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J Perinat Med ; 52(3): 249-254, 2024 Mar 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38342778


In June 2022, the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization Supreme Court decision ended the constitutional right to the professional practice of abortion throughout the United States. The removal of the constitutional right to abortion has significantly altered the practice of obstetricians and gynecologists across the US. It potentially increases risks to pregnant patients, leads to profound changes in how physicians can provide care, especially in states with strict bans or gestational limits to abortion, and has introduced personal challenges, including moral distress and injury as well as legal risks for patients and clinicians alike. The professional responsibility model is based on the ethical concept of medicine as a profession and has been influential in shaping medical ethics in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. It provides the framework for the importance of ethical and professional conduct in obstetrics and gynecology. Viability marks a stage where the fetus is a patient with a claim to access to medical care. By allowing unrestricted abortions past this stage without adequate justifications, such as those concerning the life and health of the pregnant individual, or in instances of serious fetal anomalies, the states may not be upholding the equitable ethical consideration owed to the fetus as a patient. Using the professional responsibility model, we emphasize the need for nuanced, evidence-based policies that allow abortion management prior to viability without restrictions and allow abortion after viability to protect the pregnant patient's life and health, as well as permitting abortion for serious fetal anomalies.

Aborto Induzido , Gestantes , Gravidez , Feminino , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Viabilidade Fetal , Aborto Legal , Decisões da Suprema Corte
Am J Obstet Gynecol ; 230(3S): S1138-S1145, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37806611


The term "obstetric violence" has been used in the legislative language of several countries to protect mothers from abuse during pregnancy. Subsequently, it has been expanded to include a spectrum of obstetric procedures, such as induction of labor, episiotomy, and cesarean delivery, and has surfaced in the peer-reviewed literature. The term "obstetric violence" can be seen as quite strong and emotionally charged, which may lead to misunderstandings or misconceptions. It might be interpreted as implying a deliberate act of violence by healthcare providers when mistreatment can sometimes result from systemic issues, lack of training, or misunderstandings rather than intentional violence. "Obstetric mistreatment" is a more comprehensive term that can encompass a broader range of behaviors and actions. "Violence" generally refers to the intentional use of physical force to cause harm, injury, or damage to another person (eg, physical assault, domestic violence, street fights, or acts of terrorism), whereas "mistreatment" is a more general term and refers to the abuse, harm, or control exerted over another person (such as nonconsensual medical procedures, verbal abuse, disrespect, discrimination and stigmatization, or neglect, to name a few examples). There may be cases where unprofessional personnel may commit mistreatment and violence against pregnant patients, but as obstetrics is dedicated to the health and well-being of pregnant and fetal patients, mistreatment of obstetric patients should never be an intended component of professional obstetric care. It is necessary to move beyond the term "obstetric violence" in discourse and acknowledge and address the structural dimensions of abusive reproductive practices. Similarly, we do not use the term "psychiatric violence" for appropriately used professional procedures in psychiatry, such as electroshock therapy, or use the term "neurosurgical violence" when drilling a burr hole. There is an ongoing need to raise awareness about the potential mistreatment of obstetric patients within the context of abuse against women in general. Using the term "mistreatment in healthcare" instead of the more limited term "obstetric violence" is more appropriate and applies to all specialties when there is unprofessional abuse and mistreatment, such as biased care, neglect, emotional abuse (verbal), or physical abuse, including performing procedures that are unnecessary, unindicated, or without informed patient consent. Healthcare providers must promote unbiased, respectful, and patient-centered professional care; provide an ethical framework for all healthcare personnel; and work toward systemic change to prevent any mistreatment or abuse in our specialty.

Serviços de Saúde Materna , Parto , Gravidez , Humanos , Feminino , Parto Obstétrico/psicologia , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Violência
Am J Obstet Gynecol ; 2023 Oct 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37914062


The landmark Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 established a constitutional right to abortion. In June 2022, the Dobbs vs Jackson Women's Health Organization Supreme Court decision brought an end to the established professional practice of abortion throughout the United States. Rights-based reductionism and zealotry threaten the professional practice of abortion. Rights-based reductionism is generally the view that moral or ethical issues can be reduced exclusively to matters of rights. In relation to abortion, there are 2 opposing forms of rights-based reductionism, namely fetal rights reductionism, which emphasizes the rights for the fetus while disregarding the rights and autonomy of the pregnant patient, and pregnant patient rights reductionism, which supports unlimited abortion without regards for the fetus. The 2 positions are irreconcilable. This article provides historical examples of the destructive nature of zealotry, which is characterized by extreme devotion to one's beliefs and an intolerant stance to opposing viewpoints, and of the importance of enlightenment to limit zealotry. This article then explores the professional responsibility model as a clinically ethically sound approach to overcome the clashing forms of rights-based reductionism and zealotry and to address the professional practice of abortion. The professional responsibility model refers to the ethical and professional obligations that obstetricians and other healthcare providers have toward pregnant patients, fetuses, and the society at large. It provides a more balanced and nuanced approach to the abortion debate, avoiding the pitfalls of reductionism and zealotry, and allows both the rights of the woman and the obligations to pregnant and fetal patients to be considered alongside broader ethical, medical, and societal implications. Constructive and respectful dialogue is crucial in addressing diverse perspectives and finding common ground. Embracing the professional responsibility model enables professionals to manage abortion responsibly, thereby prioritizing patients' interests and navigating between absolutist viewpoints to find balanced ethical solutions.

J Perinat Med ; 51(7): 850-860, 2023 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37183729


Anger is an emotional state that occurs when unexpected things happen to or around oneself and is "an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage." It is defined as "a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism," an emotion characterized by tension and hostility arising from frustration, real or imagined injury by another, or perceived injustice. It can manifest itself in behaviors designed to remove the object of the anger (e.g., determined action) or behaviors designed merely to express the emotion. For the Roman philosopher Seneca anger is not an uncontrollable, impulsive, or instinctive reaction. It is, rather, the cognitive assent that such initial reactions to the offending action or words are in fact unjustified. It is, rather, the cognitive assent that such initial reactions to the offending action or words are in fact unjustified. It seems that the year 2022 was a year when many Americans were plainly angry. "Why is everyone so angry?" the New York Times asked in the article "The Year We Lost It." We believe that Seneca is correct in that anger is unacceptable. Anger is a negative emotion that must be controlled, and Seneca provides us with the tools to avoid and destroy anger. Health care professionals will be more effective, content, and happier if they learn more about Seneca's writings about anger and implement his wisdom on anger from over 2000 years ago.

Agressão , Ira , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Agressão/psicologia , Hostilidade , Aprendizagem , Atenção à Saúde
Am J Obstet Gynecol ; 228(6): 696-705, 2023 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36924907


Natural language processing-the branch of artificial intelligence concerned with the interaction between computers and human language-has advanced markedly in recent years with the introduction of sophisticated deep-learning models. Improved performance in natural language processing tasks, such as text and speech processing, have fueled impressive demonstrations of these models' capabilities. Perhaps no demonstration has been more impactful to date than the introduction of the publicly available online chatbot ChatGPT in November 2022 by OpenAI, which is based on a natural language processing model known as a Generative Pretrained Transformer. Through a series of questions posed by the authors about obstetrics and gynecology to ChatGPT as prompts, we evaluated the model's ability to handle clinical-related queries. Its answers demonstrated that in its current form, ChatGPT can be valuable for users who want preliminary information about virtually any topic in the field. Because its educational role is still being defined, we must recognize its limitations. Although answers were generally eloquent, informed, and lacked a significant degree of mistakes or misinformation, we also observed evidence of its weaknesses. A significant drawback is that the data on which the model has been trained are apparently not readily updated. The specific model that was assessed here, seems to not reliably (if at all) source data from after 2021. Users of ChatGPT who expect data to be more up to date need to be aware of this drawback. An inability to cite sources or to truly understand what the user is asking suggests that it has the capability to mislead. Responsible use of models like ChatGPT will be important for ensuring that they work to help but not harm users seeking information on obstetrics and gynecology.

Ginecologia , Obstetrícia , Feminino , Gravidez , Humanos , Inteligência Artificial , Conscientização , Escolaridade