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Palliat Care Soc Pract ; 17: 26323524231170885, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37187530


Background: Communities and local governments invest in compassionate communities (CCs) a great deal of time, money, effort, and work. However, it is not known whether the CCs are having the effect they are expected to have, so the value of continuing with these initiatives is unknown, and there is a need for a model for evaluating CCs to solve the question. Objectives: To identify a set of core outcomes or benefits that should be measured to assess the impact of the CCs. Design: Multiple-methods study involving three communities, each in a different country (Argentina, Colombia, and Switzerland). Methods and analysis: To identifying the set of core outcomes, which is the first step in developing the CC evaluation model, five phases will follow: online meetings, literature review, fieldwork, Delphi survey, and social transfer. We will involve members of the local communities of Bern, Buenos Aires, and Medellin at three different levels: (1) citizens (e.g. patients, caregivers, and family members), (2) organizations and institutions involved in the program implementation (e.g. health care organizations, churches, non-governmental organizations, and schools), and (3) political and governmental sectors. Ethics: The study will be conducted following existing international regulations and guidance such as the Declaration of Helsinki. The ethics committee of Pallium Latin America and the ethics committee of the canton of Bern considered our application exempt from the need for approval. Ethics approval in Bern and Buenos Aires is in the process of being obtained. The ethics committee of the Pontifical Bolivarian University approved this protocol. Discussion: We expect that this project will help bridge the gap in knowledge regarding the measurable impact of the CCs and enhance more CC development.

Duazary ; 16(2,n.esp): 186-193, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1051437


La investigación se desarrolló en tres etapas que conjugan una metodología descriptiva cuantitativa con una fase de intervención con características de acción participativa, se inició con un diagnóstico comunitario en salud mental, luego una intervención y evaluación del impacto social de las intervenciones de enfermería en el área de salud mental, que tuvo por objetivo: medir la efectividad del cuidado de Enfermería en el fomento de la salud mental efectuado por los estudiantes y docentes del Programa de la Universidad del Magdalena en los niños de 5 a 14 años del barrio Simón Bolívar de Santa Marta (2013-II al 2015-II), para detectar alteraciones en el comportamiento y desarrollo en los niños se utilizó el instrumento Cuestionario de síntomas para niños (RQC) diseñado y valorado en el marco colaborativo de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Los hallazgos encontrados para la población de 5 a 9 años en el 2013-2 fue de un 19% para posibles alteraciones en salud mental y en 2015-2 se encontró un 16% de los menores afectados, y para la población de 10 a 15 años se encontró en el 2013-2 un 23% y para el 2015-2 un 13%.

The research refers to 3 stages that combine a quantitative descriptive methodology with an intervention phase with characteristics of participatory action, begins with a diagnosis in mental health, then an intervention and evaluation of the social impact of nursing functions in the mental health area, which had an objective: to measure health care in the promotion of mental health effect of students and teachers of the Magdalena University Program in children from 5 to 14 years of the Simón Bolívar de Santa Marta (2013-II to 2015-II), to detect alterations in behavior and development in children, as well as the RQC instrument designed and evaluated in the collaborative framework of OMS. The findings found for the population from 5 to 9 years in 2013-2 were 19% for possible alterations in mental health and in 2015-2 are found in 16% of children, and for the population of 10 to 15 in 2013-2 23% and for 2015-2 in 13%.

Saúde Mental , Criança
Duazary ; 15(1): 87-93, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-986803


El interés central del presente documento es reflexionar sobre la responsabilidad ética del docente de enfermería en el fomento de la salud y calidad de vida de los estudiantes universitarios, teniendo en cuenta que la enfermería es considerada una profesión que actúa en beneficio de las personas con las que tiene una relación estrecha. Fomentar una buena salud en los estudiantes es una tarea que implica deberes éticos para la sociedad, para las instituciones de educación superior, de salud y esencialmente para enfermería. El profesional en enfermería es indispensable para producir cambios en el estilo de vida de los estudiantes, a través de los derechos y deberes éticos que emanan de la dignidad y que es esencial en la enseñanza de los más jóvenes. Como docentes universitarios hay que aceptar la responsabilidad de promover estilos de vida saludables que protejan la salud de los estudiantes y, por ende, la calidad de vida de los futuros profesionales integrales.

The main interest of this article is to reflect on the ethical responsibility of the nursing educator in the promotion of the health and quality of life of university students, taking into account that nursing is considered a profession that benefits the people in and around it. Promoting good health in students is a task that implies ethical duties of society, higher education institutions, health institutions and essentially of nursing. A nursing professsional is instrumental in the transformation of student lifestyles embracing the rights and ethical duties tied to dignity and essential in the education of the youngest. As university educators, we must accept the responsibility of promoting healthy lifestyles that protect the health of students and, therefore, their quality of life as future integral professionals.

Qualidade de Vida , Ética , Estudantes , Docentes de Enfermagem