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Chemistry ; 27(11): 3799-3805, 2021 Feb 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33290627


There is growing interest in the preparation of fluorine-containing organic molecules. Multivicinal-fluorine analogues are among the most intriguing and promising compounds, but their physical and biological investigations are held back by challenging syntheses. Herein, we report on the synthesis of a large set of novel polyfluorohexitols. The dominant solution-state conformation of all trifluorohexitols was determined, and the solid-state conformations of some analogues were compared. Finally, the lipophilicity of a large set of polyfluorinated hexopyranose and hexitol analogues was attributed by using a log P determination method based on 19 F NMR spectroscopy.

Beilstein J Org Chem ; 16: 2880-2887, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33299486


In this work, we have developed a simple synthetic approach using Et3N·3HF as an alternative to the DAST reagent. We controlled the stereochemistry of the nucleophilic fluorination at C4 of 1,6-anhydro-2,3-dideoxy-2,3-difluoro-4-O-triflate-ß-ᴅ-talopyranose using Et3N·3HF or in situ generated Et3N·1HF. The influence of the fluorine atom at C2 on reactivity at C4 could contribute to a new fluorine effect in nucleophilic substitution. Finally, with the continuous objective of synthesizing novel multi-vicinal fluorosugars, we prepared one difluorinated and one trifluorinated alditol analogue.

Chemistry ; 26(59): 13499-13506, 2020 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32652740


In this work, we synthesized all mono-, di-, and trifluorinated glucopyranose analogues at positions C-2, C-3, C-4, and C-6. This systematic investigation allowed us to perform direct comparison of 19 F resonances of fluorinated glucose analogues and also to determine their lipophilicities. Compounds with a fluorine atom at C-6 are usually the most hydrophilic, whereas those with vicinal polyfluorinated motifs are the most lipophilic. Finally, the solvation energies of fluorinated glucose analogues were assessed for the first time by using density functional theory. This method allowed the log P prediction of fluoroglucose analogues, which was comparable to the C log P values obtained from various web-based programs.

Chemistry ; 25(17): 4478-4490, 2019 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30690814


The replacement of hydroxyl groups by fluorine atoms on hexopyranoside scaffolds may allow access to invaluable tools for studying various biochemical processes. As part of ongoing activities toward the preparation of fluorinated carbohydrates, a systematic investigation involving the synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of mono- and polyfluorinated galactopyranosides is described. Various monofluorogalactopyranosides, a trifluorinated, and a tetrafluorinated galactopyranoside have been prepared using a Chiron approach. Given the scarcity of these compounds in the literature, in addition to their synthesis, their biological profiles were evaluated. Firstly, the fluorinated compounds were investigated as antiproliferative agents using normal human and mouse cells in comparison with cancerous cells. Most of the fluorinated compounds showed no antiproliferative activity. Secondly, these carbohydrate probes were used as potential inhibitors of galactophilic lectins. The first transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) NMR experiments were performed on these interactions, examining chemical shift perturbations of the backbone resonances of LecA, a virulence factor from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Moreover, taking advantage of the fluorine atom, the 19 F NMR resonances of the monofluorogalactopyranosides were directly monitored in the presence and absence of LecA to assess ligand binding. Lastly, these results were corroborated with the binding potencies of the monofluorinated galactopyranoside derivatives by isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. Analogues with fluorine atoms at C-3 and C-4 showed weaker affinities with LecA as compared to those with the fluorine atom at C-2 or C-6. This research has focused on the chemical synthesis of "drug-like" low-molecular-weight inhibitors that circumvent drawbacks typically associated with natural oligosaccharides.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 4721, 2018 11 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30413697


The replacement of hydroxyl groups by fluorine atoms on hexopyranose scaffolds may allow access to the discovery of new chemical entities possessing unique physical, chemical and ultimately even biological properties. The prospect of significant effects generated by such multiple and controlled substitutions encouraged us to develop diverse synthetic routes towards the stereoselective synthesis of polyfluorinated hexopyranoses, six of which are unprecedented. Hence, we report the synthesis of heavily fluorinated galactose, glucose, mannose, talose, allose, fucose, and galacturonic acid methyl ester using a Chiron approach from inexpensive levoglucosan. Structural analysis of single-crystal X-ray diffractions and NMR studies confirm the conservation of favored 4C1 conformation for fluorinated carbohydrate analogs, while a slightly distorted conformation due to repulsive 1,3-diaxial F···F interaction is observed for the trifluorinated talose derivative. Finally, the relative stereochemistry of multi-vicinal fluorine atoms has a strong effect on the lipophilicities (logP).

J Org Chem ; 82(9): 4986-4992, 2017 05 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28419799


Fluorinated carbohydrates are invaluable tools to study various biochemical processes. Herein, we describe a new strategy to access orthogonally protected 3-deoxy-3-fluorogalactopyranose and acetylated 4-deoxy-4-fluorogalactopyranose. Starting from inexpensive levoglucosan, most reactions were performed on a gram scale and allowed excellent regio- and stereocontrol with a minimal use of protection/deprotection cycles. Hence, we developed practical alternatives to the decade-long reported method to access both 3-deoxy-3-fluoro- and 4-deoxy-4-fluorogalactopyranose.