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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 19033, 2024 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39152178


Organic rich sedimentary rocks of the Late Cretaceous Muwaqqar Formation from the Lajjun outcrop in the Lajjun Sub-basin, Western Central Jordan were geochemically analyzed. This study integrates kerogen microscopy of the isolated kerogen from 10 oil shale samples with a new finding from unconventional geochemical methods [i.e., ultimate elemental (CHNS), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC)] to decipher the molecular structure of the analyzed isolated kerogen fraction and evaluate the kerogen composition and characteristics. The optical kerogen microscopy shows that the isolated kerogen from the studied oil shales is originated from marine assemblages [i.e., algae, bituminite and fluorescence amorphous organic matter] with minor amounts of plant origin organic matter (i.e., spores). This finding suggests that the studied kerogen is hydrogen-rich kerogen, and has the potential to generate high paraffinic oil with low wax content. The dominance of such hydrogen-rich kerogen (mainly Type II) was confirmed from the multi-geochemical ratios, including high hydrogen/carbon atomic of more than 1.30 and high A-factor of more than 0.60. This claim agrees with the molecular structure of the kerogen derived from Py-GC results, which suggest that the studied kerogen is mainly Type II-S kerogen exhibiting the possibility of producing high sulphur oils during earlier stages of diagenesis, according to bulk kinetic modeling. The kinetic models of the isolated kerogen fraction suggest that the kerogen conversion, in coincidence with a vitrinite reflectance range of 0.55-0.60%, commenced at considerably lower temperature value ranges between 100 and 106 °C, which have produced oils during the early stage of oil generation. The kinetic models also suggest that the commercial amounts of oil can generate by kerogen conversion of up to 50% during the peak stage of oil window (0.71-0.83%) at relatively low geological temperature values in the range of 122-138 °C. Therefore, further development of the Muwaqqar oil shale successions is highly approved in the shallowly buried stratigraphic succession in the Lajjun Sub-basin, Western Central Jordan.

ACS Omega ; 9(25): 27458-27479, 2024 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38947829


Bituminous carbonate rocks of the Upper Cretaceous Shu'ayb Formation from the Ajloun outcrop in Northern Jordan were geochemically and petrologically analyzed in this study. This study integrates kerogen microscopy results with geochemical results (i.e., biomarker, stable carbon isotope, and major elemental compositions) to understand the organic matter (OM) inputs and to reveal the dispositional setting and its effect on the occurrence of OM. The Shu'ayb bituminous carbonate rocks have high total organic carbon (TOC) and sulfur (S) contents, with average values of 12.3 and 4.59 wt %, respectively, indicating redox conditions during their precipitation. The high abundance of alginite (i.e., lamalginite) in the Shu'ayb bituminous carbonate sediments is a further evidence for redox conditions. The finding of mainly marine-derived OM was also demonstrated by the biomarker distribution and carbon isotope composition. The biomarkers are represented by a narrow Pr/Ph ratio of up to 0.97, abundance of tricyclic terpanes, and high C27 regular sterane, indicating that the OM was primarily derived from phytoplankton algae, along with small amounts of land plant-derived materials, and were accumulated under reducing conditions. The studied Shu'ayb bituminous carbonate facies is composed of mainly calcium (CaO; average, 45.10 wt %), with significant amounts of silicon (Si2O3; avg., 9.35 wt %), aluminum (Al2O3; avg., 6.91 wt %), and phosphorus (P2O3; avg., 1.47 wt %) and low amounts of iron (Fe2O3) and titanium (TiO2) of less than 1 wt %, indicating that the detrital influx was low in an open water depth system with higher primary bioproductivity. The geochemical proxy suggests that the Shu'ayb bituminous carbonate facies was established in a saline water environment, with Ca/Ca + Fe and S/TOC values of more than 0.9 and 0.50, respectively, which could be attributed to the increase in reducing conditions of the water column. The chemical index of alteration values of more than 0.8 also indicate that the Shu'ayb bituminous carbonate facies formed during warm and humid climatic conditions, thereby resulting in intense subaerial weathering.

ACS Omega ; 9(15): 17398-17414, 2024 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38645344


Oil-bearing sandstone samples were collected from the Lower Cretaceous sequence in the Kharir-2 exploration well, Kharir oilfields (Eastern Yemen). The current study integrates biomarker of the aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction of the extracted oil with a new finding from the molecular structure of the oil-asphaltene, in order to learn more about their properties, including organic matter (OM) input, depositional environment, and thermal maturity. The overall oil composition results show that the extracted oils have a high saturated hydrocarbon of up to 50% and significant levels of aromatic hydrocarbon and polar components, indicating generally paraffinic to naphthenic oil. This claim agrees with the molecular structure of the kerogen derived from the pyrolysis-gas chromatography result of the oil-asphaltene, which suggests that the extracted oils from the Lower Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs are mainly paraffinic-naphthenic-aromatic oils, exhibiting low wax content and originated from marine type II kerogen. The type II kerogen of the marine-source rock is also demonstrated by the bulk kinetic model of the oil-asphaltene for the extracted oils, with a broad range of Ea between 38 and 62 kcal/mol and a frequency factor (A) of 1.52-1.47 × 1013/1 s. The biomarker characteristics of the aliphatic fraction show that the extracted oils from the Lower Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs were generated from clay-rich source rock, containing OM origin of mainly marine and terrestrial OM input and deposited under suboxic environmental conditions. Furthermore, the maturity-sensitive aliphatic biomarker parameters indicate that the extracted oils were generated from mature source rock in the range of the peak-mature stage of the oil generation window. Oil-source rock correlation of various established biomarker proxies for OM origin, depositional environment, and lithology suggests that these extracted oils were possibly generated from a single source rock, and the Madbi clay-rich formation contributed to most of the extracted oil from the Lower Cretaceous sandstone reservoir rocks.

ACS Omega ; 8(42): 39830-39846, 2023 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37901541


Oil shale deposits of the Late Cretaceous from three boreholes in central Jordan were examined to assess the impact of thermal maturation on the content of nannofossils. Thermal activity has been shown to have a strong effect on organic matter content and composition but its effect on calcareous nannofossil assemblages remains inconclusive. This study aims to determine the impact of thermal maturation on nannofossil assemblages and to compare this to an estimated maturity level based on bulk geochemical analysis. Micropaleontological and geochemical analyses were conducted on 31 samples from three oil shale wells drilled in Attarat Um Ghudran central Jordan. Several types of nannofossil preservation have been recorded, including dissolution, overgrowth, and breakage. In the Jordan oil shale sections, nannofossils exhibit a variety of preservation types, with intense dissolution in the middle part of the study sections. The vast majority of the samples had high TOC enrichment, with 29 samples exceeding values of >10%. Kerogen recovery and quality from the oil shale are very good, with a predominance of fluorescent amorphous organic matter (AOM) and minor algal components. The low fluorescence preservation index (FPI), which is 1 in most of the samples, indicates that alteration occurred due to intense thermal activities in the study interval. The palynomorph and AOM fluorescence, ranging from a spore coloration index (SCI) of 3 to 5, suggest that the studied samples were approaching the oil window. A correlation between the nannofossil preservation and geochemical parameters shows a predominance of poorly preserved nannofossils along with high total organic carbon contents and an elevated hydrogen index (HI). We show that low FPI values and a higher level of maturity are associated with poor nannofossil preservation, suggesting that nannofossils, in conjunction with petrographic analysis of kerogen, could be used as a rapid screening technique for estimating levels of oil-shale maturity. The nature of the tectonism in the study area, including faulting and a metamorphosed zone, enhanced the maturity, which might explain why the nannofossils were so significantly affected.

ACS Omega ; 8(33): 30483-30499, 2023 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37636926


The Jiza-Qamar Basin is one of the most important exploration sedimentary basins in Yemen. For over a decade, the exploration of hydrocarbons has been occurring in this basin. Late Cretaceous age rocks are the most occurring organic-rich sediments in this basin, including coals, coaly shales, and shales. The studied organic-rich shale beds are from the Late Cretaceous Mukalla Formation and associated with coal seams. These organic-rich shales can serve as source rocks for hydrocarbon generation potential. The current study investigates the geochemical characteristics, including assessing the organic matter (OM) input, sedimentary environmental conditions, and hydrocarbon generation potential of the organic-rich shale within the Mukalla Formation from three well locations in the onshore Jiza-Qamar Basin using organic geochemistry, biomarker, and carbon isotope measurements. The studied shale samples have high OM content with total organic carbon values between 0.74 and 19.48 wt %. Furthermore, they contain mainly hydrogen-poor Types III and IV kerogen, indicating the presence of the gas-prone source rock. The presence of these types of kerogen indicates the abundance of vitrinite and inertinite macerals, as established by microscopic investigation. However, the studied organic-rich shales had biomarker features, including high Ph/Ph ratio between 3.82 and 7.46, high Tm/Ts ratio of more than 7, and high C29 regular steranes compared to C27 and C28 regular steranes. Apart from the biomarker results, the studied Mukalla shales are characterized by the abundance of land-derived OM that deposited in fluvial to fluvial deltaic environments under highly oxic conditions. The finding of the considerable concentration of terrigenous OM is probably confirmed by the bulk carbon isotope and maceral composition data. The maturity indicators show that the examined organic-rich shale samples in the studied wells exhibit low VR values of up to 0.71%, and thereby, they have not been yet reached the high maturity for gas generation. This low maturity level in the studied wells is probably attributed to shallow burial depth, exhibiting depth of up to 2835 m. Therefore, the substantial gas exploration operations from the organic-rich shale source rock system of the Late Cretaceous Mukalla Formation can be recommended in the deeper stratigraphic succession in the offshore Jiza-Qamar Basin.

ACS Omega ; 7(47): 42960-42974, 2022 Nov 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36467918


Carbonaceous shales of the Early Eocene Dharvi/Dunger Formation in the onshore Barmer Basin, northwest India were studied for the first time by integrating geochemical and organic petrological analyses. The carbonaceous shales of the Early Eocene Dharvi/Dunger Formation are characterized by a higher organic carbon content (TOC) of >10 wt % and consist mainly of a mixture of organic matter of types II and III kerogen, with exhibited hydrogen index values ranging between 202 and 292 mg HC/g TOC. The dominance of such kerogen is confirmed by the high amounts of huminite and fluorescent liptinite macerals. Consequently, the carbonaceous shales of the Early Eocene Dharvi/Dunger Formation are promising source rocks for both oil and gas generation potential, with oils of high wax contents, according to pyrolysis-gas chromatography results. The chemical and optical maturity results such as low values huminite/vitrinite reflectance, production index, and T max show that most of the examined carbonaceous shale rocks from the outcrop section of the Kapurdi mine have entered the low maturity stage of oil generation, exhibiting a range of immature to the very early-mature. Therefore, as highlighted in this study, the substantial abundance in hydrocarbon generation potential from these carbonaceous shales in the Dharvi/Dunger Formation may represent future conventional petroleum exploration in the southern part of the Barmer Basin, where the Dharvi/Dunger Formation has reached deeper burial depths.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(17)2022 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36079543


Geopolymers are an inorganic material in an alkaline environment that is synthesized with alumina-silica gel. The structure of geopolymers consists of an inorganic chain of material and a covalent-bound molecular system. Currently, Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) has caused carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions which causes greenhouse effects. This analysis investigates the impact on fly ash/dolomite-based-geopolymer with various molarities of sodium hydroxide solutions which are 6 M, 8 M, 10 M, 12 M and 14 M. The samples of fly ash/dolomite-based-geopolymer were prepared with the usage of solid to liquid of 2.0, by mass and alkaline activator ratio of 2.5, by mass. After that, the geopolymer was cast in 50 × 50 × 50 mm molds before testing after 7 days of curing. The samples were tested on compressive strength, density, water absorption, morphology, elemental distributions and phase analysis. From the results, the usage of 8 M of NaOH gave the optimum properties for the fly ash/dolomite-based geopolymer. The elemental distribution analysis exposes the Al, Si, Ca, Fe and Mg chemical distribution of the samples from the selected area. The distribution of the elements is related to the compressive strength and compared with the chemical composition of the fly ash and dolomite.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 14800, 2022 08 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36042276


It is essential to predict the mining-induced subsidence for sustainable mine management. The maximum observed subsidence having a noticeable areal extent due to Northern Upper Panels (NUP) and Southern Lower Panels (SLP) at the Barapukuria longwall coal mine is 5.8 m and 4.2 m, respectively, after the extraction of a 10 m thick coal seam. The mining-induced subsidence was simulated by the Displacement Discontinuity Method. The numerical model considered the effects of the ground surface, mining panels, faults, and the dyke. The predicted and the observed subsidence due to the mining of NUP and SLP were compared by varying Young's modulus, and the 0.10 GPa Young's modulus was found to be the best match in the geo-environmental condition. The effects of the faults and the dyke in the calculation were negligible. Future subsidence was predicted by considering 30 m extraction of the thick coal seam as 15.7-17.5 m in NUP and 8.7-10.5 m in SLP. The vulnerable areas demarcated considering the tilt angle and extensile strain might extend up to the coal mine office area and some villages.

Minas de Carvão , Bangladesh , Carvão Mineral , Minas de Carvão/métodos