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Skin Health Dis ; 3(6): e274, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38047263


Background: There is a well-established association between squamous cell cancer and genital lichen sclerosus (GLSc). Although there have been several reported cases of vulval melanoma (MM) associated with LSc, particularly in the paediatric population, fewer cases of male genital (M) GLSc and penile (Pe)MM have been published. Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore further the relationship between PeMM and MGLSc by reviewing all the cases managed by our multidisciplinary service over a finite period. Methods: All patients known to our tertiary urology and male genital dermatology service with a diagnosis of PeMM and where histology was available for review were identified over an 11-year period (2011-2022). The histology was reviewed by two independent, mutually 'blinded' histopathologists. Photographs and clinical notes, where available, were retrospectively reviewed by two independent dermatologists for signs or symptoms of LSc. Results: Eleven patients with PeMM were identified for review. Histopathological examination found evidence of LSc in nine patients, and review of clinical photos corroborated the presence of LSc in three. Overall, features of LSc were present in nine out of eleven cases (82%). Conclusion: The presence of LSc in 9 out of 11 cases of PeMM is suggestive of a causative relationship between LSc and PeMM. This may be due to chronic melanocytic distress created by chronic inflammation secondary to LSc.

Skin Health Dis ; 3(2): e198, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37013116


Background: Lichen sclerosus (LSc) is a chronic, inflammatory, destructive skin disease with a predilection for the genitalia (GLSc). An association with vulval (Vu) and penile (Pe) squamous carcinoma (SCC) is now well established but melanoma (MM) has only rarely been reported complicating GLSc. Methods: We have performed a systematic literature review of GLSc in patients with genital melanoma (GMM). Only articles that mentioned both GMM and LSc affecting either the penis or vulva were included. Results: Twelve studies with a total of 20 patients were included. Our review shows that an association of GLSc with GMM has been more frequently reported in women and female children than men viz, 17 cases compared with three. It is notable that five of the cases (27.8%) concerned female children aged under twelve. Discussion: These data suggest a rare association between GLSc and GMM. If proven, there arise intriguing questions about pathogenesis and consequences for counselling of patients and follow-up.