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Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries ; 43(1): 83-90, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35079212


Background: Brazil ranks fifth in the world in the number of adults with diabetes, and third for type 1 diabetes. Conducting educational actions on this topic in public schools in this country is extremely important, since it can assist in the early adoption of good life habits and in a better care for students in this condition. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention about diabetes for students and school staff. Methods: This is an interventional non-randomized longitudinal study, in which interviews were conducted before and after a playful intervention with the use of theater play and games for students and plus a training for the school staff. Results: A total of 89 participants completed the study, being 73 students aged 7 to 12 years old, and 16 school staff. As a result, there was a positive change in knowledge and perception of diabetes by the students. The greatest changes in the answers among the participants, at the post-intervention period, were related to the possibility of consuming something with sugar by those with diabetes, and particularly how to cope in hypoglycemia situations by the school staff. Conclusions: Actions like these must be encouraged within the school environment, especially in countries with high prevalence of diabetes.