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ACS Catal ; 10(11): 6084-6093, 2020 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32551180


Understanding the mechanism of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), the oxidative half of electrolytic water splitting, has proven challenging. Perhaps the largest hurdle has been gaining experimental insight into the active site of the electrocatalyst used to facilitate this chemistry. Decades of study have clarified that a range of transition-metal oxides have particularly high catalytic activity for the OER. Unfortunately, for virtually all of these materials, metal oxidation and the OER occur at similar potentials. As a result, catalyst surface topography and electronic structure are expected to continuously evolve under reactive conditions. Gaining experimental insight into the OER mechanism on such materials thus requires a tool that allows spatially resolved characterization of the OER activity. In this study, we overcome this formidable experimental challenge using second harmonic microscopy and electrochemical methods to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of OER activity on polycrystalline Au working electrodes. At moderately anodic potentials, we find that the OER activity of the electrode is dominated by <1% of the surface area and that there are two types of active sites. The first is observed at potentials positive of the OER onset and is stable under potential cycling (and thus presumably extends multiple layers into the bulk gold electrode). The second occurs at potentials negative of the OER onset and is removed by potential cycling (suggesting that it involves a structural motif only 1-2 Au layers deep). This type of active site is most easily understood as the catalytically active species (hydrous oxide) in the so-called incipient hydrous oxide/adatom mediator model of electrocatalysis. Combining the ability we demonstrate here to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of OER activity with a systematic program of electrode surface structural modification offers the possibility of creating a generation of OER electrocatalysts with unusually high activity.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 124(37): 20021-20034, 2020 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35693431


Designing efficient catalysts requires correlating surface structure and local chemical composition with reactivity on length scales from nanometers to tens of microns. While much work has been done on this structure/function correlation on single crystals, comparatively little has been done for catalysts of relevance in applications. Such materials are typically highly heterogeneous and thus require methods that allow mapping of the structure/function relationship during electrochemical conversion. Here, we use optical second harmonic imaging combined with cyclic voltammetry to map the surface of gold nanocrystalline and polycrystalline electrodes during electrooxidation and to quantify the spatial extent of surface reconstruction during potential cycling. The wide-field configuration of our microscope allows for real-time imaging of an area ∼100 µm in diameter with submicron resolution. By analyzing the voltage dependence of each pixel, we uncover the heterogeneity of the second harmonic signal and quantify the fraction of domains where it follows a positive quadratic dependence with increasing bias. There, the second harmonic intensity is mainly ascribed to electronic polarization contributions at the metal/electrolyte interface. Additionally, we locate areas where the second harmonic signal follows a negative quadratic dependence with increasing bias, which also show the largest changes during successive cyclic voltammetry sweeps as determined by an additional correlation coefficient analysis. We assign these areas to domains of higher roughness that are prone to potential-induced surface restructuring and where anion adsorption occurs at lower potentials than expected based on the cyclic voltammetry.

Science ; 357(6353): 784-788, 2017 08 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28729352


We imaged the interfacial structure and dynamics of water in a microscopically confined geometry, in three dimensions and on millisecond time scales, with a structurally illuminated wide-field second harmonic microscope. The second harmonic images reported on the orientational order of interfacial water, induced by charge-dipole interactions between water molecules and surface charges. The images were converted into surface potential maps. Spatially resolved surface acid dissociation constant (pKa,s) values were determined for the silica deprotonation reaction by following pH-induced chemical changes on the curved and confined surfaces of a glass microcapillary immersed in aqueous solutions. These values ranged from 2.3 to 10.7 along the wall of a single capillary because of surface heterogeneities. Water molecules that rotate along an oscillating external electric field were also imaged.