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Health Phys ; 127(4): 520-535, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39058313


ABSTRACT: Nuclear industry workers exposed to uranium aerosols may risk kidney damage and radiation-induced cancer. This warrants the need for well-established dose and risk assessments, which can be greatly improved by using material-specific absorption parameters in the ICRP Human Respiratory Tract Model. The present study focuses on the evaluation of the slow dissolution rate ( s s , d -1 ), a parameter that is difficult to quantify with in vitro dissolution studies, especially for more insoluble uranium compounds. A long-term follow-up of urinary excretion after the cessation of chronic inhalation exposure can provide a better estimate of the slow-rate dissolution. In this study, two workers, previously working for >20 y at a nuclear fuel fabrication plant, provided urine samples regularly for up to 6 y. One individual had worked at the pelletizing workshop with the known presence of uranium dioxide (UO 2 ) and triuranium octoxide (U 3 O 8 ). The second individual worked at the conversion workshop where multiple compounds, including uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ), uranium dioxide (UO 2 ), ammonium uranyl carbonate, and AUC [UO 2 CO 3 ·2(NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 ], are present. Data on uranium concentration in urine during working years were also available for both workers. The daily excretion of uranium by urine was characterized by applying non-linear least square regression fitting to the urinary data. Material-specific parameters, such as the activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD), the respiratory tract absorption parameters, rapid fraction ( f r ,), rapid dissolution rate ( s r , d -1 ), and slow dissolution rate ( s s , d -1 ) and alimentary tract transfer factor ( f A ) acquired from previous work along with default absorption types, were applied to urine data, and the goodness of fit was evaluated. Thereafter intake estimates and dose calculations were performed. For the ex-pelletizing worker, a one-compartment model with a clearance half-time of 662 ± 100 d ( s s = 0.0010 d -1 ) best represented the urinary data. For the ex-conversion worker, a two-compartment model with a major [93% of the initial urinary excretion (A 0 )] fast compartment with a clearance half-time of 1.3 ± 0.4 d ( s r = 0.5 d -1 ) and a minor (7% of A 0 ) slow compartment with a half-time of 394 ± 241 d ( s s = 0.002 d -1 ) provided the best fit. The results from the data-fitting of urinary data to biokinetic models for the ex-conversion worker demonstrated that in vitro derived experimental parameters (AMAD = 20 µm, f r = 0.32, s r = 27 d -1 , s s = 0.0008 d -1 , f A = 0.005) from our previous work best represented the urinary data. This resulted in an estimated intake rate of 0.66 Bq d -1 . The results from the data-fitting of urinary data to biokinetic models for the ex-pelletizing worker indicated that the experimental parameters (AMAD = 10 µm and 20 µm, f r = 0.008, s r = 12 d -1 , f A = 0.00019) from our previous dissolution studies with the slow rate parameter step-wise optimized to urine-data ( s s = 0.0008 d -1 ) gave the best fit. This resulted in an estimated intake rate of 5 Bq d -1 . Experimental parameters derived from in vitro dissolution studies provided the best fit for the subject retired from work at the conversion workshop, where inhalation exposure to a mix of soluble (e.g., AUC, UF 6 ) and relatively insoluble aerosol (e.g., UO 2 ) can be assumed. For the subject retired from work at the pelletizing workshop, which involved exposure to relatively insoluble aerosols (UO 2 and U 3 O 8 ), a considerably higher s s than obtained in dissolution studies provided a better representation of the urinary data and was comparable to reported s s values for UO 2 and U 3 O 8 in other studies. This implies that in vitro dissolution studies of insoluble material can be uncertain. When evaluating the results from the retrospective fitting of urine data, it is evident that the urine samples acquired after cessation of exposure provide less fluctuation. Long-term follow-up of uranium excretion after cessation of exposure is a good alternative for determining absorption parameters and can be considered the most viable way for determining the slow rate for more insoluble material.

Exposição Ocupacional , Urânio , Humanos , Urânio/urina , Urânio/farmacocinética , Exposição Ocupacional/análise , Seguimentos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cinética , Taxa de Depuração Metabólica , Exposição por Inalação/análise
Health Phys ; 124(4): 285-300, 2023 04 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36727932


ABSTRACT: Uranium aerosol exposure can be a health risk factor for workers in the nuclear fuel industry. Good knowledge about aerosol dissolution and absorption characteristics in the gastrointestinal tract is imperative for solid dose assessments and risk management. In this study, an in vitro dissolution model of the GI tract was used to experimentally study solubility of size-fractionated aerosols. The aerosols were collected from four major workshops in a nuclear fuel fabrication plant where uranium compounds such as uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ), uranium dioxide (UO 2 ), ammonium uranyl carbonate, AUC [UO 2 CO 3 ·2(NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 ] and triuranium octoxide (U 3 O 8 ) are present. The alimentary tract transfer factor, f A , was estimated for the aerosols sampled in the study. The transfer factor was derived from the dissolution in the small intestine in combination with data on absorption of soluble uranium. Results from the conversion workshop indicated a f A in line with what is recommended (0.004) by the ICRP for inhalation exposure to Type M materials. Obtained transfer factors, f A , for the powder preparation and pelletizing workshops where UO 2 and U 3 O 8 are handled are lower for inhalation and much lower for ingestion than those recommended by the ICRP for Type M/S materials f A = 0.00029 and 0.00016 vs. 0.0006 and 0.002, respectively. The results for ingestion and inhalation f A indicate that ICRP's conservative recommendation of f A for inhalation exposure is applicable to both ingestion and inhalation of insoluble material in this study. The dissolution- and subsequent absorption-dependence on particle size showed correlation only for one of the workshops (pelletizing). The absence of correlation at the other workshops may be an effect of multiple chemical compounds with different size distribution and/or the reported presence of agglomerated particles at higher cut points having more impact on the dissolution than particle size. The impact on dose coefficients [committed effective dose (CED) per Bq] of using experimental f A vs. using default f A recommended by the ICRP for the uranium compounds of interest for inhalation exposure was not significant for any of the workshops. However, a significant impact on CED for ingestion exposure was observed for all workshops when comparing with CED estimated for insoluble material using ICRP default f A . This indicates that the use of experimentally derived site-specific f A can improve dose assessments. It is essential to acquire site-specific estimates of the dissolution and absorption of uranium aerosols as this provides more realistic and accurate dose- and risk-estimates of worker exposure. In this study, the results indicate that ICRP's recommendations for ingestion of insoluble material might overestimate absorption and that the lower f A found for inhalation could be more realistic for both inhalation and ingestion of insoluble material.

Compostos de Urânio , Urânio , Humanos , Doses de Radiação , Solubilidade , Urânio/análise , Tamanho da Partícula , Fator de Transferência , Aerossóis/análise
Health Phys ; 123(1): 11-27, 2022 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522165


ABSTRACT: Inhalation exposure to uranium aerosols can be a concern in nuclear fuel fabrication. The ICRP provides default absorption parameters for various uranium compounds but also recommends determination of material-specific absorption parameters to improve dose calculations for individuals exposed to airborne radioactivity. Aerosol particle size influences internal dosimetry calculations in two potentially significant ways: the efficiency of particle deposition in the various regions of the respiratory tract is dependent on aerodynamic particle size, and the dissolution rate of deposited materials can vary according to particle size, shape, and porosity because smaller particles tend to have higher surface-to-volume ratios than larger particles. However, the ICRP model assumes that deposited particles of a given material dissolve at the same rate regardless of size and that uptake to blood of dissolved material normally occurs instantaneously in all parts of the lung (except the anterior portion of the nasal region, where zero absorption is assumed). In the present work, the effect of particle size on dissolution in simulated lung fluid was studied for uranium aerosols collected at the plant, and its influence on internal dosimetry calculations was evaluated. Size fractionated uranium aerosols were sampled at a nuclear fuel fabrication plant using portable cascade impactors. Absorption parameters, describing dissolution of material according to the ICRP Human Respiratory Tract Model, were determined in vitro for different size fractions using simulated lung fluid. Samples were collected at 16 time-points over a 100-d period. Uranium content of samples was determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and alpha spectrometry. In addition, supplementary experiments to study the effect of pH drift and uranium adsorption on filter holders were conducted as they could potentially influence the derived absorption parameters. The undissolved fraction over time was observed to vary with impaction stage cut-point at the four main workshops at the plant. A larger fraction of the particle activity tended to dissolve for small cut-points, but exceptions were noted. Absorption parameters (rapid fraction, rapid rate, and slow rate), derived from the undissolved fraction over time, were generally in fair agreement with the ICRP default recommendations for uranium compounds. Differences in absorption parameters were noted across the four main workshops at the plant (i.e., where the aerosol characteristics are expected to vary). The pelletizing workshop was associated with the most insoluble material and the conversion workshop with the most soluble material. The correlation between derived lung absorption parameters and aerodynamic particle size (impactor stage cut-point) was weak. For example, the mean absorption parameters derived from impaction stages with low (taken to be <5 µm) and large (≥5 µm) cut-points did not differ significantly. Drift of pH and adsorption on filter holders appeared to be of secondary importance, but it was found that particle leakage can occur. Undissolved fractions and to some degree derived lung absorption parameters were observed to vary depending on the aerodynamic size fraction studied, suggesting that size fractionation (e.g., using cascade impactors) is appropriate prior to conducting in vitro dissolution rate experiments. The 0.01-0.02 µm and 1-2 µm size ranges are of particular interest as they correspond to alveolar deposition maxima in the Human Respiratory Tract Model (HRTM). In the present work, however, the dependency on aerodynamic size appeared to be of minor importance, but it cannot be ruled out that particle bounce obscured the results for late impaction stages. In addition, it was noted that the time over which simulated lung fluid samples are collected (100 d in our case) influences the curve-fitting procedure used to determine the lung absorption parameters, in particular the slow rate that increased if fewer samples were considered.

Compostos de Urânio , Urânio , Aerossóis/análise , Humanos , Pulmão , Tamanho da Partícula , Solubilidade , Urânio/análise , Compostos de Urânio/análise
Appl Radiat Isot ; 181: 110103, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35026691


A low-cost total dissolution method for accurate determination of uranium and thorium isotopes in environmental samples (soil and sediment) was introduced, optimised and validated. The method included alkaline fusion based on sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium peroxide (Na2O2), followed by sequential extraction chromatography separation and measurements with ICP-MS or alpha-particle spectrometry. The overall chemical recoveries for U and Th for the entire procedure were about 80% and 90%, respectively. The 238U contribution from partial dissolution of the nickel crucibles accounted for about 80% of the total background activity.

Talanta ; 229: 122295, 2021 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33838781


The analytical method of Gd determination was developed with the aim to analyse 148Gd in environmental and bioassay samples. It involves the use of anion exchange resin, extraction chromatography, and cation exchange resin. Alkaline fusion and calcium oxalate co-precipitation are used for solid samples dissolution and liquid samples preconcentration, respectively. Total method recovery was tested with natural Gd (157Gd) using ICP-QQQ-MS. A maximum total recovery of 75 % was obtained.

J Environ Radioact ; 186: 142-151, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28987813


The activity concentrations and distribution of 137Cs, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am, and 210Pb was determined by the analysis of six sediment cores from the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. The chronology of the sediment cores has been used to evaluate the origin and time trend of the radionuclide sources in these sediments. The sediment cores were dated with a 210Pb model and the results were validated with fallout peaks, assumed to originate from the global nuclear weapons testing and the Chernobyl accident. Source identification, using the isotopic and radionuclide activity ratios, showed that the Chernobyl accident is the main source of 137Cs in the Baltic Sea; for 239+240Pu and 241Am the dominant source was shown to be fallout from nuclear weapons tests. For 238Pu and 241Am the Chernobyl accident had a significant impact on the direct fallout into the Baltic Proper, with up to a 65% contribution in the sediment slices dated to 1986. In these sediment slices the maximum activity ratios of 238Pu/239+240Pu and 241Am/239+240Pu were 0.314 ± 0.008 and 1.29 ± 0.06, respectively. The ratios clearly deviate from the corresponding ratios for global nuclear weapons fallout (around 0.028 and 0.54, respectively). Calculated inventories were 63-175 Bq·m-2 for 239+240Pu, 2.8-7.8 for 238Pu Bq·m-2 and 0.92-44.4 kBq·m-2 for 137Cs. Different fallout patterns for 137Cs and plutonium isotopes from the Chernobyl accident were confirmed through depth profiles analyses. The maximum inventory of 137Cs was observed in the Bothnian Sea, while Chernobyl-derived plutonium was found to be mostly present in Northern Baltic Proper. The radionuclides distribution in the depth profiles shows how contaminated water affects the sediment as it passes sampling stations according to the current circulation pattern in the Baltic Sea. Additionally, the effect of increased activity concentrations from of river discharges in the most contaminated area in the Bothnian Sea was observed.

Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Monitoramento de Radiação , Poluentes Radioativos da Água/análise , Radioisótopos de Césio/análise , Cinza Radioativa/análise , Suécia
Environ Int ; 40: 196-201, 2012 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21890207


Historical (239)Pu activity concentrations and (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios were determined in skeletons of dated modern corals collected from three locations (Chuuk Lagoon, Ishigaki Island and Iki Island) to identify spatial and temporal variations in Pu inputs to the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The main Pu source in the Northwest Pacific is fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing which consists of global fallout and close-in fallout from the former US Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG) in the Marshall Islands. PPG close-in fallout dominated the Pu input in the 1950s, as was observed with higher (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios (>0.30) at the Ishigaki site. Specific fallout Pu contamination from the Nagasaki atomic bomb and the Ivy Mike thermonuclear detonation at the PPG were identified at Ishigaki Island from the (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios of 0.07 and 0.46, respectively. During the 1960s and 1970s, global fallout was the major Pu source to the Northwest Pacific with over 60% contribution to the total Pu. After the cessation of the atmospheric nuclear tests, the PPG again dominated the Pu input due to the continuous transport of remobilised Pu from the Marshall Islands along the North Equatorial Current and the subsequent Kuroshio Current. The Pu contributions from the PPG in recent coral bands (1984 onwards) varied over time with average estimated PPG contributions between 54% and 72% depending on location.

Antozoários/química , Plutônio/análise , Cinza Radioativa , Poluentes Radioativos da Água/análise , Animais , Micronésia , Noroeste dos Estados Unidos , Armas Nucleares , Oceano Pacífico , Monitoramento de Radiação , Contaminação Radioativa da Água/estatística & dados numéricos
Sci Total Environ ; 409(23): 5020-5, 2011 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21911246


A depth profile of (239)Pu and (240)Pu specific activities and isotope ratios was determined in an inter-tidal sediment core from the Esk Estuary in the northeastern Irish Sea. The study site has been impacted with plutonium through routine radionuclide discharges from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria, NW England. A pronounced sub-surface maximum of ~10 k Bq kg(-1) was observed for (239+240)Pu, corresponding to the peak in Pu discharge from Sellafield in 1973, with a decreasing trend with depth down to ~0.04 k Bq kg(-1) in the deeper layers. The depth profile of (239+240)Pu specific activities together with results from gamma-ray spectrometry for (137)Cs and (241)Am was compared with reported releases from the Sellafield plant in order to estimate a reliable sediment chronology. The upper layers (1992 onwards) showed higher (239+240)Pu specific activities than would be expected from the direct input of annual Sellafield discharges, indicating that the main input of Pu is from the time-integrated contaminated mud patch of the northeastern Irish Sea. The (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios ranged from ~0.03 in the deepest layers to >0.20 in the sub-surface layers with an activity-weighted average of 0.181. The decreasing (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratio with depth reflects the changing nature of operations at the Sellafield plant from weapons-grade Pu production to reprocessing spent nuclear fuel with higher burn-up times in the late 1950s. In addition, recent annual (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios in winkles collected during 2003-2008 from three stations along the Cumbrian coastline showed no significant spatial or temporal differences with an overall average of 0.204, which supports the hypothesis of diluted Pu input from the contaminated mud patch.

Monitoramento Ambiental/estatística & dados numéricos , Poluentes Ambientais/análise , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Plutônio/análise , Amerício/análise , Oceano Atlântico , Césio/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Irlanda , Centrais Nucleares , Radioisótopos/análise , Espectrometria gama , Fatores de Tempo
J Environ Radioact ; 102(2): 163-9, 2011 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21145145


The distribution of natural radionuclides was studied in winter wheat plants collected from three sites in Belgium during 2004-2007. Activity concentrations of (40)K, (226)Ra, (228)Ra and (228)Th in organically and conventionally grown wheat, and in the corresponding soil samples, were determined using ultra low-level gamma-ray spectrometry. The observed soil-to-wheat concentration ratios were calculated for the different parts of the wheat plant (root, stem and grain) in the two agricultural systems (organic and conventional). There were large variations in radionuclide activity concentrations between the sites and fields, but no significant difference between conventionally and organically grown wheat plants was observed.

Agricultura/métodos , Agricultura Orgânica/métodos , Radioisótopos de Potássio/análise , Rádio (Elemento)/análise , Solo/química , Tório/análise , Triticum/química , Bélgica , Espectrometria gama
Anal Chim Acta ; 671(1-2): 61-9, 2010 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20541644


Sources of plutonium isotopes to the marine environment are well defined, both spatially and temporally, which makes Pu a potential tracer for oceanic processes. This paper presents the selection, optimisation and validation of a sample preparation method for the ultra-trace determination of Pu isotopes ((240)Pu and (239)Pu) in marine samples by multi-collector (MC) ICP-MS. The method was optimised for the removal of the interference from (238)U and the chemical recovery of Pu. Comparison of various separation strategies using AG1-X8, TEVA, TRU, and UTEVA resins to determine Pu in marine calcium carbonate samples is reported. A combination of anion-exchange (AG1-X8) and extraction chromatography (UTEVA/TRU) was the most suitable, with a radiochemical Pu yield of 87+/-5% and a U decontamination factor of 1.2 x 10(4). Validation of the method was accomplished by determining Pu in various IAEA certified marine reference materials. The estimated MC-ICP-MS instrumental limit of detection for (239)Pu and (240)Pu was 0.02 fg mL(-1), with an absolute limit of quantification of 0.11 fg. The proposed method allows the determination of ultra-trace Pu, at femtogram levels, in small size marine samples (e.g., 0.6-2.0 g coral or 15-20 L seawater). Finally, the analytical method was applied to determining historical records of the Pu signature in coral samples from the tropical Northwest Pacific and (239+240)Pu concentrations and (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios in seawater samples as part of the 2008 GEOTRACES intercalibration exercise.

Mar Environ Res ; 69(2): 73-84, 2010 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19773079


Since the first nuclear weapons tests in the 1940s, pulsed inputs of plutonium isotopes have served as excellent tracers for understanding sources, pathways, dynamics and the fate of pollutants and particles in the marine environment. Due to the well-defined spatial and temporal inputs of Pu, the long half-lives of (240)Pu and (239)Pu and its unique chemical properties, Pu is a potential tracer for various physical and biogeochemical ocean processes, including circulation, sedimentation and biological productivity, and hence a means of assessing the impacts of global climate change. Due to the source dependency of the Pu isotopic signature, plutonium isotopes are beginning to be exploited as tools for the evaluation and improvement of regional and global ocean models that will enhance understanding of past and future changes in the oceans. This paper addresses the major sources of Pu and the physical and biogeochemical behaviour in the marine environment. Finally, the use of Pu isotopes as tracers for various oceanic processes (e.g. water mass transport, particle export, and sedimentation) is considered.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Plutônio/análise , Radioisótopos/análise , Água do Mar/química , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Oceanos e Mares , Traçadores Radioativos , Poluentes Radioativos da Água/análise
Environ Sci Technol ; 42(13): 4717-22, 2008 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18677996


This study concerns an arctic marine environment that was contaminated by actinide elements after a nuclear accident in 1968, the so-called Thule accident In this study we have analyzed five isolated hot particles as well as sediment samples containing particles from the weapon material for the determination of the nuclear fingerprint of the accident. We report that the fissile material in the hydrogen weapons involved in the Thule accident was a mixture of highly enriched uranium and weapon-grade plutonium and that the main fissile material was 235U (about 4 times more than the mass of 239Pu). In the five hot particles examined, the measured uranium atomic ratio was 235U/238U = 1.02 +/- 0.16 and the Pu-isotopic ratios were as follows: 24Pu/239Pu = 0.0551 +/- 0.0008 (atom ratio), 238Pu/239+240Pu = 0.0161 +/- 0.0005 (activity ratio), 241Pu/239+240Pu = 0.87 +/- 0.12 (activity ratio), and 241Am/ 239+240Pu = 0.169 +/- 0.005 (activity ratio) (reference date 2001-10-01). From the activity ratios of 241Pu/241Am, we estimated the time of production of this weapon material to be from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. The results from reanalyzed bulk sediment samples showed the presence of more than one Pu source involved in the accident, confirming earlier studies. The 238Pu/239+240PU activity ratio and the 240Pu/ 239Pu atomic ratio were divided into at least two Pu-isotopic ratio groups. For both Pu-isotopic ratios, one ratio group had identical ratios as the five hot particles described above and for the other groups the Pu isotopic ratios were lower (238Pu/ 239+240PU activity ratio approximately 0.01 and the 240Pu/P239Pu atomic ratio 0.03). On the studied particles we observed that the U/Pu ratio decreased as a function of the time these particles were present in the sediment. We hypothesis that the decrease in the ratio is due to a preferential leaching of U relative to Pu from the particle matrix.

Amerício/análise , Desastres , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Armas Nucleares , Plutônio/análise , Poluentes Radioativos do Solo/análise , Urânio/análise , Groenlândia , Espectrometria de Massas
J Environ Radioact ; 82(3): 285-301, 2005.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15885376


The long-lived anthropogenic radionuclides (237)Np, (239)Pu and (240)Pu were determined in marine environmental samples (seaweed and seawater) collected from Swedish-Danish waters and the North Atlantic Ocean at various locations on different occasions during the period 1991-2001. The measurements were performed with sector field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and conventional alpha spectrometry. The (237)Np activity concentrations in Fucus vesiculosus and surface seawater from the Swedish west coast and Danish waters ranged from 0.16+/-0.02 to 1.02+/-0.09 mBq kg(-1) (dry weight) and 0.65+/-0.02 to 1.69+/-0.02 mBq m(-3), respectively, depending on the location and sampling year. Most of the (237)Np in these waters is believed to originate from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant, with some contribution from global fallout. The (240)Pu/(239)Pu atomic ratios in F. vesiculosus samples are reported in this study with an overall average of 0.17+/-0.03. The (237)Np and (239)Pu activity concentrations observed in surface seawater collected in North Atlantic waters ranged from 0.16+/-0.01 to 0.62+/-0.08 mBq m(-3) and from 0.64+/-0.05 to 4.27+/-0.08 mBq m(-3), respectively, and the (237)Np/(239)Pu atomic ratios were a good indicator of conservative behaviour of Np in marine waters.

Fucus/química , Netúnio/análise , Plutônio/análise , Água do Mar/análise , Poluentes Radioativos da Água/análise , Oceano Atlântico , Dinamarca , Fucus/metabolismo , Netúnio/metabolismo , Plutônio/metabolismo , Monitoramento de Radiação , Suécia , Poluentes Radioativos da Água/metabolismo
J Environ Radioact ; 73(1): 73-85, 2004.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15001296


The activity concentrations of (237)Np and the two Pu isotopes, (239)Pu and (240)Pu, were determined in lichen samples (Cladonia stellaris) contaminated by fallout from atmospheric nuclear test explosions and the Chernobyl accident. The samples were collected at 18 locations in Sweden, from north to south, between 1986 and 1988 and analysed with high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and alpha spectrometry. Data on the activity ratios (238)Pu/(239+240)Pu and (134)Cs/(137)Cs measured previously were also included in this study for comparison. The (237)Np activity concentration ranged from 0.08 +/- 0.01 to 2.08 +/- 0.17 MBq kg(-1), depending on the location of the sampling site and time of collection. The (239+240)Pu activity concentration ranged from 0.09 +/- 0.01 to 4.09 +/- 0.15 Bq kg(-1), with the (240)Pu/(239)Pu atomic ratio ranging between 0.16 +/- 0.01 and 0.44 +/- 0.03, the higher ratios indicating a combination of weapons test fallout and Chernobyl fallout. The (237)Np/(239)Pu atomic ratios ranged between 0.06 +/- 0.01 and 0.42 +/- 0.04, the lower ratios indicating combination of weapons test fallout and Chernobyl fallout. At a well-defined sampling site at Lake Rogen (62.32 degrees N, 12.38 degrees E), additional lichen samples were collected between 1987 and 1998 to study the distribution of Np and Pu in different layers. The concentrations of the two elements follow each other quite well in the profile.

Poluentes Radioativos do Ar/farmacocinética , Líquens/química , Netúnio/farmacocinética , Plutônio/farmacocinética , Centrais Elétricas , Cinza Radioativa/análise , Liberação Nociva de Radioativos , Poluentes Radioativos do Ar/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental , Netúnio/análise , Plutônio/análise , Suécia , Ucrânia