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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38652616


Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are known to be vulnerable to both backdoor and adversarial attacks. In the literature, these two types of attacks are commonly treated as distinct robustness problems and solved separately, since they belong to training-time and inference-time attacks respectively. However, this paper revealed that there is an intriguing connection between them: (1) planting a backdoor into a model will significantly affect the model's adversarial examples; (2) for an infected model, its adversarial examples have similar features as the triggered images. Based on these observations, a novel Progressive Unified Defense (PUD) algorithm is proposed to defend against backdoor and adversarial attacks simultaneously. Specifically, our PUD has a progressive model purification scheme to jointly erase backdoors and enhance the model's adversarial robustness. At the early stage, the adversarial examples of infected models are utilized to erase backdoors. With the backdoor gradually erased, our model purification can naturally turn into a stage to boost the model's robustness against adversarial attacks. Besides, our PUD algorithm can effectively identify poisoned images, which allows the initial extra dataset not to be completely clean. Extensive experimental results show that, our discovered connection between backdoor and adversarial attacks is ubiquitous, no matter what type of backdoor attack. The proposed PUD outperforms the state-of-the-art backdoor defense, including the model repairing-based and data filtering-based methods. Besides, it also has the ability to compete with the most advanced adversarial defense methods. The code is available here.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 46(8): 5306-5324, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38349823


Deep Neural Network classifiers are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where an imperceptible perturbation could result in misclassification. However, the vulnerability of DNN-based image ranking systems remains under-explored. In this paper, we propose two attacks against deep ranking systems, i.e., Candidate Attack and Query Attack, that can raise or lower the rank of chosen candidates by adversarial perturbations. Specifically, the expected ranking order is first represented as a set of inequalities. Then a triplet-like objective function is designed to obtain the optimal perturbation. Conversely, an anti-collapse triplet defense is proposed to improve the ranking model robustness against all proposed attacks, where the model learns to prevent the adversarial attack from pulling the positive and negative samples close to each other. To comprehensively measure the empirical adversarial robustness of a ranking model with our defense, we propose an empirical robustness score, which involves a set of representative attacks against ranking models. Our adversarial ranking attacks and defenses are evaluated on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CUB200-2011, CARS196, and Stanford Online Products datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our attacks can effectively compromise a typical deep ranking system. Nevertheless, our defense can significantly improve the ranking system's robustness and simultaneously mitigate a wide range of attacks.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 41(12): 3086-3099, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30130178


A new unified video analytics framework (ER3) is proposed for complex event retrieval, recognition and recounting, based on the proposed video imprint representation, which exploits temporal correlations among image features across video frames. With the video imprint representation, it is convenient to reverse map back to both temporal and spatial locations in video frames, allowing for both key frame identification and key areas localization within each frame. In the proposed framework, a dedicated feature alignment module is incorporated for redundancy removal across frames to produce the tensor representation, i.e., the video imprint. Subsequently, the video imprint is individually fed into both a reasoning network and a feature aggregation module, for event recognition/recounting and event retrieval tasks, respectively. Thanks to its attention mechanism inspired by the memory networks used in language modeling, the proposed reasoning network is capable of simultaneous event category recognition and localization of the key pieces of evidence for event recounting. In addition, the latent structure in our reasoning network highlights the areas of the video imprint, which can be directly used for event recounting. With the event retrieval task, the compact video representation aggregated from the video imprint contributes to better retrieval results than existing state-of-the-art methods.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 27(12): 5840-5853, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30059300


It is a challenging task to extract segmentation mask of a target from a single noisy video, which involves object discovery coupled with segmentation. To solve this challenge, we present a method to jointly discover and segment an object from a noisy video, where the target disappears intermittently throughout the video. Previous methods either only fulfill video object discovery, or video object segmentation presuming the existence of the object in each frame. We argue that jointly conducting the two tasks in a unified way will be beneficial. In other words, video object discovery and video object segmentation tasks can facilitate each other. To validate this hypothesis, we propose a principled probabilistic model, where two dynamic Markov networks are coupled-one for discovery and the other for segmentation. When conducting the Bayesian inference on this model using belief propagation, the bi-directional message passing reveals a clear collaboration between these two inference tasks. We validated our proposed method in five data sets. The first three video data sets, i.e., the SegTrack data set, the YouTube-objects data set, and the Davis data set, are not noisy, where all video frames contain the objects. The two noisy data sets, i.e., the XJTU-Stevens data set, and the Noisy-ViDiSeg data set, newly introduced in this paper, both have many frames that do not contain the objects. When compared with state of the art, it is shown that although our method produces inferior results on video data sets without noisy frames, we are able to obtain better results on video data sets with noisy frames.

Sensors (Basel) ; 18(7)2018 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29933555


Research in human action recognition has accelerated significantly since the introduction of powerful machine learning tools such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). However, effective and efficient methods for incorporation of temporal information into CNNs are still being actively explored in the recent literature. Motivated by the popular recurrent attention models in the research area of natural language processing, we propose the Attention-aware Temporal Weighted CNN (ATW CNN) for action recognition in videos, which embeds a visual attention model into a temporal weighted multi-stream CNN. This attention model is simply implemented as temporal weighting yet it effectively boosts the recognition performance of video representations. Besides, each stream in the proposed ATW CNN framework is capable of end-to-end training, with both network parameters and temporal weights optimized by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with back-propagation. Our experimental results on the UCF-101 and HMDB-51 datasets showed that the proposed attention mechanism contributes substantially to the performance gains with the more discriminative snippets by focusing on more relevant video segments.

Sensors (Basel) ; 18(5)2018 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29789447


Inspired by the recent spatio-temporal action localization efforts with tubelets (sequences of bounding boxes), we present a new spatio-temporal action localization detector Segment-tube, which consists of sequences of per-frame segmentation masks. The proposed Segment-tube detector can temporally pinpoint the starting/ending frame of each action category in the presence of preceding/subsequent interference actions in untrimmed videos. Simultaneously, the Segment-tube detector produces per-frame segmentation masks instead of bounding boxes, offering superior spatial accuracy to tubelets. This is achieved by alternating iterative optimization between temporal action localization and spatial action segmentation. Experimental results on three datasets validated the efficacy of the proposed method, including (1) temporal action localization on the THUMOS 2014 dataset; (2) spatial action segmentation on the Segtrack dataset; and (3) joint spatio-temporal action localization on the newly proposed ActSeg dataset. It is shown that our method compares favorably with existing state-of-the-art methods.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 27(1): 50-63, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28650813


Unsupervised object discovery and localization is to discover some dominant object classes and localize all of object instances from a given image collection without any supervision. Previous work has attempted to tackle this problem with vanilla topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). However, in those methods no prior knowledge for the given image collection is exploited to facilitate object discovery. On the other hand, the topic models used in those methods suffer from the topic coherence issue-some inferred topics do not have clear meaning, which limits the final performance of object discovery. In this paper, prior knowledge in terms of the so-called must-links are exploited from Web images on the Internet. Furthermore, a novel knowledge-based topic model, called LDA with mixture of Dirichlet trees, is proposed to incorporate the must-links into topic modeling for object discovery. In particular, to better deal with the polysemy phenomenon of visual words, the must-link is re-defined as that one must-link only constrains one or some topic(s) instead of all topics, which leads to significantly improved topic coherence. Moreover, the must-links are built and grouped with respect to specific object classes, thus the must-links in our approach are semantic-specific, which allows to more efficiently exploit discriminative prior knowledge from Web images. Extensive experiments validated the efficiency of our proposed approach on several data sets. It is shown that our method significantly improves topic coherence and outperforms the unsupervised methods for object discovery and localization. In addition, compared with discriminative methods, the naturally existing object classes in the given image collection can be subtly discovered, which makes our approach well suited for realistic applications of unsupervised object discovery.Unsupervised object discovery and localization is to discover some dominant object classes and localize all of object instances from a given image collection without any supervision. Previous work has attempted to tackle this problem with vanilla topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). However, in those methods no prior knowledge for the given image collection is exploited to facilitate object discovery. On the other hand, the topic models used in those methods suffer from the topic coherence issue-some inferred topics do not have clear meaning, which limits the final performance of object discovery. In this paper, prior knowledge in terms of the so-called must-links are exploited from Web images on the Internet. Furthermore, a novel knowledge-based topic model, called LDA with mixture of Dirichlet trees, is proposed to incorporate the must-links into topic modeling for object discovery. In particular, to better deal with the polysemy phenomenon of visual words, the must-link is re-defined as that one must-link only constrains one or some topic(s) instead of all topics, which leads to significantly improved topic coherence. Moreover, the must-links are built and grouped with respect to specific object classes, thus the must-links in our approach are semantic-specific, which allows to more efficiently exploit discriminative prior knowledge from Web images. Extensive experiments validated the efficiency of our proposed approach on several data sets. It is shown that our method significantly improves topic coherence and outperforms the unsupervised methods for object discovery and localization. In addition, compared with discriminative methods, the naturally existing object classes in the given image collection can be subtly discovered, which makes our approach well suited for realistic applications of unsupervised object discovery.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 39(10): 2074-2088, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28113741


We present a spatio-temporal energy minimization formulation for simultaneous video object discovery and co-segmentation across multiple videos containing irrelevant frames. Our approach overcomes a limitation that most existing video co-segmentation methods possess, i.e., they perform poorly when dealing with practical videos in which the target objects are not present in many frames. Our formulation incorporates a spatio-temporal auto-context model, which is combined with appearance modeling for superpixel labeling. The superpixel-level labels are propagated to the frame level through a multiple instance boosting algorithm with spatial reasoning, based on which frames containing the target object are identified. Our method only needs to be bootstrapped with the frame-level labels for a few video frames (e.g., usually 1 to 3) to indicate if they contain the target objects or not. Extensive experiments on four datasets validate the efficacy of our proposed method: 1) object segmentation from a single video on the SegTrack dataset, 2) object co-segmentation from multiple videos on a video co-segmentation dataset, and 3) joint object discovery and co-segmentation from multiple videos containing irrelevant frames on the MOViCS dataset and XJTU-Stevens, a new dataset that we introduce in this paper. The proposed method compares favorably with the state-of-the-art in all of these experiments.