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Front Microbiol ; 13: 872306, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35783412


Microbially-produced ice nucleating proteins (INpro) are unique molecular structures with the highest known catalytic efficiency for ice formation. Airborne microorganisms utilize these proteins to enhance their survival by reducing their atmospheric residence times. INpro also have critical environmental effects including impacts on the atmospheric water cycle, through their role in cloud and precipitation formation, as well as frost damage on crops. INpro are ubiquitously present in the atmosphere where they are emitted from diverse terrestrial and marine environments. Even though bacterial genes encoding INpro have been discovered and sequenced decades ago, the details of how the INpro molecular structure and oligomerization foster their unique ice-nucleation activity remain elusive. Using machine-learning based software AlphaFold 2 and trRosetta, we obtained and analysed the first ab initio structural models of full length and truncated versions of bacterial INpro. The modeling revealed a novel beta-helix structure of the INpro central repeat domain responsible for ice nucleation activity. This domain consists of repeated stacks of two beta strands connected by two sharp turns. One beta-strand is decorated with a TxT amino acid sequence motif and the other strand has an SxL[T/I] motif. The core formed between the stacked beta helix-pairs is unusually polar and very distinct from previous INpro models. Using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism, we validated the ß-strand content of the central repeat domain in the model. Combining the structural model with functional studies of purified recombinant INpro, electron microscopy and modeling, we further demonstrate that the formation of dimers and higher-order oligomers is key to INpro activity. Using computational docking of the new INpro model based on rigid-body algorithms we could reproduce a previously proposed homodimer structure of the INpro CRD with an interface along a highly conserved tyrosine ladder and show that the dimer model agrees with our functional data. The parallel dimer structure creates a surface where the TxT motif of one monomer aligns with the SxL[T/I] motif of the other monomer widening the surface that interacts with water molecules and therefore enhancing the ice nucleation activity. This work presents a major advance in understanding the molecular foundation for bacterial ice-nucleation activity.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 909980, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35879956


The Arctic is a hot spot for climate change with potentially large consequences on a global scale. Aerosols, including bioaerosols, are important players in regulating the heat balance through direct interaction with sunlight and indirectly, through inducing cloud formation. Airborne bacteria are the major bioaerosols with some species producing the most potent ice nucleating compounds known, which are implicated in the formation of ice in clouds. Little is known about the numbers and dynamics of airborne bacteria in the Arctic and even less about their seasonal variability. We collected aerosol samples and wet deposition samples in spring 2015 and summer 2016, at the Villum Research Station in Northeast Greenland. We used amplicon sequencing and qPCR targeting the 16S rRNA genes to assess the quantities and composition of the DNA and cDNA-level bacterial community. We found a clear seasonal variation in the atmospheric bacterial community, which is likely due to variable sources and meteorology. In early spring, the atmospheric bacterial community was dominated by taxa originating from temperate and Subarctic regions and arriving at the sampling site through long-range transport. We observed an efficient washout of the aerosolized bacterial cells during a snowstorm, which was followed by very low concentrations of bacteria in the atmosphere during the consecutive 4 weeks. We suggest that this is because in late spring, the long-range transport ceased, and the local sources which comprised only of ice and snow surfaces were weak resulting in low bacterial concentrations. This was supported by observed changes in the chemical composition of aerosols. In summer, the air bacterial community was confined to local sources such as soil, plant material and melting sea-ice. Aerosolized and deposited Cyanobacteria in spring had a high activity potential, implying their activity in the atmosphere or in surface snow. Overall, we show how the composition of bacterial aerosols in the high Arctic varies on a seasonal scale, identify their potential sources, demonstrate how their community sizes varies in time, investigate their diversity and determine their activity potential during and post Arctic haze.