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J Phys Chem Lett ; 15(25): 6544-6549, 2024 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38885194


Absorption spectroscopy probing transitions from shallow-core d and f orbitals in lanthanides and actinides reveals information about bonding and the electronic structure in compounds containing these elements. However, spectroscopy in this photon energy range is challenging because of the limited availability of light sources and extremely short penetration depths. In this work, we address these challenges using a tabletop extreme ultraviolet (XUV), ultrafast, laser-driven, high harmonic generation light source, which generates femtosecond pulses in the 40-140 eV range. We present reflection spectroscopy measurements at the N4,5 (i.e., predominantly 4d to 5f transitions) and O4,5 (i.e., 5d to 5f transitions) absorption edges on several lanthanide and uranium oxide crystals. We compare these results to density functional theory calculations to assign the electronic transitions and predict the spectra for other lanthanides. This work paves the way for laboratory-scale XUV absorption experiments for studying crystalline and molecular f-electron systems, with applications ranging from surface chemistry, photochemistry, and electronic or chemical structure determination to nuclear forensics.

Nature ; 626(8001): 984-989, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38326619


Controlled charge flows are fundamental to many areas of science and technology, serving as carriers of energy and information, as probes of material properties and dynamics1 and as a means of revealing2,3 or even inducing4,5 broken symmetries. Emerging methods for light-based current control5-16 offer particularly promising routes beyond the speed and adaptability limitations of conventional voltage-driven systems. However, optical generation and manipulation of currents at nanometre spatial scales remains a basic challenge and a crucial step towards scalable optoelectronic systems for microelectronics and information science. Here we introduce vectorial optoelectronic metasurfaces in which ultrafast light pulses induce local directional charge flows around symmetry-broken plasmonic nanostructures, with tunable responses and arbitrary patterning down to subdiffractive nanometre scales. Local symmetries and vectorial currents are revealed by polarization-dependent and wavelength-sensitive electrical readout and terahertz (THz) emission, whereas spatially tailored global currents are demonstrated in the direct generation of elusive broadband THz vector beams17. We show that, in graphene, a detailed interplay between electrodynamic, thermodynamic and hydrodynamic degrees of freedom gives rise to rapidly evolving nanoscale driving forces and charge flows under the extremely spatially and temporally localized excitation. These results set the stage for versatile patterning and optical control over nanoscale currents in materials diagnostics, THz spectroscopies, nanomagnetism and ultrafast information processing.

Opt Express ; 31(19): 31410-31418, 2023 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37710661


New, hard x-ray free electron lasers (FEL) produce intense femtosecond-to-attosecond pulses at angstrom wavelengths, giving access to the fundamental spatial and temporal scales of matter. These revolutionary light sources open the door to applying the suite of nonlinear, optical spectroscopy methods at hard x-ray photon energies. Nonlinear spectroscopy with hard x-rays can allow for measuring the coherence properties of short wavelength excitations with atomic specificity and for understanding how high energy excitations couple to other degrees of freedom in atomic, molecular or condensed-phase systems. As a step in this direction, here we present hard x-ray, optical four-wave mixing (4WM) measurements done at 9.8 keV at the split-and-delay line at the x-ray correlation spectroscopy (XCS) hutch of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). In this work, we create an x-ray transient grating (TG) from a pair of crossing x-ray beams and diffract optical laser pulses at 400 nm from the TG. The key technical advance here is being able to independently vary the delays of the x-ray pulses. Measurements were made in 3 different solid samples: bismuth germinate (BGO), zinc oxide (ZnO) and yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG). The resulting phase-matched, 4WM signal is measured in two different ways: by varying the x-ray, x-ray pulse delay which can reveal both material and light source coherence properties and also by varying the optical laser delay with respect to the x-ray TG to study how the x-ray excitation couples to the optical properties. Although no coherent 4WM signal was seen in these measurements, the absence of this signal gives important information on experimental requirements for detecting this in future work. Also, our laser-delay scans, although not a new measurement, were applied to different materials than in past work and reveal new examples x-ray induced lattice dynamics in solids. This work represents a key step towards extending nonlinear optics and time-resolved spectroscopy into the hard x-ray regime.

Light Sci Appl ; 12(1): 133, 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37258515


Nonlinear optical spectroscopies are powerful tools for investigating both static material properties and light-induced dynamics. Terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy has emerged in the past several decades as a versatile method for directly tracking the ultrafast evolution of physical properties, quasiparticle distributions, and order parameters within bulk materials and nanoscale interfaces. Ultrafast optically-induced THz radiation is often analyzed mechanistically in terms of relative contributions from nonlinear polarization, magnetization, and various transient free charge currents. While this offers material-specific insights, more fundamental symmetry considerations enable the generalization of measured nonlinear tensors to much broader classes of systems. We thus frame the present discussion in terms of underlying broken symmetries, which enable THz emission by defining a system directionality in space and/or time, as well as more detailed point group symmetries that determine the nonlinear response tensors. Within this framework, we survey a selection of recent studies that utilize THz emission spectroscopy to uncover basic properties and complex behaviors of emerging materials, including strongly correlated, magnetic, multiferroic, and topological systems. We then turn to low-dimensional systems to explore the role of designer nanoscale structuring and corresponding symmetries that enable or enhance THz emission. This serves as a promising route for probing nanoscale physics and ultrafast light-matter interactions, as well as facilitating advances in integrated THz systems. Furthermore, the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic material symmetries, in addition to hybrid structuring, may stimulate the discovery of exotic properties and phenomena beyond existing material paradigms.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 3212, 2022 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35680864


Formation of magnetic order alters the character of spin excitations, which then affects transport properties. We investigate the photoexcited ultrafast spin dynamics in different magnetic phases in Néel-type skyrmion host GaV4S8 with time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect experiments. The coherent spin precession, whose amplitude is enhanced in the skyrmion-lattice phase, shows a signature of phase coexistence across the magnetic phase transitions. The incoherent spin relaxation dynamics slows down by a factor of two in the skyrmion-lattice/cycloid phases, indicating significant decrease in thermal conductivity triggered by a small change of magnetic field. The slow heat diffusion in the skyrmion-lattice/cycloid phases is attributed to the stronger magnon scattering off the domain walls formed in abundance in the skyrmion-lattice/cycloid phase. These results highlight the impact of spatial spin structure on the ultrafast heat transport in spin systems, providing a useful insight for the step toward ultrafast photocontrol of the magnets with novel spin orders.