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Parasites Hosts Dis ; 62(1): 131-138, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38443776


Halicephalobus gingivalis is a free-living nematode that occasionally causes infections in horses. We report a rare case of limb fracture of horse caused by infection with H. gingivalis. An 8-year-old mare was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Lavras with claudication grade 5 of the right hind limb, that had been started 3 months ago. The patient had aseptic arthritis in the tarsal joint and edema that extended to the quartile. The radiographic examination showed punctate osteolysis with exacerbation of bone trabeculation along the calcaneus, talus, proximal epiphysis of the third metatarsal and distal epiphysis of the tibia. Treatment for arthritis was initiated, and the animal showed a slight improvement in limb function. However, 21 days after hospitalization, due to a comminuted fracture of the tibia, it was euthanized. At necropsy, yellowish masses were found from the metatarsal to the tibia, and around the tarsal bones and joint. Similar masses were also found in the left kidney. Numerous nematodes compatible with H. gingivalis were identified. This is the first description of a pathological fracture caused by H. gingivalis infection in an equine limb.

Artrite , Fraturas Ósseas , Fraturas Espontâneas , Rabditídios , Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Extremidade Inferior
Psicol. pesq ; 16(1): 1-24, jan.-abr. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1356616


A esquizofrenia infantil é considerada um processo psicopatológico de incidência rara cujas repercussões tendem a culminar em comprometimentos no desenvolvimento de funções simbólicas psíquicas, embora haja a preservação da cognição e dos afetos. Na psicologia analítica, o sintoma é compreendido como organizador e, muitas vezes, compensador de situações psíquicas em prol de sua preservação em relação a uma situação experienciada como ameaçadora. Nessa direção, o objetivo desse trabalho consistiu em compreender, a partir da psicologia analítica, o sentido da emergência da esquizofrenia na infância, abordando o papel dos afetos e a dinâmica psíquica. O método adotado foi o da revisão de literatura narrativa e a análise conceitual da noção de esquizofrenia infantil. Concluiu-se que, na esquizofrenia infantil, a cisão psíquica surge como uma forma de autoproteção a partir de situações que se configuram como traumáticas, visando a preservação do núcleo essencial da personalidade.

Childhood schizophrenia is considered a psychopathological process of rare incidence whose repercussions tend to culminate in impairments in the development of psychic symbolic functions, although cognition and affects are preserved. In analytical psychology, the symptom is understood as organizing and often compensating for psychic situations in favor of its preservation in relation to a situation experienced as threatening. In this direction, the objective of this work was to understand, from analytical psychology, the sense of the emergence of schizophrenia in childhood, addressing the role of affects and psychic dynamics. The method adopted was the narrative literature review and the conceptual analysis of the notion of childhood schizophrenia. It was concluded that, in childhood schizophrenia, the psychic split emerges as a form of self-protection from situations that are configured as traumatic in order to preserve the essential core of the personality.

La esquizofrenia infantil se considera un proceso psicopatológico de incidencia rara cuyas repercusiones tienden a culminar en impedimentos en el desarrollo de funciones psíquicas simbólicas, aunque se conservan la cognición y los afectos. En Psicología analítica, el síntoma se entiende como organizador y, a menudo, compensador de situaciones psíquicas a favor de su preservación en relación con una situación experimentada como amenazante. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comprender, desde la psicología analítica, el significado del surgimiento de la esquizofrenia en la infancia, abordando el papel de los afectos y la dinámica psíquica. El método adoptado fue la revisión de la literatura narrativa y el análisis conceptual de la noción de esquizofrenia infantil. Se concluyó que, en la esquizofrenia infantil, la división psíquica surge como una forma de autoprotección frente a situaciones configuradas como traumáticas para preservar el núcleo esencial de la personalidad.

Rev. Bras. Psicoter. (Online) ; 23(2): 201-214, 20210000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1353842


C. G. Jung não fez contribuições robustas quanto aos fatores psicológicos da infância, sendo que gradativamente observou-se na psicologia analítica a necessidade de uma prática voltada para os primeiros momentos da vida humana, tão importante quando todos os demais. Reconhece-se que a realidade psicológica, ainda que múltipla, e mesmo não sendo definida em estágios bem delimitados, apresenta especificidades no momento de formações e transições que é a infância. Desse modo, os acréscimos às contribuições de Jung para o entendimento das necessidades e peculiaridades subjetivas da criança na abordagem são importantes, dado que ele não acompanhou a criança propriamente dita, e seus escritos sobre o assunto apresentam, portanto, algumas lacunas. No presente artigo, derivado da dissertação de mestrado da autora 1, consideramos as contribuições de Jung, Fordham e Neumann em correlação às pesquisas recentes com crianças, a partir do método de revisão narrativa. Conclui-se que os fatores simbólicos, aliados aos aspectos vinculares e afetivos, constituem fatores de relevância na compreensão do desenvolvimento da criança.(AU)

C. G. Jung did not make robust contributions regarding the psychological factors of childhood, and gradually there was a need in analytical psychology for a practice aimed at the first moments of human life, as important as all the others. It is recognized that the psychological reality, although multiple, and even though it is not defined in well-defined stages, presents specificities at the time of formations and transitions that is childhood. Thus, the additions to Jungs contributions to the understanding of the childs subjective needs and peculiarities in the approach are important, given that he did not accompany the child itself, and his writings on the subject therefore have some gaps. In the present article, derived from the authors masters dissertation 1, we consider the contributions of Jung, Fordham and Neumann in correlation to recent research with children, using the narrative review method. It is concluded that the symbolic factors, combined with the bonding and affective aspects, are relevant factors in understanding the childs development.(AU)

C. G. Jung no hizo contribuciones sólidas con respecto a los factores psicológicos de la infancia, y gradualmente hubo una necesidad en psicología analítica de una práctica dirigida a los primeros momentos de la vida humana, tan importante como todos los demás. Se reconoce que la realidad psicológica, aunque múltiple, y aunque no se define en etapas bien definidas, presenta especificidades en el momento de las formaciones y transiciones que es la infancia. Por lo tanto, las adiciones a las contribuciones de Jung a la comprensión de las necesidades subjetivas y las peculiaridades del niño en el enfoque son importantes, dado que no acompañó al niño en sí mismo y, por lo tanto, sus escritos sobre el tema tienen algunas lagunas. En el presente artículo, derivado de la disertación de maestría del autor 1, consideramos las contribuciones de Jung, Fordham y Neumann en correlación con investigaciones recientes con niños, utilizando el método de revisión narrativa. Se concluye que los factores simbólicos, combinados con la vinculación y los aspectos afectivos, son factores relevantes para comprender el desarrollo del niño.(AU)

Psicologia , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Teoria Junguiana
Front Vet Sci ; 7: 621714, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33469557


Invasive mammary carcinomas with neuroendocrine differentiation are rare in women and were reported only once in female dogs. For the present study, ten cases of solid mammary carcinoma positive for chromogramin A in immunohistochemistry were selected. Histopathological characteristics of these tumors were described and immunohistochemical evaluation was performed with chromogranin A, synaptophysin, CD56, NSE, PGP 9.5, pancitokeratin, Ki67, estrogen receptor (ER), and progesterone receptor (PR). The average animal age was 13.2 years old and the average tumor size was 4.8 cm. In total, 70% of the neoplasms were classified as grade III and 30% as grade II by the Nottingham histological grade system. High mitotic index was observed with a mean of 27.5 mitoses in 10 high magnification fields. Only one case showed typical carcinoid tumor characteristics. In addition, vascular invasion was shown in 3 tumors. All carcinomas were positive for chromogran A, while only two cases were reactive to synaptophysin. For PGP 9.2, NSE and CD56, we observed positivity of 100, 90, and 70%, respectively, in the samples, being that no tumor was positive for all the neuroendocrine markers. All neoplasms showed ER and PR in at least 10% of neoplastic cells, while Ki67 varied from 29 to 95%, with mean mitotic index of 67%. Four of the ten animals died within 1 year of the tumor diagnosis. Neuroendocrine neoplasms occur in the canine mammary gland and are propably underdiagnosed. This is due to their non-specific morphological characteristics and the low use of neuroendocrine immunohistochemistric markers the diagnostic routine. More studies are necessary to determine the prognosis of this new histological type.