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Sci Total Environ ; 949: 174769, 2024 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39067592


Peatlands are a major store of soil carbon, due to their high concentration of carbon-rich decayed plant material. Consequently, accurate assessment of peat volumes is important for determining land-use carbon budgets, especially in the Northern hemisphere. Determination of carbon stocks at the scale of individual peat sites has principally relied on either mechanical probing or electromagnetic geophysical methods. In this study, we investigated the use of seismic nodal instrumentation for quantifying peat depth. We used Stryde™ nodes for a deployment at the Whixall moss in Shropshire, England. We measured seismic arrival times from peat-bottom reflections, as well as dispersive surface waves to invert for a model of variable peat depth along a linear cross-section. The use of very small seismic nodes (micronodes) allows for particularly rapid deployment on challenging terrain.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 8999, 2024 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38637675


Despite considerable progress in seismology, mineral physics, geodynamics, paleomagnetism, and mathematical geophysics, Earth's inner core structure and evolution remain enigmatic. One of the most significant issues is its thermal history and the current thermal state. Several hypotheses involving a thermally-convecting inner core have been proposed: a simple, high-viscosity, translational mode, or a classical, lower-viscosity, plume-style convection. Here, we use state-of-the-art seismic imaging to probe the outermost shell of the inner core for its isotropic compressional speed and compare it with recently developed attenuation maps. The pattern emerging in the resulting tomograms is interpreted with recent data on the viscosity of iron as the inner core surface manifestation of a thermally-driven flow, with a positive correlation among compressional speed and attenuation and temperature. Although the outer-core convection controls the heat flux across the inner core boundary, the internally driven inner-core convection is a plausible model that explains a range of observations for the inner core, including distinct anisotropy in the innermost inner core.

ACS Nano ; 17(15): 14545-14554, 2023 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37494826


Coherent optical manipulation of electronic bandstructures via Floquet Engineering is a promising means to control quantum systems on an ultrafast time scale. However, the ultrafast switching on/off of the driving field comes with questions regarding the limits of the Floquet formalism (which is defined for an infinite periodic drive) through the switching process and to what extent the transient changes can be driven adiabatically. Experimentally addressing these questions has been difficult, in large part due to the absence of an established technique to measure coherent dynamics through the duration of the pulse. Here, using multidimensional coherent spectroscopy we explicitly excite, control, and probe a coherent superposition of excitons in the K and K' valleys in monolayer WS2. With a circularly polarized, red-detuned pump pulse, the degeneracy of the K and K' excitons can be lifted, and the phase of the coherence rotated. We directly measure phase rotations greater than π during the 100 fs driving pulse and show that this can be described by a combination of the AC-Stark shift of excitons in one valley and the Bloch-Siegert shift of excitons in the opposite valley. Despite showing a smooth evolution of the phase that directly follows the intensity envelope of the nonresonant pump pulse, the process is not perfectly adiabatic. By measuring the magnitude of the macroscopic coherence as it evolves before, during, and after the nonresonant pump pulse we show that there is additional decoherence caused by power broadening in the presence of the nonresonant pump. This nonadiabaticity arises as a result of interactions with the otherwise adiabatic Floquet states and may be a problem for many applications, such as manipulating qubits in quantum information processing; however, these measurements also suggest ways such effects can be minimized or eliminated.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6164, 2022 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36257945


Interactions between quasiparticles are of fundamental importance and ultimately determine the macroscopic properties of quantum matter. A famous example is the phenomenon of superconductivity, which arises from attractive electron-electron interactions that are mediated by phonons or even other more exotic fluctuations in the material. Here we introduce mobile exciton impurities into a two-dimensional electron gas and investigate the interactions between the resulting Fermi polaron quasiparticles. We employ multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy on monolayer WS2, which provides an ideal platform for determining the nature of polaron-polaron interactions due to the underlying trion fine structure and the valley specific optical selection rules. At low electron doping densities, we find that the dominant interactions are between polaron states that are dressed by the same Fermi sea. In the absence of bound polaron pairs (bipolarons), we show using a minimal microscopic model that these interactions originate from a phase-space filling effect, where excitons compete for the same electrons. We furthermore reveal the existence of a bipolaron bound state with remarkably large binding energy, involving excitons in different valleys cooperatively bound to the same electron. Our work lays the foundation for probing and understanding strong electron correlation effects in two-dimensional layered structures such as moiré superlattices.

Sci Rep ; 5: 18416, 2015 Dec 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26674394


The core mantle boundary (CMB) separates Earth's liquid iron outer core from the solid but slowly convecting mantle. The detailed structure and dynamics of the mantle within ~300 km of this interface remain enigmatic: it is a complex region, which exhibits thermal, compositional and phase-related heterogeneity, isolated pockets of partial melt and strong variations in seismic velocity and anisotropy. Nonetheless, characterising the structure of this region is crucial to a better understanding of the mantle's thermo-chemical evolution and the nature of core-mantle interactions. In this study, we examine the heterogeneity spectrum from a recent P-wave tomographic model, which is based upon trans-dimensional and hierarchical Bayesian imaging. Our tomographic technique avoids explicit model parameterization, smoothing and damping. Spectral analyses reveal a multi-scale wavelength content and a power of heterogeneity that is three times larger than previous estimates. Inter alia, the resulting heterogeneity spectrum gives a more complete picture of the lowermost mantle and provides a bridge between the long-wavelength features obtained in global S-wave models and the short-scale dimensions of seismic scatterers. The evidence that we present for strong, multi-scale lowermost mantle heterogeneity has important implications for the nature of lower mantle dynamics and prescribes complex boundary conditions for Earth's geodynamo.