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Faraday Discuss ; 251(0): 104-124, 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38836438


In molecular dynamics, a fundamental question is how the outcome of a collision depends on the relative orientation of the collision partners before their interaction begins (the stereodynamics of the process). The preference for a particular orientation of the reactant complex is intimately related to the idea of a collision mechanism and the possibility of control, as revealed in recent experiments. Indeed, this preference holds not only for chemical reactions involving complex polyatomic molecules, but also for the simplest inelastic atom-diatom collisions at cold collision energies. In this work, we report how the outcome of rotationally inelastic collisions between two D2 molecules can be controlled by changing the alignment of their internuclear axes under the same or different polarization vectors. Our results demonstrate that a higher degree of control can be achieved when two internuclear axes are aligned, especially when both molecules are relaxed in the collision. The possibility of control extends to very low energies, even to the ultracold regime, when no control could be achieved just by the alignment of the internuclear axis of one of the colliding partners.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(8): 6752-6762, 2024 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38323460


The O(3P) + D2 → OD(2Π) + D reaction presents the peculiarity of taking place on two different potential energy surfaces (PESs) of different symmetry, 3A' and 3A'', which become degenerate for collinear configurations where the saddle-point of the reaction is located. The degeneracy is broken for non-collinear approaches with the energy on the 3A' PES rising more abruptly with the bending angle, making the frequency of this mode higher on the 3A' state. Consequently, the 3A' PES should be less reactive than the 3A'' one. Nevertheless, quantum scattering calculations show that the cross section is higher on the 3A' PES for energies close to the classical reaction threshold and rotationless reactant. It is found that the differences between the reactivity on the two PESs are greater for low values of total angular momentum, where the centrifugal barrier is lower and contribute to the higher population of the Π(A') Λ-doublet states of OD at low collision energies. At high collision energies, the Π(A') Λ-doublet state is also preferentially populated. Analysis of the differential cross sections reveals that the preponderance for the Π(A') Λ-doublet at low energies comes from backward scattering, originating from the reaction on the 3A' PES, while at high energies, it proceeds from a different mechanism that leads to sideways scattering on the 3A'' PES and that populates the Π(A') manifold.

J Chem Phys ; 158(18)2023 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37154275


Reactive and elastic cross sections and rate coefficients have been calculated for the S(1D) + D2(v = 0, j = 0) reaction using a modified hyperspherical quantum reactive scattering method. The considered collision energy ranges from the ultracold regime, where only one partial wave is open, up to the Langevin regime, where many of them contribute. This work presents the extension of the quantum calculations, which in a previous study were compared with the experimental results, down to energies in the cold and ultracold domains. Results are analyzed and compared with the universal case of the quantum defect theory by Jachymski et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 213202 (2013)]. State-to-state integral and differential cross sections are also shown covering the ranges of low-thermal, cold, and ultracold collision energy regimes. It is found that at E/kB < 1 K, there are substantial departures from the expected statistical behavior and that dynamical features become increasingly important with decreasing collision energy, leading to vibrational excitation.

Astron Astrophys ; 6482021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34257462


The reaction between atomic oxygen and molecular hydrogen is an important one in astrochemistry as it regulates the abundance of the hydroxyl radical and serves to open the chemistry of oxygen in diverse astronomical environments. However, the existence of a high activation barrier in the reaction with ground state oxygen atoms limits its efficiency in cold gas. In this study we calculate the dependence of the reaction rate coefficient on the rotational and vibrational state of H2 and evaluate the impact on the abundance of OH in interstellar regions strongly irradiated by far-UV photons, where H2 can be efficiently pumped to excited vibrational states. We use a recently calculated potential energy surface and carry out time-independent quantum mechanical scattering calculations to compute rate coefficients for the reaction O(3 P) + H2 (v, j) → OH + H, with H2 in vibrational states v = 0-7 and rotational states j = 0-10. We find that the reaction becomes significantly faster with increasing vibrational quantum number of H2, although even for high vibrational states of H2 (v = 4-5) for which the reaction is barrierless, the rate coefficient does not strictly attain the collision limit and still maintains a positive dependence with temperature. We implemented the calculated state-specific rate coefficients in the Meudon PDR code to model the Orion Bar PDR and evaluate the impact on the abundance of the OH radical. We find the fractional abundance of OH is enhanced by up to one order of magnitude in regions of the cloud corresponding to A V = 1.3-2.3, compared to the use of a thermal rate coefficient for O + H2, although the impact on the column density of OH is modest, of about 60%. The calculated rate coefficients will be useful to model and interpret JWST observations of OH in strongly UV-illuminated environments.

J Chem Phys ; 154(14): 144303, 2021 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33858147


In spite of being spin-forbidden, some enzymes are capable of catalyzing the incorporation of O2(Σg-3) to organic substrates without needing any cofactor. It has been established that the process followed by these enzymes starts with the deprotonation of the substrate forming an enolate. In a second stage, the peroxidation of the enolate formation occurs, a process in which the system changes its spin multiplicity from a triplet state to a singlet state. In this article, we study the addition of O2 to enolates using state-of-the-art multi-reference and single-reference methods. Our results confirm that intersystem crossing is promoted by stabilization of the singlet state along the reaction path. When multi-reference methods are used, large active spaces are required, and in this situation, semistochastic heat-bath configuration interaction emerges as a powerful method to study these multi-configurational systems and is in good agreement with PNO-LCCSD(T) when the system is well-represented by a single-configuration.

J Chem Phys ; 154(12): 124304, 2021 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33810659


Shape resonances appear when the system is trapped in an internuclear potential well after tunneling through a barrier. They manifest as peaks in the collision energy dependence of the cross section (excitation function), and in many cases, their presence can be observed experimentally. High-resolution crossed-beam experiments on the S(1D) + H2(j = 0) reaction in the 0.81-8.5 meV collision energy range reaction revealed non-monotonic behavior and the presence of oscillations in the reaction cross section as a function of the collision energy, as predicted by quantum mechanical (QM) calculations. In this work, we have analyzed the effect of shape resonances on the differential cross sections for this insertion reaction by performing additional QM calculations. We have found that, in some cases, the resonance gives rise to a large enhancement of extreme backward scattering for specific final states. Our results also show that, in order to yield a significant change in the state-resolved differential cross section, the resonance has to be associated with constructive interference between groups of partial waves, which requires not getting blurred by the participation of many product helicity states.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(43): 24943-24950, 2020 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33140788


Scattering resonances are pure quantum effects that appear whenever the collision energy matches the energy of a quasi-bound state of the intermolecular complex. Here we show that rotational quenching of HF(j = 1, 2) with H is strongly influenced by the presence of two resonance peaks, leading to up to a two-fold increase in the thermal rate coefficients at the low temperatures characteristic of the interstellar medium. Our results show that each resonance peak is formed by a cluster of shape resonances, each of them characterized by the same value of the orbital angular momentum but different values of the total angular momentum. The relative intensity of these resonances depends on the relative geometry of the incoming reactants, and our results predict that by changing the alignment of the HF rotational angular momentum it is possible to decompose the resonance peaks, disentangling the underlying resonance pattern and the contribution of different total angular momenta to the resonance.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(45): 25389-25396, 2019 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31709441


One of the most relevant features of the O(3P) + H2 reaction is that it occurs on two different potential energy surfaces (PESs) of symmetries A' and A'' that correlate reactants and products. The respective saddle points, which correspond to a collinear arrangement, are the same for both PESs, whilst the barrier height rises more abruptly on the 3A' PES than on the 3A'' PES. Accordingly, the reactivity on the 3A'' PES should be always higher than on the 3A' PES. In this work, we present accurate quantum-scattering calculations showing that this is not always the case for rotationless reactants, where dynamical factors near the reaction threshold cause the 3A' PES to dominate at energies around the barrier. Further calculation of cross sections and Λ-doublet populations has allowed us to establish how the reaction mechanism changes from the deep tunneling regime to hyperthermal energies.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(37): 7920-7931, 2019 Sep 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31461272


In the past decade, ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD) has emerged as a very efficient method to determine thermal rate coefficients for a great variety of chemical reactions. This work presents the application of this methodology to study the O(3P) + HCl reaction, which constitutes a stringent test for any dynamical calculation due to rich resonant structure and other dynamical features. The rate coefficients, calculated on the 3A' and 3A″ potential energy surfaces (PESs) by Ramachandran and Peterson [ J. Chem. Phys. 2003 , 119 , 9590 ], using RPMD and quasiclassical trajectories (QCT) are compared with the existing experimental and the quantum mechanical (QM) results by Xie et al. [ J. Chem. Phys. 2005 122 , 014301 ]. The agreement is very good at T > 600 K, although RPMD underestimates rate coefficients by a factor between 4 and 2 in the 200-500 K interval. The origin of these discrepancies lies in the large contribution from tunneling on the 3A″ PES, which is enhanced by resonances due to quasibound states in the van der Waals wells. Although tunneling is fairly well accounted for by RPMD even below the crossover temperature, the effect of resonances, a long-time effect, is not included in the methodology. At the highest temperatures studied in this work, 2000-3300 K, the RPMD rate coefficients are somewhat larger than the QM ones, but this is shown to be due to limitations in the QM calculations and the RPMD are believed to be more reliable.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(26): 14012-14022, 2019 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30638224


It is common knowledge that integral and differential cross sections (DCSs) are strongly dependent on the spatial distribution of the molecular axis of the reactants. Hence, by controlling the axis distribution, it is possible to either promote or hinder the yield of products into specific final states or scattering angles. This idea has been successfully implemented in experiments by polarizing the internuclear axis before the reaction takes place, either by manipulating the rotational angular distribution or by the Stark effect in the presence of an orienting field. When there is a dominant reaction mechanism, characterized by a set of impact parameters and angles of attack, it is expected that a preparation that helps the system to reach the transition state associated with that mechanism will promote the reaction, whilst a different preparation would generally impair the reaction. However, when two or more competing mechanisms via interference contribute to the reaction into specific scattering angles and final states, it is not evident which would be the effect of changing the axis preparation. To address this problem, throughout this article we have simulated the effect that different experimental preparations have on the DCSs for the H + D2 reaction at relatively high energies, for which it has been shown that several competing mechanisms give rise to interference that shapes the DCS. To this aim, we have extended the formulation of the polarization dependent DCS to calculate polarization dependent generalized deflection functions of ranks greater than zero. Our results show that interference is very sensitive to changes in the internuclear axis preparation, and that the shape of the DCS can be controlled exquisitely.

Chem Sci ; 9(21): 4837-4850, 2018 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29910936


A natural generalization of the classical deflection function, the functional dependence of the deflection angle on the angular momentum (or the impact parameter), is the joint probability density function of these two quantities, revealing the correlation between them. It provides, at a glance, detailed information about the reaction mechanisms and how changes in the impact parameter affect the product angular distribution. It is also useful to predict the presence of quantum phenomena such as interference. However, the classical angular momentum-scattering angle correlation function has a limited use whenever quantum effects become important. Rigorously speaking, there is not a quantum equivalent of the classical joint distribution, as the differential cross section depends on the coherences between the different values of J caused by the cross terms in the expansion of partial waves. In this article, we present a simple method to calculate a quantum analog of this correlation, a generalized deflection function that can shed light onto the reaction mechanism using just quantum mechanical results. Our results show that there is a very good agreement between the quantum and classical correlation functions as long as quantum effects are not all relevant. When this is not the case, it will also be shown that the quantum correlation function is most useful to observe the extent of quantum effects such as interference among different reaction mechanisms.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(34): 6349-6356, 2017 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28699348


Quantum and quasiclassical calculations have been performed to compute the low energy efficiency of the Li + ClH → LiCl + H reaction on some potential energy surfaces fitted to ab initio electronic energies using different functional forms. The outcomes of the calculations show marked differences at threshold and in the shape of the excitation function in seeming contrast with the height of the saddle to reaction and the width of the cone of acceptance. The differences in the computed reactive probability and cross section are rationalized in terms of the attractive/repulsive nature of the long-range interaction and the inability of trajectory techniques to deal with threshold effects. The vestiges of these features in the value of the thermal rate coefficients are also commented on.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(25): 16433-16445, 2017 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28608897


In spite of its importance in the Hg atmospheric chemistry, the dynamics of the Hg + Br2 → HgBr + Br reaction is poorly understood. In this article, we have carried out a comprehensive study of the reaction mechanism of this reaction by means of quasiclassical trajectories (QCTs) on an existing ab initio potential energy surface (PES). The reaction has a non trivial dynamics, as a consequence of its large endothermicity, the presence of a deep potential well, and the competition between the Br exchange and the collision induced dissociation processes. Our calculations demonstrate that insertion is only relevant at energies just above the reaction threshold and that, at energies above 2.3 eV, HgBr formation typically takes place via a sort of frustrated dissociation. In order to compare directly with the results obtained in extensive cross molecular beam experiments for the homologous reaction with I2, angular distributions in the laboratory frame for Hg + Br2 have been simulated under similar experimental conditions. The lack of agreement at the highest energies considered suggests that either the two reactions have substantially different mechanisms or that calculations on a single PES cannot account for the dynamics at those energies.

Nat Commun ; 7: 13439, 2016 11 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27834381


In the last decade, the development of theoretical methods has allowed chemists to reproduce and explain almost all of the experimental data associated with elementary atom plus diatom collisions. However, there are still a few examples where theory cannot account yet for experimental results. This is the case for the preferential population of one of the Λ-doublet states produced by chemical reactions. In particular, recent measurements of the OD(2Π) product of the O(3P)+D2 reaction have shown a clear preference for the Π(A') Λ-doublet states, in apparent contradiction with ab initio calculations, which predict a larger reactivity on the A'' potential energy surface. Here we present a method to calculate the Λ-doublet ratio when concurrent potential energy surfaces participate in the reaction. It accounts for the experimental Λ-doublet populations via explicit consideration of the stereodynamics of the process. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that the propensity of the Π(A') state is a consequence of the different mechanisms of the reaction on the two concurrent potential energy surfaces.

J Chem Phys ; 145(2): 024308, 2016 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27421406


Differential cross sections (DCSs) for the H + D2 → HD(v' = 4, j') + D reaction at 3.26 eV collision energy have been measured using the photoloc technique, and the results have been compared with those from quantum and quasiclassical scattering calculations. The quantum mechanical DCSs are in good overall agreement with the experimental measurements. In common with previous results at 1.97 eV, clear interference patterns which appear as fingerlike structures have been found at 3.26 eV but in this case for vibrational states as high as v' = 4. The oscillatory structure is prominent for low rotational states and progressively disappears as j' increases. A detailed analysis, similar to that carried out at 1.97 eV, shows that the origin of these structures could be traced to interferences between well defined classical mechanisms. In addition, at this energy, we do not observe the anomalous positive j'-θ trend found for the v' = 4 manifold at lower collision energies, thus reinforcing our explanation that the anomalous distribution for HD(v' = 4, j') at 1.97 eV only takes place for those states associated with low product recoil energies.

Chem Sci ; 7(1): 642-649, 2016 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28791109


Differential cross sections (DSCs) of the HD(v', j') product for the reaction of H atoms with supersonically cooled D2 molecules in a small number of initial rotational states have been measured at a collision energy of 1.97 eV. These DCSs show an oscillatory pattern that results from interferences caused by different dynamical scattering mechanisms leading to products scattered into the same solid angle. The interferences depend on the initial rotational state j of the D2(v = 0, j) reagent and diminish in strength with increasing rotation. We present here a detailed explanation for this behavior and how each dynamical scattering mechanism has a dependence on the helicity Ω, the projection of the initial rotational angular momentum j of the D2 reagent on the approach direction. Each helicity corresponds to a different internuclear axis distribution, with the consequence that the dependence on Ω reveals the preference of the different quasiclassical mechanisms as a function of approach direction. We believe that these results are general and will appear in any reaction for which several mechanisms are operative.

Chem Sci ; 7(9): 6281, 2016 09 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30123468


[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1039/C5SC03373J.].

J Chem Phys ; 143(20): 204305, 2015 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26627957


Quantum reactive and elastic cross sections and rate coefficients have been calculated for D(+) + H2 (v = 0, j = 0) collisions in the energy range from 10(-8) K (deep ultracold regime), where only one partial wave is open, to 150 K (Langevin regime) where many of them contribute. In systems involving ions, the ∼R(-4) behavior extends the interaction up to extremely long distances, requiring a special treatment. To this purpose, we have used a modified version of the hyperspherical quantum reactive scattering method, which allows the propagations up to distances of 10(5) a0 needed to converge the elastic cross sections. Interpolation procedures are also proposed which may reduce the cost of exact dynamical calculations at such low energies. Calculations have been carried out on the PES by Velilla et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 129, 084307 (2008)] which accurately reproduces the long range interactions. Results on its prequel, the PES by Aguado et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 112, 1240 (2000)], are also shown in order to emphasize the significance of the inclusion of the long range interactions. The calculated reaction rate coefficient changes less than one order of magnitude in a collision energy range of ten orders of magnitude, and it is found in very good agreement with the available experimental data in the region where they exist (10-100 K). State-to-state reaction probabilities are also provided which show that for each partial wave, the distribution of HD final states remains essentially constant below 1 K.

J Chem Phys ; 143(6): 064302, 2015 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26277133


The explicit consideration of the vector correlations is an essential step when it comes to determining the mechanism of chemical reactions. Usual vector correlations involve initial and final relative velocity vectors and rotational angular momenta. However, the correlation between the orbital, ℓ, and rotational, j, angular momenta has seldom received any attention. In this article, we present a semiclassical methodology capable of describing the ℓ-j correlation that may serve as a connection between the quantum and quasiclassical treatments. Using the scattering matrix in the orbital angular momentum representation, the ℓ-j correlation is expressed as a probability density function of the angle formed by both vectors. This technique is exemplified through the H + D2 reaction and its accuracy is appraised by comparing with results derived from calculations based on quasiclassical trajectories.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(50): 12245-54, 2015 Dec 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26305719


We have analyzed the influence of the rotational excitation on the H + D2(v = 0, j) reaction through quantum mechanical (QM) and quasiclassical trajectories (QCT) calculations at a wide range of total energies. The agreement between both types of calculations is excellent. We have found that the rotational excitation largely increases the reactivity at large values of the total energy. Such an increase cannot be attributed to a stereodynamical effect but to the existence of recrossing trajectories that become reactive as the target molecule gets rotationally excited. At low total energies, however, recrossing is not significant and the reactivity evolution is dominated by changes in the collision energy; the reactivity decreases with the collision energy as it shrinks the acceptance cone. When state-to-state results are considered, rotational excitation leads to cold product's rovibrational distributions, so that most of the energy is released as recoil energy.