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Hisp Health Care Int ; : 15404153231187394, 2023 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37455338


The present longitudinal study examined changes in perceived access to health care among a recently immigrated cohort of Latina young adults who were assessed annually during their first 3 years in the United States. A parallel process growth model of perceived access to health care and neighborhood collective efficacy was examined, accounting for socioeconomic indicators and immigration status. Five hundred thirty Latina young adults (ages 18-23) participated at baseline assessment, and approximately 95% were retained over three annual assessment time points. Participants' mean level of perceived access to health care increased during their initial 3 years in the United States. Women who reported more of an increase in perceived access to health care tended to also indicate increased neighborhood collective efficacy relative to their peers during their first 3 years in the United States. Findings offer important information about the individual- and community-level factors that influence recently immigrated Latinas' health care access.

Front Psychol ; 9: 1843, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30364167


Cancer treatment poses significant challenges not just for those diagnosed with the disease but also for their intimate partners. Evidence suggests that couples' communication plays a major role in the adjustment of both individuals and in the quality of their relationship. Most descriptive studies linking communication to adjustment have relied on traditional questionnaire methodologies and cross-sectional designs, limiting external validity and discernment of temporal patterns. Using the systemic-transactional model of dyadic coping as a framework, we examined intra- and inter-personal associations between communication (both enacted and perceived) and relationship satisfaction (RS) among patients with stage II-IV breast or colorectal cancer and their spouses (N = 107 couples). Participants (mean age = 51, 64.5% female patients, and 37.4% female spouses) independently completed twice-daily ecological momentary assessments (EMA) via smartphone for 14 consecutive days. Items assessed RS and communication (expression of feelings, holding back from expression, support and criticism of partner, and parallel ratings of partner behavior). Linear mixed models employing an Actor Partner Interdependence Model were used to examine concurrent, time-lagged, and cross-lagged associations between communication and RS. Expressing one's feelings was unassociated with RS. Holding back from doing so, in contrast, was associated with lower RS for both patients and spouses in concurrent models. These effects were both intrapersonal and interpersonal, meaning that when individuals held back from expressing their feelings, they reported lower RS and so too did their partner. Giving and receiving support were associated with one's own higher RS for both patients and spouses in concurrent models, and for patients in lagged models. Conversely, criticizing one's partner and feeling criticized were maladaptive, associated with lower RS (own and in some cases, partner's). Cross-lagged analyses (evening RS to next-day afternoon communication) yielded virtually no effects, suggesting that communication may have a stronger influence on short-term RS than the reverse. Findings underscore the importance of responsive communication, more so than expression per se, in explaining both concurrent and later relationship adjustment. In addition, a focus on holding back from expressing feelings may enhance the understanding of RS for couples coping with cancer.