INTRODUCTION: Our objective was to assess how a naloxone counseling experience impacted student pharmacists' confidence in counseling patients on naloxone use and their attitudes towards people who use drugs. METHODS: Students who completed a naloxone counseling experience at a syringe exchange program were recruited to conduct individual interviews. Investigators asked student participants open-ended questions to identify their perceptions in the following domains: experiences with naloxone, reported impact of naloxone counseling experience on confidence, experiences with people who use drugs, value of the experience, and suggestions for improvement for the experience. RESULTS: Fifteen student pharmacists participated in semi-structured interviews. Fourteen of these students reported the experience as extremely valuable in developing their confidence with naloxone. The average change in confidence was 5.2 points on a 1 through 10 scale, and seven of the student pharmacists independently suggested that a naloxone counseling experience be incorporated the required doctor of pharmacy curriculum. The qualitative themes that emerged from student feedback were breaking down the stigma of addiction and feeling useful during this experience. CONCLUSIONS: Participation in a naloxone counseling experience at a syringe exchange program was perceived as helpful in improving student pharmacist confidence in counseling patients on naloxone use. Incorporation of required experiential learning about naloxone and people who use drugs may positively impact student pharmacists by giving them more confidence and experience with this underserved population.