cases, the speed of propagation (sound speed) depends on background variables and therefore varies spatially. For slow-time scales, a simple pseudosound relation cannot be obtained and density and pressure fluctuations are implicitly related through a relation which can be solved only numerically. Subject to some simplifications, a generalized inhomogeneous pseudosound relation is derived. With this paper, we extend the theory of nearly incompressible hydrodynamics to flows, including the solar wind, which include large-scale inhomogeneities (in this case radially symmetric and in equilibrium).