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Environ Technol ; : 1-13, 2023 Jul 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37401255


Employing forced aeration (FA) in composting static windrows (SW) from fish waste (FW) has the potential to enhance the development of process and, organic fertiliser quality. However, due to the impact of season, the FA may lead to excessive drying of SW and, difficulty in thermophilic temperature maintenance. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of passive aeration (PA) and FA on the composting of FW in SW during the summer and winter seasons. The temperatures of the windrows remained within the thermophilic range for most of the composting period, with peak temperatures observed shortly after starting and turning the windrows (at 50 and 70 days). The aeration benefited the initial TS degradations, resulting in 86.66 and 45.99% of the TS total reduced to FA and PA piles, at 50 days during the winter. The C organic reduction was 77.77 and 76.33% in summer and winter to FA piles, respectively, but this reduction was 59.24% and 67.82% for winter and summer, respectively, in PA windrows. At 50 days, the N reduction in FA piles was already at 70.32% and 71.87% for winter and summer. The volatile solids reductions were significantly higher (p < 0.01) in FA piles during the summer. Although the FA has been shown to enhance the organic constituents' degradation during the composting of FW, its adoption was not enough to improve the compost composition. Thus, by conducting piles on a small scale, with the perforated wall, as described in this study, the FA could be dispensed.

Waste Manag ; 105: 520-530, 2020 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32145685


Characterizing the waste generated from different agro-industrial segments enables the strategic management of residues, with the goal of maximizing recovery within the premises of a circular economy. This research aimed to determine the coefficient of waste generated in broiler chick hatcheries as well as to characterize the waste, taking into account the points of culling and the ages of the laying hens. Furthermore, the waste was used in composting with sheep manure (SM) at increasing inclusion rates (0:100, 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60, and 50:50). On average, 0.16 kg (DM) of hatchery waste is generated per kg of broiler chicks born. At the hatchery, at least 79% of the total disposal occurs at the hatcher stage. This value is impacted by chicken age (P < 0.05), with birds of a late laying age generating waste with higher contents of carbon (C), volatile solids (VS), ether extract (EE), and nitrogen (N). Culling during egg reception and the manual transfer process account for only 1.8% of the total waste generated on average and thus contribute little to the composition of the overall residues. However, the mechanical transfer process may represent up to 19.0% of the total waste generated by hens of an intermediate laying age. According to the average of all the composting stages, the maximum reduction in solids and C from the hatchery waste was reached when the waste accounted for 50% of the windrow composition. Such conditions resulted in organic fertilizer with the highest N content (2.8%), equivalent to 40.0% more than that in the treatment with no added hatchery waste. The compost resulting from 50% hatchery waste inclusion also had the highest humic acid to fulvic acid (HA:FA) ratio and the highest calcium content due to the higher proportion of eggshells. These findings lead to the recommendation for the inclusion of hatchery waste in composting with SM at a 50% rate by mass.

Galinhas , Compostagem , Animais , Feminino , Esterco , Nitrogênio , Ovinos , Solo
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(7): e20170517, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045172


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to obtain the best dose of waste cooking oil inclusion for the co-digestion of substrates prepared with dairy cattle and swine manure in order to maximize solids reductions and biogas yield. Analyses of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) were performed during the loading and unloading of digesters, while biogas yield was measured twice a week. The maximum reduction in VS (51.4%) was reached with the inclusion of up to 54.6g waste cooking manure-1. Maximum NDF degradation occurred with inclusions of up to 69.4g waste cooking manure-1. Inclusions of up to 64g of waste cooking manure-1 provided specific biogas yield of 291.4 and 251.0L VS-1 added to substrates with swine and cattle manure, respectively. Adding oil at doses between 45.1 and 69.4g waste cooking oil kg manure-1 to substrates composed of cattle or swine manure maximizes reductions of solids and fibrous constituents and enhances specific biogas yield. Furthermore, swine manure supports higher doses of waste cooking oil.

RESUMO: Objetivou-se encontrar a melhor dose de inclusão de óleo residual durante a co-digestão de substratos preparados com dejetos de bovinos leiteiros e suínos, com o intuito de maximizar as reduções de sólidos e as produções de biogás. Foram realizadas no abastecimento e desabastecimento dos biodigestores as análises de sólidos totais (ST), sólidos voláteis (SV) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), enquanto as mensurações de biogás duas vezes por semana. A máxima redução de SV (51,4%) foi possibilitada pela inclusão de até 54,6g de óleo de descarte kg dejetos-1, já as máximas degradações de FDN ocorreram com adições de até 69,4g de óleo de descarte kg dejetos-1. As inclusões de até 64g de óleo de descarte kg dejetos-1 possibilitaram produções específicas de biogás de 291,4 e 251,0 L de biogá SV-1 adicionado, para substratos contendo dejetos de suínos e bovinos respectivamente. A adição de óleo em doses entre 45,1 e 69, a substratos contendo dejetos de bovinos ou suínos maximiza as reduções dos constituintes sólidos e fibrosos bem como potencializa as produções específicas de biogás, sendo que o dejeto de suíno ainda suporta maiores doses de inclusão de óleo residual.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(4): 1152-1158, july/aug. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-964576


The crude glycerin is a byproduct of the biodiesel industry which has high levels of glycerol and can be utilized by ruminants for obtaining energy. This research was conducted in order to evaluate the performance, carcass characteristics and economic feasibility of lambs fed diets containing crude glycerin replacing ground corn. 24 non-castrated lambs (Pantaneiro racial grouping) at 90 days of age and average body weight of 20.02 ± 1.5 kg were used. We evaluated diets containing 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% inclusion of crude glycerin on dry matter of the diet replacing ground corn. The parameters evaluated were the consumption of dry matter and nutrients, weight gain, feed conversion, biometric measurements in vivo and carcass characteristics, in addition to the cost of the diet based on the carcass production. Animals reduced dry matter intake as doses of crude glycerin were increased. However, no differences to the weight gain of the animals were observed. Thus, animals fed crude glycerin showed better feed conversion rates and lower feeding cost which contributed to higher profit margin of the diets with crude glycerin. It is concluded that at the doses tested, the crude glycerin can be used in the diet of finishing lambs, however only at the level of 7.5% becomes economically feasible.

A glicerina bruta é um subproduto da indústria do biodiesel que apresenta elevados teores de glicerol que podem ser utilizados pelos ruminantes para obtenção de energia. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de se avaliar o desempenho, características de carcaça e viabilidade econômica de cordeiros alimentados com dietas contendo glicerina bruta em substituição ao grão de milho triturado. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros não castrados do grupamento racial "Pantaneiro", com 90 dias de idade e peso corporal médio de 20,02±1,5 kg. Avaliou-se dietas contendo 0, 2,5, 5,0 e 7,5% de inclusão de glicerina bruta na matéria seca da dieta em substituição ao grão de milho triturado. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: consumo de matéria seca e de nutrientes, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, medidas biométricas in vivo e características da carcaça, além do custo da dieta em função da produção de carcaça. Os animais reduziram o consumo de matéria seca à medida que aumentaram as doses de glicerina bruta. No entanto não foram observadas diferenças com relação ao ganho de peso dos animais. Desta forma os animais alimentados com glicerina bruta apresentaram melhores índices de conversão alimentar e menor custo com a alimentação o que contribuiu para maior margem de lucro das dietas com glicerina bruta. Conclui-se que nas doses testadas a glicerina bruta pode ser utilizada na dieta de cordeiros em terminação.

Animais , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Eficiência , Glicerol , Ração Animal
Ciênc. rural ; 45(1): 178-183, 01/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-731078


Em virtude da grande demanda por proteína de origem animal, tem-se aumentado a produção de frangos de corte e consequentemente a geração de resíduos provenientes do abate de aves, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de técnicas que permitam o aproveitamento e reciclagem desses materiais. Objetivou-se com a execução deste trabalho avaliar a eficiência da compostagem no tratamento e reciclagem do resíduo sólido de abatedouro avícola. Utilizou-se resíduo sólido de abatedouro avícola comercial composto por fragmentos de vísceras, tecido muscular, adiposo e ósseo, sangue coagulado e penas e, como fonte de carbono, a casca de arroz. Montou-se uma leira com 1,5m3 de volume inicial, na qual foram monitorados os parâmetros: temperatura, teores de sólidos totais (ST), voláteis (SV), N, P, K, carbono orgânico (C), matéria orgânica compostável (MOC), matéria orgânica resistente à compostagem (MORC), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), massa e volume enleirados, número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, bem como suas reduções durante o processo. A temperatura máxima atingida no centro da leira foi de 53,3ºC (média semanal), já as reduções de massa de ST e SV e volume durante o processo de pré-compostagem foram de 36,1; 44,3 e 23,3%, respectivamente, e, durante o processo de compostagem, foram de 21,8; 23,8 e 4,4%. A baixa redução do volume das leiras pode estar associada à alta concentração de MORC (40,1%) que pode ser principalmente relacionada à qualidade da fonte de carbono. O processo promoveu satisfatórias reduções totais de ST, SV e volume, sendo, respectivamente, 50,1; 57,5 e 26,7%. No entanto, foram observadas reduções de 43% na quantidade de nitrogênio presente no composto final. Apesar das reduções de nitrogênio, a compostagem demonstrou ser um método eficiente no tratamento dos resíduos sólidos de abatedouro avícola.

The great demand for animal protein was responsible for the increase on the broilers production and hence, the generation of waste from the poultry slaughter was increased as well, which in turn, propelled the development of techniques that allow the reuse and recycling of these wastes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of composting on the treatment and recycling of solid waste from poultry slaughterhouse. The solid waste was from a commercial poultry slaughterhouse and was composed of viscera, muscle, fat, bone, blood and feathers that was mixed with a source of carbon, rice husk. Initially, a windrow with a volume of 1.5m3 was built, and then some parameters were monitored: temperature, total solids (TS), volatile (VS), N, P, K, organic carbon (C), composting organic matter (COC), organic matter resistant to composting (MORC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), mass and volume of the windrow, most probable number (MPN) of total and fecal coliforms, as well as their reductions during the process. The maximum temperature reached in the center of the windrow was 53.3°C (weekly average) since reductions of weight of TS and VS and volume during the pre-composting were 36.1, 44.3 and 23.3%, respectively and during the composting process was 21.8, 23.8 and 4.4%. The low volume reduction can be associated with high concentrations of MORC (40.1%) which can be mainly related to the quality of the carbon source. The process produced satisfactory total reductions of TS, VS and volume that were respectively, 50.1, 57.5 and 26.7%. However reductions were observed in 43% of amount of nitrogen in the final compound. Despite reductions in nitrogen content, composting proved to be an effective method in the treatment of solid waste from poultry slaughterhouse.

Ciênc. rural ; 43(7): 1238-1244, jul. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-679236


A adubação orgânica pode ser uma alternativa viável na produção de gramíneas forrageiras, no entanto poucas são as informações referentes às doses e à composição dos principais adubos orgânicos. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a influência das diferentes doses de composto orgânico produzido com dois tipos de cama de frango sobre as características produtivas, morfogênicas e estruturais de Brachiaria brizantha, cv 'Piatã'. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial com parcela subdividida no tempo. As parcelas foram compostas por seis tratamentos: dois tipos compostos (cama de frango a base de cana de açúcar ou napier) em três doses (100, 200 e 300kg ha-1 equivalente N) e as subparcelas pelos quatro períodos de cortes. Os compostos foram aplicados em dose única, após o corte de uniformização, nas quantidades de: 11,36 e 11,83, 22,73 e 23,67, 34,09 e 35,50g vaso-1 para os compostos de cama de frangos a base de cana de açúcar e capim napier, respectivamente, que equivalem às doses de 100, 200 e 300kg ha-1 de N. As variáveis mensuradas foram: produção de matéria seca (PMS), taxa de aparecimento de folha (TApF), taxa de alongamento de folha (TAlF), filocrono, taxa de alongamento de pseudocolmo (TAlC), comprimento final de folha (CFF) e números de folhas verdes (NFV). Não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tipos de composto e na interação composto x dose. Dessa forma, ambos poderiam ser utilizados sem que ocorresse prejuízo no aproveitamento dos nutrientes pelas plantas avaliadas no experimento. Houve diferença significativa entre a PMS, TApF, filocrono, TAlF e TAlC, NFV e TFF em função das doses crescentes de nitrogênio, segundo um modelo linear de predição. Também foi observado efeito dos períodos de corte, em que os cortes realizados no verão apresentaram melhor desempenho sobre as características morfogênicas e estruturais.

The organic fertilizer can be a viable alternative in the production of forage grasses, however there is little information regarding doses and composition of the major organic fertilizers. The aim of this paper was to verify the influence of the different doses of organic compost produced from two types of poultry litter on the structural, morphogenetic and productive characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv 'Piatã'. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme l with parcel subdivided in time. The parcels were composed by six treatments: two types of compost (poultry litter based in sugar cane and napier grass) in three doses (100, 200 and 300kg ha-1 equivalent N.) and the subparcels by the four different periods of cut. The composts were applied in a unique dose, after the uniformization cut, at the quantities: 11,36 and 11,83, 22,73 and 23,67, 34,09 and 35,50 g pot-1 for the poultry litter based in sugar cane and napier grass, respectively which are equivalent to the rates of 0, 100, 200 and 300kg ha-1 of N. The variables measured were: dry matter production (DMP), leaf appearance rate (LApR), phyllochron, leaf elongation dose (LER) and shoots elongation rate (SER), number of green leaves (NGL), final size of the leaf (FSL). No significant difference between the types of composts and in the interaction compost x doses was observed, thus, both could be used without the risk of loss in the use of the nutrients by the plants evaluated in the experiment. There was a significant difference between the DMP, LApR, phyllochron, LER, SER, NGL and FSL because of the increasing rates of nitrogen, followed by a linear model of prediction. The effect of the periods of slaughter was also observed, where the slaughters carried out in the summer presented a better performance over the morphogenetic and structural features evaluated.

Ciênc. rural ; 43(1): 158-163, jan. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-659666


O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes doses de efluente de abatedouro avícola para proporcionar melhorias nas características produtivas, morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-piatã. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em que foram testadas cinco doses de efluentes: 324, 648, 972, 1.296 e 1620m³ ha-1 ou equivalente a 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250kg ha-1 de N. As variáveis mensuradas foram: produção de matéria seca (MS), taxa de aparecimento de folha (TApF), taxa de alongamento de folha (TAlF), filocrono, taxa de alongamento de pseudocolmo (TAlC), comprimento final de folha (CFF) e números de folhas verdes (NFV). A produção de MS seguiu um modelo linear de predição em função das doses efluente avícola, em que o tratamento com 250kg ha-1 de N foi 55% maior, quando comparado com o tratamento de 50kg ha-1 de N. Todas as características morfogênicas e estruturais avaliadas com exceção do filocrono apresentaram comportamento linear positivo. Dessa forma, o efluente de abatedouro avícola pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para adubação do capim-piatã, pois este respondeu de maneira crescente até a dose máxima testada.

The organic fertilizer is considered a viable alternative for the production of forage grasses. However there is little information about the rates and composition of the organic fertilizers. According to this assumption the objective of this study was to figure out the best dose of effluent from poultry processing plants in order to improve the structural, morphogenetic and productive characteristics of Piata palidadegrass. The experiment was carried out at a greenhouse and performed in a completely randomized design in which five doses of effluent, 324, 648, 972, 1296 and 1620m³ ha-1 were tested and equivalent to 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250kg ha-1 de N respectively. The measured variables were: dry matter (DM), leaf appearance rate, leaf elongation rate, phyllochron, pseudo stem elongation rate, final leaf length and numbers of green leaves. The production of DM presented a linear prediction model according to the N rates, while the treatment with 250kg ha-1 de N was 55% higher when compared to the treatment with 50kg ha-1 de N. All morphogenetic and structural characteristics that were evaluated presented a positive linear fashion, except the phyllochron. Thus, the effluent from poultry processing plant may be used as an alternative to fertilization of the 'Piata' palisadegrass because this responded by increasing the maximum dose tested.