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J Womens Health (Larchmt) ; 32(11): 1200-1207, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37639690


Objective: Females have been traditionally underrepresented in academia across multiple medical specialties, including radiology. The present study investigated primary investigators (PIs) who received National Institutes of Health (NIH) radiology funding between 2016 and 2019 to establish if there was a correlation between NIH grants, gender, academic rank, first and second tier leadership positions, geographic location, and professional awards. Materials and Methods: Funding information was obtained from the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools Expenditure and Results (RePORTER) website for 2016-2019. Information for each PI was obtained from academic institutional websites, LinkedIn, and Doximity. Mann-Whitney U tests and chi-square analyses were performed to compare and determine associations between gender and the stated variables of interest. Results: Of the 805 radiology PIs included in this study, 78% were male. There was a significant association of gender with the attainment of the highest academic rank (p = 0.026), with females occupied more of the assistant professor ranks (M:F = 1:1.5) and less of the professor ranks (F:M = 1:1.2). Between genders, there was no significant difference in first and second tier leadership positions (p = 0.497, p = 0.116), and postgraduate honors and awards (p = 0.149). The greatest proportion of grants was awarded in the setting of sole male PIs (55%) and the least proportion of grants were awarded when the contact PI and other project leader were female (1%). Conclusion: Despite having similar academic credentials, including number of leadership positions and postgraduate honors and awards, female radiology PIs who have received NIH grants continue to be underrepresented in higher academic ranks.

Distinções e Prêmios , Pesquisa Biomédica , Radiologia , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Liderança , Fatores Sexuais , National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
Cureus ; 14(9): e28982, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36237768


Purpose The purpose of our study was to evaluate National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding recipients between 2016 and 2019 to determine if there was an association between gender, research productivity, academic rank, leadership positions, and post-graduate awards. Materials and Methods The NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools Expenditure and Results (RePORTER) website was used to retrieve data for grants in Radiation Oncology from 2016-2019. Demographics and profiles of awardees were retrieved from institutional websites, LinkedIn, and Doximity. Publication metrics were collected through the Scopus database. Mann-Whitney U tests and chi-square analyses were performed to compare and determine associations between gender and other variables.  Results Three hundred and forty radiation oncology principal investigators (PIs) were included in this study, of whom 76% were men. Of the 776 total NIH grants awarded, 62% of the grants had a sole male PI and 1% had two or more PIs in which the contact PI and co-PI were women. Between the genders of PIs in this sample, there was no significant difference in highest academic rank, leadership positions (i.e., chair, director, founder, president, and other), and post-graduate honors and awards. Total publications, years of active research, h-index, and m-index were higher amongst men in the professor category but were largely similar between genders in the associate and assistant professor categories. Conclusions The results demonstrate that most NIH grants in radiation oncology were awarded to men. Strategies that increase women in radiation oncology (RO), as well as those that increase NIH grants amongst women may also increase the prevalence of women in senior academic ranks and leadership positions.

Vaccines (Basel) ; 10(6)2022 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35746541


Understanding the mechanism of action of adjuvants through systems biology enables rationale criteria for their selection, optimization, and application. As kinome analysis has proven valuable for defining responses to infectious agents and providing biomarkers of vaccine responsiveness, it is a logical candidate to define molecular responses to adjuvants. Signaling responses to the adjuvant poly[di(sodiumcarboxylatoethylphenoxy)phosphazene] (PCEP) were defined at the site of injection and draining lymph node at 24 h post-vaccination. Kinome analysis indicates that PCEP induces a proinflammatory environment at the injection site, including activation of interferon and IL-6 signaling events. This is supported by the elevated expression of proinflammatory genes (IFNγ, IL-6 and TNFα) and the recruitment of myeloid (neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells) and lymphoid (CD4+, CD8+ and B) cells. Kinome analysis also indicates that PCEP's mechanism of action is not limited to the injection site. Strong signaling responses to PCEP, but not alum, are observed at the draining lymph node where, in addition to proinflammatory signaling, PCEP activates responses associated with growth factor and erythropoietin stimulation. Coupled with the significant (p < 0.0001) recruitment of macrophages and dendritic cells to the lymph node by PCEP (but not alum) supports the systemic consequences of the adjuvant. Collectively, these results indicate that PCEP utilizes a complex, multi-faceted MOA and support the utility of kinome analysis to define cellular responses to adjuvants.

Vaccines (Basel) ; 9(12)2021 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34960192


Vaccine hesitancy is one of the top ten greatest threats to global health. During the COVID-19 era, vaccine hesitancy poses substantial risks, especially in visible minorities, who are disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Although evidence of vaccine hesitancy exists, there is minimal focus on visible minorities and the reasons for hesitancy in this group are unclear. Identifying these populations and their reasons for vaccine hesitancy is crucial in improving vaccine uptake and curbing the spread of COVID-19. This scoping review follows a modified version of the Arksey and O'Malley strategy. Using comprehensive search strategies, advanced searches were conducted on Medline, CINAHL, and PubMed databases to acquire relevant articles. Full-text reviews using inclusion and exclusion criteria were performed to extract themes of vaccine hesitancy. Themes were grouped into factors using thematic qualitative analysis and were objectively confirmed by principal component analysis (PCA). To complement both analyses, a word cloud of titles and abstracts for the final articles was generated. This study included 71 articles. Themes were grouped into 8 factors and the top 3 recurring factors were safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, mistrust, and socioeconomic characteristics. Shedding light on these factors could help mitigate health inequities and increase overall vaccine uptake worldwide through interventions and policies targeted at these factors. Ultimately, this would help achieve global herd immunity.

Vaccines (Basel) ; 9(6)2021 Jun 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34207033


The ultimate goal for vaccination is the generation of a safe and effective immune response that protects against diseases [...].

Vaccines (Basel) ; 9(5)2021 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34069081


Our aim was to determine whether polyphosphazene (PCEP), Curdlan (ß-glucan, a dectin-1 agonist), and Leptin could act as adjuvants to promote a Th17-type adaptive immune response in mice. Mice were vaccinated via the intramuscular route then boosted three weeks later with Ovalbumin plus: PCEP, Leptin, Curdlan, PCEP+Curdlan, Curdlan+Leptin, or saline. Mice vaccinated with OVA+PCEP and OVA+Curdlan+Leptin showed significantly higher frequency of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells secreting IL-17 relative to OVA-vaccinated mice. No formulation increased the frequency of CD4+ T cells secreting IL-4 or IFNγ. Since activation of innate immunity precedes the development of adaptive immunity, we wished to establish whether induction of Th17-type immunity could be predicted from in vitro experiments and/or from the local cytokine environment after immunization with adjuvants alone. Elevated IL-6 and TGFß with reduced secretion of IL-12 is a cytokine milieu known to promote differentiation of Th17-type immunity. We injected the immunostimulants or saline buffer into murine thigh muscles and measured acute local cytokine production. PCEP induced significant production of IL-6 and reduced IL-12 production in muscle but it did not lead to elevated TGFß production. Curdlan+Leptin injected into muscle induced significant production of TGFß and IL-17 but not IL-6 or IL-12. We also stimulated splenocytes with media or PCEP, Leptin, Curdlan, PCEP+Curdlan, Curdlan+Leptin, PCEP+Leptin, and PCEP+Curdlan+Leptin and measured cytokine production. PCEP stimulation of splenocytes failed to induce significant production of IL-6, IL-12, TGFß, or IL-17 and therefore ex vivo splenocyte stimulation failed to predict the increased frequency of Th17-type T cells in response to the vaccine. Curdlan-stimulated splenocytes produced Th1-type, inducing cytokine, IL-12. Curdlan+/-PCEP stimulated TGF-ß production and Curdlan+Leptin+/- PCEP induced secretion of IL-17. We conclude that PCEP as well as Curdlan+Leptin are Th17-type vaccine adjuvants in mice but that cytokines produced in response to these adjuvants in muscle after injection or in ex vivo cultured splenocytes did not predict their role as a Th17-type adjuvant. Together, these data suggest that the cytokine environments induced by these immunostimulants did not predict induction of an antigen-specific Th17-type adaptive immune response. This is the first report of these adjuvants inducing a Th17-type adaptive immune response.

Front Bioeng Biotechnol ; 9: 625482, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33763409


Polyphosphazenes are a class of experimental adjuvants that have shown great versatility as vaccine adjuvants in many animal species ranging from laboratory rodents to large animal species. Their adjuvant activity has shown promising results with numerous viral and bacterial antigens, as well as with crude and purified antigens. Vaccines adjuvanted with polyphosphazenes can be delivered via systemic and mucosal administration including respiratory, oral, rectal, and intravaginal routes. Polyphosphazenes can be used in combination with other adjuvants, further enhancing immune responses to antigens. The mechanisms of action of polyphosphazenes have not fully been defined, but several systematic studies have suggested that they act primarily by activating innate immunity. In the present review, we will highlight progress in the development of polyphosphazenes as adjuvants in animals and their other medical applications.

Microorganisms ; 8(7)2020 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32604994


Among human food-borne pathogens, gastroenteritis-causing Salmonella strains have the most real-world impact. Like all pathogens, their success relies on efficient transmission. Biofilm formation, a specialized physiology characterized by multicellular aggregation and persistence, is proposed to play an important role in the Salmonella transmission cycle. In this manuscript, we used luciferase reporters to examine the expression of csgD, which encodes the master biofilm regulator. We observed that the CsgD-regulated biofilm system responds differently to regulatory inputs once it is activated. Notably, the CsgD system became unresponsive to repression by Cpx and H-NS in high osmolarity conditions and less responsive to the addition of amino acids. Temperature-mediated regulation of csgD on agar was altered by intracellular levels of RpoS and cyclic-di-GMP. In contrast, the addition of glucose repressed CsgD biofilms seemingly independent of other signals. Understanding the fine-tuned regulation of csgD can help us to piece together how regulation occurs in natural environments, knowing that all Salmonella strains face strong selection pressures both within and outside their hosts. Ultimately, we can use this information to better control Salmonella and develop strategies to break the transmission cycle.

Vaccines (Basel) ; 8(2)2020 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32443540


Vaccination is the most efficient method of protection against influenza infections. However, the rapidly mutating viruses and development of new strains make it necessary to develop new influenza vaccines annually. Hence, vaccines that stimulate cross-protection against multiple influenza subtypes are highly sought. Recent evidence suggests that adjuvants such as PCEP that promote Th1-type T cell and Th2-type T cell immune responses and broad-spectrum immune responses may confer cross-protection against heterologous influenza strains. In this study, we evaluated whether the immunogenic and protective potential of PCEP-adjuvanted inactivated swine influenza virus H1N1 vaccine can protect pigs immunized against live H3N2 virus. Piglets were vaccinated via the intradermal route with PCEP-adjuvanted inactivated swine influenza virus (SIV) H1N1 vaccine, boosted at day 21 with the same vaccines then challenged with infectious SIV H3N2 virus at day 35 via the tracheobronchial route. The pigs showed significant anti-H1N1 SIV specific antibody titres and H1N1 SIV neutralizing antibody titres, and these serum titres remained after the challenge with the H3N2 virus. In contrast, vaccination with anti-H1N1 SIV did not trigger anti-H3N2 SIV antibody titres or neutralizing antibody titres and these titres remained low until pigs were challenged with H3N2 SIV. At necropsy (six days after challenge), we collected prescapular lymph nodes and tracheobronchial draining the vaccination sites and challenge site, respectively. ELISPOTs from lymph node cells restimulated ex vivo with inactivated SIV H1N1 showed significant production of IFN-γ in the tracheobronchial cells, but not the prescapular lymph nodes. In contrast, lymph node cells restimulated ex vivo with inactivated SIV H1N1 showed significantly higher IL-13 and IL-17A in the prescapular lymph nodes draining the vaccination sites relative to unchallenged animals. Lung lesion scores show that intradermal vaccination with H1N1 SIV plus PCEP did not prevent lesions when the animals were challenged with H3N2. These results confirm previous findings that PCEP is effective as a vaccine adjuvant in that it induces strong immune responses and protects against homologous swine influenza H1N1 virus, but the experimental H1N1 vaccine failed to cross-protect against heterologous H3N2 virus.

Vet Immunol Immunopathol ; 209: 7-16, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30885308


Vaccines are formulated with adjuvants to enhance or direct antigen-specific immune responses against pathogens. However, the mechanisms of action (MOA) of adjuvants are not well understood and are under-investigated in large animal species. We have previously reported that injection of mice induced innate immune responses as indicated by increased cell recruitment and cytokine production at the site of injection with polyphosphazene (PCEP) adjuvant. In the present study, we evaluated whether PCEP induced similar innate immune responses in pigs. Piglets were injected with either PCEP or Emulsigen intradermally (I.D.) and the local cellular infiltration and cytokine production were evaluated at the site of injection and the draining lymph nodes. PCEP induced infiltration of macrophages, T and B cells, leucocytes and necrotic debris at the site of injection as well as PCEP-induced leucocyte infiltration in the draining lymph nodes. Emulsigen induced diffuse infiltration of leucocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes at the site of injection as well as at the draining lymph nodes. PCEP induced significant production of interleukin IL-1ß, and IL-13 at the site of injection and IL-1ß, and IL-6 at the draining lymph nodes. Emulsigen promoted the production of IL-1ß, IL-6, and IL-12 at the site of injection but not in the draining lymph nodes. No cytokines were detected in blood after injection of either adjuvant. Together, our data indicate that in pigs, the adjuvants PCEP and Emulsigen stimulate early innate immune responses at the injection site by creating an immunocompetent environment that may contribute to increased immunogenicity of the co-administered antigens.

Adjuvantes Imunológicos/farmacologia , Imunidade Inata , Fenilpropionatos/imunologia , Suínos/imunologia , Animais , Citocinas/metabolismo , Linfonodos/efeitos dos fármacos , Fenilpropionatos/farmacologia , Polímeros/farmacologia , Pele/efeitos dos fármacos , Pele/patologia
Cell Tissue Res ; 374(3): 465-471, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30294754


Vaccination continues to be a very important public health intervention to control infectious diseases in the world. Subunit vaccines are generally poorly immunogenic and require the addition of adjuvants to induce protective immune responses. Despite their critical role in vaccines, adjuvant mechanism of action remains poorly understood, which is a barrier to the development of new, safe and effective vaccines. In the present review, we focus on recent progress in understanding the mechanisms of action of the experimental adjuvants poly[di(carboxylatophenoxy)phosphazene] (PCPP) and poly[di(sodiumcarboxylatoethyl-phenoxy)phosphazene] (PCEP) (in this review, adjuvants PCPP and PCEP are collectively referred to as PZ denoting polyphosphazenes). PZs are high molecular weight, water-soluble, synthetic polymers that have been shown to regulate innate immune response genes, induce cytokines and chemokines secretion at the site of injection and, also, induce immune cell recruitment to the site of injection to create a local immune-competent environment. There is an evidence that as well as its role as an immunoadjuvant (that activate innate immune responses), PZ can also act as a vaccine carrier. The mechanism of action that explains how PZ leads to these effects is not known and is a barrier to the development of designer vaccines.

Adjuvantes Farmacêuticos/farmacologia , Compostos Organofosforados/farmacologia , Polímeros/farmacologia , Adjuvantes Farmacêuticos/efeitos adversos , Adjuvantes Farmacêuticos/química , Animais , Antígenos/imunologia , Humanos , Fatores Imunológicos/química , Fatores Imunológicos/farmacologia , Compostos Organofosforados/efeitos adversos , Compostos Organofosforados/química , Polímeros/efeitos adversos , Polímeros/química , Vacinas/imunologia
Vaccine ; 36(12): 1606-1613, 2018 03 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29454517


Swine influenza virus is endemic worldwide and it is responsible for significant economic losses to the swine industry. A vaccine that stimulates a rapid and long-lasting protective immune response to prevent this infection is highly sought. Poly[di(sodium carboxylatoethylphenoxy)-phosphazene (PCEP) has demonstrated adjuvant activity when formulated as part of multiple vaccines in mice and pigs. In this study we examined the magnitude and type of immune response induced in pigs vaccinated via the intramuscular or intradermal routes with inactivated swine influenza virus (SIV) H1N1 vaccine formulated with PCEP. Intradermal administration of PCEP-adjuvanted inactivated SIV vaccine stimulated significant anti-SIV antibody titres, increased neutralizing antibodies, and significantly reduced lung virus load with limited reduction of gross lung lesions after challenge with virulent H1N1 relative to control animals. These results indicate that PCEP may be effective as a vaccine adjuvant against swine influenza viruses in pigs and should be considered a potential candidate adjuvant for future swine intradermal influenza vaccines.

Vacinas contra Influenza/imunologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Orthomyxoviridae/imunologia , Doenças dos Suínos/imunologia , Doenças dos Suínos/prevenção & controle , Vacinas de Produtos Inativados/imunologia , Adjuvantes Imunológicos , Animais , Anticorpos Neutralizantes/imunologia , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Anticorpos Antivirais/imunologia , Imunidade Celular , Imunidade Humoral , Imunização , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1/imunologia , Vacinas contra Influenza/administração & dosagem , Pulmão/imunologia , Pulmão/virologia , Suínos , Doenças dos Suínos/virologia , Vacinas de Produtos Inativados/administração & dosagem , Carga Viral
EBioMedicine ; 25: 73-86, 2017 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29097124


Outcomes of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in pregnant women vary from the birth of asymptomatic offspring to abnormal development and severe brain lesions in fetuses and infants. There are concerns that offspring affected in utero and born without apparent symptoms may develop mental illnesses. Therefore, animal models are important to test interventions against in utero infection and health sequelae in symptomatic and likely more widespread asymptomatic offspring. To partially reproduce in utero infection in humans, we directly inoculated selected porcine conceptuses with ZIKV. Inoculation resulted in rapid trans-fetal infections, persistent infection in conceptuses, molecular pathology in fetal brains, fetal antibody and type I interferon responses. Offspring infected in utero showed ZIKV in their fetal membranes collected after birth. Some in utero affected piglets were small, depressed, had undersized brains, and showed seizures. Some piglets showed potentially increased activity. Our data suggest that porcine model of persistent in utero ZIKV infection has a strong potential for translational research and can be used to test therapeutic interventions in vivo.

Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/virologia , Infecção por Zika virus/transmissão , Infecção por Zika virus/virologia , Zika virus/patogenicidade , Animais , Encéfalo/patologia , Encéfalo/virologia , Doenças Transmissíveis/transmissão , Doenças Transmissíveis/virologia , Feminino , Feto/virologia , Humanos , Gravidez , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/patologia , Suínos/virologia , Infecção por Zika virus/patologia , Infecção por Zika virus/veterinária
J Trop Pediatr ; 62(5): 390-408, 2016 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27122480


BACKGROUND: Stunting is a major public health problem in Africa and is associated with poor child survival and development. We investigate factors associated to child stunting in three Tanzanian regions. METHODS: A cross-sectional two-stage cluster sampling survey was conducted among children aged 6-59 months. The sample included 1360 children aged 6-23 months and 1904 children aged 24-59 months. Descriptive statistics and binary and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used. RESULTS: Our main results are: in the younger group, stunting was associated with male sex (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 2.17; confidence interval [CI]: 1.52-3.09), maternal absence (AOR: 1.93; CI: 1.21-3.07) and household diet diversity (AOR: 0.61; CI: 0.41-0.92). Among older children, stunting was associated with male sex (AOR: 1.28; CI: 1.00-1.64), age of 4 and 5 (AOR: 0.71; CI: 0.54-0.95; AOR: 0.60; CI: 0.44-0.83), access to improved water source (AOR: 0.70; CI: 0.52-0.93) and to a functioning water station (AOR: 0.63; CI: 0.40-0.98) and mother breastfeeding (AOR: 1.97; CI: 1.18-3.29). CONCLUSIONS: Interventions that increase household wealth and improve water and sanitation conditions should be implemented to reduce stunting. Family planning activities and programmes supporting mothers during pregnancy and lactation can positively affect both newborns and older siblings.

Dieta , Abastecimento de Alimentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Transtornos do Crescimento/epidemiologia , Magreza/epidemiologia , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Transversais , Características da Família , Feminino , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Mães , Estado Nutricional , Pobreza , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Tanzânia/epidemiologia
Vaccine ; 34(7): 923-32, 2016 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26776470


BACKGROUND: Therapeutic vaccination is a novel treatment approach for chronic hepatitis B, but only had limited success so far. We hypothesized that optimized vaccination schemes have increased immunogenicity, and aimed at increasing therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine efficacy. METHODS: Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing hepatitis B virus (HBV) antigens was used to boost protein-prime vaccinations in wildtype and HBV-transgenic (HBVtg) mice. RESULTS: Protein-prime/MVA-boost vaccination was able to overcome HBV-specific tolerance in HBVtg mice with low and medium but not with high antigenemia. HBV-specific antibody titers, CD8+ T-cell frequencies and polyfunctionality inversely correlated with HBV antigen levels. However, optimization of the adjuvant formulation, increasing the level of antigen expression and utilization of HBsAg of heterologous subtype induced HBV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells and neutralizing antibodies even in high-antigenemic HBVtg mice. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that high HBV antigen levels limit the immunological responsiveness to therapeutic vaccination but optimization of the vaccine formulation can overcome tolerance even in the presence of high antigenemia. These findings have important implications for the development of future therapeutic hepatitis B vaccination strategies and potentially also for the stratification of chronic hepatitis B patients for therapeutic vaccination.

Vacinas contra Hepatite B/imunologia , Hepatite B/prevenção & controle , Tolerância Imunológica , Vaccinia virus , Animais , Anticorpos Neutralizantes/sangue , Linfócitos T CD4-Positivos/imunologia , Linfócitos T CD8-Positivos/imunologia , Anticorpos Anti-Hepatite B/sangue , Antígenos do Núcleo do Vírus da Hepatite B/imunologia , Antígenos de Superfície da Hepatite B/sangue , Antígenos de Superfície da Hepatite B/imunologia , Antígenos E da Hepatite B/sangue , Imunização Secundária , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Camundongos Transgênicos , Testes de Neutralização
BMC Vet Res ; 11: 50, 2015 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25889479


BACKGROUND: We previously determined that newborn piglets orally gavaged with Ovalbumin (OVA) responded to systemic OVA re-exposure with tolerance; if adjuvants were included in oral vaccine, piglets responded with antibody-mediated immunity (Vet Immunol Immunopathol 161(3-4):211-21, 2014). Here, we will investigate whether newborn piglets gavaged with a vaccine comprised of OVA plus unmethylated CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG; soluble component; OVA/CpG) combined with OVA plus CpG encapsulated within polyphosphazene microparticles (MP; particulate component) responded with systemic and mucosal immunity. To monitor the response to systemic antigen re-exposure, piglets were i.p.-immunized with OVA plus Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant (IFA) one month later. RESULTS: Newborn piglets (n = 5/group) were gavaged with a combined soluble and particulate vaccine consisting of OVA (0.5-0.05 mg) plus 50 µg CpG and 0.5 mg OVA plus 50 µg CpG encapsulated within a polyphosphazene MP (0.5 mg) referred to as OVA/CpG + MP. Control piglets were gavaged with saline alone. Piglets were i.p. immunized with 10 mg OVA (or saline) in IFA at four weeks of age and then euthanized at eight weeks of age. We observed significantly higher titres of serum anti-OVA immunoglobulin (Ig) IgM, IgA, IgG, IgG1, IgG2 and IgG in piglets immunized with 0.05 mg OVA/CpG + MP relative to saline control animals. Thus, a single oral exposure at birth to a combined soluble and particulate OVA vaccine including adjuvants can circumvent induction of oral tolerance which impacts response to i.p. vaccination in later life. Further, piglets gavaged with 0.05 mg OVA/CpG + MP generated significant anti-OVA IgG and IgG1 titres in lung compared to saline control piglets but results were comparable to titres measured in parenteral control piglets. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) ex vivo-stimulated with OVA showed markedly decreased production of IL-10 cytokine after 72 hours relative to animal-matched cells incubated with media alone. No production of IFN-γ was observed from any groups. CONCLUSION: Newborn piglets gavaged with low dose soluble and particulate OVA plus CpG ODN and polyphosphazene adjuvants produced antigen-specific antibodies in serum and lung after systemic re-exposure in later life. These data indicate circumvention of oral tolerance but not induction of oral immunity.

Animais Recém-Nascidos/imunologia , Suínos/imunologia , Vacinação/veterinária , Administração Oral , Animais , Adjuvante de Freund/administração & dosagem , Imunidade Celular/imunologia , Imunidade Humoral/imunologia , Injeções Intraperitoneais/veterinária , Oligodesoxirribonucleotídeos/administração & dosagem , Oligodesoxirribonucleotídeos/imunologia , Ovalbumina/administração & dosagem , Ovalbumina/imunologia , Vacinação/métodos
Vet Immunol Immunopathol ; 160(3-4): 209-17, 2014 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25012000


The process of virus replication in host cells is greatly influenced by the set of cytokines, chemokines and antiviral substances activated as a result of host-virus interaction. Alteration of cytokines profiles through manipulation of the innate immune system by innate immune stimulants may be helpful in inhibiting virus replication in otherwise permissive cells. The aim of present studies was to characterize innate immune responses capable of inhibiting infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) replication in chicken lungs after in ovo administration of CpG ODN. In our experiments, CpG ODN 2007 or PBS solution was injected on 18th embryonic day (ED) via the chorioallontoic route. CpG ODN and PBS inoculated embryos were challenged with virulent IBV on the 19th ED. Lung tissue samples from experimental chicks were analysed for cytokines/chemokines gene expression at 24h, 48h, and 72h, post infection. Our data showed significant differential up-regulation of IFN-γ, IL-8 (CXCLi2) and MIP-1ß genes and suppression of IL-6 gene expression being associated with inhibition of IBV replication in lungs tissue retrieved from embryos pre-treated with CpG ODN. It is expected that understanding of the innate immune modulation of target tissues by the virus and innate immune stimulants will be helpful in identification of valuable targets for development of novel, safe, effective and economical control strategies against IBV infection in chickens.

Quimiocinas/genética , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Citocinas/genética , Vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa/imunologia , Animais , Proteínas Aviárias/genética , Quimiocina CCL4/genética , Embrião de Galinha , Galinhas/genética , Ilhas de CpG , Expressão Gênica , Genes Virais , Imunidade Inata/genética , Vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa/genética , Vírus da Bronquite Infecciosa/fisiologia , Interferon gama/genética , Interleucina-8/genética , Pulmão/imunologia , Pulmão/virologia , Proteínas do Nucleocapsídeo/genética , Oligodesoxirribonucleotídeos/farmacologia , RNA Mensageiro/genética , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismo , Replicação Viral/genética , Replicação Viral/imunologia
Vaccine ; 32(21): 2420-7, 2014 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24662707


Poly[di(sodiumcarboxylatoethylphenoxy)phosphazene] (PCEP) has shown great potential as a vaccine adjuvant, but the mechanisms that mediate its adjuvant activity have not been investigated. Previously, we had reported the potential of PCEP to induce cytokines and chemokines at the site of injection. Hence, we hypothesized that PCEP creates strong immuno-competent environment leading to recruitment of immune cells at the injection site. Intramuscular injection of mice with PCEP induced significant recruitment of neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells (DCs), and lymphocytes at the site of injection as well as in the draining lymph nodes. Flow cytometric analysis showed that the majority of the recruited immune cells took up and/or were associated with PCEP at the injection site, with lymphocytes taking up PCEP in lesser quantity. Further, confocal analysis revealed intracytoplasmic lysosomal localization of PCEP in recruited immune cells. These observations suggest that recruitment of distinct immune cells to the site of injection site may be an important mechanism by which PCEP potentiates immune responses to antigens.

Adjuvantes Imunológicos/farmacologia , Linfonodos/citologia , Linfócitos/imunologia , Músculo Esquelético/citologia , Células Mieloides/imunologia , Animais , Linfócitos B/imunologia , Células Dendríticas/imunologia , Feminino , Injeções Intramusculares , Linfonodos/imunologia , Macrófagos/imunologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C , Monócitos/imunologia , Músculo Esquelético/imunologia , Neutrófilos/imunologia , Fenilpropionatos/farmacologia , Polímeros/farmacologia , Linfócitos T/imunologia
Vaccines (Basel) ; 2(2): 297-322, 2014 Apr 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26344621


Adjuvants are crucial components of vaccines. They significantly improve vaccine efficacy by modulating, enhancing, or extending the immune response and at the same time reducing the amount of antigen needed. In contrast to previously licensed adjuvants, current successful adjuvant formulations often consist of several molecules, that when combined, act synergistically by activating a variety of immune mechanisms. These "combination adjuvants" are already registered with several vaccines, both in humans and animals, and novel combination adjuvants are in the pipeline. With improved knowledge of the type of immune responses needed to successfully induce disease protection by vaccination, combination adjuvants are particularly suited to not only enhance, but also direct the immune responses desired to be either Th1-, Th2- or Th17-biased. Indeed, in view of the variety of disease and population targets for vaccine development, a panel of adjuvants will be needed to address different disease targets and populations. Here, we will review well-known and new combination adjuvants already licensed or currently in development-including ISCOMs, liposomes, Adjuvant Systems Montanides, and triple adjuvant combinations-and summarize their performance in preclinical and clinical trials. Several of these combination adjuvants are promising having promoted improved and balanced immune responses.