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Cureus ; 15(11): e48471, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38074043


Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) have been recommended as an effective therapy in treating sudden cardiac deaths. This study evaluates the safety and efficacies of ICDs in detecting arrhythmias. Different ICDs, such as the transvenous cardioverter defibrillator (TV-ICD) and the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD), are used. This systematic review identified Embase, PubMed, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), and Web of Science as the primary electronic databases for research. Supplementation of the available articles for the review was done using Google Scholar. The population, exposure, control, outcome, and studies (PECOS) criteria were used in this study. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) standard checklist. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used in this systematic review. Two researchers conducted the extraction of data. A pre-designed Excel worksheet (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington) was used in the recording of extracted data. Eight studies were identified for use in this systematic review. Safety of the ICDs was observed with the minimum number of reported inappropriate shocks. Studies conducted identified that women had a lower number of incidences when a long detection setting by sex was conducted. Strategic programming of ICDs was noted as effective in lowering the levels of mortality. Studies claimed that the reduction of inappropriate shocks were important in the reduction of myocardial damage, which resulted in the mortality rate among the patients decreasing. Having high cutoff rates and long intervals for detection in ICD programming was noted to help in reducing ICD therapy intervention among patients. Differences among the male and female populations were inconsequential in the efficacy and safety of ICDs. Their effectiveness in sensitivity, pacing success, and defibrillation success were high and very significant. ICDs were safe in their use in the detection of arrhythmias.

Cureus ; 15(8): e43189, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37692610


Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States of America. In addition to conventional treatment approaches such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation for colorectal cancer, immunotherapy has gained recognition over the past few years. However, its effectiveness in colorectal cancer treatment is controversial. Our study investigates the survival and progression-free rates of immunotherapy for different types of colorectal cancer over the last 10 years. We conducted literature reviews from various clinical trials and research studies to evaluate immunotherapy's role in colorectal cancer treatment. We also investigated how it affects clinical outcomes. We discovered a range of effective immunotherapy approaches targeting various growth factors and signaling pathways. These modalities include monoclonal antibodies aimed at growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), and downstream signaling pathways such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene (KRAS), B-raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase (BRAF), and phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN). Additionally, we identified immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) inhibitors and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitors, as well as target therapy and adoptive cell therapy as promising immunotherapeutic options. Nevertheless, the application of immunotherapy remains highly limited due to various factors influencing survival and progression-free rates, including tumor microenvironment, microsatellite instability, immune checkpoint expression, and gut microbiome. Additionally, its effectiveness is restricted to a small subgroup of patients, accompanied by side effects and the development of drug resistance mechanisms. To unlock its full potential, further clinical trials and research on molecular pathways in colorectal cancer are imperative. This will ultimately enhance drug discovery success and lead to more effective clinical management approaches.

Cureus ; 15(7): e41432, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37546111


BACKGROUND: Across the globe, obesity stands as a prominent public health concern, linked to a heightened susceptibility to a range of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. This study reveals a disproportionate impact of obesity on African American (AA) communities, irrespective of socioeconomic status. Structural racism plays a critical role in perpetuating healthcare disparities between AA and other racial/ethnic groups in the United States. These disparities are reflected in limited access to nutritious food, safe exercise spaces, health insurance, and medical care, all of which significantly influence healthcare outcomes and obesity prevalence. Additionally, both conscious and unconscious interpersonal racism adversely affect obesity care, outcomes, and patient-healthcare provider interactions among Blacks. STUDY OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze and compare obesity-related mortality rates among AAs, Whites, and other racial groups. METHODOLOGY: We queried the CDC WONDER dataset, incorporating all US death certificates. During data extraction, various ICD 10 codes were used to denote different obesity categories: E66.1 (drug-induced obesity), E66.2 (severe obesity with alveolar hypoventilation), E66.3 (overweight), E66.8 (other forms of obesity), E66.9 (unspecified obesity), E66.0 (obesity due to excess calorie intake), E66.01 (severe obesity due to excess calories), and E66.09 (other forms of obesity caused by excess calorie intake). Our study encompassed decedents aged ≥15 years, with obesity-related diseases as the underlying cause of death from 2018 to 2021. Sex- and race-specific obesity-related mortality rates were examined for AAs, Whites, and other races. Resultant mortality trends were computed and presented as ratios comparing AA and White populations. RESULTS: This study reveals lower obesity-related mortality rates in AAs compared to Whites. Furthermore, women exhibited higher rates than men. In the 15 to 24 age bracket, males comprised 60.11% of the 361 deaths, whereas females made up 39.89%. In this demographic, 35.46% of deaths were among Blacks, with 64.54% among Whites. Within the 25 to 34 age group, females constituted 37.26% of the 1943 deaths, and males 62.74%. Whites made up 62.94% of the fatalities, Blacks 33.40%, with other racial groups accounting for the remainder. These trends extended through the 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+ age categories, with variations in death proportions among genders and races. Whites consistently accounted for the highest death percentages across all age groups, followed by Blacks. Our data indicate that obesity-related mortality tends to occur earlier in life. CONCLUSION: Our results corroborate previous studies linking elevated mortality risk to obesity and overweight conditions. The uniformity of our findings across age groups, as well as genders, supports the proposal for applying a single range of body weight throughout life. Given the ongoing rise in obesity and overweight conditions across the United States, excess mortality rates are projected to accelerate, potentially leading to decreased life expectancy. This highlights the urgency for developing and implementing effective strategies to control and prevent obesity nationwide.

Cureus ; 15(2): e34687, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36909046


The advances in the development of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) have expanded the variety of favorable approaches to treating diabetes mellitus. It is possible to have an improvement in insulin resistance and natriuresis by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and glucose at the proximal tubules in the kidney, and a decrease in cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). In addition, SGLT2i provides renoprotection by reducing intraglomerular higher blood pressure. The usage of SGLT2i also provides hemodynamic and metabolic benefits. SGLT2i demonstrates large cardiovascular benefits in patients both with and without diabetes, as well as in existing heart failure patients. These SGLT2i have direct and indirect effects on the kidney, likely contributing to stated cardiovascular benefits. Here we review the literature on the direct effects of SGLT2 inhibitors in diabetic patients with heart failure (HF). We assume that the benefit in cardiac cells modulated by SGLT2i is due to the inhibition of sodium transporters affecting intracellular sodium homeostasis. In conclusion, the sodium transporters in cardiac cells provide, at least partly, an example of the clinical benefits of SGLT2i observed in HF patients.

Cureus ; 14(11): e31324, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36514656


In recent years, many documented cases of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have been on the rise. The complicated pathophysiology of the disease makes it challenging to manage. Two databases, PubMed and Google Scholar, have a detailed screening using keywords and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) combinations. The words are "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus OR SLE OR Lupus," "Glutathione," and "Curcumin." Articles had a detailed process of screening and quality appraisal. Using the English language as a primary filtering parameter, papers over the last 20 years, dating from 2002 to 2022, are the basis of this review. We reviewed all possible human studies documenting the use of curcumin and glutathione for treating SLE. A total of 15 articles are part of this systematic review. Curcumin and glutathione can act as potent drugs for treating lupus. Curcumin can be a more promising alternative since it operates on various pathways and is a more easily accessible source.

Cureus ; 14(12): e32598, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36660501


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a frequent sequela of modern medicine when infants are born prematurely. Currently, there is no single treatment or combination of treatments to prevent or fully treat BPD. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have promising properties that could aid in the reversal of lung injury, as seen in patients with BPD. This study reviews the available evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of the use of MSCs for the treatment of evolving and established BPD. This systematic review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). We found eight studies that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. While all studies proved the safety and efficacy of MSCs administered intravenously and intratracheally, the only available randomized controlled trial (RCT) failed to demonstrate the benefit of MSC administration in the early treatment of BPD. The remaining studies varied between phase I clinical trials and case reports, but all seemed to show some evidence that MSCs may be of benefit in the late treatment of established BPD. Considering some of the studies have less evidence, early treatment to prevent lung fibrosis may be more successful, particularly in the younger gestational ages where lung development is more immature, and research should focus on this.

Cureus ; 14(12): e32622, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36660507


Medical marijuana treatment for migraine is becoming more common, although the legality and societal acceptance of marijuana for medical purposes in the United States have been challenged by the stigma attached to it as a recreational drug. These substances function to reduce nociception and decrease the frequency of migraine by having an impact on the endocannabinoid system. Our study reviewed the clinical response, dosing, and side effects of marijuana in migraine management. Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we conducted a literature search in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct, and nine studies were included in the systematic review. The studies demonstrated that medical marijuana has a significant clinical response by reducing the length and frequency of migraines. No severe adverse effects were noted. Due to its effectiveness and convenience, medical marijuana therapy may be helpful for patients suffering from migraines. However, additional clinical trials and observational studies with longer follow-ups are required to study the efficacy and safety of the drug.

Cureus ; 14(12): e32639, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36660532


"What about my eczema do I love the most? The hurt? A scratch? The humiliation of the public? Oh, there are so many options available!" Studies have shown an association between atopic eczema (AE), a common inflammatory skin condition, and an increased risk of mental health problems. Despite this, experts are still examining the causes of the links between common mental diseases (such as depression and anxiety) and skin conditions. We collected studies that were published in the past 10 years. We searched the following databases: PubMed, PubMed Central, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Further relevant research was assessed by examining the bibliographies of eligible studies and related ones. Two reviewers looked at the titles and abstracts of the studies to see if they were eligible, and then they read the full texts. We went through eczema and depression relationships, their etiopathogenesis, molecular basis, immune response, the role of genetic factors, and possible interactions between neurons and the immune system. Another possible contributing factor could be a change in cutaneous microbiota in eczema patients. Part of the initial connection could be explained by psychological stress, which further leads to depression in eczema patients. Healthcare professionals treating eczema patients must be aware of the comorbidity of mental problems and the potential that people with poor mental health may need social or emotional support. Patients with eczema, especially youngsters, can benefit from routine health checks since they can help identify neuropsychiatric issues like depression early and lessen the burden of both physical sickness and poor mental health. Given that AE is a condition that appears to be related to depression and anxiety, more research with larger samples is needed to determine a potential role for targeted mental health screening in people with AE, as well as the possibility of mental health modification through improved AE control (e.g., using new biologic agents).

Cureus ; 14(12): e32647, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36660538


The treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents can be challenging and involve a combination of pharmacologic and non-pharmacological approaches. Using recent literature, we aim to identify the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and methylphenidate (MPH) in reducing the symptoms and improving the quality of life. The investigators conducted a systematic review according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines. Investigators independently conducted a routine search on PubMed and Google Scholar for articles published within the last five years through July 30, 2022. Fourteen studies were identified as generally good quality but with some limitations. The final analysis included 2098 patients with an age range of three to eighteen. Nine studies reporting the efficacy of MPH in children, adolescents, or both had different formulations and doses. Six studies documenting the effectiveness of CBT had varying sessions, duration per therapy, modality of administration, and participants. The diagnostic assessment measures showed that the parent symptom rating was the highest and appeared in 11 studies, reflecting the burden on the family. In addition, a structured-self-rated questionnaire rating appeared in eight studies, and two diagnostic assessment measures, teacher symptom rating and investigators, appeared in six. The studies demonstrated significant reductions in the primary symptoms of ADHD at assessment, which led to improved behavioral and functional status with a reduced impact on family and society. Further trials are needed to understand the benefits of CBT and MPH when combined to reduce psychiatry co-morbidities and improve learning and overall quality of life in the long term.