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IDCases ; 32: e01742, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36968306


The species, Paragonimus kellicotti , causes human paragonimiasis in North America. As a foodborne disease, human infection with P. kellicotti occurs after eating raw or undercooked crayfish containing metacercariae. Many risk factors have been described in the literature, including young adult age, male, alcohol consumption, outdoor activities involving rivers within Missouri, and ingesting raw or partially cooked crayfish. Here, we report a case of a 41-year-old male with a 5-year history of cough who presented with acute shortness of breath. Further workup showed mild eosinophilia and spontaneous pneumothorax. A definitive diagnosis was made with a lung biopsy, which showed P. kellicotti eggs. Further questioning revealed that the patient took a hunting and river rafting trip on a river in Missouri 5 years ago, though the history was negative for any crayfish consumption. Paragonimiasis should be considered in those with associated clinical features, including cough and eosinophilia, with a history of a river raft float trip in Missouri, even if the history is negative for crayfish ingestion or travel.