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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34211622


Microwave radiometry has provided valuable spaceborne observations of Earth's geophysical properties for decades. The recent SMOS, Aquarius, and SMAP satellites have demonstrated the value of measurements at 1400 MHz for observing surface soil moisture, sea surface salinity, sea ice thickness, soil freeze/thaw state, and other geophysical variables. However, the information obtained is limited by penetration through the subsurface at 1400 MHz and by a reduced sensitivity to surface salinity in cold or wind-roughened waters. Recent airborne experiments have shown the potential of brightness temperature measurements from 500-1400 MHz to address these limitations by enabling sensing of soil moisture and sea ice thickness to greater depths, sensing of temperature deep within ice sheets, improved sensing of sea salinity in cold waters, and enhanced sensitivity to soil moisture under vegetation canopies. However, the absence of significant spectrum reserved for passive microwave measurements in the 500-1400 MHz band requires both an opportunistic sensing strategy and systems for reducing the impact of radio-frequency interference. Here, we summarize the potential advantages and applications of 500-1400 MHz microwave radiometry for Earth observation and review recent experiments and demonstrations of these concepts. We also describe the remaining questions and challenges to be addressed in advancing to future spaceborne operation of this technology along with recommendations for future research activities.

IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens ; Volume 55(Iss 4): 1897-1914, 2017 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31708601


This paper evaluates the retrieval of soil moisture in the top 5-cm layer at 3-km spatial resolution using L-band dual-copolarized Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data that mapped the globe every three days from mid-April to early July, 2015. Surface soil moisture retrievals using radar observations have been challenging in the past due to complicating factors of surface roughness and vegetation scattering. Here, physically based forward models of radar scattering for individual vegetation types are inverted using a time-series approach to retrieve soil moisture while correcting for the effects of static roughness and dynamic vegetation. Compared with the past studies in homogeneous field scales, this paper performs a stringent test with the satellite data in the presence of terrain slope, subpixel heterogeneity, and vegetation growth. The retrieval process also addresses any deficiencies in the forward model by removing any time-averaged bias between model and observations and by adjusting the strength of vegetation contributions. The retrievals are assessed at 14 core validation sites representing a wide range of global soil and vegetation conditions over grass, pasture, shrub, woody savanna, corn, wheat, and soybean fields. The predictions of the forward models used agree with SMAP measurements to within 0.5 dB unbiased-root-mean-square error (ubRMSE) and -0.05 dB (bias) for both copolarizations. Soil moisture retrievals have an accuracy of 0.052 m3/m3 ubRMSE, -0.015 m3/m3 bias, and a correlation of 0.50, compared to in situ measurements, thus meeting the accuracy target of 0.06 m3/m3 ubRMSE. The successful retrieval demonstrates the feasibility of a physically based time series retrieval with L-band SAR data for characterizing soil moisture over diverse conditions of soil moisture, surface roughness, and vegetation.

IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens ; 55(4): 1954-1966, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32661449


The Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) L-band microwave radiometer is a conical scanning instrument designed to measure soil moisture with 4% volumetric accuracy at 40-km spatial resolution. SMAP is NASA's first Earth Systematic Mission developed in response to its first Earth science decadal survey. Here, the design is reviewed and the results of its first year on orbit are presented. Unique features of the radiometer include a large 6-m rotating reflector, fully polarimetric radiometer receiver with internal calibration, and radio-frequency interference detection and filtering hardware. The radiometer electronics are thermally controlled to achieve good radiometric stability. Analyses of on-orbit results indicate that the electrical and thermal characteristics of the electronics and internal calibration sources are very stable and promote excellent gain stability. Radiometer NEDT < 1 K for 17-ms samples. The gain spectrum exhibits low noise at frequencies >1 MHz and 1/f noise rising at longer time scales fully captured by the internal calibration scheme. Results from sky observations and global swath imagery of all four Stokes antenna temperatures indicate that the instrument is operating as expected.

IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens ; 55(7): 4098-4110, 2017 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29657350


A robust physics-based combined radar-radiometer, or Active-Passive, surface soil moisture and roughness estimation methodology is presented. Soil moisture and roughness retrieval is performed via optimization, i.e., minimization, of a joint objective function which constrains similar resolution radar and radiometer observations simultaneously. A data-driven and noise-dependent regularization term has also been developed to automatically regularize and balance corresponding radar and radiometer contributions to achieve optimal soil moisture retrievals. It is shown that in order to compensate for measurement and observation noise, as well as forward model inaccuracies, in combined radar-radiometer estimation surface roughness can be considered a free parameter. Extensive Monte-Carlo numerical simulations and assessment using field data have been performed to both evaluate the algorithm's performance and to demonstrate soil moisture estimation. Unbiased root mean squared errors (RMSE) range from 0.18 to 0.03 cm3/cm3 for two different land cover types of corn and soybean. In summary, in the context of soil moisture retrieval, the importance of consistent forward emission and scattering development is discussed and presented.

Sensors (Basel) ; 10(7): 6980-7001, 2010.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22163585


During a field campaign covering the 2002 corn growing season, a dual polarized tower mounted L-band (1.4 GHz) radiometer (LRAD) provided brightness temperature (T(B)) measurements at preset intervals, incidence and azimuth angles. These radiometer measurements were supported by an extensive characterization of land surface variables including soil moisture, soil temperature, vegetation biomass, and surface roughness. In the period May 22 to August 30, ten days of radiometer and ground measurements are available for a corn canopy with a vegetation water content (W) range of 0.0 to 4.3 kg m(-2). Using this data set, the effects of corn vegetation on surface emissions are investigated by means of a semi-empirical radiative transfer model. Additionally, the impact of roughness on the surface emission is quantified using T(B) measurements over bare soil conditions. Subsequently, the estimated roughness parameters, ground measurements and horizontally (H)-polarized T(B) are employed to invert the H-polarized transmissivity (γ(h)) for the monitored corn growing season.

Luz , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biomassa