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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(10): 106901, 2023 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37739378


We introduce a quantum virial expansion for the optical response of a doped two-dimensional semiconductor. As we show, this constitutes a perturbatively exact theory in the high-temperature or low-doping regime, where the electrons' thermal wavelength is smaller than their interparticle spacing. We obtain exact analytic expressions for the photoluminescence and we predict new features such as a nontrivial shape of the attractive branch peak related to universal resonant exciton-electron scattering and an associated energy shift from the trion energy. Our theory furthermore allows us to formally unify the two distinct theoretical pictures that have been applied to this system, where we reveal that the predictions of the conventional trion picture correspond to a high-temperature and weak-interaction limit of Fermi-polaron theory. Our results are in excellent agreement with recent experiments on doped monolayer MoSe_{2} and they provide the foundation for modeling a range of emerging optically active materials such as van der Waals heterostructures.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6164, 2022 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36257945


Interactions between quasiparticles are of fundamental importance and ultimately determine the macroscopic properties of quantum matter. A famous example is the phenomenon of superconductivity, which arises from attractive electron-electron interactions that are mediated by phonons or even other more exotic fluctuations in the material. Here we introduce mobile exciton impurities into a two-dimensional electron gas and investigate the interactions between the resulting Fermi polaron quasiparticles. We employ multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy on monolayer WS2, which provides an ideal platform for determining the nature of polaron-polaron interactions due to the underlying trion fine structure and the valley specific optical selection rules. At low electron doping densities, we find that the dominant interactions are between polaron states that are dressed by the same Fermi sea. In the absence of bound polaron pairs (bipolarons), we show using a minimal microscopic model that these interactions originate from a phase-space filling effect, where excitons compete for the same electrons. We furthermore reveal the existence of a bipolaron bound state with remarkably large binding energy, involving excitons in different valleys cooperatively bound to the same electron. Our work lays the foundation for probing and understanding strong electron correlation effects in two-dimensional layered structures such as moiré superlattices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(15): 150601, 2022 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35499886


Motivated by the famous ink-drop experiment, where ink droplets are used to determine the chaoticity of a fluid, we propose an experimentally implementable method for measuring the scrambling capacity of quantum processes. Here, a system of interest interacts with a small quantum probe whose dynamical properties identify the chaoticity of the system. Specifically, we propose a fully quantum version of the out-of-time-order correlator-which we term the out-of-time-order tensor-whose correlations offer clear information theoretic meanings about the chaoticity of a process. We illustrate the utility of the out-of-time-order tensor as a signature of chaos using random unitary processes as well as in the quantum kicked rotor, where the chaoticity is tunable.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(3): 033401, 2021 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34328775


We investigate the problem of an infinitely heavy impurity interacting with a dilute Bose gas at zero temperature. When the impurity-boson interactions are short-ranged, we show that boson-boson interactions induce a quantum blockade effect, where a single boson can effectively block or screen the impurity potential. Since this behavior depends on the quantum granular nature of the Bose gas, it cannot be captured within a standard classical-field description. Using a combination of exact quantum Monte Carlo methods and a truncated basis approach, we show how the quantum correlations between bosons lead to universal few-body bound states and a logarithmically slow dependence of the polaron ground-state energy on the boson-boson scattering length. Moreover, we expose the link between the polaron energy and the spatial structure of the quantum correlations, spanning the infrared to ultraviolet physics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(19): 197401, 2021 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34047608


The interplay between strong light-matter interactions and charge doping represents an important frontier in the pursuit of exotic many-body physics and optoelectronics. Here, we consider a simplified model of a two-dimensional semiconductor embedded in a microcavity, where the interactions between electrons and holes are strongly screened, allowing us to develop a diagrammatic formalism for this system with an analytic expression for the exciton-polariton propagator. We apply this to the scattering of spin-polarized polaritons and electrons, and show that this is strongly enhanced compared with exciton-electron interactions. As we argue, this counterintuitive result is a consequence of the shift of the collision energy due to the strong light-matter coupling, and hence this is a generic feature that applies also for more realistic electron-hole and electron-electron interactions. We furthermore demonstrate that the lack of Galilean invariance inherent in the light-matter coupled system can lead to a narrow resonancelike feature for polariton-electron interactions close to the polariton inflection point. Our results are potentially important for realizing tunable light-mediated interactions between charged particles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(13): 133401, 2020 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33034470


We investigate the metastable repulsive branch of a mobile impurity coupled to a degenerate Fermi gas via short-range interactions. We show that the quasiparticle lifetime of this repulsive Fermi polaron can be experimentally probed by driving Rabi oscillations between weakly and strongly interacting impurity states. Using a time-dependent variational approach, we find that we can accurately model the impurity Rabi oscillations that were recently measured for repulsive Fermi polarons in both two and three dimensions. Crucially, our theoretical description does not include relaxation processes to the lower-lying attractive branch. Thus, the theory-experiment agreement demonstrates that the quasiparticle lifetime is dominated by many-body dephasing within the upper repulsive branch rather than by relaxation from the upper branch itself. Our findings shed light on recent experimental observations of persistent repulsive correlations, and have important consequences for the nature and stability of the strongly repulsive Fermi gas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(6): 065301, 2020 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32845677


We investigate the radio-frequency spectroscopy of impurities interacting with a quantum gas at finite temperature. In the limit of a single impurity, we show using Fermi's golden rule that introducing (or injecting) an impurity into the medium is equivalent to ejecting an impurity that is initially interacting with the medium, since the "injection" and "ejection" spectral responses are simply related to each other by an exponential function of frequency. Thus, the full spectral information for the quantum impurity is contained in the injection spectral response, which can be determined using a range of theoretical methods, including variational approaches. We use this property to compute the finite-temperature equation of state and Tan contact of the Fermi polaron. Our results for the contact of a mobile impurity are in excellent agreement with recent experiments and we find that the finite-temperature behavior is qualitatively different compared to the case of infinite impurity mass.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 429, 2020 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31969565


Superfluidity, first discovered in liquid 4He, is closely related to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) phenomenon. However, even at zero temperature, a fraction of the quantum liquid is excited out of the condensate into higher momentum states via interaction-induced fluctuations-the phenomenon of quantum depletion. Quantum depletion of atomic BECs in thermal equilibrium is well understood theoretically but is difficult to measure. This measurement is even more challenging in driven-dissipative exciton-polariton condensates, since their non-equilibrium nature is predicted to suppress quantum depletion. Here, we observe quantum depletion of a high-density exciton-polariton condensate by detecting the spectral branch of elementary excitations populated by this process. Analysis of this excitation branch shows that quantum depletion of exciton-polariton condensates can closely follow or strongly deviate from the equilibrium Bogoliubov theory, depending on the exciton fraction in an exciton polariton. Our results reveal beyond mean-field effects of exciton-polariton interactions and call for a deeper understanding of the relationship between equilibrium and non-equilibrium BECs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(20): 205301, 2019 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31172772


We present a general variational principle for the dynamics of impurity particles immersed in a quantum-mechanical medium. By working within the Heisenberg picture and constructing approximate time-dependent impurity operators, we can take the medium to be in any mixed state, such as a thermal state. Our variational method is consistent with all conservation laws and, in certain cases, it is equivalent to a finite-temperature Green's function approach. As a demonstration of our method, we consider the dynamics of heavy impurities that have suddenly been introduced into a Fermi gas at finite temperature. Using approximate time-dependent impurity operators involving only one particle-hole excitation of the Fermi sea, we find that we can successfully model the results of recent Ramsey interference experiments on ^{40}K atoms in a ^{6}Li Fermi gas. We also show that our approximation agrees well with the exact solution for the Ramsey response of a fixed impurity at finite temperature. Our approach paves the way for the investigation of impurities with dynamical degrees of freedom in arbitrary quantum-mechanical mediums.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(26): 266401, 2019 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31951450


We theoretically investigate the many-body states of exciton polaritons that can be observed by pump-probe spectroscopy in high-Q inorganic microcavities. Here, a weak-probe "spin-down" polariton is introduced into a coherent state of "spin-up" polaritons created by a strong pump. We show that the ↓ impurities become dressed by excitations of the ↑ medium, and that they form new polaronic quasiparticles that feature two-point and three-point many-body quantum correlations that, in the low density regime, arise from coupling to the vacuum biexciton and triexciton states, respectively. In particular, we find that these correlations generate additional branches and avoided crossings in the ↓ optical transmission spectrum that have a characteristic dependence on the ↑-polariton density. Our results thus demonstrate a way to directly observe correlated many-body states in an exciton-polariton system that go beyond classical mean-field theories.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(24): 243401, 2018 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30608757


We investigate the problem of N identical bosons that are coupled to an impurity particle with infinite mass. For noninteracting bosons, we show that a dynamical impurity-boson interaction, mediated by a closed-channel dimer, can induce an effective boson-boson repulsion which strongly modifies the bound states consisting of the impurity and N bosons. In particular, we demonstrate the existence of two universal "multibody" resonances, where all multibody bound states involving any N emerge and disappear. The first multibody resonance corresponds to infinite impurity-boson scattering length, a→+∞, while the second corresponds to the critical scattering length a^{*}>0 beyond which the trimer (N=2 bound state) ceases to exist. Crucially, we show that the existence of a^{*} ensures that the ground-state energy in the multibody bound-state region, ∞>a>a^{*}, is bounded from below, with a bound that is independent of N. Thus, even though the impurity can support multibody bound states, they become increasingly fragile beyond the dimer state. This has implications for the nature of the Bose polaron currently being studied in cold-atom experiments.

Science ; 354(6308): 96-99, 2016 10 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27846498


The fastest possible collective response of a quantum many-body system is related to its excitations at the highest possible energy. In condensed matter systems, the time scale for such "ultrafast" processes is typically set by the Fermi energy. Taking advantage of fast and precise control of interactions between ultracold atoms, we observed nonequilibrium dynamics of impurities coupled to an atomic Fermi sea. Our interferometric measurements track the nonperturbative quantum evolution of a fermionic many-body system, revealing in real time the formation dynamics of quasi-particles and the quantum interference between attractive and repulsive states throughout the full depth of the Fermi sea. Ultrafast time-domain methods applied to strongly interacting quantum gases enable the study of the dynamics of quantum matter under extreme nonequilibrium conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(5): 055302, 2016 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27517777


The problem of an impurity particle moving through a bosonic medium plays a fundamental role in physics. However, the canonical scenario of a mobile impurity immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) has not yet been realized. Here, we use radio frequency spectroscopy of ultracold bosonic ^{39}K atoms to experimentally demonstrate the existence of a well-defined quasiparticle state of an impurity interacting with a BEC. We measure the energy of the impurity both for attractive and repulsive interactions, and find excellent agreement with theories that incorporate three-body correlations, both in the weak-coupling limits and across unitarity. The spectral response consists of a well-defined quasiparticle peak at weak coupling, while for increasing interaction strength, the spectrum is strongly broadened and becomes dominated by the many-body continuum of excited states. Crucially, no significant effects of three-body decay are observed. Our results open up exciting prospects for studying mobile impurities in a bosonic environment and strongly interacting Bose systems in general.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(24): 247202, 2015 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26705652


We consider two species of bosons in one dimension near the Tonks-Girardeau limit of infinite interactions. For the case of equal masses and equal intraspecies interactions, the system can be mapped to a S=1/2 XXZ Heisenberg spin chain, thus allowing one to access different magnetic phases. Using a powerful ansatz developed for the two-component Fermi system, we elucidate the evolution from few to many particles for the experimentally relevant case of an external harmonic confinement. In the few-body limit, we already find clear evidence of both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin correlations as the ratio of intraspecies and interspecies interactions is varied. Furthermore, we observe the rapid emergence of symmetry-broken magnetic ground states as the particle number is increased. We therefore demonstrate that systems containing only a few bosons are an ideal setting in which to realize the highly sought-after itinerant ferromagnetic phase.

Sci Adv ; 1(6): e1500197, 2015 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26601220


A major challenge in modern physics is to accurately describe strongly interacting quantum many-body systems. One-dimensional systems provide fundamental insights because they are often amenable to exact methods. However, no exact solution is known for the experimentally relevant case of external confinement. We propose a powerful ansatz for the one-dimensional Fermi gas in a harmonic potential near the limit of infinite short-range repulsion. For the case of a single impurity in a Fermi sea, we show that our ansatz is indistinguishable from numerically exact results in both the few- and many-body limits. We furthermore derive an effective Heisenberg spin-chain model corresponding to our ansatz, valid for any spin-mixture, within which we obtain the impurity eigenstates analytically. In particular, the classical Pascal's triangle emerges in the expression for the ground-state wave function. As well as providing an important benchmark for strongly correlated physics, our results are relevant for emerging quantum technologies, where a precise knowledge of one-dimensional quantum states is paramount.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(12): 125302, 2015 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26430999


We investigate the zero-temperature properties of an impurity particle interacting with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), using a variational wave function that includes up to two Bogoliubov excitations of the BEC. This allows one to capture three-body Efimov physics, as well as to recover the first nontrivial terms in the weak-coupling expansion. We show that the energy and quasiparticle residue of the dressed impurity (polaron) are significantly lowered by three-body correlations, even for weak interactions where there is no Efimov trimer state in a vacuum. For increasing attraction between the impurity and the BEC, we observe a smooth crossover from atom to Efimov trimer, with a superposition of states near the Efimov resonance. We furthermore demonstrate that three-body loss does not prohibit the experimental observation of these effects. Our results thus suggest a route to realizing Efimov physics in a stable quantum many-body system for the first time.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(13): 135302, 2014 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24745434


We determine the thermodynamic properties and the spectral function for a homogeneous two-dimensional Fermi gas in the normal state using the Luttinger-Ward, or self-consistent T-matrix, approach. The density equation of state deviates strongly from that of the ideal Fermi gas even for moderate interactions, and our calculations suggest that temperature has a pronounced effect on the pressure in the crossover from weak to strong coupling, consistent with recent experiments. We also compute the superfluid transition temperature for a finite system in the crossover region. There is a pronounced pseudogap regime above the transition temperature: the spectral function shows a Bogoliubov-like dispersion with backbending, and the density of states is significantly suppressed near the chemical potential. The contact density at low temperatures increases with interaction and compares well with both experiment and zero-temperature Monte Carlo results.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 372(2009): 20120452, 2014 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24421378


A substantial magnetodielectric effect is often an indication of coupled magnetic and elastic order, such as is found in the multi-ferroics. However, it has recently been shown that magnetism is not necessary to produce either a magnetoresistance or a magnetocapacitance when the material is inhomogeneous. Here, we will investigate the characteristic magnetic-field-dependent dielectric response of such an inhomogeneous system using exact calculations and numerical simulations of conductor-dielectric composites. In particular, we will show that even simple conductor-dielectric layers exhibit a magneto-capacitance, and thus random bulk inhomogeneities are not a requirement for this effect. Indeed, this work essentially provides a natural generalization of the Maxwell-Wagner effect to finite magnetic field. We will also discuss how this phenomenon has already been observed experimentally in some materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(5): 055304, 2013 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23414030


We consider the problem of N identical fermions of mass m(↑) and one distinguishable particle of mass m(↓) interacting via short-range interactions in a confined quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) geometry. For N=2 and mass ratios m(↑)/m(↓)<13.6, we find non-Efimov trimers that smoothly evolve from 2D to 3D. In the limit of strong 2D confinement, we show that the energy of the N+1 system can be approximated by an effective two-channel model. We use this approximation to solve the 3+1 problem and we find that a bound tetramer can exist for mass ratios m(↑)/m(↓) as low as 5 for strong confinement, thus providing the first example of a universal, non-Efimov tetramer involving three identical fermions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(26): 265301, 2013 Dec 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483801


We consider the two-dimensional Fermi gas at finite temperature with attractive short-range interactions. Using the virial expansion, which provides a controlled approach at high temperatures, we determine the spectral function and contact for the normal state. Our calculated spectra are in qualitative agreement with recent photoemission measurements [M. Feld et al., Nature (London) 480, 75 (2011).], thus suggesting that the observed pairing gap is a feature of the high-temperature gas rather than being evidence of a pseudogap regime just above the superfluid transition temperature. We further argue that the strong pair correlations result from the fact that the crossover to bosonic dimers occurs at weaker interactions than previously assumed.