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J Chem Phys ; 161(13)2024 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39360686


Understanding the dynamics of open quantum systems in strong coupling and non-Markovian regimes remains a formidable theoretical challenge. One popular and well-established method of approximation in these circumstances is provided by the polaron master equation (PME). In this work, we re-evaluate and extend the validity of the PME to capture the impact of non-Markovian polaron dressing, induced by non-equilibrium open system dynamics. By comparing with numerically exact techniques, we confirm that while the standard PME successfully predicts the dynamics of system observables that commute with the polaron transformation (e.g., populations in the Pauli z-basis), it can struggle to fully capture those that do not (e.g., coherences). This limitation stems from the mixing of system and environment degrees of freedom inherent to the polaron transformation, which affects the accuracy of calculated expectation values within the polaron frame. Employing the Nakajima-Zwanzig projection operator formalism, we introduce correction terms that provide an accurate description of observables that do not commute with the transformation. We demonstrate the significance of the correction terms in two cases, the canonical spin-boson model and a dissipative time-dependent Landau-Zener protocol, where they are shown to impact the system dynamics on both short and long timescales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(19): 190401, 2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38804950


Determining the statistics of work done on a quantum system while strongly coupled to a reservoir is a formidable task, requiring the calculation of the full eigenspectrum of the combined system and reservoir. Here, we show that this issue can be circumvented by using a polaron transformation that maps the system into a new frame where weak-coupling theory can be applied. Crucially, this polaron approach reproduces the Jarzynski fluctuation theorem, thus ensuring consistency with the laws of stochastic thermodynamics. We apply our formalism to a system driven across the Landau-Zener transition, where we identify clear signatures in the work distribution arising from a non-negligible coupling to the environment. Our results provide a new method for studying the stochastic thermodynamics of driven quantum systems beyond Markovian, weak-coupling regimes.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 485, 2024 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38212305


Single-molecule magnets are among the most promising platforms for achieving molecular-scale data storage and processing. Their magnetisation dynamics are determined by the interplay between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom, which can couple coherently, leading to complex vibronic dynamics. Building on an ab initio description of the electronic and vibrational Hamiltonians, we formulate a non-perturbative vibronic model of the low-energy magnetic degrees of freedom in monometallic single-molecule magnets. Describing their low-temperature magnetism in terms of magnetic polarons, we are able to quantify the vibronic contribution to the quantum tunnelling of the magnetisation, a process that is commonly assumed to be independent of spin-phonon coupling. We find that the formation of magnetic polarons lowers the tunnelling probability in both amorphous and crystalline systems by stabilising the low-lying spin states. This work, thus, shows that spin-phonon coupling subtly influences magnetic relaxation in single-molecule magnets even at extremely low temperatures where no vibrational excitations are present.

Nanoscale ; 15(34): 14215-14226, 2023 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37594441


The two-dimensional material hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) hosts luminescent centres with emission energies of ∼2 eV which exhibit pronounced phonon sidebands. We investigate the microscopic origin of these luminescent centres by combining ab initio calculations with non-perturbative open quantum system theory to study the emission and absorption properties of 26 defect transitions. Comparing the calculated line shapes with experiments we narrow down the microscopic origin to three carbon-based defects: C2CB, C2CN, and VNCB. The theoretical method developed enables us to calculate so-called photoluminescence excitation (PLE) maps, which show excellent agreement with our experiments. The latter resolves higher-order phonon transitions, thereby confirming both the vibronic structure of the optical transition and the phonon-assisted excitation mechanism with a phonon energy ∼170 meV. We believe that the presented experiments and polaron-based method accurately describe luminescent centres in hBN and will help to identify their microscopic origin.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 17(5): 470-476, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35410369


The coherent interaction of electromagnetic fields with solid-state two-level systems can yield deterministic quantum light sources for photonic quantum technologies. To date, the performance of semiconductor single-photon sources based on three-level systems is limited mainly due to a lack of high photon indistinguishability. Here we tailor the cavity-enhanced spontaneous emission from a ladder-type three-level system in a single epitaxial quantum dot through stimulated emission. After populating the biexciton (XX) of the quantum dot through two-photon resonant excitation, we use another laser pulse to selectively depopulate the XX state into an exciton (X) state with a predefined polarization. The stimulated XX-X emission modifies the X decay dynamics and improves the characteristics of a polarized single-photon source, such as a source brightness of 0.030(2), a single-photon purity of 0.998(1) and an indistinguishability of 0.926(4). Our method can be readily applied to existing quantum dot single-photon sources and expands the capabilities of three-level systems for advanced quantum photonic functionalities.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(4): 043603, 2020 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32794814


Spectral filtering of resonance fluorescence is widely employed to improve single photon purity and indistinguishability by removing unwanted backgrounds. For filter bandwidths approaching the emitter linewidth, complex behavior is predicted due to preferential transmission of components with differing photon statistics. We probe this regime using a Purcell-enhanced quantum dot in both weak and strong excitation limits, finding excellent agreement with an extended sensor theory model. By changing only the filter width, the photon statistics can be transformed between antibunched, bunched, or Poissonian. Our results verify that strong antibunching and a subnatural linewidth cannot simultaneously be observed, providing new insight into the nature of coherent scattering.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(15): 153602, 2020 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32357066


We present a joint experiment-theory analysis of the temperature-dependent emission spectra, zero-phonon linewidth, and second-order correlation function of light emitted from a single organic molecule. We observe spectra with a zero-phonon line together with several additional sharp peaks, broad phonon sidebands, and a strongly temperature dependent homogeneous broadening. Our model includes both localized vibrational modes of the molecule and a thermal phonon bath, which we include nonperturbatively, and is able to capture all observed features. For resonant driving we measure Rabi oscillations that become increasingly damped with temperature, which our model naturally reproduces. Our results constitute an essential characterization of the photon coherence of molecules, paving the way to their use in future quantum information applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(16): 167403, 2019 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31702333


Coherent scattering of light by a single quantum emitter is a fundamental process at the heart of many proposed quantum technologies. Unlike atomic systems, solid-state emitters couple to their host lattice by phonons. Using a quantum dot in an optical nanocavity, we resolve these interactions in both time and frequency domains, going beyond the atomic picture to develop a comprehensive model of light scattering from solid-state emitters. We find that even in the presence of a low-Q cavity with high Purcell enhancement, phonon coupling leads to a sideband that is completely insensitive to excitation conditions and to a nonmonotonic relationship between laser detuning and coherent fraction, both of which are major deviations from atomlike behavior.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(9): 093601, 2019 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31524488


We show that for a quantum system coupled to both vibrational and electromagnetic environments, enforcing additivity of their combined influences results in nonequilibrium dynamics that does not respect the Franck-Condon principle. We overcome this shortcoming by employing a collective coordinate representation of the vibrational environment, which permits the derivation of a nonadditive master equation. When applied to a two-level emitter our treatment predicts decreasing photon emission rates with increasing vibrational coupling, consistent with Franck-Condon physics. In contrast, the additive approximation predicts the emission rate to be completely insensitive to vibrations. We find that nonadditivity also plays a key role in the stationary nonequilibrium model behavior, enabling two-level population inversion under incoherent electromagnetic excitation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(2): 023603, 2019 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386531


We show how to create maximal entanglement between spectrally distinct solid-state emitters embedded in a waveguide interferometer. By revealing the rich underlying structure of multiphoton scattering in emitters, we show that a two-photon input state can generate deterministic maximal entanglement even for emitters with significantly different transition energies and linewidths. The optimal frequency of the input is determined by two competing processes: which-path erasure and interaction strength. We find that smaller spectral overlap can be overcome with higher photon numbers, and quasimonochromatic photons are optimal for entanglement generation. Our work provides a new methodology for solid-state entanglement generation, where the requirement for perfectly matched emitters can be relaxed in favor of optical state optimization.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 3034, 2019 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31292447


Vibrational environments are commonly considered to be detrimental to the optical emission properties of solid-state and molecular systems, limiting their performance within quantum information protocols. Given that such environments arise naturally it is important to ask whether they can instead be turned to our advantage. Here we show that vibrational interactions can be harnessed within resonance fluorescence to generate optical states with a higher degree of quadrature squeezing than in isolated atomic systems. Considering the example of a driven quantum dot coupled to phonons, we demonstrate that it is feasible to surpass the maximum level of squeezing theoretically obtainable in an isolated atomic system and indeed come close to saturating the fundamental upper bound on squeezing from a two-level emitter. We analyse the performance of these vibrationally-enhanced squeezed states in a phase estimation protocol, finding that for the same photon flux, they can outperform the single mode squeezed vacuum state.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 14(6): 586-593, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31011221


The generation of high-quality entangled photon pairs has been a long-sought goal in modern quantum communication and computation. So far, the most widely used entangled photon pairs have been generated from spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), a process that is intrinsically probabilistic and thus relegated to a regime of low rates of pair generation. In contrast, semiconductor quantum dots can generate triggered entangled photon pairs through a cascaded radiative decay process and do not suffer from any fundamental trade-off between source brightness and multi-pair generation. However, a source featuring simultaneously high photon extraction efficiency, high degree of entanglement fidelity and photon indistinguishability has been lacking. Here, we present an entangled photon pair source with high brightness and indistinguishability by deterministically embedding GaAs quantum dots in broadband photonic nanostructures that enable Purcell-enhanced emission. Our source produces entangled photon pairs with a pair collection probability of up to 0.65(4) (single-photon extraction efficiency of 0.85(3)), entanglement fidelity of 0.88(2), and indistinguishabilities of 0.901(3) and 0.903(3) (brackets indicate uncertainty on last digit). This immediately creates opportunities for advancing quantum photonic technologies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(23): 233602, 2017 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28644642


We investigate the temperature dependence of photon coherence properties through two-photon interference (TPI) measurements from a single quantum dot (QD) under resonant excitation. We show that the loss of indistinguishability is related only to the electron-phonon coupling and is not affected by spectral diffusion. Through these measurements and a complementary microscopic theory, we identify two independent separate decoherence processes, both of which are associated with phonons. Below 10 K, we find that the relaxation of the vibrational lattice is the dominant contribution to the loss of TPI visibility. This process is non-Markovian in nature and corresponds to real phonon transitions resulting in a broad phonon sideband in the QD emission spectra. Above 10 K, virtual phonon transitions to higher lying excited states in the QD become the dominant dephasing mechanism, this leads to a broadening of the zero phonon line, and a corresponding rapid decay in the visibility. The microscopic theory we develop provides analytic expressions for the dephasing rates for both virtual phonon scattering and non-Markovian lattice relaxation.

J Chem Phys ; 144(4): 044110, 2016 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26827205


We explore excitonic energy transfer dynamics in a molecular dimer system coupled to both structured and unstructured oscillator environments. By extending the reaction coordinate master equation technique developed by Iles-Smith et al. [Phys. Rev. A 90, 032114 (2014)], we go beyond the commonly used Born-Markov approximations to incorporate system-environment correlations and the resultant non-Markovian dynamical effects. We obtain energy transfer dynamics for both underdamped and overdamped oscillator environments that are in perfect agreement with the numerical hierarchical equations of motion over a wide range of parameters. Furthermore, we show that the Zusman equations, which may be obtained in a semiclassical limit of the reaction coordinate model, are often incapable of describing the correct dynamical behaviour. This demonstrates the necessity of properly accounting for quantum correlations generated between the system and its environment when the Born-Markov approximations no longer hold. Finally, we apply the reaction coordinate formalism to the case of a structured environment comprising of both underdamped (i.e., sharply peaked) and overdamped (broad) components simultaneously. We find that though an enhancement of the dimer energy transfer rate can be obtained when compared to an unstructured environment, its magnitude is rather sensitive to both the dimer-peak resonance conditions and the relative strengths of the underdamped and overdamped contributions.