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Opt Express ; 29(3): 3258-3268, 2021 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33770928


We report the design, growth, and characterization of an AlGaInP-based VECSEL, designed to be optically-pumped with an inexpensive high power blue InGaN diode laser, for emission around 689 nm. Up to 140 mW output power is achieved in a circularly-symmetric single transverse (TEM00) and single longitudinal mode, tunable from 683 to 693 nm. With intensity stabilization of the pump diode and frequency-stabilization of the VECSEL resonator to a reference cavity via the Pound-Drever-Hall technique, we measure the power spectral density of the VECSEL frequency noise, reporting sub-kHz linewidth at 689 nm. The VECSEL relative intensity noise (RIN) is <-130 dBc/Hz for all frequencies above 100 kHz. This compact laser system is suitable for use in quantum technologies, particularly those based on laser-cooled and trapped strontium atoms.

Appl Opt ; 60(3): 676-680, 2021 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33690437


We present an operational characterization of a vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser emitting around 739 nm with over 150 mW in a single fundamental spatial mode. Results show that the laser is capable of oscillating on a single cavity axial mode at 740 nm for up to 22 mW. Tuning of the optical emission is shown to reach 737.3 nm. Furthermore, at best performance, the laser exhibits a slope efficiency of 8.3% and a threshold power of 1.27 W for an output coupler reflectivity of 98%.

Appl Opt ; 59(16): 4921-4926, 2020 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32543488


We present the design and characterization of a zinc-indiffused periodically poled lithium-niobate ridge waveguide for second-harmonic generation of ∼390nm light from 780 nm. We use a newly developed, broadband near-infrared vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) to investigate the potential for lower-footprint nonlinear optical pump sources as an alternative to larger commercial laser systems. We demonstrate a VECSEL with an output power of 500 mW, containing an intracavity birefringent filter for spectral narrowing and wavelength selection. In this first demonstration of using a VECSEL to pump a nonlinear waveguide, we present the ability to generate 1 mW of ∼390nm light with further potential for increased efficiency and size reduction.

Opt Lett ; 44(5): 1146-1149, 2019 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30821734


We studied and compared single-side pumping (SSP) and double-side pumping (DSP) of a semiconductor membrane external-cavity surface-emitting laser (MECSEL). The MECSEL-active region was based on an AlGaAs quantum well structure embedded between two silicon carbide (SiC) wafer pieces that were used as transparent intra-cavity (IC) heat spreaders creating a symmetrical cooling environment. The gain structure targeted emission at 780 nm, a wavelength region that is important for many applications, and where the development of high-brightness high-power laser sources is gaining more momentum. By DSP at 20°C heat sink temperature, we could reduce the laser threshold from 0.79 to 0.69 W of absorbed pump power, while the maximum output power was increased from 3.13 to 3.22 W. The differential efficiency was improved from 31.9% to 34.4%, which represents a record value for SiC-cooled vertically emitting semiconductor lasers. The improvements are enabled by a reduced thermal resistance of the gain element by 9% compared to SSP. The beam quality was measured to be M2<1.09. Finally, we demonstrate a maximum tuning range from 767 to 811 nm. This wavelength range was not addressed by any MECSEL or vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser device before and extends the available wavelengths for semiconductor based high-quality beam and high-power laser sources to a wavelength window relevant for quantum technology, spectroscopy, or medicine.

Opt Lett ; 43(7): 1578-1581, 2018 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29601034


An optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) for direct emission in the 740-790 nm wavelength region is reported. The gain structure is based on 12 AlGaAs quantum wells. We demonstrate wavelength tuning between 747 nm and 788 nm and free-running operation with a maximum power of 4.24 W (pump power limited) for a heat sink temperature of 14°C. This laser system addresses a spectral gap not currently covered by VECSEL technology and represents the most powerful VECSEL reported within the 7XX-nm wavelength region.

Opt Lett ; 41(6): 1245-8, 2016 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26977680


An output power of 2.5 W at a wavelength of 665 nm was obtained from a quantum-well (QW) and multipass-pumped AlGaInP-based vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser operated at a heat sink temperature of 10°C. Intracavity frequency doubling resulted in an output power of 820 mW at a wavelength of 333 nm. To the best of our knowledge, these are the highest continuous wave output powers from this type of laser both at the fundamental wavelength and in frequency-doubled operation. In fundamental wavelength operation, further power scaling by increasing the pump-spot size increased the output power to 3.3 W. However, at this power level, the laser was highly unstable. When the laser was operated at 50% pump duty cycle, a reproducible and stable peak output power of 3.6 W was obtained. These results demonstrate the potential of optical QW pumping combined with multipass pumping for the operation of AlGaInP-based semiconductor disk lasers.

Opt Express ; 23(15): 19947-53, 2015 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367654


We present a passively mode-locked semiconductor disk laser (SDL) emitting at 650nm with intra-cavity second harmonic generation to the ultraviolet (UV) spectral range. Both the gain and the absorber structure contain InP quantum dots (QDs) as active material. In a v-shaped cavity using the semiconductor samples as end mirrors, a beta barium borate (BBO) crystal is placed in front of the semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) for pulsed UV laser emission in one of the two outcoupled beams. Autocorrelation (AC) measurements at the fundamental wavelength reveal a FWHM pulse duration of 1.22ps. With a repetition frequency of 836MHz, the average output power is 10mW per beam for the red emission and 0.5mW at 325nm.