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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 39(1): 29-40, jan. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-988013


Alguns pesquisadores e laboratórios clínicos utilizam apenas uma técnica para detecção de parasitos intestinais, podendo isto subestimar os achados. Enteroparasitos afetam principalmente populações com vulnerabilidade social, como os catadores. Alguns destes trabalhadores se reúnem em cooperativas, melhorando a condição de trabalho e o rendimento mensal, porém ainda não é o adequado, sendo por vezes insalubre. Nosso objetivo foi verificar a prevalência de enteroparasitos e comparar duas técnicas parasitológicas em suas medidas de efeito em catadores de material reciclável que trabalhavam em cooperativas no Sul do Brasil. Três amostras de fezes de 48 catadores, de seis cooperativas, foram coletadas em dias alternados, para a análise de parasitos. Duas técnicas de concentração de amostra foram utilizadas (Faust e Ritchie) e testadas para verificação da melhor a ser utilizada. A prevalência de parasitos em catadores foi de 62,5% (30/48) utilizando as duas técnicas em paralelo, sendo que quando utilizadas sozinhas, essa prevalência foi menor. Diagnosticaram-se helmintos e protozoários, tanto patogênicos quanto comensais. A partir da análise estatística, provou-se que as técnicas parasitológicas fornecem melhores resultados quando utilizadas em paralelo, ou seja, quando utilizamos as duas técnicas juntas e em três amostras de fezes.

Some researchers and clinical laboratories use just one technique for the detection of enteroparasites, allowing substandard findings. Enteroparasites mostly affect the socially vulnerable population, like the waste pickers. Some of these workers are gathered in cooperatives where work conditions and monthly wage are better. However, this environment is still not adequate being, sometimes, unsanitary. The objective was to study the enteroparasite prevalence and compare the two parasitological techniques in their effect measure in recyclable waste picker who were working in cooperatives in the south of Brazil. Three stool samples from 48 pickers from six cooperatives were collected in alternate days for parasite analysis. Two sample concentration techniques were used (Faust and Ritchie) and tested to verify which was the best to use. The parasite prevalence in waste picker was 62.5% (30/48), using the two techniques concurrently. When used individually, the prevalence was lower. Commensal and pathogenic helminths and protozoan were diagnosed. From the statistical analysis, it was proved that the parasitological techniques provide better results when used concomitantly, that is, when using the two techniques at the same time in three stool samples.

Humanos , Parasitos , Saúde Pública , Reciclagem , Catadores , Enteropatias Parasitárias
Rev. patol. trop ; 46(3): 277-286, set. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-913714


Parasites are often a public health hazard, especially among schoolchildren. The transmission of these parasites is associated with poor hygiene and sanitation, as well as close contact between people. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of intestinal parasitic infections in schoolchildren from the rural and urban areas of the Palmeira das Missões county, a major town in northwestern Rio Grande do Sul State. Fecal samples from 209 schoolchildren aged three to fourteen were analyzed. The Hoffman, Pons and Janer, Faust, Ritchie, and Kinyoun's stain for coccidea parasite detection techniques were applied. 59.3% of the patients were positive for pathogenic or commensal parasites. The most common parasites were Ascaris lumbricoides, Entamoeba coli, Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp., respectively. There were no significant differences in positivity among schoolchildren from rural and urban areas. Low family income and the mothers' schooling (up to 8 years of education) were statistically significant for the presence of parasites. This is the first parasite study carried out in the Palmeira das Missões county

Ascaris lumbricoides , Giardia lamblia , Cryptosporidium
Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo ; 58: 61, 2016 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27680166


Trichomonas vaginalis infections have been associated with other diseases so that epidemiological studies of the parasite are important and help to prevent the spread of the disease. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of T. vaginalis in female patients of 19 counties in southwestern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For diagnosis, was used direct examination, followed by applying a socio-epidemiological questionnaire. We analyzed 300 women and 9% were infected by Trichomonas vaginalis. The highest frequency occurred in women between 18 and 39 years old, single/divorced/widowed, whose family income was at one minimum wage or less, and they had not completed the primary school. Statistically significant risk factors were: women reporting two or more sexual partners in the last year were 3.3 times more likely to acquire the parasite, and those in use of oral contraceptives were 2.7 times more likely to have T. vaginalis. Importantly, 33% of the asymptomatic women were infected, and most of the negative results were from women presenting symptoms consistent with the infection. The findings emphasize that it is necessary to expand the knowledge of individuals about the disease, especially among women with the above mentioned risk factors and also to include the regular screening of Trichomonas vaginalis infections in health centers.