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Zookeys ; 1193: 161-170, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38487666


A new species, Scorpiops (Euscorpiops) krachansp. nov., belonging to the family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905 is described based on three adult males and one adult female collected in the Kaeng Krachan National Park, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand. The new species presents most features exhibited by scorpions of the subgenus Euscorpiops and can be characterized notably by a very small size, a sexual dimorphism strongly marked with male pedipalps elongated, a distinct trichobothrial pattern and other morphological features. This new taxon may represent one endemic element for the scorpion fauna of Thailand. Aspects of the ecology and distribution of the new species are discussed and compared with that of other relative Scorpiops species.

J Environ Manage ; 300: 113741, 2021 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34562820


Lowland oak forests host high biodiversity throughout Europe, and to maintain their high biodiversity potential we need to understand how current silviculture practices influence these ecosystems. The most common harvest approach in oak woodlands remains clear-cutting followed by site preparation for reforestation. The site preparation can vary in intensity and possibly affect forest biodiversity in various ways. We studied the impact of site preparation intensity on ground-dwelling arthropod predators and detritivores in commercial oak woodlands. The intensive management included mechanical site preparation with soil milling, stump removal, and herbicide application. The extensive management consisted of natural succession after reforestation with only such slight disturbances as regular hand-provided mowing of vegetation. We recorded 120 spider species, 92 species of ground beetles, 10 species of centipedes, 17 species of millipedes, and 7 species of woodlice, including a relatively large number of threatened species. We found that intensive post-logging management strongly homogenized the habitat structure, and this led to low multi-trophic taxonomic and functional diversity in comparison to that under extensive management. At sites with extensive management, there was not only high functional diversity but also high functional redundancy. Species of conservation concern almost vanished from clearings under intensive management. The high multi-trophic diversity and functional redundancy indicate that extensive site preparation may enhance ecosystem multi-functionality, including primary productivity and ecosystem resilience. Extensive post-harvest management is therefore strongly preferable, and it is also economically more feasible. Intensive post-harvest management should be prohibited in lowland forests within transition zones to localities under nature protection or in natural oak forests.

Besouros , Quercus , Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Agricultura Florestal , Florestas , Árvores
J Anim Ecol ; 90(9): 2213-2226, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34013522


According to the disturbance-succession theory, natural disturbances support biodiversity and are expected to increase the complexity of food-webs in forest ecosystems by opening canopies and creating a heterogeneous environment. However, a limited number of studies have investigated the impact of disturbance by invasive pathogenic species and succession on arthropod predator-prey food-webs in forest ecosystems. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is a pathogenic fungus of ash trees that is invasive in Europe and causes massive dieback, mainly of the common ash Fraxinus excelsior across its native range. Here we investigated how this pathogenic fungus affects food-webs of web-building spiders and their prey in understorey vegetation of ash plantations. In 23 young and middle-aged ash plantations that were distributed along a gradient of infestation by H. fraxineus (29%-86% infestation), we measured the vegetation structure (canopy openness, shrub coverage, herb/grass coverage), the trait composition of local spider communities (web type, body size), the prey availability and the prey intercepted by spider webs. We then evaluated the multivariate prey composition (prey type, body size) and network properties. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus opened the ash tree canopy, which resulted in denser shrub coverage. The dense shrub vegetation changed the composition of web types in local spider communities and increasing fungus infestation resulted in reduced mean body size of spiders. Infestation by H. fraxineus reduced the availability of predaceous Coleoptera and increased the availability of herbivorous Coleoptera as potential prey. The mean body size of captured prey and the per capita capture rates of most prey groups decreased with increasing fungus infestation. Hymenoscyphus fraxineus infestation indirectly reduced the complexity in bipartite networks and the trophic functional complementarity in local web-building spider communities. The plantation age affected the vegetation structure but did not affect the studied food-webs. Forest disturbance by the invasive pathogen affected four trophic levels (plant-herbivore-coleopteran intermediate predator-top predator web-building spiders) and, contrary to the disturbance-succession theory, disturbance by the fungus simplified the web-building spider-prey food-webs. The results support the view that H. fraxineus represents a threat to the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the simplified ecosystems of ash plantations.

Artrópodes , Ascomicetos , Fraxinus , Animais , Ecossistema
Curr Zool ; 64(6): 713-720, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30538730


Behavioral predictability, i.e., short-term intra-individual variability under relatively constant environmental conditions, has only recently begun to gain attention. It is unknown, however, whether predictability of individuals with distinct mean behavior changes differently as a response to ecological factors such as resource availability. Moreover, the response might be affected by anthropogenic contaminants that are ubiquitous in the environment and that can affect animals' variability in behavior. Here, we investigated the relationship between mean predatory activity and predictability in predatory activity along a prey density gradient in the lynx spider Oxyopes lineatipes. We further examined how this relationship is influenced by insecticides, azadirachtin, and a plant extract from Embelia ribes. We found that all studied variables affected the predictability. In the control and Embelia treatments, that did not differ significantly, the predictability decreased with increasing prey density in a mean behavior-specific way. Individuals with low mean predatory activity were relatively less predictable than were those with high activity from low to moderate prey densities but more predictable at high prey densities. Azadirachtin altered this pattern and the individuals with low predatory activity were less predictable than were those with high predatory activity along the whole gradient of prey density. Our results show that predictability can change along an environmental gradient depending on a mean behavior. The relative predictability of the individuals with distinct mean behavior can depend on the value of the environmental gradient. In addition, this relationship can be affected by anthropogenic contaminants such as pesticides.

Zookeys ; (775): 47-58, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057470


Among the genera of the family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905 Alloscorpiops remains yet rather discrete. New species were added to this genus only recently, increasing its number from two to six. Therefore, species of Alloscorpiops can be considered rare and uncommonly collected. One particular new species, Alloscorpiops viktoriaesp. n., is described based on two females and one pre-adult male collected from the northern part of central Myanmar (Burma). The new species presents most features exhibited by scorpions of the genus Alloscorpiops, but it is characterised by a moderate to small size, very strongly marked granulation, and a particular trichobothrial pattern. Aspects of the ecology and distribution of the new species are discussed and compared with those of other species of genus Alloscorpiops.

Chemosphere ; 202: 491-497, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29579684


Even though pesticides can have various sublethal effects on behaviour of biocontrol agents, no study to date has investigated the effects of pesticides on the prey choice of generalist predators. Prey choice of generalist predators is among key factors determining the predation pressure they exert on pests, because it influences fitness of predators and consequently their densities and per capita capture rate. Here, we investigated the effect of Integro (a.i. methoxyfenozide) and SpinTor 480 Sc (a.i. spinosad) on prey choice and predatory activity of the spider Philodromus cespitum, which is known significantly to reduce hemipteran and dipteran pests in fruit orchards. We compared the prey preferences of philodromids between the psyllid pest Cacopsylla pyri (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) and beneficial Theridion sp. spiders in laboratory experiments. We found that both pesticides altered the prey preferences of philodromids. While the philodromids in a control treatment preferred theridiid spiders over the psyllid pest, philodromids in the pesticide treatments exhibited no significant prey preferences. The changes in prey preferences were caused by increased predation on the psyllids, while the predation on the theridiid remained similar. We suggest that the changes in prey preferences might theoretically be due to 1) impaired sensory systems, 2) altered taste, and/or 3) altered mobility. In combination with other studies finding reduced predation on fruit flies in P. cespitum after exposure to SpinTor, our results indicate that the sublethal effects of pesticides on predatory behaviour of generalist predators can depend on prey type and/or prey community composition.

Inseticidas/farmacologia , Comportamento Predatório/efeitos dos fármacos , Aranhas , Animais , Hemípteros
Folia Geobot ; 52(1): 45-58, 2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30220840


Coppice abandonment had negative consequences for biodiversity of forest vegetation and several groups of invertebrates. Most coppicing restoration studies have focused only on a single trophic level despite the fact that ecosystems are characterized by interactions between trophic levels represented by various groups of organisms. To address the patterns of functional diversity in the perspective of coppicing restoration, we studied the short-term effects of conservation-motivated tree canopy thinning in an abandoned coppice-with-standards in Central Europe, a region where such attempts have been rare so far. The functional diversity of vascular plants and spiders, chosen as two model trophic groups within a forest ecosystem, was compared between thinned and control forest patches. To characterize functional patterns, we examined several functional traits. These traits were assigned into two contrasting categories: response traits reflecting a change of environment (for both vascular plants and spiders) and effect traits influencing the ecosystem properties (only for vascular plants). Functional diversity was analysed by CCA using two measures: community-weighted means (CWM) and Rao's quadratic diversity (RaoQ). CCA models revealed that the canopy thinning had a positive effect on diversity of the response traits of both trophic groups and negatively influenced the diversity of effect traits. In addition, we found distinct seasonal dynamics in functional diversity of the spider communities, which was probably linked to leaf phenology of deciduous trees and therefore an effect trait not directly examined in this study. We conclude that canopy thinning affected functional diversity across trophic groups during the initial phase of coppicing restoration. With necessary precautions, careful canopy thinning can be effectively applied in the restoration of functional diversity in abandoned coppices.

PLoS One ; 11(2): e0148585, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26845431


Traditional woodland management created a mosaic of differently aged patches providing favorable conditions for a variety of arthropods. After abandonment of historical ownership patterns and traditional management and the deliberate transformation to high forest after World War II, large forest areas became darker and more homogeneous. This had significant negative consequences for biodiversity. An important question is whether even small-scale habitat structures maintained by different levels of canopy openness in abandoned coppiced forest may constitute conditions suitable for forest as well as open habitat specialists. We investigated the effect of canopy openness in former traditionally coppiced woodlands on the species richness, functional diversity, activity density, conservation value, and degree of rareness of epigeic spiders. In each of the eight studied locations, 60-m-long transect was established consisting of five pitfall traps placed at regular 15 m intervals along the gradient. Spiders were collected from May to July 2012. We recorded 90 spider species, including high proportions of xeric specialists (40%) and red-listed threatened species (26%). The peaks of conservation indicators, as well as spider community abundance, were shifted toward more open canopies. On the other hand, functional diversity peaked at more closed canopies followed by a rapid decrease with increasing canopy openness. Species richness was highest in the middle of the canopy openness gradient, suggesting an ecotone effect. Ordinations revealed that species of conservation concern tended to be associated with sparse and partly opened canopy. The results show that the various components of biodiversity peaked at different levels of canopy openness. Therefore, the restoration and suitable forest management of such conditions will retain important diversification of habitats in formerly coppiced oak forest stands. We indicate that permanent presence of small-scale improvements could be suitable conservation tools to prevent the general decline of woodland biodiversity in the intensified landscape of Central Europe.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Florestas , Quercus , Aranhas , Animais , República Tcheca