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Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 62(3): 194-199, sep.-dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-584951


INTRODUCCIÓN: la cepa atenuada 638 Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor, Ogawa, ha demostrado ser bien tolerada e inmunogénica por vía oral en estudios realizados en voluntarios sanos. OBJETIVO: se evaluó la protección conferida contra el cólera, en un ensayo clínico de reto, para el escalado tecnológico y farmacéutico de este candidato vacunal como ingrediente activo a escala industrial. MÉTODOS: en el estudio participaron 21 voluntarios sanos, 12 de ellos recibieron el candidato vacunal, y 9 ingirieron un placebo; 28 d después, todos recibieron una dosis infectante de una cepa virulenta de V.cholerae. RESULTADOS: la diarrea se registró en 7 de los 9 placebos, mientras que ninguno de los voluntarios vacunados presentó diarrea. Los voluntarios placebos del grupo sanguíneo O, tuvieron diarreas con mayor frecuencia e intensidad. Todos los voluntarios en el grupo placebo excretaron V. cholerae mientras que solo 3 (25 por ciento) de los 12 vacunados la excretaron. CONCLUSIONES: en este modelo de ensayo de reto, la cepa 638 demostró proteger contra la diarrea producida por una cepa virulenta de V. cholerae.

INTRODUCTION: live attenuated oral Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor, Ogawa strain 638 has demonstrated to be well tolerated and immunogenic when administrated orally in studies carried out in healthy volunteers. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the protection against cholera infection in a challenge clinical trial, for the technological and pharmaceutical scale-up of this vaccinal candidate as active ingredient at industrial level. METHOD: a total of 21 healthy volunteers were involved in this trial; the vaccine candidate was administered to 12 of them and the remaining nine were given the placebo. Twenty eight days later, all of them received an infective dose of a V. cholerae virulent strain. RESULTS: diarrheas were observed in 7 out of 9 placebos whereas not a single vaccinated volunteer showed diarrheas. More frequent and intense loose stools were found in the placebo volunteers with O-blood group. All volunteers in he placebo group excreted V. cholerae, but only three (25 percent) out of the 12 vaccinated volunteers did so. CONCLUSION: in this challenge clinical trial model, the 638 strain proved to protect people against the diarrhea caused by a virulent V. cholerae strain.

Humanos , Vacinas contra Cólera/imunologia , Cólera/prevenção & controle , Vibrio cholerae/imunologia , Método Duplo-Cego
Rev Cubana Med Trop ; 62(3): 194-9, 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23437548


INTRODUCTION: live attenuated oral Vibrio cholerae Ol El Tor, Ogawa strain 638 has demonstrated to be well tolerated and immunogenic when administrated orally in studies carried out in healthy volunteers. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the protection against cholera infection in a challenge clinical trial, for the technological and pharmaceutical scale-up of this vaccinal candidate as active ingredient at industrial level. METHODS: a total of 21 healthy volunteers were involved in this trial; the vaccine candidate was administered to 12 of them and the remaining nine were given the placebo. Twenty eight days later, all of them received an infective dose of a V. cholerae virulent strain. RESULTS: diarrheas were observed in 7 out of 9 placebos whereas not a single vaccinated volunteer showed diarrheas. More frequent and intense loose stools were found in the placebo volunteers with O-blood group. All volunteers in he placebo group excreted V. cholerae, but only three (25%) out of the 12 vaccinated volunteers did so. CONCLUSION: in this challenge clinical trial model, the 638 strain proved to protect people against the diarrhea caused by a virulent V. cholerae strain.

Vacinas contra Cólera/imunologia , Cólera/prevenção & controle , Vibrio cholerae/imunologia , Método Duplo-Cego , Humanos
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 61(2)May-Aug. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-584910


OBJETIVO: confirmar serológicamente la ocurrencia de leptospirosis humana en casos presuntivos procedentes del departamento del Valle del Cauca, estudiar variables clínico-epidemiológicas asociadas a la enfermedad e identificar los serogrupos de Leptospira más prevalentes en la región. MÉTODOS: se analizaron 150 muestras séricas colectadas en fase aguda, de casos con sospecha clínica y con riesgo epidemiológico de leptospirosis. Fueron evaluadas mediante hemoaglutinación indirecta y microaglutinación tomando como criterio de confirmación de la enfermedad la presencia de un título por microaglutinación mayor o igual que 1:800. Se analizaron datos epidemiológicos de interés así como síntomas y signos presentados en cada caso. RESULTADOS: las técnicas serológicas empleadas permitieron definir 31 casos confirmados (20,6 por ciento) y 16 casos probables (10,6 por ciento). Icterohaemorrhagie fue el serogrupo de mayor reactividad serológica tanto en casos confirmados como probables. Los síntomas más comunes fueron fiebre (89,3 por ciento), cefalea (86,7 por ciento) y mialgias (77,3 por ciento). Síntomas de leptospirosis severa como ictericia e insuficiencia renal fueron observados en 36 por ciento y 6,7 por ciento de los casos, respectivamente. Cerca de 70 por ciento de los casos confirmados o probables procedía de zonas urbanas y 85 por ciento resultó de hombres con un promedio de edad de 40 años. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron la exposición a roedores o animales domésticos (95,7 por ciento) y aguas potencialmente contaminadas (36,2 por ciento). CONCLUSIONES: los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que la leptospirosis constituye un problema de salud pública en el Valle del Cauca, región suroccidental de Colombia.

OBJECTIVE: to serologically confirm the occurrence of human leptospirosis in presumptive cases from the department of Valle del Cauca in Colombia, to study clinical-epidemiological data associated to the disease and to find out the most prevalent leptospiral serogroups. METHOD: a total of 150 serum samples collected during the acute phase from clinically suspected patients of having leptospirosis were analyzed. Samples were evaluated by indirect hemagglutination and microagglutination tests, taking a microagglutination titer equal to or greater than 1:800 as definition of confirmed case. Epidemiological data as well as symptoms and signs of interest were analyzed. RESULTS: these serological techniques allowed defining 31 confirmed cases (20.6 percent) and 16 probable cases (10.6 percent). Icterohaemorrhagiae was the serogroup with the higher serological reactivity in both confirmed and probable cases. Most common symptoms were fever (89.3 percent), headaches (86.7 percent) and myalgias (77.3 percent). Symptoms of severe leptospirosis like jaundice and renal failure were observed in 36 percent and 6.7 percent of cases, respectively. About 70 percent of confirmed or probable cases came from urban areas and 85 percent of them were men aged 40 years as average. The epidemiological risk factors were exposure to rats and domestic animal (95.7 percent) and potentially contaminated water (36.2 percent). CONCLUSIONS: the results of the present study suggest that leptospirosis is a public health problem in Valle del Cauca, a region located on the south west of the country.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 26(2)abr.-jun. 2007. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-486291


Se realizó un ensayo clínico, durante 6 meses, en 25 adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tratados con antihiperglicemiantes, para estudiar el efecto terapéutico de la dieta macrobiótica vegetariana Ma-Pi 2. Se evaluaron datos de encuesta dietética, evolución clínica, estado nutricional, indicadores bioquímicos de rutina y del metabolismo glucídico y lipídico, consumo de medicamentos y eventos adversos. La dieta tuvo presencia mayoritaria de cereales integrales, verduras y hortalizas, leguminosas y té verde; fue suficiente en energía, baja en grasa y adecuada en proteínas; elevada en carbohidratos complejos, fibra dietética, ß caroteno, manganeso y magnesio. Al final del estudio la glicemia disminuyó en 53 por ciento, hemoglobina glucosilada 32 por ciento, colesterol 21 por ciento, triglicéridos 43 por ciento y la relación colesterol-LDL/colesterol-HDL 61 por ciento. El peso corporal y las circunferencias de cintura y cadera disminuyeron significativamente. Se normalizaron los valores de hemoglobina, creatinina, ácido úrico, urea, transaminasa glutámico pirúvica, frecuencia cardíaca y tensión arterial. Los niveles séricos de vitaminas A, E, C, B1, B12 y folatos resultaron adecuados. Del total de los pacientes, 88 por suprimió totalmente el tratamiento antihiperglicemiante. No se registraron eventos adversos. Mejoraron de manera notable los síntomas asociados, el bienestar y la calidad de vida. Se concluyó que la dieta Ma-Pi 2 resultó una alternativa terapéutica muy apropiada en los 25 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 evaluados.

A clinical assay of 25 adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, who were treated with anti-hyperglycemic drugs was conducted for six months in order to study the therapeutical effect of vegetarian macrobiotic diet Ma-Pi2. Data from dietetic surveys, clinical evolution, nutritional status, biochemical indicators, glucose and lipid metabolism indicators, drug consumption and adverse effects were evaluated. The diet mostly comprised whole grains, vegetables, leguminosae and green tea; sufficient energy, low fat and adequate protein contents, high amount of complex carbohydrates, dietetic fiber, ß carotene, manganese and magnesium. At the end of the study, glycemic levels lowered by 53 percent, glycosylated hemoglobin by 32 percent, cholesterol by 21 percent, triglycerides by 43 percent and LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio by 61 percent. Body weight, and waist and hip circumferences were significantly reduced. Hemoglobin, creatinine, uric acid, urea, piruvic glutamic transaminase, heart rate and blood pressure values stabilized. Vitamin A, E, C, B1, B12 and folates serum levels were satisfactory. Of the total number of patients, 88 percent totally ceased their antihyperglycemic treatment. No adverse effects were observed. Improvement in associated symptoms, well-being and quality of life was remarkable. It was concluded that the Ma-pi2 diet proved to be a very suitable therapeutical alternative in the 25 studied patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Humanos , Dieta Macrobiótica , /terapia