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Rouxs Arch Dev Biol ; 199(4): 219-227, 1990 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28306107


In the insectDrosophila, formation of the puparium marks the onset of metamorphosis and serves as a useful marker for developmental progress. The cells of the adult remain diploid and divide during the larval stage while the larval cells become polytene and do not divide. We use a high dose of gamma-irradiation (10 krad) to selectively delete the imaginal lineage from the developing larvae ofDrosophila melanogaster. We find that animals depleted of imaginal cells including those of the imaginal brain pupariate only if the larval cells are allowed to mature, demonstrating that the larval cells harbor the primary developmental timer for this process. However, proliferating imaginal cells can exert a negative influence on the timing of pupariation.

Rouxs Arch Dev Biol ; 196(6): 339-346, 1987 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28305633


Unevaginated and evaginated Drosophila imaginal discs were surface-labeled with 125I. Relative labeling was greater in eleven peptides and lower in three peptides of evaginated discs compared to unevaginated discs. These results are compared to the effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HOE) on metabolic labeling of membrane proteins fractionated from imaginal discs, and on cell surface labeling of a hormone-responsive Drosophila tissue culture line. A group of 35S-methionine labeled membrane fraction peptides whose metabolic labeling is 20-HOE dependent have isoelectric points and apparent molecular weights very similar to those of a group of proteins only labeled in iodinated evaginated discs, supporting the conclusion that these are hormone-dependent, cell surface proteins (Rickoll and Fristrom 1983). Based upon two-dimensional gel electrophoretic and immunological criteria three of the proteins showing increased labeling in evaginated discs are related to three proteins induced by 20-HOE in tissue culture cells. Two different subsets of radiolabeled peptides were observed in the imaginal discs based upon detergent solubility. Some of the proteins which are soluble in NP-40 plus urea but insoluble in NP-40 alone may be localized in the basal lamina of the imaginal discs, a structure which labels heavily with 125I and is lacking in tissue culture cells. In discs, the majority of hormone-dependent changes in radiolabeled peptides were seen in the fraction solubilized by NP-40 and urea with a sulfhydryl reducing agent, while in tissue culture cells, the majority of differences is seen in the fraction solubilized by NP-40 only. We speculate that these proteins may be involved in similar processes, e.g., cell rearrangement, that occur during both disc morphogenesis and 20-HOE induced aggregation in tissue culture cells.

Wilehm Roux Arch Dev Biol ; 180(3): 175-188, 1976 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28305521


The effects of the mutations eyeless dominant (ey D) and shibire (shi) on bristle pattern in the legs ofDrosophila melanogaster were examined. Both mutations cause gaps in the intersegmental membranes which separate leg segments and often alter the position of these membranes. It was observed that pattern disturbances including reversed bristle polarity and duplication of structures such as sex combs and transverse rows were associated with defects in the intersegmental membranes. The alterations in bristle polarity and most of the duplication of structures could be accounted for by a segmentally reiterated gradient in the legs which controls bristle polarity and which requires the integrity of the intersegmental membrane. A computer simulation of this gradient model was devised which accounted for the observed results. The possible role of cell death as a cause of the gaps in the intersegmental membrane and of some of the pattern disturbances was examined.

Wilehm Roux Arch Dev Biol ; 178(3): 203-213, 1975 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28304771


A temporal pattern of decrease in radiosensitivity among the precursors of cells of the imaginal epidermis and muscles ofDrosophila was found. These changes are interpreted as marking the end of cell division in the precursors of specific structures.

Wilehm Roux Arch Dev Biol ; 178(4): 333-336, 1975 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28304941


An irradiation dose of 10,000 rads was used to delete imaginal cells in developingDrosophila. The larval cells of the head and thoracic segments die autonomously shortly after pupariation whereas the larval cells of the abdomen can persist and secrete an extra fifth cuticle.

Wilhelm Roux Arch Entwickl Mech Org ; 168(1): 1-9, 1971 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28304680


Leg and wing imaginal discs of mature larvae ofDrosophila melanogaster when treated with 0.1% trypsin for 5-10 min underwent a change in shape that closely resembled normal pupal morphogenesis. Simultaneously, the cells of the disc epithelium changed in shape from tall columnar to cuboidal. Colcemid eliminated microtubules but was without effect on the shape of the imaginal discs or their cells. Tryptic digestion reduced non-junctional intercellular adhesivity but septate desmosomes and gap junctions remained intact.It is proposed that the structure of imaginal discs permits the packaging of the anlagen of the adult integument so that they can change shape and replace the larval structures in a brief period. Apparently most of the definitive form of the pupal leg is built into the disc and becomes visible within a few minutes as intercellular adhesivity is changed.

Wilhelm Roux Arch Entwickl Mech Org ; 166(1): 1-44, 1970 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28304536


The ultrastructure of the imaginal discs ofDrosophila melanogaster was compared with that of other chitogenous tissues with different developmental capacities, namely, embryonic, larval, pupal and adult epidermis. Attention was paid to features which might be correlated with specific morphogenetic activities. Previous morphological studies of imaginal discs of Diptera were analyzed in detail and a somewhat revised view of imaginal disc structure emerged. The results reveal that the imaginal discs ofD. melanogaster consist of three types of cells: cells of the single layered disc epithelium, adepithelial cells and nerves. Four types of specialized junctions connect the cells of the disc epithelium: zonulae adhaerens, septate desmosomes, gap junctions and cytoplasmic bridges. The junctions are discussed in relation to their possible roles in adhesion and intercellular communication. It was concluded that gap junctions may be a more likely site for the intercellular communication involved in pattern formation than septate desmosomes. Evidence is presented that adepithelial cells are the precursors of imaginal muscles and that some cell lines (atelotypic) are in fact lines of adepithelial cells which can differentiate into muscle.Specific imaginal discs can be easily recognized by their overall morphology, i.e. patterns of folds. However, no ultrastructural features were found which we could correlate with the state of determination of the cells. Most differences in the ultrastructure of different discs at several developmental stages were attributable to different phases of cuticle secretion. The cells of the imaginal disc epithelium are packed with ribosomes but very little rough ER. The amount of rough ER increases rapidly at puparium formation. Cuticulin is recognizable 4-6 hours after puparium formation. Six hours after puparium formation, the cells of the disc epithelium are secreting the epicuticle of the pupa. As the imaginal disc of a leg everts from a folded sac to the tubular pupal leg, the cells of the disc epithelium change from tall columnar to cuboidal. A loss of microtubules in the long axis of the columnar cells accompanies this change. Prepupal morphogenesis of the leg appears to be caused by the change in cell shape. Evidence is presented which is incompatible with previous explanations of the mechanism of eversion of imaginal discs.There is some turnover of the cells of the disc epithelium as evidenced by autophagy and the occasional heterophagy of a dead neighbor. However this does not appear to be an important factor in the morphogenesis of discs. Plant peroxidase which was used as a tracer of proteins in the blood was taken up from the hemolymph by the disc epithelium. Imaginal disc cells contain many lipid droplets which coalesce and are replaced by glycogen during the prepupal period.