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Transl Anim Sci ; 3(2): 692-708, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704837


A total of 69 sows (DNA Line 200 × 400) and their progeny were used to determine if feeding a combination of vitamin D3 and 25(OH)D3 influences neonatal and sow vitamin D status, muscle fiber morphometrics at birth and weaning, and subsequent growth performance. Within 3 d of breeding, sows were allotted to one of three dietary treatments fortified with 1,500 IU/kg vitamin D3 (CON), 500 IU/kg vitamin D3 + 25 µg/kg 25(OH)D3 (DL), or 1,500 IU/kg vitamin D3 + 50 µg/kg 25(OH)D3 (DH). When pigs were sacrificed at birth, there were no treatment effects for all fiber morphometric measures (P > 0.170), except primary fiber number and the ratio of secondary to primary muscle fibers (P < 0.016). Pigs from CON fed sows had fewer primary fibers than pigs from sows fed the DH treatment (P = 0.014), with pigs from sows fed DL treatment not differing from either (P > 0.104). Pigs from CON and DL fed sows had a greater secondary to primary muscle fiber ratio compared to pigs from DH sows (P < 0.022) but did not differ from each other (P = 0.994). There were treatment × time interactions for all sow and pig serum metabolites (P < 0.001). Therefore, treatment means were compared within the time period. At all time periods, sow serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations differed for all treatments with the magnitude of difference largest at weaning (P < 0.011), where serum 25(OH)D3 concentration was always the greatest when sows were fed the DH diet. At birth, piglets from DH fed sows had greater serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations than piglets from sows fed the DL treatment (P = 0.003), with piglets from sows fed CON treatment not differing from either (P > 0.061). At weaning, serum concentrations of 25(OH)D3 in piglets from all sow treatments were different (P < 0.001), with the greatest concentration in piglets from DH sows, followed by CON, and followed by DL. There were no treatment × time interactions for any of the metabolites measured in milk and no treatment or time main effects for 24,25(OH)2D3 concentration (P > 0.068). Colostrum collected within 12 h of parturition contained less (P = 0.001) 25(OH)D3 than milk collected on day 21 of lactation. Regardless of time, concentrations of 25(OH)D3 in milk were different (P < 0.030), with the largest 25(OH)D3 concentration from DH fed sows, followed by DL, and then CON. In conclusion, combining vitamin D3 and 25(OH)D3 in the maternal diet improves the vitamin D status of the dam and progeny and it increases primary muscle fiber number at birth.

Transl Anim Sci ; 3(4): 1460-1465, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704910


Preweaning survival and growth are compromised in litters with larger numbers of piglets. We evaluated two approaches for altering initial nursing with the goal to improve access to colostrum by groups of piglets that are known to have reduced access to colostrum. Therefore, we temporarily (1.5 h) removed either the heaviest six piglets in the litter (WT) or the first half of the piglets born (ORD) to provide a short period of nursing with reduced competition for the remaining piglets. We found that WT piglets were heavier (P ≤ 0.05) at 7 d after farrowing and gained more body weight (BW) from farrowing to day 7 than control (CON) piglets which were raised in litters with ad libitum nursing during the same period. Further, we found that the heaviest piglets consumed more (P < 0.001) colostrum and gained more (P < 0.001) BW during the preweaning period but did not have (P > 0.10) greater immunocrits. Although ORD piglets had similar colostrum intake, immunocrits, and preweaning weights as controls, we found that overall the piglets born in the first half of litters had greater (P < 0.01) immunocrits than piglets born in the last half of the litter. Therefore, both birth weight and birth order have effects on traits that are important for prenatal growth and survival, but they differ in that birth weight is more closely related to colostrum intake and birth order affects immunocrit.