In 26 cases allogenetic human dura mater, conserved in CialitTM 1:5000, was used to close perforations of the eardrum instead of commonly used autogenetic fascia of the temporal muscle. In preceding animal studies, it had been found that "Cialit dura" acts as guideline and stimulates the development of new host connective tissue. In 25 human ear drums the perforations healed up without any problems. The healing process took times of up to 8 weeks. Only in one case a new perforation was found. The moderate flexibility of "Cialit dura" proved as a special advantage during the surgery procedure. Human dura is easily to acquire and its conservation is simple and cheep. Therefore it can serve as a grafting material for tympanoplasty available at any time and in any size. For very large transplants and a lack of postoperative treatment the prolonged healing period could be of some disadvantage. For normal sized transplants, however, there seems not to be a difference in healing time between the commonly used fascia and the "Cialit dura".