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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39250398


Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Prompt Engineering have made chatbot customization more accessible, significantly reducing barriers to tasks that previously required programming skills. However, prompt evaluation, especially at the dataset scale, remains complex due to the need to assess prompts across thousands of test instances within a dataset. Our study, based on a comprehensive literature review and pilot study, summarized five critical challenges in prompt evaluation. In response, we introduce a feature-oriented workflow for systematic prompt evaluation. In the context of text summarization, our workflow advocates evaluation with summary characteristics (feature metrics) such as complexity, formality, or naturalness, instead of using traditional quality metrics like ROUGE. This design choice enables a more user-friendly evaluation of prompts, as it guides users in sorting through the ambiguity inherent in natural language. To support this workflow, we introduce Awesum, a visual analytics system that facilitates identifying optimal prompt refinements for text summarization through interactive visualizations, featuring a novel Prompt Comparator design that employs a BubbleSet-inspired design enhanced by dimensionality reduction techniques. We evaluate the effectiveness and general applicability of the system with practitioners from various domains and found that (1) our design helps overcome the learning curve for non-technical people to conduct a systematic evaluation of summarization prompts, and (2) our feature-oriented workflow has the potential to generalize to other NLG and image-generation tasks. For future works, we advocate moving towards feature-oriented evaluation of LLM prompts and discuss unsolved challenges in terms of human-agent interaction.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264779


Sensemaking on a large collection of documents (corpus) is a challenging task often found in fields such as market research, legal studies, intelligence analysis, political science, or computational linguistics. Previous works approach this problem from topic- and entity-based perspectives, but the capability of the underlying NLP model limits their effectiveness. Recent advances in prompting with LLMs present opportunities to enhance such approaches with higher accuracy and customizability. However, poorly designed prompts and visualizations could mislead users into falsely interpreting the visualizations and hinder the system's trustworthiness. In this paper, we address this issue by taking into account the user analysis tasks and visualization goals in the prompt-based data extraction stage, thereby extending the concept of Model Alignment. We present HINTs, a VA system for supporting sensemaking on large collections of documents, combining previous entity-based and topic-based approaches. The visualization pipeline of HINTs consists of three stages. First, entities and topics are extracted from the corpus with prompts. Then, the result is modeled as a hypergraph and hierarchically clustered. Finally, an enhanced space-filling curve layout is applied to visualize the hypergraph for interactive exploration. The system further integrates an LLM-based intelligent chatbot agent in the interface to facilitate the sensemaking of interested documents. To demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of the HINTs system, we present two case studies on different domains and a comparative user study. We report our insights on the behavior patterns and challenges when intelligent agents are used to facilitate sensemaking. We find that while intelligent agents can address many challenges in sensemaking, the visual hints that visualizations provide are still necessary. We discuss limitations and future work for combining interactive visualization and LLMs more profoundly to better support corpus analysis.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39269806


Egocentric networks, often visualized as node-link diagrams, portray the complex relationship (link) dynamics between an entity (node) and others. However, common analytics tasks are multifaceted, encompassing interactions among four key aspects: strength, function, structure, and content. Current node-link visualization designs may fall short, focusing narrowly on certain aspects and neglecting the holistic, dynamic nature of egocentric networks. To bridge this gap, we introduce SpreadLine, a novel visualization framework designed to enable the visual exploration of egocentric networks from these four aspects at the microscopic level. Leveraging the intuitive appeal of storyline visualizations, SpreadLine adopts a storyline-based design to represent entities and their evolving relationships. We further encode essential topological information in the layout and condense the contextual information in a metro map metaphor, allowing for a more engaging and effective way to explore temporal and attribute-based information. To guide our work, with a thorough review of pertinent literature, we have distilled a task taxonomy that addresses the analytical needs specific to egocentric network exploration. Acknowledging the diverse analytical requirements of users, SpreadLine offers customizable encodings to enable users to tailor the framework for their tasks. We demonstrate the efficacy and general applicability of SpreadLine through three diverse real-world case studies (disease surveillance, social media trends, and academic career evolution) and a usability study.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39115992


Implicit neural representations (INRs) have emerged as a powerful tool for compressing large-scale volume data. This opens up new possibilities for in situ visualization. However, the efficient application of INRs to distributed data remains an underexplored area. In this work, we develop a distributed volumetric neural representation and optimize it for in situ visualization. Our technique eliminates data exchanges between processes, achieving state-of-the-art compression speed, quality and ratios. Our technique also enables the implementation of an efficient strategy for caching large-scale simulation data in high temporal frequencies, further facilitating the use of reactive in situ visualization in a wider range of scientific problems. We integrate this system with the Ascent infrastructure and evaluate its performance and usability using real-world simulations.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38968020


Multivariate networks are commonly found in realworld data-driven applications. Uncovering and understanding the relations of interest in multivariate networks is not a trivial task. This paper presents a visual analytics workflow for studying multivariate networks to extract associations between different structural and semantic characteristics of the networks (e.g., what are the combinations of attributes largely relating to the density of a social network?). The workflow consists of a neuralnetwork- based learning phase to classify the data based on the chosen input and output attributes, a dimensionality reduction and optimization phase to produce a simplified set of results for examination, and finally an interpreting phase conducted by the user through an interactive visualization interface. A key part of our design is a composite variable construction step that remodels nonlinear features obtained by neural networks into linear features that are intuitive to interpret. We demonstrate the capabilities of this workflow with multiple case studies on networks derived from social media usage and also evaluate the workflow with qualitative feedback from experts.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 30(6): 2875-2887, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38625780


Recent advancements in pre-trained language-image models have ushered in a new era of visual comprehension. Leveraging the power of these models, this article tackles two issues within the realm of visual analytics: (1) the efficient exploration of large-scale image datasets and identification of data biases within them; (2) the evaluation of image captions and steering of their generation process. On the one hand, by visually examining the captions generated from language-image models for an image dataset, we gain deeper insights into the visual contents, unearthing data biases that may be entrenched within the dataset. On the other hand, by depicting the association between visual features and textual captions, we expose the weaknesses of pre-trained language-image models in their captioning capability and propose an interactive interface to steer caption generation. The two parts have been coalesced into a coordinated visual analytics system, fostering the mutual enrichment of visual and textual contents. We validate the effectiveness of the system with domain practitioners through concrete case studies with large-scale image datasets.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 30(1): 98-108, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37871068


When telling a data story, an author has an intention they seek to convey to an audience. This intention can be of many forms such as to persuade, to educate, to inform, or even to entertain. In addition to expressing their intention, the story plot must balance being consumable and enjoyable while preserving scientific integrity. In data stories, numerous methods have been identified for constructing and presenting a plot. However, there is an opportunity to expand how we think and create the visual elements that present the story. Stories are brought to life by characters; often they are what make a story captivating, enjoyable, memorable, and facilitate following the plot until the end. Through the analysis of 160 existing data stories, we systematically investigate and identify distinguishable features of characters in data stories, and we illustrate how they feed into the broader concept of "character-oriented design". We identify the roles and visual representations data characters assume as well as the types of relationships these roles have with one another. We identify characteristics of antagonists as well as define conflict in data stories. We find the need for an identifiable central character that the audience latches on to in order to follow the narrative and identify their visual representations. We then illustrate "character-oriented design" by showing how to develop data characters with common data story plots. With this work, we present a framework for data characters derived from our analysis; we then offer our extension to the data storytelling process using character-oriented design. To access our supplemental materials please visit

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 30(1): 975-985, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37883277


Volume data is commonly found in many scientific disciplines, like medicine, physics, and biology. Experts rely on robust scientific visualization techniques to extract valuable insights from the data. Recent years have shown path tracing to be the preferred approach for volumetric rendering, given its high levels of realism. However, real-time volumetric path tracing often suffers from stochastic noise and long convergence times, limiting interactive exploration. In this paper, we present a novel method to enable real-time global illumination for volume data visualization. We develop Photon Field Networks-a phase-function-aware, multi-light neural representation of indirect volumetric global illumination. The fields are trained on multi-phase photon caches that we compute a priori. Training can be done within seconds, after which the fields can be used in various rendering tasks. To showcase their potential, we develop a custom neural path tracer, with which our photon fields achieve interactive framerates even on large datasets. We conduct in-depth evaluations of the method's performance, including visual quality, stochastic noise, inference and rendering speeds, and accuracy regarding illumination and phase function awareness. Results are compared to ray marching, path tracing and photon mapping. Our findings show that Photon Field Networks can faithfully represent indirect global illumination within the boundaries of the trained phase spectrum while exhibiting less stochastic noise and rendering at a significantly faster rate than traditional methods.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37922177


A common way to evaluate the reliability of dimensionality reduction (DR) embeddings is to quantify how well labeled classes form compact, mutually separated clusters in the embeddings. This approach is based on the assumption that the classes stay as clear clusters in the original high-dimensional space. However, in reality, this assumption can be violated; a single class can be fragmented into multiple separated clusters, and multiple classes can be merged into a single cluster. We thus cannot always assure the credibility of the evaluation using class labels. In this paper, we introduce two novel quality measures-Label-Trustworthiness and Label-Continuity (Label-T&C)-advancing the process of DR evaluation based on class labels. Instead of assuming that classes are well-clustered in the original space, Label-T&C work by (1) estimating the extent to which classes form clusters in the original and embedded spaces and (2) evaluating the difference between the two. A quantitative evaluation showed that Label-T&C outperform widely used DR evaluation measures (e.g., Trustworthiness and Continuity, Kullback-Leibler divergence) in terms of the accuracy in assessing how well DR embeddings preserve the cluster structure, and are also scalable. Moreover, we present case studies demonstrating that Label-T&C can be successfully used for revealing the intrinsic characteristics of DR techniques and their hyperparameters.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37418398


Implicit neural networks have demonstrated immense potential in compressing volume data for visualization. However, despite their advantages, the high costs of training and inference have thus far limited their application to offline data processing and non-interactive rendering. In this paper, we present a novel solution that leverages modern GPU tensor cores, a well-implemented CUDA machine learning framework, an optimized global-illumination-capable volume rendering algorithm, and a suitable acceleration data structure to enable real-time direct ray tracing of volumetric neural representations. Our approach produces high-fidelity neural representations with a peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) exceeding 30 dB, while reducing their size by up to three orders of magnitude. Remarkably, we show that the entire training step can fit within a rendering loop, bypassing the need for pre-training. Additionally, we introduce an efficient out-of-core training strategy to support extreme-scale volume data, making it possible for our volumetric neural representation training to scale up to terascale on a workstation with an NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU. Our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in terms of training time, reconstruction quality, and rendering performance, making it an ideal choice for applications where fast and accurate visualization of large-scale volume data is paramount.

IEEE Comput Graph Appl ; 43(1): 97-102, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37022441


Unsurprisingly, we have observed tremendous interests and efforts in the application of machine learning (ML) to many data visualization problems, which are having success and leading to new capabilities. However, there is a space in visualization research that is either completely or partly agnostic to ML that should not be lost in this current VIS+ML movement. The research that this space can offer is imperative to the growth of our field and it is important that we remind ourselves to invest in this research as well as show what it could bear. This Viewpoints article provides my personal take on a few research challenges and opportunities that lie ahead that may not be directly addressable by ML.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(6): 2888-2900, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37027263


Vision transformer (ViT) expands the success of transformer models from sequential data to images. The model decomposes an image into many smaller patches and arranges them into a sequence. Multi-head self-attentions are then applied to the sequence to learn the attention between patches. Despite many successful interpretations of transformers on sequential data, little effort has been devoted to the interpretation of ViTs, and many questions remain unanswered. For example, among the numerous attention heads, which one is more important? How strong are individual patches attending to their spatial neighbors in different heads? What attention patterns have individual heads learned? In this work, we answer these questions through a visual analytics approach. Specifically, we first identify what heads are more important in ViTs by introducing multiple pruning-based metrics. Then, we profile the spatial distribution of attention strengths between patches inside individual heads, as well as the trend of attention strengths across attention layers. Third, using an autoencoder-based learning solution, we summarize all possible attention patterns that individual heads could learn. Examining the attention strengths and patterns of the important heads, we answer why they are important. Through concrete case studies with experienced deep learning experts on multiple ViTs, we validate the effectiveness of our solution that deepens the understanding of ViTs from head importance, head attention strength, and head attention pattern.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(3): 1691-1704, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34797765


Optimizing the performance of large-scale parallel codes is critical for efficient utilization of computing resources. Code developers often explore various execution parameters, such as hardware configurations, system software choices, and application parameters, and are interested in detecting and understanding bottlenecks in different executions. They often collect hierarchical performance profiles represented as call graphs, which combine performance metrics with their execution contexts. The crucial task of exploring multiple call graphs together is tedious and challenging because of the many structural differences in the execution contexts and significant variability in the collected performance metrics (e.g., execution runtime). In this paper, we present Ensemble CallFlow to support the exploration of ensembles of call graphs using new types of visualizations, analysis, graph operations, and features. We introduce ensemble-Sankey, a new visual design that combines the strengths of resource-flow (Sankey) and box-plot visualization techniques. Whereas the resource-flow visualization can easily and intuitively describe the graphical nature of the call graph, the box plots overlaid on the nodes of Sankey convey the performance variability within the ensemble. Our interactive visual interface provides linked views to help explore ensembles of call graphs, e.g., by facilitating the analysis of structural differences, and identifying similar or distinct call graphs. We demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of our design through case studies on large-scale parallel codes.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(2): 1384-1399, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34559655


Visual data storytelling is gaining importance as a means of presenting data-driven information or analysis results, especially to the general public. This has resulted in design principles being proposed for data-driven storytelling, and new authoring tools being created to aid such storytelling. However, data analysts typically lack sufficient background in design and storytelling to make effective use of these principles and authoring tools. To assist this process, we present ChartStory for crafting data stories from a collection of user-created charts, using a style akin to comic panels to imply the underlying sequence and logic of data-driven narratives. Our approach is to operationalize established design principles into an advanced pipeline that characterizes charts by their properties and similarities to each other, and recommends ways to partition, layout, and caption story pieces to serve a narrative. ChartStory also augments this pipeline with intuitive user interactions for visual refinement of generated data comics. We extensively and holistically evaluate ChartStory via a trio of studies. We first assess how the tool supports data comic creation in comparison to a manual baseline tool. Data comics from this study are subsequently compared and evaluated to ChartStory's automated recommendations by a team of narrative visualization practitioners. This is followed by a pair of interview studies with data scientists using their own datasets and charts who provide an additional assessment of the system. We find that ChartStory provides cogent recommendations for narrative generation, resulting in data comics that compare favorably to manually-created ones.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(7): 3195-3208, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35213309


Depending on the node ordering, an adjacency matrix can highlight distinct characteristics of a graph. Deriving a "proper" node ordering is thus a critical step in visualizing a graph as an adjacency matrix. Users often try multiple matrix reorderings using different methods until they find one that meets the analysis goal. However, this trial-and-error approach is laborious and disorganized, which is especially challenging for novices. This paper presents a technique that enables users to effortlessly find a matrix reordering they want. Specifically, we design a generative model that learns a latent space of diverse matrix reorderings of the given graph. We also construct an intuitive user interface from the learned latent space by creating a map of various matrix reorderings. We demonstrate our approach through quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the generated reorderings and learned latent spaces. The results show that our model is capable of learning a latent space of diverse matrix reorderings. Most existing research in this area generally focused on developing algorithms that can compute "better" matrix reorderings for particular circumstances. This paper introduces a fundamentally new approach to matrix visualization of a graph, where a machine learning model learns to generate diverse matrix reorderings of a graph.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(9): 3746-3757, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35486550


Environmental sensors provide crucial data for understanding our surroundings. For example, air quality maps based on sensor readings help users make decisions to mitigate the effects of pollution on their health. Standard maps show readings from individual sensors or colored contours indicating estimated pollution levels. However, showing a single estimate may conceal uncertainty and lead to underestimation of risk, while showing sensor data yields varied interpretations. We present several visualizations of uncertainty in air quality maps, including a frequency-framing "dotmap" and small multiples, and we compare them with standard contour and sensor-based maps. In a user study, we find that including uncertainty in maps has a significant effect on how much users would choose to reduce physical activity, and that people make more cautious decisions when using uncertainty-aware maps. Additionally, we analyze think-aloud transcriptions from the experiment to understand more about how the representation of uncertainty influences people's decision-making. Our results suggest ways to design maps of sensor data that can encourage certain types of reasoning, yield more consistent responses, and convey risk better than standard maps.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 548-558, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36166541


Spatial statistical analysis of multivariate volumetric data can be challenging due to scale, complexity, and occlusion. Advances in topological segmentation, feature extraction, and statistical summarization have helped overcome the challenges. This work introduces a new spatial statistical decomposition method based on level sets, connected components, and a novel variation of the restricted centroidal Voronoi tessellation that is better suited for spatial statistical decomposition and parallel efficiency. The resulting data structures organize features into a coherent nested hierarchy to support flexible and efficient out-of-core region-of-interest extraction. Next, we provide an efficient parallel implementation. Finally, an interactive visualization system based on this approach is designed and then applied to turbulent combustion data. The combined approach enables an interactive spatial statistical analysis workflow for large-scale data with a top-down approach through multiple-levels-of-detail that links phase space statistics with spatial features.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 515-525, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36155446


Volume data is found in many important scientific and engineering applications. Rendering this data for visualization at high quality and interactive rates for demanding applications such as virtual reality is still not easily achievable even using professional-grade hardware. We introduce FoVolNet-a method to significantly increase the performance of volume data visualization. We develop a cost-effective foveated rendering pipeline that sparsely samples a volume around a focal point and reconstructs the full-frame using a deep neural network. Foveated rendering is a technique that prioritizes rendering computations around the user's focal point. This approach leverages properties of the human visual system, thereby saving computational resources when rendering data in the periphery of the user's field of vision. Our reconstruction network combines direct and kernel prediction methods to produce fast, stable, and perceptually convincing output. With a slim design and the use of quantization, our method outperforms state-of-the-art neural reconstruction techniques in both end-to-end frame times and visual quality. We conduct extensive evaluations of the system's rendering performance, inference speed, and perceptual properties, and we provide comparisons to competing neural image reconstruction techniques. Our test results show that FoVolNet consistently achieves significant time saving over conventional rendering while preserving perceptual quality.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(4): 2020-2035, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34965212


Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used to study the effects of neurodegenerative diseases on neural pathways, which may lead to more reliable and early diagnosis of these diseases as well as a better understanding of how they affect the brain. We introduce a predictive visual analytics system for studying patient groups based on their labeled DTI fiber tract data and corresponding statistics. The system's machine-learning-augmented interface guides the user through an organized and holistic analysis space, including the statistical feature space, the physical space, and the space of patients over different groups. We use a custom machine learning pipeline to help narrow down this large analysis space and then explore it pragmatically through a range of linked visualizations. We conduct several case studies using DTI and T1-weighted images from the research database of Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative.

Imagem de Tensor de Difusão , Doenças Neurodegenerativas , Humanos , Doenças Neurodegenerativas/diagnóstico por imagem , Gráficos por Computador , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Bases de Dados Factuais
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 842-852, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179005


Real-world machine learning applications need to be thoroughly evaluated to meet critical product requirements for model release, to ensure fairness for different groups or individuals, and to achieve a consistent performance in various scenarios. For example, in autonomous driving, an object classification model should achieve high detection rates under different conditions of weather, distance, etc. Similarly, in the financial setting, credit-scoring models must not discriminate against minority groups. These conditions or groups are called as "Data Slices". In product MLOps cycles, product developers must identify such critical data slices and adapt models to mitigate data slice problems. Discovering where models fail, understanding why they fail, and mitigating these problems, are therefore essential tasks in the MLOps life-cycle. In this paper, we present SliceTeller, a novel tool that allows users to debug, compare and improve machine learning models driven by critical data slices. SliceTeller automatically discovers problematic slices in the data, helps the user understand why models fail. More importantly, we present an efficient algorithm, SliceBoosting, to estimate trade-offs when prioritizing the optimization over certain slices. Furthermore, our system empowers model developers to compare and analyze different model versions during model iterations, allowing them to choose the model version best suitable for their applications. We evaluate our system with three use cases, including two real-world use cases of product development, to demonstrate the power of SliceTeller in the debugging and improvement of product-quality ML models.