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Trop Life Sci Res ; 34(1): 67-83, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37065792


Limited data are available regarding the effects of Brachiaria decumbens on sheep's growth performance at different times. Therefore, this current study focused on sheep's nutrient apparent digestibility, feed efficiency, body index, and growth hormone when they are fed with low and high levels of B. decumbens diets. A total of 30 six-month-old male Dorper cross sheep were divided randomly into three treatment groups with 10 sheep per treatment. Treatment 1 (control) sheep were fed with Pennisetum purpureum and pellets as the basal diet, whereas Treatment 2 and 3 sheep were fed with feed mixed with low (10%) and high (60%) levels of B. decumbens, respectively. The study was conducted in two phases consisting of short-term feeding (seven days) and long-term feeding (90 days). Throughout the experiment, daily fecal voided were collected in the morning for seven days continuous before the end of each feeding phases for the determination of nutrient apparent digestibility. The amount of feed offered and refusals plus body weight gain were recorded daily to determine the feed efficiency (FE). Besides, the body measurements of each sheep from every treatment were measured weekly and blood samples were collected for the analysis of growth hormone (GH) concentration. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the nutrient apparent digestibility, growth performance, body measurement, and GH concentration among treatment sheep throughout the study period. Treatment 3 sheep fed with 60% of B. decumbens diet revealed the lowest dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility during the long-term feeding. Likewise, Treatment 3 (T3) sheep had the lowest total bodyweight gain, average daily gain, total feed intake, and daily feed intake among treatment sheep. The heart girth index (HGI) of T3 sheep was also significantly lower during the short-term feeding. Moreover, the GH concentration of T3 sheep was significantly lower as compared to the control that decreases steadily throughout the study period. In conclusion, high levels of B. decumbens showed the most significant results out of all three treatments indicating the presence of saponins, which produce negative effects on the sheep's overall performance.

Data tersedia mengenai kesan jumlah Brachiaria decumbens yang berbeza terhadap prestasi pertumbuhan biri-biri pada tempoh masa yang berbeza adalah terhad. Oleh itu, kajian semasa ini memberi tumpuan kepada kebolehcernaan ketara nutrien, kecekapan makanan, indeks badan, dan hormon pertumbuhan bebiri yang diberi makan dengan diet B. decumbens pada tahap rendah dan tinggi. Sebanyak 30 ekor bebiri Dorper jantan berumur 6 bulan dibahagikan secara rawak kepada 3 kumpulan rawatan dengan 10 ekor bebiri setiap kumpulan. Rawatan 1 (kawalan) bebiri diberi makan dengan Pennisetum purpureum dan pelet sebagai diet asas, manakala bebiri Rawatan 2 dan 3 masing-masing diberi makan dengan campuran B. decumbens pada tahap rendah (10%) dan tinggi (60%). Kajian ini dijalankan dalam dua fasa yang terdiri daripada pemakanan jangka pendek (7 hari) dan panjang (90 hari). Sepanjang eksperimen, najis harian yang dibuang dikumpulkan pada waktu pagi selama 7 hari berterusan sebelum tamat setiap fasa pemakanan untuk menentukan kebolehcernaan ketara nutrien. Jumlah makanan yang diberi, sisa makanan, dan penambahan berat badan direkodkan setiap hari untuk menentukan kecekapan makanan (FE). Selain itu, ukuran badan setiap bebiri daripada setiap rawatan diukur setiap minggu serta sampel darah diambil untuk analisis kepekatan hormon pertumbuhan (GH). Terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan (p < 0.05) dalam kebolehcernaan ketara nutrien, prestasi pertumbuhan, ukuran badan, dan kepekatan GH di kalangan bebiri rawatan sepanjang tempoh kajian. Bebiri rawatan 3 (T3) yang diberi makan dengan 60% diet B. decumbens menunjukkan kebolehcernaan bahan kering (DM), protein kasar (CP), gentian detergen neutral (NDF), dan gentian detergen asid (ADF) yang paling rendah semasa pemberian makanan jangka panjang. Bebiri T3 mempunyai jumlah penambahan berat badan, purata kenaikan harian, jumlah pengambilan makanan, dan pengambilan makanan harian yang paling rendah di kalangan bebiri rawatan. Indeks lilitan jantung (HGI) bebiri T3 juga jauh lebih rendah semasa pemberian makanan jangka pendek. Selain itu, kepekatan GH bebiri T3 adalah jauh lebih rendah berbanding dengan bebiri kawalan yang menurun secara berterusan sepanjang tempoh kajian. Kesimpulannya, tahap B. decumbens yang tinggi menunjukkan keputusan yang paling ketara daripada ketiga rawatan yang menunjukkan kehadiran saponins boleh menghasilkan kesan negatif terhadap prestasi keseluruhan bebiri.

Trop Anim Health Prod ; 53(3): 372, 2021 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34173068


The present study aims to determine the hematology, serum biochemistry, and acute phase proteins (APPs) responses of both serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in sheep fed with low and high levels of Brachiaria decumbens (B. decumbens) diets at different time phases. A total of 30 6-month-old male Dorper cross sheep were randomly divided into three treatment groups consisted of 10 sheep each. Treatment 1 (control) sheep were fed with Pennisetum purpureum and concentrates as the basal diet, whereas Treatments 2 and 3 sheep were fed with low (10%) and high (60%) level of B. decumbens, respectively. The hematology results revealed that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, white blood cells, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, platelets, and plasma proteins between groups. Except for packed cell volume, there were also significant differences in all hematology parameters at different time phases. All biochemistry parameters except creatinine revealed significant differences among treatment groups. However, there were significant differences in all parameters between time. On the other hand, APPs results showed significant differences in the serum haptoglobin and serum amyloid A in both serum and CSF between groups and time.

Brachiaria , Hematologia , Doenças dos Ovinos , Proteínas de Fase Aguda , Animais , Dieta , Masculino , Ovinos , Carneiro Doméstico
Toxicon ; 174: 26-31, 2020 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31989927


Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass) is a highly productive tropical grass that is widespread in some tropical countries due to its adaptation to a wide range of environments and soil types. However, a limiting factor for the use of this grass is its toxicity from steroidal saponins. Sporadic outbreaks of hepatogenous photosensitization in ruminants grazing on this grass have been reported. Sheep are more susceptible than other animal species and the young are more susceptible than adults. This review article will critically shed light on the B. decumbens profile, its toxic compounds, mechanisms, clinical responses, blood profile alterations, pathological changes, and acute phase responses related to signal grass intoxication. Further research is needed to integrate new findings on B. decumbens intoxication with previous preventive and therapeutic trials to minimize or remove its deleterious toxic effect.

Brachiaria , Intoxicação por Plantas , Doenças dos Ovinos , Ovinos , Animais , Fígado , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade , Ruminantes , Saponinas
Trop Anim Health Prod ; 51(2): 289-295, 2019 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30088124


Pneumonic pasteurellosis is an economically important infectious disease in the small ruminant industry which causes sudden death and loss for farmers. Nonetheless, this disease is still a common sight in sheep and goats in Malaysia, probably due to the unpopular usage of pasteurellosis vaccine or inappropriate vaccination practices. The aim of this study was designed to classify the severity of pneumonia via the establishment of auscultation scoring method and to quantify the acute phase proteins and heat shock proteins responses from vaccinated and non-vaccinated goats. Goat farms, consist of vaccinated and non-vaccinated farms, were selected in this study: where 15 clinically normal healthy goats and 9 pneumonic goats were selected from vaccinated farms whereas 15 clinically normal healthy goats and 31 pneumonic goats from non-vaccinated farms were selected for this study. Crackle lung sounds were not detected in both vaccinated and non-vaccinated normal goats. However, vaccinated pneumonic goats showed mild crackle lung sound while non-vaccinated pneumonic goats exhibited moderate crackle lung sound. There were significant increases (p < 0.05) in acute phase proteins and heat shock proteins concentrations for the non-vaccinated pneumonic goats group. In this study, conclusion can be made that the vaccinated goats exhibited very mild clinical responses of pneumonia and non-significant biomarker responses compared to the non-vaccinated goats. Thus, vaccination is an effective preventive measure to control pneumonic pasteurellosis and acute phase proteins and heat shock proteins can be considered as future biomarkers in screening and rapid diagnostic method for this particular disease.

Proteínas de Fase Aguda/metabolismo , Auscultação/veterinária , Doenças das Cabras/diagnóstico , Proteínas de Choque Térmico/sangue , Pulmão/fisiopatologia , Pasteurelose Pneumônica/diagnóstico , Vacinação/veterinária , Animais , Auscultação/métodos , Cabras , Malásia , Mannheimia haemolytica/fisiologia