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Opt Express ; 30(16): 28577-28588, 2022 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36299050


We present a position- and time-dependent optical force theory for optomechanics of dispersive 3D photonic materials and devices. The theory applies to media including material interfaces, waveguides, and general photonic crystal structures. The theory enables calculation of the dynamical state of the coupled field-material system and the interference of this state with other excitations of the material, such as surface acoustic waves or phonons. As an example, we present computer simulations of energy and momentum flows through a silicon crystal with anti-reflective structured interfaces. Using commercially available simulation tools, the theory can be applied to analyze optical forces in complex photonic materials and devices.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 6753, 2022 Apr 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35474077


The momentum and radiation pressure of light in negative-index metamaterials (NIMs) are commonly expected to reverse their direction from what is observed for normal materials. The negative refraction and inverse Doppler effect of light in NIMs have been experimentally observed, but the equally surprising phenomenon, the negative radiation pressure of light, still lacks experimental verification. We show by simulating the exact position- and time-dependent field-material dynamics in NIMs that the momentum and radiation pressure of light in NIMs can be either positive or negative depending on their subwavelength structure. In NIMs exhibiting negative radiation pressure, the negative total momentum of light is caused by the sum of the positive momentum of the electromagnetic field and the negative momentum of the material. The negative momentum of the material results from the optical force density, which drives atoms backward and reduces the local density of atoms at the site of the light field. In contrast to earlier works, light in NIMs exhibiting negative radiation pressure has both negative total momentum and energy. For the experimental discovery of the negative radiation pressure, one must carefully design the NIM structure and record the joint total pressure of the field and material momentum components.

Nanoscale ; 14(13): 5138-5146, 2022 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35302135


From mechanical syringes to electric field-assisted injection devices, precise control of liquid droplet generation has been sought after, and the present state-of-the-art technologies have provided droplets ranging from nanoliter to subpicoliter volume sizes. In this study, we present a new laser-driven method to generate liquid droplets with a zeptoliter volume, breaking the fundamental limits of previous studies. We guided an infrared laser beam through a hollow optical fiber (HOF) with a ring core whose end facet was coated with single-walled carbon nanotubes. The laser light was absorbed by this nanotube film and efficiently generated a highly localized microring heat source. This evaporated the liquid inside the HOF, which rapidly recondensed into zeptoliter droplets in the surrounding air at room temperature. We spectroscopically confirmed the chemical structures of the liquid precursor maintained in the droplets by atomizing dye-dissolved glycerol. Moreover, we explain the fundamental physical principles as well as functionalities of the optical atomizer and perform a detailed characterization of the droplets. Our approach has strong prospects for nanoscale delivery of biochemical substances in minuscule zeptoliter volumes.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 20419, 2020 Nov 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33235304


In contrast to current efforts to quantify the radiation pressure of light using nano-micromechanical resonators in cryogenic conditions, we proposed and experimentally demonstrated the radiation pressure measurement in ambient conditions by utilizing a macroscopic mechanical longitudinal oscillator with an effective mass of the order of 20 g. The light pressure on a mirror attached to the oscillator was recorded in a Michelson interferometer and results showed, within the experimental accuracy of 3.9%, a good agreement with the harmonic oscillator model without free parameters.

Opt Express ; 26(17): 22046-22063, 2018 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30130905


We have recently developed the mass-polariton (MP) theory of light to describe the light propagation in transparent bulk materials [Phys. Rev. A 95, 063850 (2017)]. The MP theory is general as it is based on the covariance principle and the fundamental conservation laws of nature. Therefore, it can be applied also to nonhomogeneous and dispersive materials. In this work, we apply the MP theory of light to describe propagation of light in step-index circular waveguides. We study the eigenmodes of the electric and magnetic fields in a waveguide and use these modes to calculate the optical force density, which is used in the optoelastic continuum dynamics (OCD) to simulate the dynamics of medium atoms in the waveguide. We show that the total momentum and angular momentum in the waveguide are carried by a coupled state of the field and the medium. In particular, we focus in the dynamics of atoms, which has not been covered in previous theories that consider only field dynamics in waveguides. We also study the elastic waves generated in the waveguide during the relaxation following from atomic displacements in the waveguide.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 11534, 2017 09 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28912579


The Purcell effect, i.e., the modification of the spontaneous emission rate by optical interference, profoundly affects the light-matter coupling in optical resonators. Fully describing the optical absorption, emission, and interference of light hence conventionally requires combining the full Maxwell's equations with stochastic or quantum optical source terms accounting for the quantum nature of light. We show that both the nonlocal wave and local particle features associated with interference and emission of propagating fields in stratified geometries can be fully captured by local damping and scattering coefficients derived from the recently introduced quantized fluctuational electrodynamics (QFED) framework. In addition to describing the nonlocal optical interference processes as local directionally resolved effects, this allows reformulating the well known and widely used radiative transfer equation (RTE) as a physically transparent interference-exact model that extends the useful range of computationally efficient and quantum optically accurate interference-aware optical models from simple structures to full optical devices.